12-16-92~ ~'
December 16,1992
A special meeting of the Hopkins City Council was held on Deoernber 16, 1992 in the
City Council Chambers ofi the Hopkins City Hall. Present were Mayor Berg, Coundl-
members Anderson, Shirley, KritTJer and Redepenning. Also pneserrt were stall` mem-
bers Miellae and Schedler.
Mayor Berg called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
a. Approve 19~ Tax Levy and Adopt the 1993 Budget
Stall' reoornmer~ded adoption of the folkywing motion: Monte that Resolution X181-108
"Approving 1992 tax levy, oollec~ible in 1993, and adopting the 1993 't", be
Mayor Berg reopened the public hearing at 6:35 p.m. Hearing no oommer~ts, Coundl-
member Anderson moved and Councilmember Shiriey seconded a motion to dose the
public hearing at 6:37 p.m.
City Manager Steve Mielke reviewed a reported '~rindf'all" of local government aids
which will be received during the 1991 paymerrt. Mielke explained that the local gav-
emment trust fund rules require that any shortfalls in sales tax require that does re-
ceive less local government aid than budgeted and likewise any eoaoess revenues in the
trust fund be distributed to does even though they may be in e~aoess of budgeted
Mielke stated that the League of Cities has ir~ormed its member does that the trust
fund has e~erienced revenues in eoaoess of those arrtidpabed and thus Hopkins should
receive roughly X65,00 0 - ~i68,000 of unarrtidpated revenues in LGA. Mielke stated
that these revenues, while unarrtidpated, were not ~ be considered an annual event
since the sales tax revenues would float sting with the economy. Miella stated that
the Coundl had several options including pladng the amourrts in reser~re, lowering the
tax levy by using the local govemment aid moneys or some other combination of both.
The Coundl, upon review, formed a consensus of pladng the eoaoess LGA moneys into
fund balance reserves.
Pape 2
Flopldns Ciy Council minubss
Dsoember 18,199Pt
The Council then discussed social service funding letiels. Courxilmember Shirley indi-
ca~d that, based upon prior discussion at the last hearing, he wished to ir~cnease the
eocpenditures to Vail Place and Teens Alone.
Councilmember Shirley moved and Councilmember Kritzler seconded a motion to in-
crease funding fio Vail Place to 61,000 for 19®3 and irx~ease funding to X2,000 for
Teens Alone and that the money would be allocated from the Capital Budget for ice and
A poll of the vote was as follows: Counalmember Anderson, Aye; Counalmember Shir-
ley, Aye; Courxilmember Kritzler, Aye; Counalmember Redepenning, Aye; Mayor Berg,
Aye. The motion carried unanimously.
Councilmember Shirley moved and Councilmember Kriizler seconded a motion to adopt
resolution #92-108 "Approving 1992 Ta~c Levy, Collectible in 1993, and adopting the
1993 b~,rdget as amended.
A poll of the vote was as follows: Councilmember Anderson, Aye; Councilmember
Shirley, Aye; Councilmember Kritzler, Aye; Counalmember Redepenning, Aye; Mayor
Berg, Aye. The motion c;ertled unanimously.
Councilmember Redepenning moved and Councilmember Anderson seconded a mo-
tion to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned by unanimous consent.
Respectfully submitfied,
~=, ~_. ~ - ~ _ .._ =ity Manager
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