09-15-92~ :. ~r -s A regular meeting of the Hopkins City Council Mas bald on September 15, 1992 in the City Council Chambers of the Hopkins City Hall. Present Mena Mayor Barg, Covncilmambars Anderson, Shirley, and Radapanninq. Also present ware staff members Ganallie, Harmeninq, Gustafson, Gessele, Elverum, and City Attorney Jana Millar. I. CALL TO ORDffit Mayor Barg called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. II. PRESENTATION a. Presentation of Hopkins Co®munity Image AMards Five nominations for the first annual Hopkins Co®munity Image AMards (HCIA) Mare received and judged by the BCIA RavieM Committee. The Co®mittea recoemandad all five ~~pertias for aMards. Mayor Barg thanked Karsten Elverum for bar efforts and presented the first community image arards to the aMard Manners. That' are as folloMS: Commercial/Industrial/Office: McGuire and Sons Plumbing and Heating 605 12th Avenue South 18ulti-family Residential: Ramsgate Apartments 421 Van Baran Avenue North Single-family Residential Ross ie Jo Berta 10 East St. Albans Road Sandi Nees/Mike Deutsch 325 14th Avenue North Vida l~lcQueen Darcy and David J. Darcy 325 19th Avenue North IiI . CONSENT AGffi~iDA 1. APPROVAL OF THE SEPTEI~~ 1, 1992 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 11tH ur~sS 2. APPROVAL OF DISBURS~IITS, PRELIST 894 3. APPROVE MISC~~T~'~HEOUS LICENSE APPLICATIONS S • ~ ~ 1 S 15, 1992 CITY c.~ur~CIL METING PAGE 2 - 4. PROCI~i~lI1rI SEPTffi~ffit 17, 1992 AS ci`iiBENSBIP DAY AND SEPTEl~ER 17 - 23 AS CONi~il•1`i•~1.10N ~+$~ 5 . RESE -~ ~~ ~uLE TAX INCitEKEl~'1' HEARING Councilmember Shirley moved and Councilme®bar Anderson seconded the motion to a~~~.re the Consent Agenda. A poll of the vote vas as follows: Councilmembar Anderson, Aye; Councilme'ber Shirley, Aye; Councilmeaber Radepenninq, Aye; Nayor Barg, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. IV. P'QBLIC HARING (a) CONSiDBH ACTION - I~IS~•T~NEOUS ASSESSKEHTS Staff recoeaendad the Council continua the public hearing concerning 1992 miscellaneous spacial assessments to October 6, 1992 at which time it rill consider adoption of Resolution No. 92-77, Resolution for adoption of 1992 miscellaneous assessment roll. Jim Gessale explained that the reason staff vas raco®aendinq that the public ~~#rinq ba continued vas because an appeal had been recently received and staff Headed time to respond. Mayor Berg gave 1~. Gessela another appeal that he had just received. The public ~c~ring vas opened at 8:17 p.m. 1~. Douglas Dahlberg appeared befare the Council to appeal his assessment. He stated that he did not use the City~s refuse service and therefore should not have to pay for it. 8a vent on to say that he had not had a container for some time and had made other arrangements to dispose of his refuse. lit. Gustafson explained that all residences aunt pay for the City to pick up their ref~sa whether they use the service ar not. This ensures that residential waste will be ~i~~arly disposed of. Khan questioned, City Attorney Killer stated that the City had the right to co~mpal payment. l~r. Dahlberg asked that ha be considered as a co®mercial entity since he runs a business out of his home. Mayor Barg told him that ha could talk to the staff about this but that his home vas sonad residential. ~ r • SLPTffi~ffit 15, 199a CITY COUNCIL 1~STING PAG$ 3 Councilmesber Anderson recoemendad that this appeal be acted upon at the October 6 seating. Councilma~mber Shirley, however, stated that Mr. Dahlberg vas ~~zr~.ntly in violation of the City ordinance and coved to deny the appeal. Mayor Berg -~,~ndad the lotion. A poll of the vote vas as follows: Councilaember Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Shirley, Aye; Councilseaber Redepenninq, Aye; Mayor Berq, Aya. The motion carried unanimously. Council~~ Redepenninq moved and Councilmembar Anderson seconded the lotion to continue the public fi~~rinq until October 6, 199x. A poll of the vote vas as follows: Councilsamber Anderson, Aye; Councilsasber Shirley, Aye; Councilmember Redepenninq, Aye; Mayor Berg, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. v. oLD BUSINFSs (a) C011SIDHS ACTION - SBc.Ohc READING Staff reco~endad the Council aY~are Ordinance No. 9Z-714 for second reading and order published. Councflsember Shirley coved and Councilmesber Anderson -~sondad the lotion to approve Ordinance No. 92-714 and order published. A poll of the vote vas as follo~rs: Councflsember Anderson, Aye; Councilsember shirlsy, Aye; Counciliesber Redapenninq, Aye; Mayor Berg, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. VI. NS'N BUSIN$SS (a) CONSIDffit ACTION - FASffi~1'r - ISl~IC (apt. No. 9a-187) Staff reco®endad adoption of the folla~rinq motion: Move to authorise the Mayor and City Manager to execute an easement , agreement with Pat and Vernon Isaak for the use of City ~ oYerty located at the southwest ~.ai ~~er of Cambridge Street and Hiawatha Avenue. AYY~•~~al of this motion will address an encumbrance on the property which the City recently acquired from Mark 8. Jones. Mr. Vernon Issak appeared before the Council and thanked the staff for ~s~arinq the easement. a ~ PAG$ 4 15, 1992 CITY COUNCIL 1~ETING Councilmembar Shirley coved and Council~~~r Radapanninq ^~~ondad the motion to authorial the Rayor and City Manager to execute the agreement. A poll of the vote vas as follows: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmembar Shirley, Ays; Council ember Redepanninq, Aya; Mayor Berg, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDffit ACTION -HOP-A-RID$ (Rpt. 9Z-187) Staff recoemended the follorinq motion: Move to authorise the staff to solicit bids for the 1993 Hop-A-Ride service and to include the expansion of service to RnollMOOd as an option in the bid. A recent survey of Hop-A-Ride users indicated a strong desire for service to Rnollvood. The ia3oll`-ood option in the bid specifications, horever, in no ray coaeaits the City Council to expand the Hop-A-Ride service to ~ollrood. Councilmembar Shirley asked the staff to examine other transit options to alloy residents to gat to ~ollvood. Attar a brief discussion Councilmember Redepenninq moved and Councilmember Anderson seconded the notion to authorise staff to solicit bids for the Hop-A-Ride program. A poll of the vote ras as follows: Cauncilmembar Anderson, Aye; Councilmember Shirley, Aye; Councilmember Radepenninq, Aye; Mayor Barg, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDffit ACTION -HOUSING r~~•u~Y R$PORT (Rpt. No. 92- 188) Staff racoeme~nded aY~,~~.-al of the follavinq motion: Adopt 1992 City of Hopkins Housing Analysis Report. Mfth a~r~.ral of this action, the report rill ba formally adopted and staff rill begin implementing the reca~mmandations as outlined. Karsten $lverum discussed the report with the Council. Some revisions to the report had be en made since ft vas first shown to the Council in April. Mayor Barg stated the ha assumed that any nay commitments on the part of the City would have to brought before the Council before implementation. Karsten $lverum assured the Council that staff would do this as wall as provide periodic updates. r • ~ ~ a t S$PZ'B~lJ PAG$ 5 15, 199a CITY c.0u"CIL l~STI1~G Councilmembsr Shirley said that the Haas R~emodalinq Shoe vas a very good idea. Tom Harmeninq stated that idea vas lls. $lvarum~s and that staff vas e~ccitad about the possibilities. After discussion Councflmamber ~l+~rlay moved and Councilmembar Anderson seconded the notion to ~A~t the 199a City of Hopkins Housing Analysis Report. ' A poll of the vote vas as follows: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmamber Shirley, Ayo; Councilaam~er Radepanninq, .Aye; Mayor Barg, Aye. The motion carried unanimously. vii. PoBLIC co~~rrs/oo~w~s Don Koerner, 618 Park Valley Drive, appeared before the Council seeking clarification of the Councils recent actions concerning the Pines mobile home. Rayor Berg replied that the Council had decided at this time to not review the Caeprahensiw Plan as it pertains to the Pines. Ha also said that while the soninq of the Pinar vas high density residential, the comaprehansivs plan vas some~hat more f lw{ Ala. ~. Koerner stated that the rnaobar of high density residential areas in the City is a cause for concern. Mayor Barg said that the Council would again ~clc~rass this issue when it reviewed and the Strategic Plan. Councilmember Shirley stated the Council vas concerned about the number of multi-family residential units in the City. Imo. Roamer also took this opportunity to thank the staff on the installation of a basketball court in the Park Valley neighborhood. VIII . REPORTS - ColrII~1'1`17SaSr Thera vats n0 reports. IX. AD~70DR~EpT i ti ti .- _ _~. • . ' .. . PAG$ 6 15, 199a CITY OOUNCIL 1~STING Councilmember Redepenninq moved and Councilme~mber Anderson -~,cndad the action to adjourn. The ~eetinq adjourned by unaniaous consent. Respectfull ubaittad: _ -- Jaae _f..nellie, cit ~~ clerk vNCII~ ,_; ~~ ~,~~ ~ ~_ v U~ ~%~ .~,~ A ST• Nelson 1P. Serq, Mayor /