11-14-06 WSNovember 14, 2006
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A work session of the Hopkins City Council was called to order by Mayor Gene
Maxwell at 6:30 p.m. on November 14, 2006, at the Hopkins City Hall. Council members
Kristi Halverson, Jay Thompson and Cheryl Youal~im were present. City personnel
present were City Manager Rick Getschow, Housing Coordinator Kersten Elverum, and
Finance Director Christine Harlcess. Also present were Bill Beard, Paul Gamst and Tom
Gump of the Beard Group.
Marketplace and Main
Ms. Elverum said the last time this development was discussed with the Council,
Colleen Carey was explaining the difficulties Cornerstone was having. She and the city
agreed on a period of time to look for a new developer. The city approached the Beard
Group, which was eager to take over the project.
Mr. Beard briefly discussed other projects his group has done in the area,
including the Hopkins Entertainment Center. He said his group is keeping Colleen
Carey's basic ideas for Marketplace and Main. There will be 44 loft condos. The big
changes will be townhomes rather than row houses, with six to seven units around a
courtyard. They are hoping to appeal to the "empty nester" and sell the units at a base
price of about $350,000. Buyers could choose various upgrades in the interiors if they
wished. The "sister" building to Marketplace Lofts will stay the same.
Next steps include finalizing the purchase agreement with the previous developer
(November 2006); requesting amendments to the developer's agreement with the city and
getting approval of the site plan (December 2006); beginning presales (March 2007), and
starting construction (Fall 2007).
Mayor Maxwell had several questions. Mr. Getschow answered the redone plans
would go to Zoning and Planning again. The Met Council grant was with the city, not
the developer. The environmental grants are being worked on, but hopefully will be
transferable. Mr. Beard answered that he personally met with Colleen Carey's designer
about the US West issues and feels Cornerstone has the best solution at this point.
Mayor Maxwell asked about demolition. Mr. Beard said the start date depends on
the sales. He feels a development of 44 units in Hopkins will sell well. Mr. Gamst noted
having to use sheet lining is a special need for the demolition. Ms. Elverum added
encasing the US West lines while doing the demolition causes specific problems.
Answering Mr. Getschow, Mr. Beard said they are considering using the old Honda
building as a sales office. Mr. Thompson noted he really likes the courtyard idea and
would like more concept drawings showing that. Answering Ms. Halverson, Mr. Beard
said presales need to reach 50% before construction starts. Answering Mr. Maxwell, he
said the main building would be constructed first. Entrances will be set back a short
distance from the sidewalk, the distance varying due to the configuration of the facade of
the building, The small corner triangle will be a public green space.
Mr. Beard emphasized he feels Hopkins can support this development, and he is
excited about it. Answering Mr. Getschow, he agreed that Opus development could help
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2007 Budget
Finance Director Harlcess said staff has worked hard refining the General Fund
budget to enable the Council to lower the levy. They have achieved a reduction from a
6.87% to a 4.75% levy rate. This equates to a tax rate of 46.419 which is a decrease of
3.819% from 2006. She noted that cutting $80,000-84,000 equals a 1% decrease in the
levy. The $178,640 general fund budget reduction was accomplished through many
strategies, including moving Activity Center floor refinishing to CIP; moving Skate Park
equipment to ERP; reducing the new firefighter personnel request from 4 to 2 and
reducing firefighter medical response to 8 hours weekdays; keeping equipment use
charges at the 2006 level; as well as other items. City Manager Getschow said that at the
public truth-in-taxation meeting on December 4, a "nuts and bolts" presentation of how
tax rates and tax capacities are figured out, and showing their history for the past six
years will be provided. Staff will show where savings are being made on the budget and
stress that for the second consecutive year facility projects have come under budget.
Mr. Getschow said he and Mr. Genellie met with the Hennepin County assessor.
In 2007 he predicted a 2-3% increase in residential market value for Hopkins, while
condos and townhouses will probably stay stable. He expects that pattern to hold for 2-3
years. It would take a "major" fallout for appraised values to actually decrease. Mayor
Maxwell asked how this would affect the levy decision making. Mr. Getschow said this
should not become a serious issue if the assessor is correct.
Mr. Thompson asked about the woman who had approached Ms. Youakim on the
school closing, adding he feels it is not appropriate for the city to take a stand on the issue
as it is not part of the process. Mr. Getschow said he is contacting the woman. Mr.
Thompson asked about the November 21 Thanksgiving dinner at the Activity Center.
Mr. Getschow said there is a sign-up sheet, and if a Counci] member wants to volunteer
to let him know and he will sign for them. Mr. Thompson asked about the proposed sale
dates for the Surge properties. Mr. Getschow said he will check the exact dates.
Ms. Halverson asked about the Opus development. Mr. Getschow said they have
asked to increase the size from 691,000 to 750,000 sq. ft., which will be on the December
Planning and Zoning agenda. In January the request will come to the Council. Opus
needs to update the AUAR; they will ask for authorization to do that next Tuesday. They
will have another neighborhood meeting.
Mayor Maxwell asked if there would be a proclamation for Steve Kelley. Mr.
Getschow said plans are being made.
Mayor Maxwell talked about the walking tour sponsored by Blue Cross/Blue
Shield. About 50 people participated. TPT Channel 2 filmed the whole thing.
Mr. Getschow reminded everyone the next work session will be at the Pavilion.
The main agenda item will be goals and objectives.
He noted the appeal period for the losing party has run out on the billboard
lawsuit. Sun-Sailor ran a story.
He said Leather & Boot sent a letter saying they want Emmaus Church in their
building. City Planner Anderson told them it would not be legal as they are too close to
off-sale liquor businesses. They would like a change in the zoning ordinance. He added
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the ordinance says there can be no new off-sale liquor store by a church, which could
affect current businesses in the area if there were a change in ownership.
Getschow stated that the neighborhood meetings for the 2007 street and utility
improvement projects were held this evening.
On motion by Ms. Halverson and second by Mr. Thompson, the meeting
adjourned at 8:35 p.m. on a vote of 4-0.
Kasey Kester, Secretary