10-03-06 WSMINUTES
A work session of the Hopkins City Council was called to order by Mayor Gene Maxwell
at 6:12 p.m. on October 3, 2006, at the City Hall. Council Members Halverson, Rowan,
Thompson, and Youakim were present. City personnel present were City Manager Rick
Getschow, Planning & Economic Development Director Jim Kerrigan, and Housing &
Development Coordinator Kersten Elverum. Also present were Sid Inman of Ehlers &
Associates, Bob Dieke of Bradley &Dieke, Mac LeFevre of Kennedy & Graven,
Michael Broich of Ravich Meyer Kirkman McGrath & Nauman, and Steve Flanagan of
GPS Development, LLC.
Mr. Kerrigan provided a status update on the Sixth & Main project, including the City's
apparent purchase agreement with the owner of the Parlc Plaza Apartments. He indicated
that the first draft of a revised redevelopment agreement has been circulated. The
approval of both documents is scheduled for the November 7 HRA meeting.
Mr. Kerrigan introduced Mr. Inman, Mr. LeFevre, and Mr. Dieke. Mr. Dieke gave an
overview of the purchase agreement, including the price of $6.2 million plus $30,000 per
month for a maximum of 6 months. He indicated that a longer period of one year was
requested but rejected by the seller.
Mr. Dieke reviewed the likely changes to the redevelopment agreement including moving
the dates on the performance items, inclusion of a $2 million loan and the ability to buy
out the project.
Mr. Kerrigan indicated that staff will be working to put it all together in the next few
weeks. Mr. LeFevre indicated that there is an update call with the judge regarding the
TIF litigation.
On motion by Kristi Halverson and second by Cheryl Youakim, the meeting adjourned at
6:55 pm on a vote of 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Kersten Elverum
Eugen . Ma ell, Mayor