09-08-92 special close meetM'1 N!J'1'MS OF BPSCIAL CI~SD MES'PII~iQr
HSp7'~IRSk 8 , 19li~
a Me,wc i a 1 closrd want inR o! the Hopkins Ci ter Council Mas held on
:~eri~~ ee~~~+r A. 19A2 fer the purpose of conductin~t the: annual
~~r1'orsnr~~:w evaluation of Steven C. Mfelke, Cit~r ManaKer. In
s ~. ~.e:ndancw ++wrw Mavor Berg and Cat:ncilaewbars Sh i rle~. Anderson.
Mwri.•pwr~nf n~ and Rri tee Gr. The weetind Maa opined b~- !labor Hari at
~ ::~11 p.l~.
9't~e t:e»~1ri~ 1 reviewed a suewarF of the eaaluationa Cowpleted bF Bash
c:e~rr~ci Iwewber! which had be~een oowpiled bF Mapor Ser~,t. Mielke Bet
e,r exre+eded expectat:ion,e on all o~ the e!*bt: wa~or areas o!'
:•ewwonK i !,i 1 i t:.r. The eight wa,ior areas o! responsibili to i nclud
hr~tKni sat.ion+~l llana~ewent, Fiscal/pusiness Manadewent. proHraw
~evwlopwrnt and Follow-Through, Relationship wf th MaFor/Council,
1~en~t Knn~er kl ann:l n~, Relationship with Public/Public Relatf ens,
1 rr~.ee~-Covernwental Relations and ProPewwional/Personal Devetopwent.
7'hw ia~ht wa,#or areas of respons~bllitF Mere divided into ~6 sub
arr,ae. M i ei kw Mate found to west axpeatations !n 19 of the sub-
arR~aa and exceed expectations in the rewaininA 16 sub-areas.
I~pon rev~ew3nA the suwwarv report. AerH recorded specific aowwents
and inrorwed the Council that he rvoutid west with tiietkw to revs M
t.t~w wva i r~At i nn.
~~ r~ i r: Por~ued thee t:ennci 1 that alter the rev ieN Nith Miell~a, M] e] ke
wor, l ei prapmrw a rwaponse t:o the eve] ~:At ~ oa and schedule a fo1loM~up
awwtlel~ Mfth the Council. The sp'cial weetin+~ was adjourned at S
~::tl~ p. a.
kww ec~t.~ul1X sut~w~t.t.e _
N!~ 1 ~otr It . l~r~t
Counci s:
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