05-23-06 WSMay 23, 2006 Page 1 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION -May 23, 2006 A work session of the Hopkins City Council was called to order by Mayor Gene Maxwell at 6:30 p.m. on May 23, 2006, at the Hopkins Center for the Arts. Council members Bruce Rowan, Kristi Halverson, Jay Thompson and Cheryl Youakim were present. City personnel present were, City Manager Rick Getschow and Public Works Director Steve Stadler. Also present was Josh Montgomery of the Park Board. Dog Park Discussion Public Works Director Steve Stadler said a public meeting was held about the dog park on May 15. Meadow Creek Condominiums owners expressed concerns and presented a petition against the dog park with about 60 signatures. The Park Board felt the parking concerns expressed were important and decided to look at parking on Westbrooke Way, especially since the dog park would be near the garden plots. Mr. Montgomery said he has driven along Westbrooke Way and seen only a few cars parked near the proposed dog park area. Addressing the questions in a letter sent by Sandra Miller, he said the board had considered a site in the property now owned by Opus and Valley Park. He did not know no dogs were allowed in Meadow Creek. He does not feel wildlife will be impacted as most of the site will be left in its natural state. He did not expect to "ruffle feathers" of residents, but feels it is still a good use of the site. He was glad the Council has asked the Board to look at other sites so they could tell residents they had done so and found no other suitable ones. He feels the one acre size will limit the number of large dogs. Mayor Maxwell felt the Board needed to meet the residents' concerns and suggested taking a video of dog parks and getting usage numbers from other dog parks. Ms. Youakim suggested a sign "no parking in condo lot" at the dog park might ease some fears. Answering Mayor Maxwell, Mr. Montgomery said the Board does not want to "shove the dog park down people's throats" and wants to look at the parking situation through the gardening season. Mr. Montgomery said the Board may consider buffering the area. He hopes the dog park could open either this fall or next year. Mr. Stadler commented it could go into the CIP for next year. Mayor Maxwell suggested the possibility of a class 5 graveled lot at the south end be studied. General Consensus was the Park Board will study the parking problem and gather information on other parks. Public Works will see if the graveled area is possible. Shady Oak Road Update Public Works Director Steve Stadler said there are two major changes in the plans: at the north end one curve has been taken out and there is now an 85° intersection with the highway; there has been a shift to the west between Mainstreet and Excelsior Blvd. There will be the same number of parking spaces at the shopping center. He wants to have a neighborhood meeting around the third week of June and hopes to present a preliminary layout to the Council the second meeting of July. He will be at another work session on Shady Oak after the neighborhood meetings and before the presentation of the preliminary layout. Meetings with business owners are planned. May 23, 2006 Page 2 Answering Mr. Rowan, he said the cul de sac had lost a few parking spots to allow more room for stormwater. Mr. Getschow said there will be joint meetings with _.__ the Minnetonka City Council once the redevelopment phase of planning starts. Mr. Stadler noted Hennepin County has signed a contract with Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. to complete a redevelopment study. Policing Models, Staffing and Retention Police Chief Craig Reid gave an overview of police organizational policy and law enforcement model as it applies to Hopkins Police Department. He covered staffing, retention and the history of police models. Other Ms. Youakim said she has received calls about the dog park, transportation, and the possibility of the Council passing a resolution supporting the Kyoto agreement about environmental impacts of carbon dioxide. Mr. Thompson asked that Jean Keck receive recognition as a volunteer. He asked about starting to plan promotion of Hopkins during the 2008 U.S. Women's Open at Interlachen. Mr. Getschow added they will need 7,000 parking places and suggested using Rotary and HCBC meetings as a forum. Mr. Getschow reminded Council members the National Guard will be training on Mainstreet tomorrow. He noted that if three Council members will be gone June 20, the Council meeting will need to be changed. Mr. Rowan noted Stay Tribune West will feature Hopkins' redevelopment, especially the Opus project, tomorrow. On motion by Mr. Thompson and second by Ms. Halverson the meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. on a vote of S-0. Kasey Kester, Secretary