12-04-91 budget hearing.a
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December 4, 1991
The Hopkins City Council held a continued Budget Hearing in
the Council Chambers of Hopkins City Hall on December 4,
1991 at 7 p.m. Present were Mayor Berg, Councilmembers:
Chuck Kritzler, Chuck Redepenning, Bob Anderson and Jim
Shirley. Also present were City Staff: City Manager Steve
Mielke, Finance Director John Schedler.
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7 p. m.
Mr. Mielke recommended that the City Council review the
service organization's funding requests and determine the
level of funding for each, based upon the manager's
recommendation. Mielke stated that the recommendation was
based upon the previous year's funding by the Council plus
small increases for those organizations requesting an
The Council reviewed each of the organization's funding
requests. Discussion was held by the Council on the desire
to fund some or all of the Vail Place request. Vail Place
has not been funded in the past.
Mr. Redepenning moved and Mr. Shirley seconded a motion to
allocate $600 from the General Fund to Vail Place. The City
Manager is to review and remove $600 from the current budget
proposal so as to not increase the General Fund budget. The
motion passed unanimously.,
Discussion was held regarding the funding of Hopkins
Community Promotions. Mielke stated that the funding for
HCP comes from the Economic Development fund and does not
impact the general fund or general property taxation. Berg
suggested that funding cont-inue at $10,000 for 1992 and that
during 1992, the City establish its goals in the area of
economic development and to ask HCP how they will contribute
to those goals.
Mr. Anderson moved and Mr. Redepenning seconded a motion to
allocate $10,000 to the Hopkins Community Promotions budget
for 1992. The motion passed unanimously.
Discussion was held on the 1992 budget and tax levy as
proposed by the City Manager.
Mr. Shirley moved and Mr. Anderson seconded a motion to
adopt Resolution # 91-148 approving the 1991 tax levy
collectible in 1992 and adopting the 1992 budget. The
motion was approved unanimously.
Discussion was then held on the storm sewer rate proposed by
' staff to be increased. Mielke reviewed various scenarios
relating to different rates and their impact on the revenue
and expenditure stream. Mr. Anderson moved and Mr.
Redepenning seconded a motion to direct staff to prepare a
resolution authorizing the storm sewer rate to be set at
$2.50 per month. The motion passed unanimously.
Discussion was held on the sanitary sewer rate and the
proposed increase within the 1992 budget. It was noted that
capital improvements and Metropolitan Waste Control
Commission costs increases were driving the need to increase
rates. Mielke reviewed various scenarios on rate increases
and discussed its impact on the funds.
Mr. Shirley moved and Mr. Anderson seconded the motion to
direct staff to prepare a resolution increasing the sanitary
sewer rates to $2.50 per thousand gallons. The motion
carried unanimously.
Mr. Shirley moved and Mr. Anderson seconded a motion to
adjourn. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was
adjourned at 9:05 p.m.