08-11-92 workshop minutes~ ~
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courTC~ woor
ACJtusT 11, 1992
7 P.K.
l~iayor Barg opened the aeetinq at 7 p.a. Present rare Nayor
Berg, Councilaea~bars Rrit$lar, Shirley, and Redepenninq.
Absent Mas Councflmember Anderson. City Staff present Hera
Mislke, Harmaninq, Kerrigan, Stien~an, Schedler and
Gustafson. Also present Mas Steve Barberio of Childs Play
I. S'1'A'1'Qd DsPO~t'1' O~ ~'~**-1~ PLa! '1'SSA'1'=R
l~r. Kerrigan raviared the status of the Childs Play Theater
project rith the City Council. A latter dated August 5th
from Copeland Rithune, developers of the project, indicated
that they still ranted to do the project riot timing and site
considerations rare the largest determent. Copeland ~iithune
indicated a need to be in the ground rith construction by
spring of 93. Thus far none of the sites cork for a full
com~pleY to asst the spring date, hoMevsr, same sites Mork
for a saallsr project.
1~. Kerrigan indicated that Suburban Chevrolet rill probably
be moving in X93 but it Mould likely ba in the fall rather
than the spring. Negotiations era ongoing Mith Suburban and
it appears that a price, date and tams era attainable.
Barbsrio indicated that tha Suburban Chevrolet and
Nainstrest locations are the primary sites from their
perspective and that they are Milling to Mait until the fall
of X93 if necessary so that they can Mork Mith the City.
The Childs Play Theater Headed more information on funding
levels and a city approval so that that' can continue rith
their capital campaign.
Tom Harmaninq reviaMad Mith the City Council the draft
Capital improvements Plan. Harmeninq ravie~rad suamary pages
of each of the areas of the Capital Impravemants Plan. D'r.
Schaller and l~r . Gustaf son reviaMad the financial
implications of the various projects on the City funds.
1~. Harmaninq revferad the Capital Iaprovements Plan
schedule and indicates that an October aeatinq could ba
slated for appz~~al of the Capital Iaprovements Plan.
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1~. Mialke revie7rad Mith the Council the preliminary budget
and tax levy alternatives. Council discussion centered on
the impacts of the various alternatives to the tax payers.
~!'r. Kielke indicated that the Council Mili be required to
adopt a preliminary tax levy and budget at its September ist
N son ~. Berg, .' ~ or
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