03-08-05 WSMazch 8, 2005
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A work session of the Hopkins City Council was called to order by Mayor Gene
Maxwell at 6:30 p.m. on Mazch 8, 2005, at the City Hall. Council members Brausen,
Rowan and Thompson were present. City personnel present were City Manager Rick
Getschow and Public Works Director Steve Stadler. In the audience were residents of the
Ryland Homes Regency Development.
Discussion of Assessment Policy
Mayor Maxwell thanked the residents for coming and said that, unlike at most
work sessions, public comment would betaken.
Mr. Stadler said at the Januazy 18, 2005, public hearing staff explained the
proposed application of the city's assessment policy, including that they would not be
applying the policy's assessment cap for Regency Development properties. The policy
limits the cap to single-family residential units, and they interpreted this to mean the cap
would not apply to redevelopment areas without standazd single family residential lots.
Several residents of the Regency development objected, and Council agreed to consider
the matter at the Mazch 8 work session. Notices were mailed to each Regency resident.
Assessments without the cap would be: $112.22/ff (front foot) for
Madison/Monroe Ave. azea; $59.56/ff for Jackson Avenue/Sunnyside Lane; and
$63.24/ff for Van Buren Ave/Shadyside Circle. The assessment if the cap is applied
would be $55.83/ff. This would lower the assessment to $2,009.88/unit for the 14 units
directly fronting Jackson Avenue and Van Buren Avenue and $1,465.44/unit for the 30
interior units. The total project assessed amount would go from $532,785.14 to
$514,217.98 or about $18,000 less.
He said he had attached a resident letter asking the Council to consider the
assessment azea as an unusual area. He said the Council's option was to approve the
assessments to the Regency properties without the cap or to do so with the cap.
Resident Janine Keller said she was the resident who had written the letter Mr.
Stadler referred to. It has been read by most of the attending residents, and they aze in
agreement. The neighborhood is speaking unanimously.
Mayor Maxwell said he appreciated the neighborhood's concerns and that he felt
the Council was acting fairly in having them attend this session.
Ms. Keller said she felt this situation had probably not arisen before; she did not
think the Council was against them. She said 12 residents received the old declazation
that did not have the road assessment in it except for a little line in the title insurance.
Mayor Maxwell said he hoped those residents had voiced their concern with the
developer, and that the Council would also do so.
Mr. Brausen thanked Ms. Keller for her well thought out letter.
General consensus was to apply the assessment policy cap for the Regency properties in
the P.U.D District.
Another resident asked about Second Street. Mr. Stadler said whether or not that
will need an assessment when it is done would depend on the work required. Mill and
overlay is not assessed. He thinks Second Street is on the street schedule for 2009. Mayor
March 8, 2005
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Maxwell noted that is not a solid date - it can change depending on road condition. That
would be a state aid road, so the state would pay part of the costs.
Mr. Thompson asked Mr. Stadler if there had been any frontage errors in this
assessment. Mr. Stadler said no.
Mr. Brausen reminded residents that the minutes for this session will be available,
and ultimately would be on line so they can have a written record of what happened for
future reference.
Mr. Stadler announced that on March 15 Council would approve the final plans
and get to order bids. On April 19 they would accept bids and order an assessment
hearing. Notice will go out for the assessment hearing, which would be May 17. Actual
work should take place June through September. There is a fair amount of utility work,
which would take place fast. Work usually starts at 7:00 a.m.
Mayor Maxwell noted residents would get notification about the start of
roadwork. He will ensure they get the name of the project supervisor and his phone
number in case they have questions.
Mayor Maxwell thanked the residents for attending, and they left.
Mr. Rowan asked if other Council members had received resident information
regazding the SuperValu variance. No one had. Mr. Getschow asked if Council members
get anything, that they get a copy to his office so it could go out to everyone in the
Mr. Stadler asked if any Council members got calls on the Goodrich right-of--way.
No one had. He said he had gotten about 20 and realized he should have explained more
as they thought the city was putting in sidewalks, etc.
Mr. Brausen said he was called by a tenant in the building where Home Line is
who said that one of his clients got a pazking ticket on the street. The tenant thinks the
post office is overflowing into the pazking lot and filling it. He asked if anyone had heazd
that from others. No one had, but staff will check into it.
Mayor Maxwell asked for suggestions about the food at the Mazch 22 retreat.
General consensus was he could use his own judgment.
Mr. Stadler said he had looked into the Elks request for a curbside handicapped
pazking spot. The only thing in the city code refers to residential azeas. He would like
Council to give him guidance as to how to handle future requests from B2 azeas.
Mr. Getschow asked if Council would be willing to meet from 6:00-7:15 on the
Mazch 15`~ about Public Works reorganization, noting Vem Panlvatz leaves April 29.
General Consensus was to do so.
Mr. Thompson moved adjournment. Mr. Brausen seconded. On a 4-0 vote the
meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Kasey Kester, Secretary
March 8, 2005
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Eugene axwell, Mayor