03-13-07 WSMarch 13, 2007
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A work session of the Hopkins City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro
Tem Bruce Rowan at 6:40 p.m. on March 13, 2007, at the Hopkins City Hall. Council
members Kristi Halverson, Jay Thompson and Cheryl Youalcim were present. City
personnel present were City Manager Riclc Getschow and Public Worlcs Director Steve
City Hall Improvements
Public Worlcs Director Stadler said that several City Hall improvements are
scheduled for 2007: HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning) upgrade; City
Hall finish upgrade, replacement of carpeting, and systems furniture reconfiguration. The
total CIP budget amount for these is $202,000, but present cost projections are $241,000.
The HVAC upgrade is being re-advertised; it is expected it will come in around
Since the Police Department, Fire Department and Public Worlcs buildings are
new or recently upgraded, staff felt it was time to refurbish the entrance area of City Hall.
Work would include redoing the lobby ceiling, upgrading the entryway, redoing the
message and reception area. The etched raspberry panels would be re-used as accents.
Planned costs were $60,000. Only one bid was received for $97,600; because it was a
single bid, staff is not sure it is a true market price indicator He did not feel the necessity
to work after 4:00 p.m. and end before 7:00 a.m. was an issue. Because of this price
difference, staff is planning to postpone this work, see if there are ways to cut costs, and
decide if this work can be done after the other projects are completed.
Staff plans to move ahead with the carpeting and furniture reconfiguration, which
will open up the staff working area. Maintenance staff has been repainting the area. The
carpeting will be done in phases. Work will start April 23 and run 1 1/a to 2 weeks for
each phase. Staff was very involved in the process of planning the reconfiguration. Mr.
Getschow added the reconfiguration should improve the work flow.
Answering Mr. Thompson, Mr. Stadler said the carpet and HVAC projects are
maintenance, while the lobby changes would be improvements. Some people have
complained the present security screen is unwieldy. Answering Ms. Youakim, he said
the marlite for the lobby would be maintenance free, as opposed to paint. Staff is looking
for cheaper types.
Hopkins LRT Station Area Study
On February 13 the HCRRA accepted the Southwest PAC recommendation to
initiate the Southwest Transitway Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the
three LRT alternatives with the understanding LRT lA would be looked at only if LRT
3A and LRT 3C are determined to be infeasible. This will be a 2-year process and the
results figure largely in the ability to get government grants. Hennepin County will
coordinate with the state and federal governments on funding for this. HF 1216 and SF
1448 (which request $1 million in state bonding for the DEIS and preliminary
engineering) and HF 1597 (which directs the Met Council to prioritize the Southwest
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Transitway in any changes to the Transportation Policy Plan) are already introduced in
the state legislature.
Hennepin County has approached the City about continuing the Hopkins Area
Station Study through the next study phase. They also plan to include a detailed study of
the 3A alignment south from Shady Oak station, which would be in Minnetonka.
Mr. Stadler handed out various concept drawings and plans for the area around 8th
Avenue, showing different possibilities for 8th Avenue to Mainstreet. No decision has
been made about how this route will be handled, although a trolley and a circulator bus
have been suggested. No cost estimates have been made. Parking for the downtown
station will be limited term parking. Answering Mr. Rowan, he said redevelopment is
not needed to go ahead with 8th Avenue; Mr. Getschow added it will definitely follow
those improvements. Mr. Stadler added the city would be the main party to push this
project and find the funding. While Shady Oak and Blake stations are at Hopkins, it is
this station that will change the downtown area. Answering Mr. Thompson, _he said he
has already told the the planners that Hopkins does not want long-term parking at this
station. There has been no date set for the last stakeholder meeting and open house; he
thinks it will be set for April. Mr. Rowan says he sees Shady Oak and Blake stations as
places where riders mostly board the transit, while 8th Ave. station would be a destination
Mr. Stadler said that it appears an elevated bridge will not be needed at 11tH
Avenue. He has asked the planners to re-look at the impact of delays, etc. He has
personally checked it out and noted that 16 cars make traffic back up noticeably.
Answering Mr. Rowan, he said he did not know where the transit track would return to
grade, but he felt it would not be as far back as Van Buren. He agreed with Mr. Rowan
speculated it would likely be between Van Buren and Jackson. Mr. Stadler noted the
Technical Advisory Committee would meet to go over the scoping document for the
DEIS in the future.
Ms. Youakim asked if anyone was planning to attend the "State of the County"
Mr. Getschow passed out copies of the 1988 city-wide survey. Anew survey of
150-160 questions will be done in April-May, and he pointed out some of the issues
covered in the old survey. Possible new topics he suggested were recyclables and yard
waste, housing options, economic development, Mainstreet/Art Center, the "Think
Hopkins" campaign. Mr. Rowan asked why this was being done. Mr. Getschow said it
gives the City a feel for what people think and can guide city policy-making or the
undertaking of new initiatives to some degree. It also enables the City to compare itself
to its earlier survey and with other suburbs. Council can talk to the actual surveyors
April 10.
Mr. Getschow noted that next week the issue of the tobacco license moratorium
would need to be addressed. A license applicant has come forward since he was told a
moratorium could go into effect. The moratorium process could move more quickly
than past moratoriums that lasted up to a year. Ms. Youakim noted related issues, such as
paraphernalia, have come up the past couple years. She had not realized atobacco-only
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store could be only in a B2 zone and asked why. Mr. Rowan said he was told earlier it
made it easier for the police to keep an eye out for "cover businesses."
Mr. Getschow had several economic development updates. The last Dodge
proposal went away, but others are showing strong interest. Atlas is still under discussion
for redevelopment. Block 64 may be coming to a head. The development agreement will
expire in May.
Ms. Youakim asked if there had been any complaints about group home density in
Hopkins. No one could recal] any.
Mr. Rowan asked the status of IRV (instant run-off voting). Mr. Getschow said
he will check with the Charter Commission. Ms. Youakim commented that might be a
good question for the survey.
On motion by Mr. Thompson and second by Ms. Halverson, the meeting
adjourned at 8:15 p.m. on a vote of 4-0.
Kasey Kester, Secretary