1926The TTillage �,ouncil of the Village oF r��est �I�:Iinneapolis �"�°��'�-�
met in �o.uncil rooin in.-regular session at 7.30 o'clock �
�. I,`. Feb 2nd I926. ''. "'
Iv��ombers presant :
Paul SLvenson, ?'residont, :�mil Peterson
0. R. Becl�an and t�Vm De Fore. .
The minutes o�°meeting held Jan 4th I�26 ���ere read and�
approved as read.
The reports of Iierman� Olson �,s to .water and gas
collectims, and �'rank Stodola Road Overseer vvere read,
ap;�roved, and ordered placed on file.
�=-�-,==- __ - - - — — -- -- -- - - - - 1
� �'1T1 ORDIrd��PdC.� �T1'i' ITI,�I�.
�i '"'' - 'i0 P�LS�RV� PU�3ZIC Ii=:.iZ'.��i �3Y PR01lIDIi1G ��UR ilii, INaP4VCi ION �
Or Iy7II�K 3UZD l'JITHIN i��' V,IZZr�GL OF a��+:,3'.� I�IITd'�T��APOI�IS A1JD OF
D_1RI�a _�T1D 1�.�I?�Y H_`:�Da �L�PT �'0�? �Hi� P_'ODUCTIOTJ OF :iUCFi It1ILr: I
!�IdD Or 1'H� PZ�1J=rS iJ�i���:� :�UCH.I:rITi� Ta �Oi�'�I���:D OR PAS �'t�R�Zi,.l�
���, �'�IJD �0 ZIC�TIS:� �lI1D Ri�GUL�Ii� �:i:� a:iL� �LIdD DIS�USIi I01`i 0� I�.��II,Y
��� -.
; Ild�'`3�'�ID 'TILZAGl� 11IJD P�OVIDIIdG i'�NI�Z^I�S �OR Tlir: VIOZi1iI0N
� THi+:R �OF.
_� ,�
Judges for the annual.election were a.ppointed as follows.
Dan � ol�.
Christ Jensen.
:�ichard Moore.
Irving ��lmquiJst.
P:�rs Ii . D. T ruman .
A general discussion was had tiaith rePerance to a petition for
the construction of a se�ver from the poin� of intersection
' oP the cen�er line of Sixth Avenue erith the cent`er line o.f
Second Street South thence running in a northerly direction
a distance of 850 Peet aTong the center line of said Sigth
l�venue to a point `on said center line `I0� �eet south of the
South line of the right-of-awy of the P,i.�.at.L.t�.�. thence
in a northtiue'sterly direction along �, Iine parallel to said
right-o.f-e�ay o� t1ie..Iti4.8c..St.I,.R.�?. a distance of 70 feet to
the point� oP intersection of�� said line t�uith the center line
o� �xaelsior Avenue and there connecting to the joint district
sewer for districts Tv�o. Five �,nd �ight herein deacribed and
Said' sewe�r- shall be �8 inches in diameter and shall be
classified as lateral No 8 oP district lwo.
WHERLUPOIV?.Trustee and Councilma.n 0.
- ofiered the follo�ving resolution extending
sewer system. , ' .
R. Bec�ia.n,
the existirig
I�UHERr:�1�S, The Village Council oF the Yillage o.f Glest
Minneapolis� Hennepin Count�, State oP Minriesota� has here-
tofore to.-wit, on Pdovember 7th I9I6,,, passed and approved an
ordinance entitled:
' � AND 'u°u'H�;RL�`�S, said Villago nas horetofore .�by resolution
[� passed November tho.7th I9IG, resolved that. a�se�ver be con-
structed at the �oint oF inter�ection of the'center line oF
Si$th Avenue ��vith tho center line of aecond �treet South
• thence running in a nortn,erly direc'tion a distance of 850 Feet
along the center oF said aiath Avemue t.o a point on said
center line IO feet �outh of the soiz'�h �line. of the right-of-
way of the M.Bc.St.Z,R.R. thonce in a northuaesterly direction
along a line parellel to said ri�ht-o�_6�a� o� the
, : , . ; -- . ,:,�r _
P�4,8�.St.Z.R.R. a,distano,o oP 70 Feet to 'the point of in�ersection � '::
oP said line v�ith the center line of Excelsior Y�venue �and there ��'�'�""
connecting to the joint district sewer.for districts Two, Five and Ei�,.
Eight herein deseribed,and classified. _ "
Said sewer'shall be 'Eight inches in`diameter, and shall be
classified as Lateral No.B o.f district 2.
t�JHERE�S, the oweners of the pr�perty abutting upon said
lateral e�tension, as a�oresaid, have requested,b� petition for
the construction oP said lat.oral se�wer at this time.
�ND tiVH ;R��S; the cost thereos has be on duly estimated
by Paul Se�vnson a.competent engineer, �vho have. drativn �he necessary
plans and specizications and ta'oulated'the result.of thier
�estimate oP'the cost �,nd reported the same to the Village Council
of the Village of �r�est Id�inneapolis, and such plans and specifications
haqe been filed cvith the i;lerk and are nocu on file open to
'inspection o.f all persons. . � ,,
� � T,R�FUR� BE IT R�+�50ZVLD, � that an e�-_tension of the existing
Sewer. system be constructed as follo�vs, to wit: �'
From the pint of int.ersection of.;the center line of Sixth Avenue
' with the centor line oP Secorid Street South thence running in a
northerly direction a distance of 850 �eet along the center line
of said Sixth gvenue to a point on said center line IO feet south of
the south line oi the right-of=�vay o.f the 1:4.Fc.St.Z.R.R, theoce
in a north�vesterly ciirection' alo.ng �, .line parallel to said right-
oP-way os the 1��.8c.St.I,.R.R.� a distance' of 70 feet to the point
of intersection o.f sa,id line tivith .tne center line oi :�xcelsior
�lvenue and there oonnecting to the Joint Distr'ict Seti�er fot.distr-
icts Two, rive, and �ight herein described and classified.
�aid seaver.shall be�8 inches iri diameter and shall be classi�ied
as. lat.eral Ido 8. of district 2 in the Village oP VJest IvIinneapolis,
. County of Hennepin,: State_ oF r,7inn.esota, ' � '
� Trustee�and Councilmari 0. R..Beckman, who offered the
foregoing resolution thereupon r�ioved its.adoption, which was
seconed by Trustee and Councilma.n` �mil Peterson, and upon
being put to a vote�tivas unanimousl�r'adopted �y all �embers of the
Village Council. - .
Tho f,ollowing bills, were audited and allowed. .
8675- Pickands-and Brown Co Car os Coke
867�6-Pickands Brotivn Co. Car Coke �
8677-Hennepin Count� LnterpriSe. Publishing
8678-I�IoDonald Transfer. drayage �
, � � �
867•9-IEZinneapolis. ser:vises rlIpls �� ire Depart�m��nt- Shop �ire
8680-American Meter Co reparing meters
868I-F. J. Kokesh. supblies
8682-Security Idational Bnak. Insurance premium
8683-Burrows adding ��rJla.ch Co. maintenance
8684-Ia2pls Threshing Iulach Co supplies �
8685-�Iueller Co. Gasket
8686-�Ipls Gen, :�lec Co. Power Siren
8687-��Ipls Gen �lec Co. Power and light gas �lant
8688-Iv7pTs Gen �ETec Co. Po�ver Pump� House
32I. 75 �
3.8I �
8.689-Mpls.Gen .�lec Co. S�reot and Iia11 Zights
5690-Henr�.Sparber, labor.gas plant
869I-N. �,V. Telephone Egchange. Phones �
8692-James Peterson. 1St Ca.r Paro ��ith prisoner
8693-Hurbort �dVilliams. n�i�ht firing
E36�34- `Toid.
8695-Frank Sitar. Night riring �
8696-James Peterson prisoners meals.
8697-P. Sunquist. I,abor reparing
` 8698-Void ,
8699-Frank �dil, serv.ises. to 2�I�26
8700-James Peterson Servises to 2�I�26.
870I-ilerman Olson servises to 2�I�26.
8702-Zeonard 1��7illiams. aervises to 2/I�26.
8703-Gus l�'filliams. Servi�es to 2�I/26.
8704-Z. Zundquist, rebrioking generator
8705-Great IJorthern Ry. �'reight car Coke
8706-Frank Stodola. Street �vork
�8707-Prank Stodola. I��an and team
8,708-I�,�. A. .Schutz. �Zan and ^eam
£3709-V. Bensom. Road labor
87I0-Joe Kerchell. Road la.bor
8.7II-Hopkins T ibrar�. ��,lery and supplies
�� -
PJleoting then adjourned.
Attest: -
. 60 .:
Recorder, pro-tem.{
'. .
Link Bel.t - - - - - - - - -. -3f3..I5
Repaire - - - - - - - - - - 26.7I .
IBeams to.reiniorca floor I24.IU
�'ire Brick - - - - - - - -.4I8,.94
Rebricking generator - - - �:I62.I4
127II.70 ,
` �mount owing fund I925. II6G.20 I3877.35
Balance ori hand - .- - - - - - - - - I9 .
On motion duly carried the above statement �r�as accepted as
the �inal audit oP the Vill�,ge accounts for the ,��past year.
I�Zeeting on TJZotion adjourned..
, � r�TT�ST.:
Chairman Pro-Tom._: .. . � ld� •
. ,. . !�`
�� Recorder.
Total amount of gas made during year ------II376�I20`Feet
To,tal amount of gas sold during year ------ 8378700 "�
Unaccounted for - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2997429 "
�- 1, . ,
,,,, ,
� The Village CounciT of the iTillage �oF '�'Jest ��,,iinneapolis
met at the ca.11 of �ecorder ��.- ��•. Close. in Council room
at 7: 30 0' c10ck P. I��. Feb I'7th I9�26.
I,•2embers pes�,nt, �
!�Vm De Fore� Chairman, �mil Peterson
0. R. Beckman, �rustees and E. �1. Close, Recorder.
b�eeting .was- called to order by Chairman �`Jm .De ��ore , and the
Village �inances for the past y.ear as presented by the accounts
of Treasurer, L. I,undquist , and ��ecorder, �� . ��. Close , �vere
audited the result of which is as,iollo�us.
Total Reciepts lor the year - - - - - - - - - - - - -g�,764.72
`1'otal �isbursmen�s for the year - - - - - - - - - - -gIgI3.93
Balance on hand _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I�850.79
Village I�und �eciepts - - - - - - -•- -52638.62 �
Villa,ge Fund Disbursments - - - - - - -3980a.SI
. � Balance on hand I2829.8I
Road I+'und Rec iepts - - - - - ' - - - - - 80t34. 50
Foad Fund D.isbursment� - - - - - - - - I043I.87
�Due �oad li'und 2347.37
Gas �und �eciepts - - - - - - - - - - -I5830.25
G�,s rund Disbursments - - - - - - - - -I3877.90
Balance on hand
uJate� Fund Reciepts - - - - - - - - - - 3200.84
u'Jater Fund Disbursments - - - - - - - - 2709.65
]3alance on hand
Zibrary Fund Reciepts - - - - - - - - - 63I.5I
Zibrary I'und Disbursments - - - - - - - 224g.47
Due Zibrary Fund I6I7.96
Poor Fund Reciepts - - - - - - - - - -.-2432.I8
Poor Fund Disbursments - - - - - - - - SG6.23
Balance on hanel
�Jater I��Tain Fund i�eciopts - - - - - - _ _8921� Iq .
PJater Iti��ain Fund Disbursments - - - - - -7495.60
nalance on hand
49I. I9
Seti�er Fund Reciepts - - - - - - - - - - 5925.65
Sewer Fund Disbursments - - - - - - - - 4474.40
Balance on hand I45I.25
3965.33 I88I6. I2
Balance on hand - - - - - - - - -I4850.79
I88 I6 . I2
�GAS ai ��T�;I�i�NT rR0114 llf��dl� I925
�0 �Q��I�#, I9 2 6 .
�lmount recieve� from gas sold - - - - - - - - -.- _ _ - �I5830.25
Paid Zeonard ��;illams - - - - - - - - -I500.00
Paid Gus l�i!illiams - - - - - - - - - - I800.00 ,
�xtra laboe - - - - - - - - - - I69.70r
Coal purchased during year ------ 523.£35�
Coak purchased during year ----- 4024.68'
Distilate purchasod during year --- 2210,29�'
�oiler inspection - - - - - - - - - - 3.00%
Sl�bs - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8.00✓
�lectric' powrer - - - - - - �- - - - _ _ 260.57�
l�ieters and reparing. - - - - _ _ _ _ _ 226.22;/
Zubricating Oil - - - - - - - - 55.I2J
Repairs for Compressor - - - - - _ _ _ 124.�32 J
Repairs afte r`storm - - - - - - - - -_ gp2;I0
Supplies - - _ _ - - - - - _ _
- - _ -I33.8I
NoNce of Asaessment for Construction of Side-
walk and Curb on Eleventh Avenue
Between Third und Fourth
8treets North.
Wherees, �puisunnt to a Resolution of the
Villaqe Council of the Village of West Min-
neapolis, adopted September 4, 1�J23, giving
effect hereto the peUition of more tha❑ thrce-
fourths majority of the ownera of ttie prop-
erty affected, for the eonstruction of a side-
w�lk and curb on the West side of Elevenlh
Avenue between Third Street North and Fourth
Street North, in anid Village, a contract has
been duly let for the said work in accordance
with plans and speciFlcations on file in the
office of the Village Clerk, and which petition
and Resolution provide thnt the costs and ex-
pense of constructing said sidewalk and curv
be assessed against the abutting propei�ty pay-
able-in five annual installments.
Therefore be it resolved, that the Council
does hereby levy and uesesa the whole of ihe
costs and expense of making such improvr
ment upon the following described lots or par
cels of' land, which are hereby declared to be
specially benefited by such improvement:
Fred Hromadka, 46.88 front feet, Nest Min-
neapolia 2nd Divieion, Lot 1, Block 97, as-
sessed $43.12.
Fred Hromadka, 40 front feet, West Minne-
apolis 2nd Division, Lot 2, Block 97, as-
sessed $40.42.
Fred Hromadka, 50 front feet, West Minne-
apolis 2nd Division, Lot 3, Block 97, as-
�aessed $50.42. �
Fred Hromadka, 50 front feet, West Minne-
apolis 2nd Division, Lot 4, Block 97, as-
sessed $60.42.
Tom Palecak, 60 front feet, West Minneapolis
2nd Divieion, Lot G, Block 97, ass�ssed
�arar, 50 front feet, West Minneapolis 2nd
Diviaion, Lot 6, Block 97, assessed $75.62.
'nrar, 60 £ront feet, West Minneapolia 2nd
Division, Lot 7, Block 97, as�essed $50.42.
�acob Perbix, 60 front feet, West Minne-
apolis 2nd Division, Lot 8, Block 97, as-
sessed $76.82. e
acob Perbix, N. 25,'front fcet, West Minne-
npolis 2nd Divieion, Lot 9, Block 97, as-
sessed $26.21.
. J. Gertner, S. 26 front ,feet, West Minne-
'nDolis 2nd Division, Lot 9, . Block 97, as-
eesaed $26.21. �
a. J. Gertner, 50 front feet, West Minne-
aDolis 2nd Division, Lot 10, Block 97, ae-
sessed $50.42.
�dolph Kucera, 50 front feet, West Minne-
apolis 2nd Division, Lot 11, Block 97, as-
aessed $60.42.
.�dolph Kucera, 60 front feet, West �Minne-
apolis 2nd Diviaion, Lot 12, Block 97, as-
eesaed $76.82.
Notice is hereby given, that on the 5th
�ay of August, A. D. 1929, at 7:30 o'clock
P. M, the Vilinge Council of the Villaqe of
West Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnr
sota, wil] meet in the Council Chambers in
the Village Municipal $uilding of said Village,
their usual place of ineeting, end hear all
�bjections whictttmay be made to the assess-
ment made in the foregoing Resolution, or any
aart thereof.
Dated July 1, 1929.
Preeident of Villaqe Counr,il.
' E. A. CLOSE,
. Village Recorder.
�uly 10-17. - , '
Notice for Bids.
I�or Lhe imprpvement of Twclfth Avenuc Uy
aying a sewer thercon from the A�inb' of in-
:ersection with the center line of I'iist Strect
Vortih with the center line of T�velfth Aveni� •,
;hence running in a southerly direction a dis-
:ance of G53 feet along the center line of
Pwelfth Avenue to the point oC intersection of
�sid center line of Tweltth Avenue with the
:enter line of Excelsior Avenue and there con- I
necting to the joint district aewcr for district..
Phree (3) and�Seven (7) herein deacribed and
�lassified. Said sewer shall be Ten (10) inche;
in diameter and shall be classified as districE
aewer for d�strict Thxee." All in the Village
of West Minneapolie", County of Hennepin,
State of Minnesotn. •
Sealed bids will be mceived by the Villare 1
Council of the Villagc of West Minnenpolis.
Iiennepin County, Minnesotl, Post Office,
Hopkins, Minnesota, up to 7:30 o'clock P. bi.
August 5, 1!124, at which timc s�nme will U��
opened for consideration for the improvcment
of Twelfth Avenue, from the Point of intcr-
section of the center line of First Street North�
with the center ]ine of Twelfth Avenue, thenc'e
running in a southerly direction a distance of
653 feet along the center line of T�velfth
Avenne to the Point of intersection of said I
center line oC Twelfth Avenuc with the center .
line of Excelsior Avenue and tihere connectin� !
to joint district sewer for districts Thrce (R) �
and Seven (7) herein described and clnssifie:l.
Said sewer sha❑ be Ten (10) inches in diam-
eter nnd shnll be cl�ssified as district sewc� �
for district Three by layinq a sewer thereon
in accordance with plans and specifications on
file in the oftice of the Recm•dcr of said Vil-
laee of West Minneapolis, Fost Office, Iiop-
kms, imm�esuw, nnu pursuant to l;hapter 3
of the Laws of Minnesota for the year 1915
and ^mendments thcretu.
Said P<<<ns and specifications will be ex
hibited at the office of the Villa�e Recorder
'Phe work will be done and the material to b�
furnished is to consist of furnishing of al
laUor, material and equipment and everythin€
whRtsoever necessary in and to entirely com�
plete the nforesai� improvement.
ProP�snls .thcrefm•e to be considered musl
be made on a basis oC cash Payment for the
said �vork, laUur and mnterial: and must be
nccompanied by a- cash deposit or duly certi-
fied check, payable to the order of the Treas-
urer of the Village ae payee, for at least
fifteen per cent (15%1 of the amount of the
bid ; must be directed to the ftecorder, securely
sealecl and have endorsed upon the outside
thcreof, a brief statement or summnry as to
the wm•k for which the bid is made.
The successful bidder will be required on
the accePLance of his bid, to execute a writtcn
contract with said Villnse and giae a bon�i to
s:�id Villa_n,e in tl�e amoimt oC the contract, all
in accordance with Chapter 25 of the Laws of
the State of Minnesota for the ywr 1915.
Thc. Village of West T4inneapolis reserv::
the ripht to reject any nnd all bids, and bid�
not in conformity with this nntice and Chaptr
R; of the La�as of Minnesota for 1915, wil
not Ue considered.
Dated Jtily 2, 1'J24.
_, E. A, CLOSE,
VilleBe Recorder.
President of Village Council.
July 10-24.
Notjce for Hide.
For Lhe imProvement of Twelfth Avenue by
laying a sewer thereon from the yoint of in-
tersection �eith the center line of First Street
North wjth the center line of Twelfth Avenue,
thence running in a southerly direction s d1s-
tance of G63 feet �along the center line of
Twelfth Avenue to the point of intersection of
said center line of Twelfth Avenue with the
center line of Excelsior Avenue and there con-
necting to the joint district sewer for diatrict
rhree (3) and Seven (7)� �erein described and
�laesi8ed. Said sewer ehal] be Ten (10) inches
in dinmeter and ehall be classiflc�l ae district
sewer for district Three. All in the Village
of Weat Minneapolis, County of Hennepin,
State of Minnesota. �
Se�led' bids will be received by the Villa�e
Council of the Village of Wcyt Minneapolts,
HenneP�n County, Minnesota, Post Offlce,
Hopkins, blinnesota, 4P to 7:90 o'clock Y. M.
August 6, 1924, at �vhich time same will bc
opeped for conaideration fur the imProvement
of Twelfth Avenue, from the polnt of intcr-
section of the center line of F[rst Street North
with the center jine of TwelfCh Avenue, thence
rynning in a southerly direction a distance of
653 feet along the center line of Twel[th
Avenue to the point of intersection of said
center line of Twe�fth Avenue with the center
Ijne of F�ecelsior Avenqe and there conncetinn
to joiqt distt•ict sewer For djstricts Three (3)
and Seven (7) herein despribed and classified.
Sald sewer shall be Ten (10) inches in diam-
eter and shall he classjfied as district ecwer
for district Three bY laYing a sewer thereon
in.apcordunce with plana and spec�ficationa on
file in the offiae of the Recorder of said Vi]-
lage of Weat Min�eapolis, Post Office, Hop-
kins, Minnesota, and pyrsuant to Chapter 35
of the Laws of Minnesota for the year 191;,
and amendments thereko. ' �
Said plape and speciflcations will be ex-
hibited at the office of the Villa�e Recor�er.
The work will be done and the matertal to bc
furnished le to coqsist of furnishing of all
labor, anaterial and eyuipment and everything
whatsoever necessary in and to entirely pom-
plete the aforesaid jmprovement,
Proposals therefore to Ue considemd must
be rtlade on s basis of cash payment foC the
sajd worky labor and makerial ; and must be
accompanled by a cnsh deposix or duly carti-
fled aheck, payable to the order of the Treap-
urer of the V111age ae payee, for at least
fltteen per cent (16%1 of the amount of the
bid; must be directed to the Recorder, securely
9ealed and have enddrsed uPon the ontslde
thereof, a brief etntement or summary ae to
the work for which the bid ie mude.
The suecessful �bidder w111 be required on
the acceptance of his bid, to execute a written
contract with said Village and give a bond to
aaid Vilinge in the amount of the contract, a❑
in accordance with Chapter 2y of the Lawe of
the State of Minnesota for the year 1916.
The Village of West Minneupolis reserves
the right to reject any and all bids, and bids
not in conformity with this notice and Chapter
36 of the Laws of Minnesota for 1916, will I
not be coneidered.
Dated July 2, 1924.
Village Recorder.
Attest :
Prc3ident of Village'Eouncil. July 10-24.
ThQ Village (:ouncil
in Council room in
Febru�.r� 2nd I926.
oi the lillage
regular session
�Zombers prQsant:.
Paul Svrenson, �resident , U.
IV.H. De Fore , 'iruste��;s and
of L�Ves�t I�Tinneapolis met -
at 7: 30 � o.' clock p� I�d.
R. 3eckman. �mil Peterson
�. 1i. Close � Recorder.
- lhe minutes of previous meeting tivas . re�.d, �.pvroved as
read. � '
A general discussion was had of the question of con-
atricting additional �"Jater PJiain For the purpose of suppling
water to the inhabi�ents o.f the Village of lv`est Iti4inneapolis
on �xcelsior Avenue bet�rreen I��Ionroe Avenue • and T,�onk �lvenue ,
in said Tdillage, was had� after which Tr�tstee 0. R. Becktnan,
offered the f ol�owing resolution; � -
REaOI,VLD� �that �vhereas, the Village Council .of the
Village of �'dest T�llinneapolis, Hennepin County, l�llinnesota,
has had called to its at�ention by petition of the ovuners
of the property conserned therein, ,the advisability and
neoessity of constructing addition�,l `��ater �ains For the
purpose pf supplying water to the inhabitei�ts of the Village
of �,Vest T��inryeapolis, that s�id �`�ater Iviains and the construc-
tion thereoP so under consideration, that are proposed to
be laid as follo�vs; � ' � �
On Lxcelsior Avenue, in the Village of l��Jest
� Rninneapolis, Count�r and atate aforesaid,
between iv�onroe �vanue' and I:Tonk avenue.
The size of the I�Jater I�Jain Sm proposed to be laid s�all
bo oP �ight inch pipe such as is usual and customar�r in
sueh case . �,nd � • �
�i�1`rI����Sm sai Council has been duly considering th�e
matter of making said F�'ater Iti7ain estension in accordance
�vith Chapter 425 oF the laws oY I,finnesota for tYie year I92I,
and providing for the expense thereoP to lae paid by abutting
property o�vners in accordance t,vith said Chapter. �
� TJO�`d THLt��FORL, in accordance• yrith said Chapt�er,
BL IT REaOLVED, that the consideration of l�.ying said
� �Jater r�ains and making said water e�tensions, in accordance
. i�ith said Cnapter, be tagen up and that there be a public
• hearing thereon a� 7:30 o'clock P. �i.•April 6th, I926, in
the Council room of the Village Hall in the �Tillage of blest
� I�.Zinneapolis, County and �tate aforesaid, a,nd tihe Villa�e
Recorder is hereby directed to notify all property o�vners,
• ti��hoes propert�r nay be assessed there�fore , 1�o be �resant
at said nearing; '_�hat said �:�i�� noti�ication be given by
� publication of tlie proper notice' in due so-rm 'in the
ofiic.ial newsnaper oz the ;iillage .uf ��est IvIinneapolis, �
County and St�.te aforesaid, zor a period �of two weeks,
commencing �.thursday r,7arch IDth T926,
Trustee and Councilman 0. F.. Beclflnan, �vho offered
� the foregoing resolution thereupon moved i°ts adoption, which
was seconed.by Trustee and �ouncilman Lmil Peterson, and
• upon being put to a vote �vas unanimously adopted by all
the members of the Village :;ouncil.
The following bills evere audited and allo�ed.
87I2-John :�tivan�on. I8 hours labor �'
87I3-Duplicato or '!��ar-ront I�o a7T2 �.vhicn ��vas lost.
87I4-Jos �uc hill. 29 hours labor
87I5-Christ Jenson, 27 1�ours labor
87I6-L. Sandersom, 27 hours labor
87I7-Dr 31ake, dressing cut For Olaf S�vanson, �.t fire
87I8--Justus Zumber Co, lunber for sk�Ltiri� rink
87I9=Dr G. 4'J. id�oore; :�xecutive ol 3oard �� �ieal�h. �
8720-Jacob Schefflor. 6 montha.��ire c�stodian
872I-�. �1. Close, servises in full Racorder
872�-Z. Luridquist, servises as ''reasurer.
8723-Paul S�venson, Servises as �,re�ident of the �ouncil
f3724-0. �{. Bec�an, servises as 'irustee
8725-�mil Peterson. �ervises as �irus�ee.
872G-uV. H. De �'ore. Servises as��rustee and Recorder
8727-Gus tii(illiams. Servises to 3�I�26. .
872a-Zeonard 1Jilliams. ��ervises to 3�I�26.
. . ,
8729-Frank Ldel�. 5ervises to 3�I�26.
8730-James Yeterson, Servises to 3�I�26,
873I-Herman Olson. Servises to 3�I�26. �
8732-r�gc, �ueen Bros . Alco j al .
8733-�tandard i)il Co. Compressor Oil
8734-Cook Oil Co. Ca.r I357I. 805I Gal Dis..
8735-llmerican P42etor Co., a�epar ��iTta
8736-J�:Tpls Gen �lec Co. :3treet and riall lights:
8737-r�pls Gen �lec Co. �'o�ver Gas Plant
8738-I���pls Gen _�lec Co . Power Siren. '.�
8739-L�Ipls Gen �lec Co._ Po�r�or Pwnp
8740-r'ranl� Dunke. I6 hours labor
874I-Idational I�eter Co, 5 V'Jater I�leters
8742-1�alter S. �ooth � �on. Llection forms
8743-�. J. I�okesh, sup�lies .
8744-��pls General ;rIospital, care of Simon Olson.
8.745-Chas Behrns , 22. hours labo-r
874G-V.� Benson, 33 ho�ars labor
8747-J. I�urka, 30 hours �labor.
�;; -
8748-:7oe;,.I?ud� l. 29 hours labor
� � -' y.:..
Q749:�-'�����; Schutz, 28 hour� l�s�� I��Ian and Team
� :��:
8750-�rank' �3todol�, 5I honrs man and te��,m
875'I-Ge,o �3han�, 2'7 hours labor
I2. I5
I . �J �J
. . .. . . . ... . .. V . . '
t3752-Henry Sparbex, 82 hours labo-r. �6.90
8753-�'rank Stodola. 86 hours as Overseer 47.30
8754-Great TJorthern Ry, freight car I357I 807.7Ga1 Dis 22I.I5
8755-Gre�,t Tdorthern F.y, Peconsigriing Car 2.25
8756-:7. �. .Hosp. I.4 Salery anc� expenses SI.28
8757-James Idickodqm. freight and dra,yage 3.38
8758-�eat 3unguist. la�aor a,t Gas Plant 4.00
875y-��opkins Library. Saler,y and Supplies 98.6I
8760-i3erinepin :;o Lnterprise. publishing 23.40
T�1�Qe ting . then ad j ourned .
A`.PTi�ST :
Prosident �
� , ��,---�...�..--�;�
a p
< �
r "`
f C
°w m
(ct) The lines following the letter (2) in thie blank are left to write in the fact, that "the eleciora present at the time and place named for opening the
polls, electr,d the jadges and clerk vivca voce, becaase the Council had neglected to make ench appointment," or "becanse the
percons so appointed, or ono or more of them, neglected or refused to serve" (i[ snch was the caee). .
At the Annual _ _ _ _ _u�l �?.�E _ _ _ _ _ Election of the Village of _ _ �'s' �' c � _ivi7.ui ��� �_,� �1 i� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
in the County of____ __H�T1T18i it1______ ____________and State of Minnesota, held at____________________
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _�til1� �E _ Yl� 11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ being the place where it was directed to be held by
the Village Council after giving due notice thereof as provided by law, on the __� th_ __�� zz _�f -�'vi�i.,i:° �h -
dsy of-----�I�h----------191'�, -------------- -
- --------- — --------- — ------- ------------------
and _ _ _ _ �'=Z' a , _ _ i-i._ _ T � _ "�' ur� i ��.:1a_ _ i��I l' �_,_ _ 3 ,. _ _� � �_8 p_,. _ � a �' 1 _ �I G ,Z t+�¢a�qualified voters of said V illage,
to ac�t as Judges of suc� Election an�one qualifieed vot�er o�eai�d�illage to act as Clerk of such Election, each
of whom had within twenty days before such time been designated and appointed by the Village Council to act
as Judges and Clerk respectively of such Election, (a) �an _ Fo11�X _�.n� _ Irv i n�; _� ls aui � t______
____ be in�__absent: ____ �t�rs__ B.__ Ho s� __and__ Ell i s__ St robeck__ u�e re__ e lec ted____________________
--u_iv a__ uaae--b-Y---t h9 �-�--�r���n t---�_�-__ �h�---a�QAin�-- Q� __�h.�__ �Q�:�s-•------------------------------
w�ho, being present, at the hour of _�� in��_ ____ o'clock �_ _ M., each of them duly took and subscribed an oath
`1, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to faithfully discharge the duties required of them at such Election, and the said
Judges and Cler� being duly qualified, forthwith opened the polls by proclamation, and the election proceeded
by ballot without adjournment or intermisaion until closed.
� The subjects voted on at such Election, as stated in the notice thereof, were:
To elect th�__rzr�si.�eni__o�-_�he__villa.�e_roun�_iL------_.-------------------_----
----d��--�nun.c.il__man__f�r_--a--t�sm__nf---�--�E �xs---------------------
-_---an.e__ u ill �-�e-- ts e�.siir�z__�o� __�.=h� e��__Q� __o.n�__ Y��x------
_____an�__vi11�.�e__r�_aar_,��s_ �or__a__term of one ;�ear
- ---------------------------------------
-----an�---3 us�i�_e__ni__ nea ��---far--�---��'r'�--af --�---3'-eas�----------
----�x�.e __��n_s �.�.h 1 e __f Q�-- a_--tQrm--Q�--�--��.�,x�-------------------------
-----------� ---------------------------,-------------------------------------------------
----- -------------------------------------
At_ xlllzj;g ______o'clock in tbe afternoon of said day the polls were closed, proclamation thereof haviug
been made by one of the Judges thirty minutes previoue thereto. The Judges then proceeded to publicly
coant and canvaes the votes; and a true etatement thereof was duly proclaimed to the votPre by the Clerk, wbo
recorded the eame in the Village Minute Book.
The following is a true statement of the result of tbe counting n,nd canvass of votes by ballot ftt the
AnnuaL__SF�111r'3.�___Election of the Village of______ ln'2�t Minn��poli� ____________.__County of
________�.�nr�e�liYL1 ________________and State of Minnesota, held____ �i�_rch_� ________________1912_6,
as proclaimed to the votere by the Clerk of Election: �
_. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P_�.ul _ _����: �n�0 yL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ received „�S 1_ _ votee for President of Council
____________________________________ _____________received________votes for Presidentof Council
___________P�u1_��"'B11S�11_________ _________________was declaredelectedPresidentofCouncil
_J�S�:�'t2 _ �he�malc,_ _. _ ' _ : . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _received_l_b� _votes for Trustee
-F��.I1k__I�.__T;F:u��------------ -----------------------------receivedoz=�d_votes for�rustee
_Em i 1 _ �'� t�r�Q T� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ received vZ.� % _ votes for Trustee
-------------------------------------------------------------------received------votes forTrustee
---------------------------------------------------------------------received — — ---votes for Trustee
-------------------- -- _ _ --------------------------- -received---- _--votes for Truatee
-------------..-- -------------------_ ------.------------------------was declared elected Trustee
------------------- ____._____________________________ _____wasdeclaredelectedTrustee
—(i'Yl�t�e�S�-� - -- -f1�1_'v ------------------------------. ----was declared elected Trustee
__��a.r1e�-H�.I1SOri____________________________________________received���_votes forTreasurer
__.LOz1iS__Lilt�tl�?zist__________ ____________ _______receivedJ���__votesforTreasurer
--------------------------- ______ s declared elected Treasurer
� ---------- -- --wa
---- --- -
------�---- - - --- --- -- 1��(�� /-------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
----�,--A�- Cl��e----------.-----------------------------------------received_S_ 1�_votes forClerk
--------------------------------------------------------- ------received--------votes for Clerk
____E,__��_ �1�SE.____________ _ _____ ________________________was declared elected Clerk
-----------------------------.--------------------------------received--------votes forAeseesor
----------------------------- —.--------- — — -----------------------received_ votes for Assessor
-----------------------------.------------------------------- — -----------was declared elected Assessor
_____�28.ri�_F111e�_ _ _________________ _____ ____ ____ ______received.l�q_votes for Justice ofthePeace
________________________________________.__________________received________votesfor Justice ofthe Peace
,___________________________________________________. received_________votesfor Justice ofthe Peace
' _ _ � _ _ _�D�_X1_ �'91 ��r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ was declared elected Justice of the Peace
•___________.________________________________________ _wascleclaredelectedJusticeofthePeace
_____An�r��rf_�1rr�ess____________ ___________received�,��votes forConstable
• ----------------------------------- — ----------------- — -------- — -received--------votes for Constable
____________________________received_ _votes for Conetable
-----------.--------------------------.-------------------------received------votes forConatable
_ _ _ _ At? �r.� z",�- _ �b� S � _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ was declared elected Constable
_____ _.__________________.__.._________ ____ ____ ________was declared elected Constable
------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ---------
_(�_��___ballotswerecastfor __________________________________
-- - --------------------------
� _ballote were cast for _
----- �/l__��2'___��_--� _ 0�7i!
�` � ------ -��-�-------------- Judges of Election
~ ' ��' G
, �
Attest:__ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ ____________________Clerk of Election
„ , _.
� ::.�.._. _ _; . .. ....:.
ri„ _.. .
�: � ;�: ,.
The �Tillagr Cow7cil of the `Jillage oi t'dest I�,Zinneapolis
met in Council room in re�;ular session a,t'=7:30 o'clock P.
�pril bth I926. .
h'1 •
I�,Zembers presant: '�
,�,.., ., Paul S�v.ens,on;� ,Pr.osident, i+�mil �e.te_rS.on. 0.� �. Beckman
'� �nd. 4�. H. De Fore, ,'1'rustees�, E. A. i%lose, ?ecorder.�
^he minutes �of pervious �meeting were ��ead and on moti..on_. ,�
apnroved as read. , � � �
The reports of ��. .�.V.� Cooper, r�"�rshal, Harry .C. �lunt,
Justice oP the .peace, �'rank �to,dola, �oad Overseer, and
Herman 01son �,s to VfJater and Gas collectio�n �n�ere' read,
�: api�?^Oved �.nd ordered placed on .iile. � ' -
� ThQ President appointed the foll�c�ing �ommittees for
�, � ��v�
the commin� ye3r. .
��,�G��'" .,,�!' �" 1'ublis
`t;' J.�-° �r�F -_-_ _
G,>�-� � � �'"
, ���, ,
��' �� vAr"'� �s- _,�-' �,-•
� �--� � ,�,',,,,r�.r�'�.,>r � 112111 C
- , �' (
aer�ice'; �omm(
� (
+' ` �`10�e
J �': i1 • J •
0. ,iz. �eckman..
:�:mil Peterson.
Saft� (:ommittee
� ��;�
� ���` • �
'�p"�,�.�''�';;���' Public l�inance Committee
p � 3
�s�r,.� "��� 9
(��V, i3. De Fore.
� ( �:mil •Peterson,.
( U. �. Beckman: �
. ( L, �1. Close.
( VV. H. D� Fore .
( O..R. �eckman: �
� �k,��'b" �*� ` . . � J • A � . J �O S 8 • .
a ?}'�" �, vh�.u�, Public '�'�elfare �om;:�ittee (� lV. H. � De Fore.
;y���.Y� l��-�. ,,,� � , ( Lmil Peter,son..
�)� �r^'�`►�;�,.,� ,.�;�'i�.�''"`�- �
� `_�,
��''��,, ��' -.-`-=Joseph 9 Hosp,� �vas ap�ointed as Village� 1it-torney under the ,
same arangment as has e�isted the paat`:year. .
��rank Stodola, was appointed Road Overseer at a salery
of �iit,y-five cents per houre. �
H. F. T:?oore, was appointed as Fire �Jarden. �
Herman Olson was,appointed utility�man, and collector
� of �vater and �as accounts ,.�nd inspector of . Server and �,Vate r
connections �.t. a saler,y of I30�.00. per month.
Gus !'Villi�,ms, at a salery of I50.Oi) per r�onth, and
r.Qonard '.;illiams, �.t �, sa`ler,y oF I25.00 per month, .�vere
__ ap��ointed to ,�perate the s•�Ls �lant and 'R��;ater I'ump. ..
,7ames Pe����on was aoopinte�l �Day TuTarshal, �.nd F'rnak
�del ni�ht marsha a� a s�:la-r,y o� I25.00 �per mon�h.� �
�..-,> -
ihe ,Iiennopin County �evie�v, ��aas designated as the
of�icial paper For tho 'dillago. �
`1'he salery of tho
set at I00.00 por year.
� Dr G. .tid. .:::oora,
atezvard �oF the �'ire �pperatus was
was appointed as ltrilk Tnspector� •
�' The bond oF Louis �undqui�t, as ireasurer vuith�the United
States Fidelity and Guaren�y Company in�the sum o.f
;. .�. Close, as Recorder, �•vith the Jnited States ��idelity
and ��uaran �y Company in :the sum of ;�500.00
, Daniel T'o'1ey, as Justice o� the Peace , r-rith bhe United
States ��idelity'an�„Guaranty �ompany in the..su� of ;;�500.00
�nd , A, Arness�, as Gonstablo , in the��me-rican auret�r
�ompan,y in the sum of :;�5U0.00 �
�vero on mo �ion �ccep��ed- sub j ect to the 0. r:. as to form
by tne ,;1ill�.ga �lttornQy.
Tho resignation of A. lV.
and on motion accepted�
a resignation oF Irving
Jooper, as marshal �vas read
.�]. s o
1'd. Oltman, as �onstable was on motion _�
A petition signed by Lapie�3rothers and I2 other
buisness men requesting th�,t lic�ansing by permits to peddlers
be discontinued �vas refered to the �tillage �lttorne� for a
report at next meeting of the Council as to legality and
proceedure pert�,ining to s�.me. �
�`� bill of Dr Ivloore for servi�es as �iealth Oflieer in the
amount of w400. �.�0 ev�,s �,llo�ved..
Trustee�and �ouncilman �mil Peterson ofFered the follo�ving
,VH�,�?v.+�AS, more than three fourths.majorit,p of the oti�vners of
prpoerty fronting on the G��!e�t side oF �;leventh �venue and' in front
of Zots 7�, 8 and 9 in 31ock 77 '��est_ I�:�linneapolis Second Jivision,
Count� of Hennepin, .�tate of l:�innesota, have petitioned the �Tillage Coun
cil oF said Village to•order a 5idewalk and curb constructea in front
of the afresaid lots, and that all the costs�thereof be assessed against
the aforesaid•�,butting property, payable in five annual installments, �
and have requested the adoption of the •necessary resolution to give
ef.�ect thereto, according to law:
TH� '+FO '��' BL+' IT �+SOZVLD, by the Village Council of the Village
of ,��est I;�inneapolis that a sidewalk and curb be and the same is hereb�
ordered to be construeted' in front of Zots 7, 8 and 9 in Block 77 of
l�lest �:Zinneapolis� Second Divi�ion, according to the plans. and
specifications• on file in the oFiice of the �Jillage Recorder, tiahich
plans and specific�,tions�are horeby approved and adopted.
that the ���ork of constructingl said sidetivalk and curb be done
under contract let to the lo�vest bidder and that the Village �ecorder
be and i�s hereby directed to cause proposals� for such tia�ork to be
advertised in the of�icial paper of the Village of tiuest i+�inneapolis,
for one week, tivhich advertisment shall speciiy the work to be done
and shall eall for bids u�on the basis�of cash pa,ymen� �or the work
and shall state a time at �-uhich the same will be opene�i for consid-
eration by the Village Council and that all bids shall be accompanied
b� a certified e�eek p�.yab�le to Lhe Treasurer of the 'Jillage in the
sum of at least fifteen (I5?o) per cent o� the amount of the bid and�
t'r..at all proposals shall be directed to the Recorder of said rJ�ill�,ge
securely sealed , and endorsed on� 'the outside �vrapper w�ith a brieP
statement or swnmary as to �the work for ��hich the bid is made.
� =�
� B� IT �URT +R �ESOI,V;D, that said proposals and bids to be
recieved by the +Till:age Council �vill be recieved up to 7;30 o'clock
P.P.4. DRay� 4th I926, at tivhich time same r�ill be opened for consideratiori.
B� IT I'UrTH�R R���;�OZV�D, that the cost and expense of con-
structing said sidewalk and curb a.s aforesaid, be assessed against
the 3foresaid abutting property, lots o.f land, payable in five
annual installments and� that bonds or orders of'the Village of ��Jest �
lv�inneapolis be.issued and n�egoiated and sold to the aggregate of such
installments, and the proceeds thereof to be used in p.�ying for
said sidewalk and curb improvment.
, --- , . , �
; . �� - ---: �... ; _ _
Tosoeq�nl Xti� es be�aioqqB'.'�;�,, , o-��..- ,__:, ._ .,_.......
be�iaU ed3 ri3iw 7o�rue�ez� � e� � 3eiu�,.bnuS, e.tuo:T �.o baod eriT
- . , _ _�'3o caue erf� II� gIIEqQIOJ ��f16T��fa 5n� ��22ebi�, eo�e1�' '
....., � _,
. �-. . ..00.400c3I�`
� ..._:.�_ .... `.� ,.
. . � . ' � .� . :� ' ' •- �� -- -r:J-�. ;i,Ar_ . ._..rN. -
Trustee and Councilman Emil Peterson, uvho oFFered the Fore-
going resolution thereupon moved its adoption, ti�hich was:seconed
by �ihustee anc� `' ' 1
�ounci man 0. R. Beckman�, and up��n being� put to a vote
was uanaimously.adopte�l by all members of the Village (;ouncil.
, ♦ `
The following resolution wae offered by Tru�tee
Councilman 0. R, beckman. - �--
. THAT �REAS, the advisability and necesaity'of conat�n�t-
ing ad�.itional wtter mains for the- purpoae-�of aupplying
water to the inhabita�nte of the Vi112Zge of "9Peat �inneapolia
i�e under conaiderttion, eaid water maine and the construc-
tion there of so under conaideration are propoeed to be laid
aa followa; � ' �
On �acelaior Avenue between �Honroe Avenue and Monk Avenue
in the Village of V�e�t Minnea�olis, County and 8tate afore-
said, the size�of the�water mains so propoeed to be la,id
to be oi Eight inch pipe auch as ie �sual and customary
in such case�, and including in all cagee proper connection '
so that the eame can be operated in connection with and as
a part of the eaiating water works apet�m oi e�id�Villa�e.
AND WHEREAS,�the �aid Council haa caused due notice to
, be gieen p�operty o�vnere affaected by the laying of aaid
- water main eateneion in accordanae with Chapter �25 of the
la�vs of B�inn�aota for the year 192I of a public hearin� .'
thereon at 7;30 o'cloek P.M. April gth 1926, in the Council
room of the Village Hall Villa.ge of West Minneapoli�, and
IAFiEREAB, at eaid time a.nd said place all propertp ownere
affect�d by the laying o� e�.id water main and the aeeeea-
m�nta�thereof, in accordance with said law, were duly heard
and there being no opposition to eaid proj�ct,
NOW TH,EREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, tha� the conetruction of
aaid proposed water main i� necessary a.nd that the aa.me be
conatr�►cted aa propo�ed, and
BE IT FURTAER RESOLVED, that Paul Swenaon, consulting
engineer be �mployed to'ma.ke plana and epecificatione there-
fore and to forthwith file.the ea.me with the Recorder of� �
aaid Village,.and � -
BE�IT FURTAER RESOLVED, that�the Village Recorder be
dir�.eted and he ia hereby directed, to advertiee for bide
. for the�co struction of 8uch improvment in the Hennepin •
County :--� the official newe p�.per of eaid Villa�e �
�' and in`the Improvment Bulletin, �inneapolia Minn�eaota, each
.for a period of two (2) weeka �uch advertisment shall specify
the �rk to be done, shall call for bide on the baai� of cahh
payment for such work and shall state the time when bide �rill
bc opened and con�idered by the Village Council and that no
bid ehall be �consider�d unlesa aealed an� filed ,�rith the
� Recorder and accompanied by a caah deposit or certified�check
paya�le to E. A. Close. Recorder for fifteen per cent; (15�0) ��
of the amount of th� bid, and - �
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said seal�,d bida will be
recieved by the Villa�e Council, of the Village of VAe$t Minn-
eapolie, Hennepin Countp, State of'Minneeota, Po�t Office �-�.
Hopkina, Minnesota, up to 7;30 o'clock P.�d. May �-i . z926;.. ' ��, '
at which time the aa.me �i11 � be • op�ned ���or � caneiderati�on. � �
,.�-.. , , -- ,
,:�_ =K- . �
� BE ,IT� FURTHER :RESOLVED? that� the cost�� o�f o�nstruct�ng � �
the eaid?�-wate�r maina�;.exteneiori be aaaessed againat �the� �roperty:� .'
abutting�thereon upon the baeis of`benefite to�said property
in aocordance wdth . Chapter .�425 �of;� ��the law� of B�innesota for
the p;ear.r �I��2�I , - . ; �;:,...,. ,:. �
Trustee and Oouncilma.n 0. R. Beckman, who offered the
foregoia� re$olution,thereupon moved ita adoption, which wae
seconed by Trustee and Councilman VP. H. De Fore, and upon
bein� put to a vote was unanimously adopted by all members
of the Village Council. �
The follo�ing reBol�tion �a� offered by Tr�stee and
Co�ncilman �. H. D� Fore�
WHEREAS, the Village Council did.on the 2nd dap of April
1926, paes a�esol�tiom for the construction of an extension
- to the existing se�er syatem to be con�tru�.cted as follows,
to-�rit; �
_ From the point of intersectiom of the eenter line of
Sixth Avenue with the center line of Second 3treet South thence
Tunning in a northerlp direction a distance of �5Q feet along
the center line of said Sixth Avenue to a point on said.,center
line IO feet South of the south line of. the ri�;ht�of-veay of the
M.�.St.L.R.R? thence in a northwesterly direction along a line
parallel to said right-of�waq of the M.&.3t.L.R.R. a di�tance of
70 feet to�the point of intersection of said line.��ith the center
line of Exeelsior Aeenue and there conneeting to the joint district
sewer for dietriets Two Five a,nd Ei�ht herein described and �
cl�,�sified. � '
3aid sewer shall be � inches in dia.meter a.nd shall be
class�if ied as lateral No � of�district Two..
;WHEREAB, Pa�l Swenson consulting engineer has,drawn the necess-
�.rg plane and specifications and tab�lated the e�timated cost
of said improvment and reported �h� same to the�Village Council ��
of the Village of west MinnEapolis, and
WHEREAS,.such plans and specifications, tabulations and
est�imates�have been made and filed with E. A. Close, Recorder.
A10�1 THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, that the Villa�e Clerk be, and
he is hereby directed to �ause proposals for bids for such work
tb be adnertised in the Hennepin County �i�g��r Enterprise the .
official paper of the Villa�e of �Vest �dinneapolis, and the Improvment
Bulletin a trade paper in the Citq of Minneapolis, at, lea.st� once
eack week for three succesive �neeks, which advertisment shall sp
specify the �^Tork to be done and shall call for bids upon a cash basis
ef payment for the �ork, and��shall e�ate a time within which the bids
will be-recieved, a.nd the exact time �.t which the same will be
opened for consideration by the Villa�e Council_of the Villa�;e of
l�est Minneapolis: and that all bids shall be accompanied bp a
certified cheek, paqable to the Treasurer of�the Village in the
sum of at least fifteen per cent (15%) of the amount bid, and that
all proposals shall be dir�cted to the Recorder of said Village
securely sealed, so as to prevent them being opened-vvithout �,
detection, and�be endorsed upon the outside wrapper with a.brief r
ststement or sumary as to the work for which the bid is made.
�� AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that said proposals�and bids
to.be recieved�by the Village Co�ancil of said Village of VPest
Minneapolis, County of Hennepin, Sta.te of Minnesota, Post Office
Hopkins, Ddinnesota, ��p to 7:30 o'clock �P. �d. of May_1926,
a.t which time the eame will be opened.for consideration.
AND BE IT F[TRTHER RESOLVED, that the cost of constructing sa.id
extension of sea�er as aforesaid. be assessed a.gainst the land
-abuttin� thereon in accorda.nce with �����3► 3ection 9 of Chapter
35 oi the laws of Minnesota for the.year 1915• -�.
.Trustee and Councilman 1�. H. De Fore, who offered the
foregoing reaolution thereupon moved its adoption, which wae
seconed by Trustee and Councilman Emi1 Peterson, and upon being ,
put to� a vote was unanimouslp adopted by all members of the
Villa.ge Council. .
,�'' _
. , ,
Tho follotinring bills �vere audited and allotved
.876I-Pickands �rown Co. Car 34392 69000;� Coke
8762-Guy llllen, 9 hours labor
876�A�3ert :�enson, 9 hours labor
E�764-ilorthwestern �ele �o. Phones
8765-First ldat �3ank. 4 I923 '�r1a't Tliain Coupons
8766-aecurity Nat I3ank. 4 I923 ��Jater I,Iain Coupons
8767-r�iast Tdat 3ank. Paving ':Varrents and Coupons
8'768-Ureat Idorthern Ry. �rei�ht car I6468 Coal
8769-i3ennepin Co LntQrprise. �.'ublishing
8770-�rank atodola� I50 hours aoverseer
877I-Henry �parber. IOU hours labor
8772-Jos Pudil. IT7 hours labor
8773-Joseph Surka. 75 nours labor �
8774-t'Varren ?3enson. 28 nours labor
8775-Chas Feabre. 9 hours la�or
8776-Frank ;3todola,. I0� hours man and team
8777-1:1. 11. Schutz. 99 hours m�,n and team �
8778-D. �. 0'LQary. I8 hours man and t�am
877°-'3ennepin t�ount� '�evie��r. IOOO�.B�,llots
878G-I�."c �,uoan :3ros. Gasoline
878T-J. :�. ��ei7nQssy. I,izinbor
f�782-Yellul�� �'rail Garage.
F378�=Henne'pin County Lntorpriso. �Jrdinance and I�teport
8784-National P.��eter Co. I I" Lmpi�re lv�eter
8785-tiJ. �. ldott Co. 5b0 feet �'�Jax and Gum treated hose
8786-First Nat ;3ank.� 3ond os Andretiv Arness
878'7-T��Ipls Gen �lec Co. Potiver Gas Plan�
8788-I,�pls Gen �loa �o. 5treet and Hall lights
8789-rr.pls Gen Ele.c �o . Fower i'imp
8790-I�rpls Gen Llec Co . Po�ver _ �� iren
879I-E. �1. Close. Post Of�'ice Bog and Postage
8792-1ti�7iller Davis Co. Recorder �.nd lreasurer books
5793-Sarco Co. I 3/8 irap
8794-��nin �it,y �i�e �overin� Co. i�ackin�
8795-�+�rank ;3itar. annual eleetion
8796= :�trobock. anilual election
8797-�,. '4�;. I,���r�.
annual e].ection
48 . C��
I6.20 .
s I9.30
.� :
8798-�hrist Jenson. annual election � 7.05
8799-P,��rs Tviinnie Truman. annual election 7.05
8800-RZrs �. 3. Hosp. annual election 7.05
88C�I-Pittsbur�h.Coal Co. car I646£3 80600� Coal 225.68
8B02-T�,�pls �i'hreshing i�l!ach '�o . balance due on acco�ant I3. 65
8803-Hennepin County. �3oard oi bauoers IOI.00
8804-Bren �13rothers. supplie� 33.53
8805-A. ��7. �ooper. services �0 4�I�26 • I25.00
8806-James I'eterson. services to 4�I�26 I25.00
8807-Zeonard r�illiams. services to 4�I�26 I25.00
8808-Gus �dilliams. services to 4�I�26 I50.00
8809-iierman Olsan. services to 4�I�26. • I30.00
88I0-�ustin F�oundry Co. 6 covers ror rnanholes 24..00
88II-Idorthwestern �'elephone �gch. Phones 46.40
88I2-Harry C. Blunt. Justice fees 3.00
88I3-��. H. iiensler. smithing tivork 9.7'5
88I4-James �Tickodym.� frei�ht and daryage � 4.66
88I5-G. 17. Iv7oore. Board oY Health fees �00.00
88I6-?iopkins Library. saler� and supplies �104..98
88I7-Per�t Sunquist. labor at Gas Plant 3.20
P�,ieeting� then on motion ad;journed.
E�T'�'i+:;�T : � � . . �
� President.
J- .
� Statement of the total 'of assess- .
ments sent to County Auditor.Sept
29, I924 of.the TAX �S for I92b.
Total Tax levey� ?9300.00
Sewer Ass I2th Ave 3232.82 ✓
�s,wer Ass �Ilth Ave I6�5.25
These are the total of �
the five year assess
Cleaning Alleys 78.00
S�r-inkling 765.33�
Sidewalk I,year 687.80
Sidewalk 2,year 992:60
VOater Main i year I64.8I
" " 2 " ~ ��. 54I.70
" " 3 ". I24•3.78
" " 4 " 572.03
Paving Certificates �40I0.03
r ���� ���
_ �F�tE�� ��E�:��'�'trtttr- _���f�t .
+��, xcciiiiU�� �1 r}�,Yrtrn� rti
��. �TRuI
� July 26, 1924.
�Ion. Paul Swenaen, P�dayor,_ ,
Hopkina , Minn.
� : ,. .
The Village Council of th� Village of �est �inneapolis
met in Council room a.t the call of the President, in Cpnncil
room this P, M. a,t 7:j0 o'clock.
April 19th 1g26.
Members presant: �
Paul 3w�nson, Pr�sident, �P. H. De Fore, Emil Peterson
a.nd 0. R. Beckman, Trustees, and E. A. Clo�e,
Recorder. � �
Th� tank on the tower of the Vill�.ge Wa.ter �Porks h�.ein� shown
si�ns of decay and bein� examined by eaperts in that line
a.s well ae bein�; under consideration by our President the
past tv�o yea.rs who h�.s watched it closely this meeting was
called for the purpose of considering the advisabilitp of
replacing same with a new tank, and the Chalange Company of
Batavia 111, having submitted a proposition and contract
in the amount of 3700.00 for a R�d—vrood tank which after .
considerable discussion it was moved and carried that the �
contr�ct of the Chalange Company, be accepted and the Presiden-t
wa,s instructed to exeeute same on behalf of,the Village.
Meeting then on motion adjourned.
' Pre :�ident .
�'he n�Tillage Council� oi the �illage of UJest Tninneap-
,' olis met in council room in regul�,r se5sion at 7:30
o'clock P. T�. I�Za� 4th, I926. �
P�Zembers presant : �
- Paul ��venson, rresident ��J. � H. De i'ore,
�mil Peterson and U. R. Beckman, Trustees,
and �. �. Close, Rocorder.
ihe reports of J�,mes Peterson, A.�azrshal, Frank �todola
°�.s F.oad overseer, Herman Olson, as to collections 4vere read,
approved and ordered pl�ced on .file.
Bids as per �esolution of ��pril 6th T926. for the
installation of w�ter ma.in on �xcelsior �venue f-rom I�Tonroe
l�venue to r��onk �lvenue �vere recieved as follo�vs.
8"�'ipe. 8"Valve. Iiydra S�eci�,l �dditional
' � nt por foot Depth foot
Sorensen 8c F,ieldren 3.08 61.00 78.00 .09 .20
i1J�.useke I�inn. � /�
b°d. D. Zove11. 2. 90 60 . 00 - 80. �0 .09 .15 t�
T��Iin�ea�olis. � • . -
Zee dnd Edwards 3.05 ` 68.50 - 85.UU .11� :10
L±� Des�non Minn: �
:Camden Construction 2.95 65.00 75.00 .10 � .20
Co.. Benson P,�inn. . .
Industrial Construe- 2.95 66.00 - 90.00 .10 .15
tion Co. T�tlinne�pol:is � .�
� Bids for Sewer on aixth :Ivenue from Excelsior ��ve to
�eoond Street South r�,s .per resolution of �lpril 6th` I926, were
recieved as foll�ows. '
a, ,. .a a� - - , . .
:�eet� 9 to 11
. 7 to 9 feet
�orenson� F�� �ieldren .1-:60 � 172
'��'J3usek�; Ivli�n. � , . .
� �.,,. ��r,,...�;-..,�ovell. 1.50 1. 70
It�inne3polis .
Z�e and :�d�v�,rds . 1.68 1.90
�enson T:�inn. �
Camden Construction Co 1.50.- 1.70
Benson T��inn. ,
Industri�.l �onst Co. 1.60 ]:.75 �
�,�r •
11 t o 13 �,�,���
Fe e t .��.�
2.35 � � II7.00
105.A0 �
, .
1�10.00� _
On mot.fon�the.contract was'let to 1�V. D. .Lovell, to i�nstall
both the l�later I�iain" on.:Escelsior �venue from I�;ionroe �venue to
I:�onk �ivenue-: ,:�nd the sewer�.on Sixth Avenue from 1xcelsior tivenue
to �econd �treet �outh �,s per. above bid, and the President and
Recorde.r`was instructed to execute a contraot v�rith the said
��J. D. �ovell ,_ on behalP of the Village
The folloU�ing resoluti•on tivas �offered by Trustee
and� C ounc i lman �+:. Pe t e rs on.
�'SjH'i, ���a, the �ettiton presented to the Couneil at the
meeting of ^�pril 6th I926.signec3 b�r L�,pic Brothers, and ten
�aisness men of the ?Till�age of l��est Tv2innQapolis, reauesting
protection from various pedders�operating in the �iillage
selling frute vegetables popcorn�and etc. direct to the consumer
which was rePered to the '�?illage 1lttorney for.legal_ advise.
, r1TdD ,�k�lu�;�' ;._<<3, the oPpinion and _�ecomendation of the
'+ ��illage ilttorne� �vas made in printed form nad pl�aced on file.
which �,fter discussing .same. �
IT G5f1'�:� I:��:�OZV:;�D, that the l�icense fee for peddlers
(noti�0 includQ �ersons �ellin� only fc3rm products ) for e:�ch
vehiele Fifty (50.U0) Doll��,rs.
Foo t pecld le rs
Foot peddlers.( not,,to include persons selling only farm products)
not actual residents of the �1ilTage Twenty-five'(25.00) Dollars
each year. . . . �,
Foot peddlers actual residents of the Village
( no�r t.o include:persons se�3ing only farm products7
Five (5.00) Do11a rs each year
Circuses,Caravan �.nd, 1':ienageriQs when the ?�rice of admit-
ssion dose.not e:�ceed fiit�-cents T�vent�-five (25.00) Dollars for
each day.. . � `
Trustee and i:ouncilman Lmil Peterson 41Y10 offered the
Foregoing resolution thereupon moved its adoption, rvhich was
seconeci by Trustee and �ouncilman Q. R. Becl�nan, and upon being
put to �, vote was unanimously �.dopted by all members of the
�lillage �ouncil. _ .
The j�Iillage l�ttorney �qas instructec� to take up the
matter of extending I3th ��venue uncler the tracks of the Pacific
Division of the IvTinneapolis and �St Zouis R°��ilroad �rith the
oFficia].s of said ro�d. , .
A general discussion was had �rith reFerance to a petition
for the con9truction o.f a Seeuer from the point oF intersection
of the Qenter line o� I�Zi1-1s �venue �vith the center line oP
Ninth �lvenue thence runnirig in a southerly direc�ion a distance
I292 .feet alon� the center line o� said Ninth .�venue to the
point of intersection of the center line oP Second Street North
the Qenter� line oP said TZinth gvenue and there connection to
�joint district se�ver oF district 4 herein described and
Said sewer sha1T be 8" in dis.meter and sha13 be
olassified as Lateral 5 of district 4.
� FVHER�UPON, Trustee and Councilman d�d. H. De Fore,
offexed the foliowing resolution extending the e$isting
sewer syste�i. .
'� 4'dHE�;AS, The �Village Council of the Village oP tiVest
Minneapolis, �I3ennepin County, St�.te oi I��Tinnesota, h�.s
heretofore to wit, on I�ovember 7th I9I6, passed and ap�roved
an ordinance entitled:. . . � �
A a�j��lER SYST:+;M. gND S��W.�R DI ST� I;T S i+ OR
. . T �+ 'y ILZ.�G� �JF �i1�ST P,1II�I�I��POZIa, H�TdN�PITd . '
, COUIdTY, l��'fITdlur.;-+�aOTA. S��ID S�i�V�R SY�Ti�IJi •'10 BE
CONiPOS��� OF ,i1ITd�: �ISTRIC3'S. NUNID� .`�'D I�'R�I�d
� � ON� �'0 T�ZINi; _ ITICI,USIV.� �NND D�.+:FINING .�ND '
AND �r�lHi�;F�.�S, said 'lillage �as neretoFore by resolution
passed November 7th I9I6, resolved �hat a sewer be constructed
at the point of intersection of the cmnter line o.f �.Zills �venue
with the cenjter line of Ninth ��venue thence running in a southerly
direction a distance o� T292 feet�.along the center line of said
Ninth �venue to the point of intersection oF the center line
o� Second �treet North with;the center line o.� said�I�Tinth
�venue arid there connecting to joint district seuier o,f ,
district 4 herein described and c].assified. �
�aid�sewer shall be 8" in diameter
olassified as,lateral number 5 of district
and shall be
'��;::���-.. . 4�JH�,RE�1S, the oti�rners of the property abut�;ing upon
said lateral e_�tension, as aForesaid, lzave requested by petition
for the construction of said �later.al�sevrer at this 'time. �
�,ND �tlIi:+� '��15, the cost thereoP has
� by �aul S�renson a compentent engineer,
' necessary �lans and speciiications� and
� result of the estim�,te of the cost and
��� `dillage Council of the Village oF �'Jest
�� such plans and speciFications have bee
�, and are nov� on file open to inspection
be�en duly estimated
who has drawn the
tabulated the
reported the same to the
I�tiruleapolis , and
n filed wi�h the Clerk
of all persons.
' i13'i;REFORE '{ IT ��'�OZV`uD, that an e_-.tension to the
e::isting Sewer System be constructed as follows, to-�vit:
�rom the point oF intersection.of the center line of T,rills Avenu
�r,rith the center line oP 1Vinth �venue thence running in a souther
l�r direction a' distance of I292 feet along the center line of sa
said i�inth nvenue �o the p oint of intersection of the center
line of Second Stree� Nor�h tivi�h the center line o� said
Ninth �venue and there connecting to joint dis�rict se��er of
district 4 herein describec� �.nd classified.
Said sewer shall be 8" in diameter and shall be
classified as later.al Number 5 of district 4 in the ��Tillage
of �lest Iu�inneapolis, County of Hennepin, �tate of Ty�linnesota.
Trustee and G`ouncilman 1�V. H. De
the Foregoing resolution tereupon moved
� was seconed by rt'rustee and Councilman 0.
upon being :�ut to a vote was unanimously
members of the ?lillage ����ouncil.
Fore, �rho oFPered
its adoption, which
R. Bec�nan, and
adopted b�r all
The foll�owing resolution wa.s offered by Tru�tee
and �ouncilman Emi1 Peterson:
R��'SOLVED, by the yillage Council ofUPest Minne�.polis
.�1 tha.t �here as it is nec�ssa,ry a,nd expedient for the
conven�iJ�nce and welf�.re of the public th�.t Thirteenth
.Av�nue, from Excelsior Avenue north and crossing throu�;h
the Railwa.y emba.nkment,,..of the Minneapolis a.nd �t Louis
Ra.ilway Company where 'the �tracks of the Pacifie division
of said railro�,d crosses and intersects sa.id Avenue in the
Village of VPe�t Minneapolis be o�ened a.nd improved and �ut
in suitable conditi'on for public izse and tra.vel, and where-
a.s the work improving sa,id Avenue has been duly
done by the �ill ge on both the nortYi a.nd south �ides
ap-�roa.ching saic� emb�,nkment, vrhich s�,id emb�,nkm�nt ob-
structs the pa.s�age through� the said Avenue; noe� therefor�
be it �
�' "Resolved that th� pub2ic nece�sity, s�.fety, con-
venience a.nd. welfare, �equires tha.t sa.id �a.ilro?.d �ompa.ny
ca.rry its tr�.eks over s�.id crossix�g, �.nd tha.t sa.id stree�,
be opened as �. public street throu�h said -?�,^.�.i�o�,d em-
ba,nkment, and that said Ra.ilroda. Compa.ny �.emc.ve:�:the em-
bankment in the t`ra.ck spa.ce occupied a,cross sa,-id stre^t
a.nd ereet a.nd mai�tain 'a �ood. A.nd suitable bridge all a.t
' its own expense t�o ca,.rry its tr�.cks a.t .the intersection
and cros�ing of �fo��s�,i3, a.nd b� it furt�[�r resolved that
the said Railroa:d .C,ompa.ny be and ar� hereby ordered 'to re-
move sa.i�3 embankment a.nd erect s�.id bridge a,nd there�.fter
m�.int�,in the s�me avithin thirty' day� after the s�rnice of
notice of the a,doption of thi� resolution �.nd ord.er, �,nd
th�.t a copy hereof be served `3.t once on s�.id Railro�3 Co-
mpany, all in a.ccorda,nce er�.th the la.va and statutP in such
c�,se ma.de fl,nd provided.1°
Ca.uncil:nan a.nd `rruste� E�il Peterson, �r�Y�o �orfered the
foregoin� resolution, thereupon moved its a,(%ption whieh
w�.s seconded by Trustee a.nd �ouncilman 0. �. Beckma.n, �,nd
upon bein� put to vote w�.s una,nimously a.dop ed by all
members of the Villa�;e Council.
The followin� re�olution was offered by Trustee and
Councilman �m H. De Fore. .
• VPHerea.s. pursuant to a resolution adopted
�g26, by the Village Council of the Village of Weat Minn-
eapolis for the construction of a sewer extens�oa in the
Villa�e of �est Minneapolie as follows:
From the point of intereection o,f the oenter line
� of Sixth A��nue with the eenter line of Second Street South
thenc� runnin� in a northerly direction a diatance of �50
� feet along the center line of siad Sixth Avenue to e point on
the s�id cent�r line ��X��g�X�i�$�XA����� IO feet south of
� the south line of the right-of-��a� of the M.�.St.L.Ry, thence
in a northwesterly direction a.long a line parallel to said
� right-of-way of the �.�.St.L.Ry.� a distance of 70 feet to th�
point of intersection of s�id line with the center line of
� ExEelsior Avenue a.nd�ithere connecting to the joint district
sewer for districts Two, Five and Eight herein described and
• olassified.
Said s��er shalY be �1° in diameter and shall be clasifi�
� �d a,s lateral No � of district Two, by laying a, seaver thereon
in accordance with pl a.ns and epecifieations on file in th�
� office of the Village Recorder. of .s�.id village of: 96est B�pls.
, AND'WHEREAS „ the�Couneil has ca�sed plans•and
specifications to be made for 6aid work and improvment
. which arE on file with the olerk. .
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the
, Village of �Gest �Binneapolos�i that Paul 3vaenson, Engineer
with tha assistance of the Village Clerk, supervisors of the
, work and heretofore designated a.s auch by the Village Couneil
be and are hereby directed��to forthwith calculate the amount
proper a.nd necessary to be. a.ssessed for such improement a�;ainst
asseseable lot or paroel of land affe�ted, upon the bassie
. of benefits without regard to oash ealuation, and in accordanee
with the proeisions of Chapter 35, Gerieral laws of 1915, a.nd
amendments thereto, and provided that the amount of the
assesament and accrued int�rest for said improvment shall be
payable in five equal annual installments. That the proposed
assessment vohen made shall be filed with the Clerk for publi�
inspeetion, and laid before the Village Council for its approval
That the Clerk is hereby directed to Qause notice to be given
as required by Chapter 35, General Laws of z9�5, and amend-
aenta theretA, of the time and plaee, when �nd.where the Council
will meet upon such proposed asseasment and hea.r and pass dn
all objeetions, if any, or amend the same..
Councilman and Trustee Wm H. De Fore, who offered
the f oregoing resolution thereupon moved its adoption aahich
avas seeoned by Councilman and Trust�e Emil Peterson, and
upon being put to a vote eoas una.nimously a.dopted by all
members of the Villa�e �ouncil.
8818-Grace l'latson. �lasses for =,nute 7ohnson. 5.45
8810-ITorth�r�estern idat ��,nk I��pls. Interc�st on Gas 3onds 556.25
8820-C. �. Dwyer. in�pecting boiler Villa� �iall 3.OU
8821-Tdational I:ieter �o, 5 c�vater meters 7i.75
a�322-�dalter� a. �3o�th� 1000 village� orders 10.61
t38�-►�. a. i:ott Co. I I�eg aoda 4.�5
882�-First 8c �ecurit� iJat 3ank� I.�pls Interest �31dg Bonds100.0U
8825-Improvment Bulletin,. �dd for, dids _ . 2i.60
8826-i�pls Gen ;lec Co. Power Gas Plant 18.81
8827-I�ipls Gen Llec Co, Power Pump . 94.52
8828-I;ipls Gen �lec Co.. Street and =i�,11 lights 182.87
� �
8829-TYTpls Gen �lec Co. Pow.er airen. �� 3.00
8830-Brown Instrw:�ant Co, 2 �hermocoupler�
8831-Improvment Bul�etin.•3dd for bi�
8832-Druar and l::ilnowski. Latablishing str�t lines
and se�ver grade
8833-Bren �rothers, supplies
8834-ireasurer� Department State oP I'�inn. InSpecting
�istilate Oct I6, I925
8835 -John '.!. Popelka. �?enarin� shelvin� .Libra,ry
88B6-r�rs Fre�i Planque, cleaning library
88�7- J. F. �okesh. supplies
883£�-Gus ��illiams, slaery �;0 5�I�26
8b39-Zeonard 4Jilliams, saler� to 5�I�26.
8840-James �eterson. salery to 5�I.26.
8841-�'rank r.del. � salery t o 5.1.26
8842-Herman Olson.�salert to 5/1/26.
8843-Ivi. �. Schutz. 213 h urs man a,nd team
8844-'rJarren Benson. 118 hours man and � team
8845-Frank T�'unvar. 58 hours labo-r.
8846-:-ienry Sparber. a3 hours labor.
8847-Joe I�urka. 103 hours la.bor
8848-Joe Purchel, 130 hours labor
8849-Joe Pudil, 116 hours labor.
8849-�rank ,3todola. 14� hours over�eer
£3850-George Salner. 45 hours la.bor
8851-Joo ?�alina. 45 hour� labor
8852-Joe ItisQ. 45 hours labor.
26 . 30
125 . 00
125 .00
125 .00
• I
8853-George i`�ise. 45 hours labor 20,25
I �
a854-l�Jilliam ?�,!inch. 45 hours lab.or. 20.25
8855-Daniel Co,chen. �`G ,h�.�urs 1��,bor ' ' � I6.20
8856-James 'T1ic'kodym ir�ai�ht �and dr��,9age 14.66
8857-P. 7. �aroline, supplies �Por.i3oard of Health 4.60
� 8858- �iopkins Library. s€�lery and supplies . ; 121:66
� 8859-Dova Chemical Co 50000r Calcium �hloride 597.50
I 88G0-��rank Sitar. 5 hours helping Ulson • 2•25
; 8861-Ido�th�vestern Telophone :�schange, phones 44.95
IYieeting then on motion �a�ournea. - � :
� ,
AT�' �.t3T : � ' '
, ,. , . � _ _ _
' �.Phe Village Council, oP the Vill€�ge of ���est T�h!ini�eapolis
met in Council room in re�ular se�sion at 7:30 o'clocl�� P, Y���.
June Ist I926. . � -
• T��'embers presant :
Paul S�venson, President, 0. R. �eckman, �mil
� Peterson and ��V. H. DrFore �rustees, and
��. �1. Close, Recor,der. �
The minutes of m�eting l�a� 4th 1926 �,�vere read� and declared
approaed'as read. . , . . � . , -
� � The reports of, James weterson, �+!�arsh3l, Dan J..Fole�
,7ustice of the;-Peace, .�rank `3todola, `?oad overse:;r and Herman
Olson• as to co7_lec`tion� made tT�ere read, approved and ordered
placed on iile. � � �
'' :i petition presen�ed b� 1V. H. Nelson snd tEventy-nine
buisness men reoluesting that th� (;ouncil provide automatic
trafsic signals on �gce,lsior ��,venue and be �ter lighting on
side street� to faciliate botter'parking accomodations w�,s
refererl to. the i�illage �ittorney �o tske uy �vith tY�e State
Hi�hw�,y Commission to compl� with reque�t of the-petitioners.
rd. �i. Nelson, requested of the Council that a�
permit be granted the comrrittee getting up and aranging a
celebration of July F'ourth. v�ahich was on mot.ion granted.
�dwin ��doDonald, askeci Por �ermission to extond
thier elevated side�valk and pla'tform 12 fe �t west at the
same highth as that now in use by them which �•vas on motion granted
subject to the approval of the 1'rasident."
Ur G. �+u. I:?oore, was ap�ointed executive member oF
the Board of� Iiealth � for �. term of three years , at a salery of
�200.00 a year; . „,
1�n Ordinance to licen5e and regulate Peddlers and
Ha��rkers in the J"illage of l��est Iaiinneapolis, had its first
��reading and was put�on file .for final passage at meeting oF
July 6th 1926.. � �
��'he Villa.ge -lttorney �v��.s on motion instructed
to bring about suc�h action as 'is necessar� in tha matter
of extend ing 13th '.�venue nnde r tne trac�s of the ?caifie
�ivision of the t.�inne�,polis and :�t Touis �:ailroad. �'��
:llso to� t�;ke such action neces��:�ry to ab�,tt any�
nuis�.nce in con��anction l�ith the �oard of _�ealth.
Un motion the �iopkins �3and was allotived 1�'�our
Hundred( y�400.i�0) Dollars for thc year 1926.. �
On motion the i:ouncil including the Village
�ttorno� were designated as delegates to the !4^unicipal
�onvention to be held �,t 7erginia t,linn June 22, �3 and
24 of this year. � .
b'. �
. �
-The following resolution �was offered. by Recorder ,a,nd �
Truste� E. A. Close, ,
The�Village Council'of.the Village o,f �Pest Minneapolis,
met in regular session June lst;.lg26 at 7:j0 o'clock P.
B�. at the Village Council ehambers in the Municipal
Building of said Village being the time and place appoint-
ed in a duly published notice of hearing pursuant to its
r�solution adopted �Qay 4th 1926 for the purpose of ascer-
taining and�assessin� the benefits.to- the prope.rty aoithin �
said Village conferr�ed bp the improvement knoavn as sewer
extension on Sixth A,venue, and aft�r hearin$�all testimony'�
by or on behalf �of a;ll persons and partiea interested,
or whose property is�affected by said improvement and de-
sires to be he�.rd, aud being dul�y advised in the premises,
the following resolution was ado�ted: �
�IHER�AS, Pursuant to resol�ztion adopted Februa.ry �2nd,
1926, by the Village Council for tYie constru•ction of sewer �
extensions in the V,illage of West Minneapolis as follo�vs:
�From the point of inte�rse�ction of the ce�ter line of
Sixth Avenue with the center line of Second S�treet south,
thence running ,in a norther•ly: d�irection a distance of
�50 feet .along the c,enter� l�ine of� said Sixth Avenue to a
point o� the said.center line ten feet south of the south
line 'of the right-of -cvay, of the B�. 8� St.. Louis Ry. ,
thence in a northwesterly direction along a line parallel
_ to said .right of-�vay of the M. &;;t. .L•. Ry.., a distanc�.
of,70 feet tothe point of intersection of �aid line w-ith� '
the-center line�of Excel�sior�Avenue, and there connect- .
._... - --..�._
-ing �to-the-��joint� distriet �sewer �for��di'st�ricts 'T�vo, Five �
a,nd Eight. ,herein described and classified. �
Said �sewer ehall be �"- in diameter and. shall be ,,•�
cl�.ssified as lateral No. �, of Distr-iet, Two, aecording to
plans �nd specificat,ions on file in the office of the
Recorder of sa.id Village of West Mi�nneapo;lis, Hopkins
Post Office, Minnesot.a,. and p�►rsuant � to Chapter 35, of � �
tne L,,�ws of the State of Minnesota,��for the year 1915.
and �endments thereto. ; ; -
AND VOHEREAS� pursuant�to a resolution of the yil-
la.ge Couneil of the Village of West Minneapolis, Bdin-
nesota,.adopted�B�ay��th, 1926, the proposed assessment
and the amount proper and neeessary to be eapecially
assessed for such improvement against enery assessable�
lot,piece or pa.rcel�of la,nd affected by such improvement;
on the basis �of beriefit "withoiit� regaTd to ca.sh valuatio�i
in accordance with Chapter 35, G. L. 1915, which has been
made and is on file �rith tne Village Clerk for inspection
and has been duly:submitted�to the Village Council for -
� AND �iHEREAS, due notice �i�as been given of
and place �vhen and �vhere the Council will meet
upon the said proposed assessment and hear and
all objections, if any, or �`iend the same.
- n .
tne time �
and p$ss
pass u��on
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,-by the Village Council of
the Village of ?�est Minneapolis, that the aforesa.id proposed
asseesment be. and the same is hereby adopted; ma.de, constituted
the speciall assessment aga.inst the�lots,,pieces and o�.rcels
of la,nd herein described and shall be a 1�Bn�upon the nroperty
described tnerein, and all thereof, which 1�Bn sha.11 be con-.
ourrent with the general ta.xes assessed a,gainst sai�.,propertp,
and the clerk is hereby directed to immediately tra.nsmit a
certified duplicate statement thereof to the Countp Auditor
for collection in the manner and as required bp law, -
__�AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, tha,t the proceeds of the as'='
sessment levied a.gainst the property benefitted by said im-
provement be and are hereby appropria.ted and set aside as a
separate special a.asessment fund for the pa.yment� of se�ver
warrants issued by the Village of t"lest �dinneapolis to cover the
cost:and expense of said improvement, all in aecord?.nce with
the Statute and such ca.se m�.de .and p��ovided.
Recorder and Truste� E. A. Close who offered the fore-
goin� resolution, thereu;�on moved its adoption, �rhich vaa�
seconded by Trustee and Couneilman �'V. H. DeFore, a.nd upon be�
ing put to vote was unanimousl�r adopted by all menbers of the
iiillage Council. . .
Trustee and Councilman 9Y. H. DeFore offered the follow-
ing resolution: ' � „
�►H�'REAS, it appears that the necessary stepe h�ve been
taken by the Village Council of the Village of West Minneapolis
County of Hennepin, State of Minnesot�., for the construetion
of addit�ional wat?r mains�, � �
� � � ,
AND' V�`HEREAS, it is neces a.r to issu� certif c s of in-
d bt dness in he mount of �ac,
' � a�� 4'9 I
for the purpose of� providing funds to defray the� cost of safd
additional improvements and exterieions to and ►.naintenance of
the existin� �aater works system in said Village, ,
�NHEREAS, it is deemed necessary a,nd expedient for the Y�est in-
terests of s=:.id Villge to make� az�id nec.essary additions, im-
provements, and extensions to and to maintain the existing avater�
wo�rks system in sa.id Village, � ,
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the village Council of
the Village of �est Minneapolis, County of Hennepin, State of
Minnesota, for the purpose of providing ftinde �to defray the
costs of necessa.ry
a,nd maint n ncg of
V i 1 l�;�e L�
elddition, improvements, and extensions to
the ex�st�ng water_ works sy�,�em in said
„ -
v�orth of certificates of indebtedn�se of sa.id Village be issued
to bear interest a.t the rate of 6 per cent per an� �m, payable.
eemi-annually and to be.come due as follov�s: ��(P .T6 July
�st, 1g27, ���� July lst, 192�, �l669Z6 July 1st, 1929,
�(' 7 July lst, �930, �/G�5 r6 July lst�, �931 all to bear
interest at 6 per cent and to have interest�coupon� attached
That the Village Clerk of Recorder�..is hereby authorized,
empowered, a.nd �astructed to sign said certific�,tes of indebted-
ness and cou�ons a.ttached tnereto, a�nd that the President of ,
the Village Council and he hereby is auttaor'�zed a,nd empov�ered
to sign s�id certificates of iridebtedness and interest coupons
attached thereto. � �
Trustee and Councilman W. H. DeFore who offered the fore-
gaing resolution, thereupon moved its a.doption, which w�.s
seconded by Councilman and Trustee Emil Peterson ancl being put
to a vote ovas a3opted by the unanimous vote of all the members
of the Village Council. . .
Trustee�and Councilman 0. R. Beckman�offered the following
RESOLTTED,� that whereas . it . s�tisfactorly appears that a me�t—
int of the Village Council of the Village of VPest �innea.polis
held thi� iet day of June �926, that such proceedings have here—
to fore been taken authorizing the extension of the water works
system of s�,id Villa.ge and that it is necessary and expedient to
provide for the sale of certificates of� indebtedness to�meet
sa:id p s and tha/t--� t w� be necessa,r o dvertise for bids
f o r_�j� y�� ��QQ �j�Gufa�QA �;u��if� ��/Gr� y��o,rr S�i 1 v�;
of Village certificates of indebtedness to maet�said expense.
authority given by Chapter 425;�-Laws
'1921, that there beand there hereby
cates of indebt,��ln,���of �l�e Villa�
• the amount o f?nia.� � r�ao f�l ��,r.�✓�r�ry ,
in accordance with
of -Minnesota, � for
is coupon Village
the ye�r
.cert 'if_i—
�s. in
�; � , „
bear'ing interest at the rate of 6� �pe� cent per annum`,� p�a� �a,ble�
semi�dnnually,; certi-ficates ,to mature as follow�: ������..L�,.< .
July lst, 1927�, � July lst, 192�,� �����g,��,July lst,� 1929, .
� Juiy ist, 193 ,.���,�July: lst, 193�"� Said eertificates
of in ebted.ness to .be issued .f;or the purpose of providing .fund�
to defray the cost of necessa.ry additions . to the.; wa,ter works ��
system of, said ,Village, all in a;ccordanee� avith Chapter .425,
Laws� of- Minnesot�. for the year 1921. . �� �� �.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Village Council advertise
for one week�in the Hennepin.County Reviev� a legal newspaper,
published in s�id Hennepin County; State.�of DHinnesota�, that
bids will be. received for,� the purchase of said cert•if icates � of ��
indebtedness on the..6th day of July, 1926, at � o'clock P, M, �
in the Village Hall and that said certificates.of indebted— �
ness will be offered for sal• on the terms set out in said notice
of Village certificates of indebtedness for sa.le which sha.11 be
in substantially the followin� form:
. . ._ � . . � ._ . __ . . . . r . .. . . . , . . _ . . . _ .. ..
' . .
-• • �- - -. � .: � .- . ..
• ��;..�1.. !/ �� - _. �LL�� i_ � i/: ' . ' i � .? � %i .� .
�rorth of the Village of West .Minneapolis�, County of Herinepin, Stat-e �
of �6irinesota, certifica.tes of indebtedness will be reeeived and�:`�.:
eonsidered by the Vil�lage �Council on �t}ie 6th day oi July, 1926�,
at � o'clock P. M. at the Village Hall in the Village of VPest
Minneapolis, -: � .� . . . ,f,. _.
� �1 . • �ih�
� . ! : � �., -i 'j �'�
Said certificate$}�f indebtedness are to �be .issued for the
purpose of providing f�unds to defray the cost of necessary ad—. .
ditions, improvements,�nd extensions to and maintena.nce of the
existing a�a.ter works system in s�:id Village, sa.id cert.'f_icates._of_
indebtedness to be dated JuTy'�lst, 1926, a,nc�. bear inte��.�st �at �'� �.>%F
the ra'te of 6 per cent per annum, payable semi—annually,,,and.mature
as f llows: � ,�, Julp ��lst, 1927, ��/� g�� July lst � 1�2�, �t ��� �`''
�� July lst, 1 29 ���bt�.�x6 July lst, 19j0, ��6C . July _...
lst,: 1931, � . �' <<,;
, _ _ . . . . ;;
. All�tenders to purch�,se must be without condition or quali— ;��•`
f icat ion� and be accompanied �by a.n uncondit ional cert�if ied' check
� to the der of the Treasurer of said Village for, the, 'sutn of ��
�� �c��: •. ;��,Sa.id cert if i-cate will be rea.dy for � �
� delivery at
re j ect a.ny
edness to a
the time �'the sale. The board ree�rves the�r,i�ht to
and all offers and awa.rd said certificates.of� indebt—
lower bidder. Bids shall be addresaed.to:the'under--
. ,. .
This notice�is giv�ri-'by authority of a re�olution adopted
by the Village Comncil of sa.id Uilla.ge. �' ' ` �
Da,ted at �est.Minneapolis, Minneeota;�this first da,y of
Jun�, 1926. �
_ • ' E. A. CLOSE, .
� . � � . Villa.ge Recorder . �
_ . � of the Village of West B�inneapolis
�Hennepin County,.Bdinnesota
Trustee and. Councilman� 0. R:�- Beckman a�ho offered the fore-
going resolution, the'reupon moned its.adoption which.,�vas
seconded by Councilma.n a.nd Trizs_tee� VP. ��H. _AeFore,__ and upon being
_.. .,---...._.�_ _ .
put'� to a vote �evas �una.nimousl.y adopted by all �nembers of�'the
said .Village Council.• �`�" . �
A..reaol�tion was offered by Truetee and Counciiman O.�R. Beckman.
ae #'ollowe . . � � '
' ' � .
. � � �� .
' yPHEREAS, ���suant_ t�o, .a�`reeolu�ion of: _�he Villa�e Council
of �th�� Villa�;e of We"st Minneapolis, adopted.Ootober 6th 19?5�
�i�ing effec.t thereto on�the motion of the Village Co�ncil who
dea.mini�: 'it nesessa.rp and expedient for the best: interest's o,f the
public, that the con_striiction of �, Curb on`'the�'.�Vest side� of �Bonrie
Avenue from Eaoelsior Aeenue to ����.Fi�et Street�South, a�+contrsat
for which has b:=en duly let in accordanQe with plans a,nd speeifi-
cations on file in the office of the Villa�;e Clerk, and which r
resolution provided that�the cost.and expense of eonstructing
said Curb be as�essed a�ainst�the abuttin� property papable in
five �nnual installemnts.
. NOVP TI�REFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that t�e Council dose
hereby leveq and asseae the a�hole�of the �oet and expense of making
sueh improvmen� upon th e folloavin� des�r'ibed lots, or paroels �'
of la.nd, ehich are hereby deolared to be,espeoiallp benefitted
by smch improvment.
. c;ra�cc
�ST West ;
s center
John H. Cracc. �Iest l�ple Center 9 2j 1.
. , ^
John H. Cracc. _ . , . . �e.st �pls C.enter:- _ . 10 �- 23 29.20' �
est �ap1s
est �Hpls
ter 11 23 29.20
�. West Mpls Center 13 23 � 1. 0
s J.� P. Appleby. 46 'VPest Mpls Center
Mrs J. P. Appleby 23 North half of � 15 23 �9•20
� West M ls Center
��;`s � : 2 3outh half of � 15 2j 9• 2p
- West M l�s Center
V�('�:-, __ .. West� BQpls ;Cente�r ��� � 3 � 23,. 0;,�,
_ Weat Mpls Center 17 23 23. 0�
�`' � 0 96est �dpls Center. 1 23 27.20
����Notioe µia� hereby �;iven that " on the 6th day of July 1926,
�t 7:30-o'�clock�P.�. the Village Council oP the Village of - ti
�Pest A�inneapolis, Hennepin Countq, Minneaota, - will meet in the
Council Cha,mbers in the Villa�;e Municipal Building of said Villa�e
thier usual place of ineetin�; and hear all objeetions which may
be- made to the assessment mad� in the foregoinf iesolution, or.
anp-part ther�eof . •
Coun'cilman and Trustee O.R.Beckma,n, who offered the
foregoing re�solution thereupon moved its adoption, which was
seconed bp Trustee and Councilman �P. H. De Fore, and upon being
put to a vote it was unanimously adopted by all members of the
Village Council. � `,,� ��
. r`� } ��'� .
� �`L� a'��,
The foliowing resolution vras oYfered by `i'rustee and
Councilman 0.. R. Beckman.
t�fH�;RE1�S, pursuant to a resolution adopted �1a9 4�h 1926,
by the `Vil3age Counvil of the �illage of i�'est I:�iruZeapolis �-
Por the construction of a sewe r e�_:tension in the Village of
l�lest I�:iinneapolis as follows: �
From the point of intersectiori of the center line:o� ��
�2111s. Avenue �vith the center line of I�Tinth �venue thenoe '
running in a southerly direction a distanoe oP 1292 �eet
along the center line oP said Tdinth �venue to the point pf •
intersection of the center line oP Second street north with the
center line oP said iainth 1�venue and there connecting to joint
district sewer of district'4 herein described and clasified.
Said sewer shall be 8 inches in diameter and sh�,ll be
:lasified as lateral Ido 5 of district 4, bt la�ing a se�ver thereon
in accordance with plans and specifications on file in tYie
office of the `�i illage =,ecorder, o F said .�i ill�,ge of �'�est
1+llinneapolis .
�ND, VVI�LR:��1S, the
ions to be made for said
with the Village Clerk.
::ouncil has caused plans and specificat-
work and improvmen t Vvhich are on sile
5i+; IT TIii;REFO � R�,SOLVED, by the Village Council of the
Village of uvest T��inneapoYis, that Paul Seuenson, � engineer ti�ith
the;- assistance o� the �Iillage� Clerk, supervisors of the
work and here tofore designated as such b� the Village Council
be and are hereby directe��� to forthwith calculate the'amount
�roper and necessary ,o be assessed .�or such improvment against
,eyery r�ssessable lot, or paroel of land affected, upon the
basis of beneFits without regard to aash valuation, and in ,�
accordanoa with the provisions of �hapter 35, �eneral laws of
1915, and amendments thereto. and provided that the amount of
the assessment accrued interest �or said improvment shall be
pa�able in five annual installments.
That the proposed assessment when made shall be filed with
the C;lerk Por public inspection,"and laid before the Village �ounci
Council for its approval.
That the Clerk is hereby directed to cause notioe to`'be given
as required by c:hapter 35, General laws of 1916, and ' �
a�endments thereto, of the time and place, when and �rhere the
Council �vill meet upon such proposed assessment and he�.r and
pass upon all objevtions, if �,ny, or amend the same. :,,��
�:ouncilman and Trustee.0. R. Beckman, �vho offered
the Poregoing.resolution thereupon moved its adoption, tivhich;
wsa seconed b� ��ouncilman and `�rustee �mil Pe�erson, and upo.n bei
being put to a vote tvas unanimausly adopted b� a11 members
of the Village �;ounc�l. ,
�w�� (�
Trustee a.nd Councilma�n %. H. DeFore, offered the followin�
resolution. �
WHEREAS, the Villa�e Council did om the 2nd day of Febru�ry
�926, pass a resolution for the construction of an e�tension
tQ the exiatin� sewer Eystem to be constructed as follows
Frnm +hc �ni.�.,.i -r --1-----�� _ _ .. .._ . . . _1.
i+'rom the point of intorsection of the center line of �t�s
�d%�.e ��ith the center line of i�inth ��venue thence running
in a southerly direation a distance of ����eet along the
center line of said =�inth l�venue to the point of intersection
of the center line of aocond atreet North vrith the center
line of said ���inth ��venue and there connecting to joint
district se�ver of district 4 herein described abd classifie8.
Said sewer shall be �" in diaaneter and shall be clas-
ified as lateral No �; of district '9�0. G,��
WHEREAS, Paul Sweneon, consulting engineer, ha,a drawn
the necessary plans and specifications and tabulated the
estima.ted co�t of aaid improvment and reported the sa,me to
the Village Council of the Village of VPest Minneapolis. �
AND WHEREAS, such plans and specificatione, tab-
ulations, a.�d estimates have been made and filed with E.A.Cloe�
Clerk and R corder.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLiTED, that the Village Clerk
be, and he is hereby directed to cause propoeals for bids for
such work to be advertised in the Hennepin County Review the
official new� paper of the Villa�e of West Minneapolis, and
in the improvmEnt Bulletin a trade paper, in the City of
Minneapolis, at least once each week for three succseive wEek�,
which advert�sment shall specify the work to be done, shall
call for bida upon a cash basis of cash payment for the work,
and shall state a time wi�hin which the bi,�.s will be recieved,
and the egact time at which the sa.me will � opened for consider-
tion by the Vill e Council of the gilla�e of VPes� Minneapolis;
an� all bids shal�companied by a certified Check, payable
to the Treasurer of the Villa,ge in the swn of at least
Fifteen (15�) per cent of the amount of the bid, and that all
propoeals shall be directed to the Recorder of said Villa�;e
eecurially sealed eo as to prevent them being opened withaut
detection, and be� andorsed upon the outside wrapper, with '
a brief sta,tement or summary as to the work°for which the bid
is made. •
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said proposals and bids
to be received.by the Village Council of said Village of West
Minneapolis, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, Post
Office, Hopkins, Minnesota, up to 7;j0 o'clock P. M. of July
6th, 1g26, at which time the same will be opened for consid.er—
AND BE IT FURT?iER RESOLVED, tha.t the cost of constructing
said extension of sewer as a.fores�.id be assessed ag�.inst the
land abutting thereon in a,ccordance with Section 9, of Chapter
35, of the Laws of Minnesot�, for the year i9i5.
Councilma,n W. H. DeFore who offered the foregoing resolu—
tion thereu�on moved its adoption, which was seconded by Trustee
and Councilman Emil Peterson, anci upon being put to a vote was
un�.nimously adopted by all members of the Village Council.
The followin� bills were audited and allo�ed.
��6z�=Chicago 8� Milwa.ukee R. R. 'freight car 574�+
� Calcium Chloride
:��63-Chalange Company, payment on water tank ��
��64-Mre Tillie Plaque,�cle�.nib� library 14 hours
���65-David Coc�en, 63 hours lsbor �� �
��67-Goerge Wise, �� hours lablr . �
��6�-Joe UPise, 99 hours labor ' �
��69-Great Northern Ry, freight car �22 Distilate
�g70-Cmaden Consrtuctio�n Co, payment on �contract �
��71-George Seher, ].� hours la.bor 1�� � � • �
��72-Great Northern Ry, freight'car�25�2� coke.
��73-First Nat Bank, Sidewalk Ordere a.nd interest �
��74-Security Nat Bank,•8idewalk'Ordere and interee�t
��75-Security Nat Bank,�5 coupone 1925 Wat Ma,in i�sue
��76-aecurity Nat Bank, 5 1925 Wat�Main coupons
��77-5ecurity Nat Bank, 1924 Certificates 140.00
'� 9 coupons 73•9$
��7�-E. G. Richer, Gasoline.filter not allowed.
��79-�P1s.Threshing Mach Co, belt for pump
���0-Herman Olson, salery to � 1-26.
���1-Leonar�illiams, salery to 6-1-26,
���2-C.us Willia.ms, salery �to 6-1-26.;.�f
���3-Frank Edel. salery to 6-1-26.
�� ���4-Jamea Petrson. aslery to 6-1-26. ,
���5-Gen Elec Co. Power Gas Plant ,
���6-�:pls Gen Elec Co, Street a.nd Hall li�hts
���7-b4pls Gen Elec Co,Uy:Po�er���Purri��..�.�. '�`o,
����-Mpls GenY�.Electric Co., Por�er for siren
���9-Crane Co. , Five lengths. of 4in. vaater pipe
��90-Gra.ne Co., Four lengtha � in. wat�er pipe�
��91-AIationa.l l�eter Co. , 2 in. Empire met�er
��92-Crane Co., ga,s raain 6th Ave south, �
��93-Walter 8. Booth, lm Village UParrants
��94-Cook oil oo., C�,r �22 Dist. �075 gals. 6�2 �5
, less f reight 24�92
��95-Pickands Brovan Co.,, Car 25�2�,54700 lbs coke
��96-American Meter Co., 10 five light gas metErs
��97-Gust Elmquist, refund of sewer�tax chargEd by-
_ _ . . ___ . .. _ . .. ..._ mistak�
1-�50, o0
- 7.00
- 44.55
- 44.�5
- 2�+4. g 2
- 49.�0
- 97•37
- 1�.27
- 3�+• �3
�' 150 . 00
46 . �9
1�2. �6
- 4�, o0
�05. 60
- �5. o0
i3 i . o�
- �.14
3��+• 93
, 21�.�0
: �6.55
��9�-First Na,tio�nal Bank�, offici�.l bond., ; : _�7•5� "
��99-Gra.ne Co . , f itt ings �.; , � , . . _ 3 • 35
. �. _ . - � . ��
�900-b?cQueen Bros., supplies and gasoline. : _ 5•5.6
��901-J. E. Hennessy Co., lumber, � _ 2.40
�902��cDonald Tra.nsfer, draya.ge � ; . _ .50
�9o3-�a.etmold Ha,rdware Co., supnlies,, . .: _, 3.00
��9o4-F. H. Hainert, supplies for .Board of,.Health � _, 1.50
�9o5-Hennepin ;County Review., .publishing . . _ 50.'70 �
..�go6-Standard :Oil ;Co. , lubric�ting oil, ; . , . . , �_ ?5•75 ����
� �9�7-W�.rren Benson, 216 hours.man �.nd team , _ 194:40
�90�-L. �hompson, , 54 hours'_m�.n ,a.nd tea,m _ 4�.60 �.
. . .� . . ; �
:�9og-J. E. Hennessy, 45, hours ma.n , and team _.,. _�+�. 5�
�910�D. F. .0' Leary, f.ive hours roa,n: a.nd tea.m ; �+. 5� �
. , . . - ;
-�911-�. A. Schutz, 470 hours ma.n, and tea.m ,. ._ 42j:00
��918- Frank sitar, 99 hours ..ma.n -�nd tea.m; , , , . , ^�9 • ��
��913-Henry `pa.rber, 207 houra labor � 93•15
�g14-V°illiam Minch, 216 hours, l�.bor � ' 97 • 20
' � , . , .. : �
$915-Fra.nk Munvar, 216 hours l�,bor - � 97•20
$916-Joe Kerchill, 216 hours'l�.bor � � 97.20
�917_Joe Pudil, 216 hours'labor � � � 97•20
�91�-Joe Kurka, 193 hours labor " - �6•�5
�9�g-Joe galina, 10� hours labor . � - 4�.60 �
'�920-Frank Stodola, 216 hou�s overseer ' - 11�.�0
'�921-V�allace Stodola, cleaning alleys,�76 loa,da - 76.00
'�922-P. H. Coyle, repairing road tools, � �� 7..5�
�923-Hopkins Library, sa.lary and supplies , � -1�2�.20
' �924-Peter Sundquist, �ob v��ork and m�.teria.l� 60.1� ' � - � ' �
le.ss Olson bill . 37•59 22•59
�g25-A. H. Hensler, repairing road tools 21.42
.�926-5. Hinds, balance due on �gas t�,nk, la.bor .45
�927- 1N. S. Smetana, supplies _6.40
�92�-N. W, Tel. Exchange, Village phones �+6•�5
, �92�-Hennepin County Review, publishing �, 25.�0
�930-Joseph A. Hosp, � sa.lary and services 15�.7�
�931-Ted Walker, l�ettering li�brary door �� - 5.00
�932-Herma.n Olson, bill from warrant No. �g24 37.59 �,. �
• Bdeeting then on motion ad.journed. � - . �
ATTEST: • � � -
--------------. --------- ... .,. , .. -.;.
_ .. _.._ . �
��P�esident -------=-------------_..
The Village Council o� the 7illage oY 'bdest �,Zinnea�olis met
in Council chambers this P.T��4. in regular session at 7;30
o'clook Ju13r 6th 1926.
Tr2embers presant ; �
Paul .��venson, presidont, �'�:� H. De Fore. Emi1 Peterson
0. R. Beckman,.Trustees, and E. �, Close, Recorder.
The Po1lo�uing repoxts of James Peterson, I,:�arshal, Harry Blunt,
and Dan Foley,`Justice of the �eace, Frank Stodola,
road overs3er and �ierman Olso,n, as to collections of
water and:•gas were read, approved and ordered placed
on fils.,�`
Bids,�'�r the la�ing oP Sewer on Ninth dvenue from
Second Strq`et Nor�h to �hird atreet rdorth were recieved
as Po 11 ow��':
8t�D9' 9to,lo' Manholes
ti�T. D. Lovell. 1.50 1.70 100.00
Jens Kj�ldsen.1.60 1.72 1@0.00
!'�indorn .1,Zinn.
�' On motion the contract �vas awarded to l'7. D.
ISZinne3polis I�,:inn. as per his bid and the yresident
w�,s instructed to egecuto a contract with the said
on the pa,rt o� the Jillago.
Total cost�
and �'ecorder
�'J. D. Zovell
Bids for Certificates oP Indebtedness to provide funds
to deFra� the cost of additional improvments by la�ing 8
inch wa�er main on -�acelsior �ivenue From �lonroe avenue to
�lonk dvenue ti�ere recieved as �ollows.
Fir�t IJat ional Bank. and
�ecurity National Ba�k, both of Hopkins, I::inn,
, both of tivhich made a bid of par and accrued interest from
Jul� lst 1926. on the is�ue oP �8318.80 Dollars.
' ti�hiah was on motion divided bQtween both banks
An Ordinance to regulate Peddlers and Hawkers had its
second reading and was on motion ������� passed and approved
and ordered published.
The Recorder zvas in�t�ucted to order a Street Zight
on l�Jashirigton �vonue along the righ�-of-way oP the �iinneapolis
and St Louis Rail Road.
ihe P�ollowing res��lution was offerec� by Trustee
and Coancilman 0. R. �3ecl�nan.
��Ii�;REAS, pursuant to a resolution of the Village
�ouncil of the Village of 1�est r,iinneapolis, adopted �pril
6th 1926 givin� effect thereto on the petition or more than
three fourths ma.jorit� of the o�vners oP the property aftected
for the construction of a�ide`valk and Curb on the Gfest side
of �lenenth .�venue and in front of �,ots Seven ( 7) Eight ( 8)
and Nine (9) in block 77 L9est Ilinneapolis aecond �iyision,
a contract �or ��rhich has been dul,y let �or said work in
accordanae avith plans and speciPications on �ile in the oFfiee
oP tho �Iillage Clerk, which petition and resolution.provide
that the cost and e�penye of eonstructing said sidewalk and curb
be asse:sed against the abutting property payabl� in Pive
annual installments.
IJU�J THL_ +`FOR�, B� TT RLSOZV�I}, that the Council dose
hereby levey and assess the whole oP the cost and egpense of
makin� such improvment upon tha following described Lots,
or parcels of land wgich are hereby declarec� to be
especially benefitted by such improvment.
�rchie H. Niller. . E'Jest � �p;ls '
� 2nd Diuision ? 77 � SD�
Ro� I�. Kelley 50 l�Vest T�pls '�
2nd Div�ision 8 77 c��
oy P�. gelle�r. 50. 6^Jest I+dp s . �I� �
.2nd Diyision 9 77 ' . L� 0
� , �uit.d
�NOTICL ,�IS •%i�; ,'�'BY �GIV�; tha�t, on tne '.€-�s� da9 oP August
1926, at 7;30 o'a�ook P. P�, the Vill�age Counail, of the. Village
oP VVest Minr�eapol•-is; .Hennepin O,ount�, ���innesota, .�vill meet in the
:Counail Chambers in the iiillage Munio�ipal.Building oP said Village
thier usual plaQe of ineeting, and hear all objectione v�rhich may
be made to the assessment mad'e in the�foregoing resolution, or
�,n� part thereoP. '
-Trustee and Councilman 0. R. Beckman� who oifered the
Poregoing resolution thereupon moved its adoption, which �vas
seconed by Trustee and Councilman Lmil Peters'on, and upon being put
to a vote was unanimousl�t ad,opted .by all members of ,the Village
Council. � , ' ' � �'
� , � � � � �. � � . � , �.
, .. . ' ' . . , ' y � .
r. , . , ' . . . ' - . . . . .
lhruste =�nd �,ouncilman 'i',�`. 7�. Dr i ore, offere d the
following resolution. '
� 1��;SOT,Ui ION .�1J1H0�IGING 'r1N IS��Ui: ��TD TdLG0I�1TI0N OF
5�+;'�,dLR Y�1�RR�.�'�dTS 0.� TH� 1II,�iGL 0�+' 4V�:�T T�=INN`�1POLIS.
County of t�ennepin, State oF. 'Uiinnesota , for the purpose of
p-roviding funds to defray the cost of necessary e:�tensmons
to the se�ver system of said 'J�illage in accordance v�ith �hapter
35 G. L. 1915, I�linnesota, and amendments thereto.
����iH�;HL�aY, the necessary steps nave beea taken by the
Villa�e �::ouncil ot the �Tillage of 1�`��est Iv?inneapolis, �ounty
o.f Hennepin, �tate of i;�_inri�sota, for the construction of
sewer extensions in said Village pursuant to :,'liapter 35,
G. L. 1915, and ma�ndments thereto.
. diH�Ri;AS, pursua�t to a. resolution of the ��ill�ge
� 'Council adopted �'ebruary 2nd 1926, it was deemed necessary and e
' ex�edient for the best in'terests o�` sa.id �Iillage to
construct egtensions of sewer in tne Village of :�est 1�;iinneap-
olis as follows,. � � �
From the point oz intersection of th� center line of��ixth
�venue �vith the center line of �econd Stree-� �outh, thence
!_+ - running in a northerly direction a distarice of 850 feet along
the center line of said Sixth �lvenue� to� a point on the said
Qenter line 10 feet south oi the south line of the' right-of-
. way of the lt�. Sc. St. Zouis �y, and there conneeting to the
� j oint d istrict sewer_ ior distric't Two, ?�'ive' and Eight here in
' described and classified. � � � � � - -
Said sewer shall be 8 inches in`diameter and shall�'be
clasified as lateral� No 8 o'f d.istrict 2 byr lay�,ng' a s�e�Jer thereon
in acco�dance �vith plans and specifications on file in.,the
office of the `+�ill�.ge �ecorder of said t�illage of ';,�1est r��inneap-
olis, �Iopkins -°ost Ofiice, r���iinnesota, a�d, pursuant to Ch'apter
35 of the la�vs of l:�linnesota for the ,year 1915, and amendMents
- thereto. � ' ' '
:�ND l�'vIii;��i�11S, the �ouncil has caused plans and specifications
to be made for the said work and improvment �rhich are on
.file �vith the Clerk. � -
�ND GuHL '+'�S, a co'ntract for the sum of :�ighteen I�undred
l�int�-nine (�p1899.00) Dollars h��s been duly let for the con-
struction of said se�rer extension on the street�aforesaid.
.�ND �dI-i:�;,iAS, it is deemec: necessary and expedient
For the best interests of tne�said Village,to make said nec-
essar� improvment ancl sewer e;:tension to and to maintain
the existing sewer s�stem.in said Village. .
'` ' AND b'��-H�� �+�5, by resolution of. the �lillage Council
adopted February. 2nd 1926, Paul'�Swenson, engineer, ��vith the
'assistance � of 'tne Village ��lerk, ,supervisors of the. work
heretofore designated as sucYi by the Village �ouncil i�ere
directed to forth�^rith calculate the amount proper�and nec-
',essar� to be especiaily assessed �for suah improvment against
every assessable lot, piece or parcel os land afiected, upon
the basi$ of benefits vvithout regard to cash valuation.for the
cost of said �vork,and, . '
N06`J T�'R�FORE B� IT T+'SOLVr.��, by the '�illage Council of
s the �illage of �.':rest I°�Tinneapolie , Count� of �ennepin, S.tate oF
PERinnesota, th�.t the� said 'Iillage C:ouncil issue� and negotitate
�i�hteen :.�undred Idinty-nine (��1899.00 ) Dollars in amount of
, seY�er warrents of s�,id Village, ,in accordance lvith tYie, a.uthority
�iv.en by (;hapter 35, �. I�. 1�15,. and rnaendments thereto, for
the purpose of �roviding.i;znds to defray the cost for necessar�
improvmant, and extension to and maintainance of the,existing
seU�er tivorks � spstem iri the aaid +Iill�,ge ,�,nd that there be and
there hereby is issued coupons 'vuarrents of the Jillage of ,�est
I��,:inneapolis for the aggregate amount aforesaid bearing intere'st at
the rate oP aix per cent (6J) er annum, payable annually, ,
said 4Jarrents t o be (i��� l�I�i` ���(4 DI�LtOP� Itii G�tUitil Luq� .
i ion as fo
� llows -
. ,� '
� �379.80 Due �ugust lst 1927
�379.80 Due August lst 1928
�379.80 Due �ugust lst 1929
� �379.80 Due �ugust lst 1930
Y�379.80:Due August ls� 1931.
'j'he President and the '�Tillage Clerk or �ecorder of the
Village Council be �,n� are hereby �,uthorized and er�po.wered
arid instructed to sign and execute said Sewer ��`larrents and said
�oupons attached thereto, and sell the same to the highest
bidder for not less than par and that the proceeds thereof be
used and are hereby appropriated For the pa�rment of such
improvment. �
�lrustee and-Councilman�:jJ. Ii. Dr �ore, who�offered the
-� foregoing resolution thereupon moved its adoption t�hich was seconed:: `.:'
�� by �.Crustee and �ouncilman �mil Peterson, and upon being put to a vote �
was un�.nimously_adopted� by all membe�rs of the Village Council. '
Trustee and Councilman W. H. De Fore, offered th�
fol�lowing reaolution.
VPHEREAS, pursua.nt to a resolution adopted Dda.y 4th 1926, bp
the Villa.�e Council of the Village of West �dinnea.polis for the
construction of a sewer eztension� in the Village of �est
�Qinneapolis: - .
From the point of intersection of the center line of
Third Streei North with the center line of Ninth Avenue thence
running in a southerly direction�� distance of 645 feet a�lon� the
center line of said Ninth Avenue to the point of imtersection
of the center line of Second Street North �ith the center line of
saici Ninth Avenue and there.connection to joint district sewer
of distriot 4 herein described and classified.
Said eewer shall be � inches in�diameter and shall be cla:ssified
as lateral No 5 of district 4 accordin�; to the plans and spe.eifi—
cations on file in the office of the Recorder of eaid Villa:ge.of
�est Minneapolis, Hopkins Post Office, Minnesoia, and pursuaxit to
Chapter 35 of the laws of the Sta,te of Minneeota, for the year
1915, and amendments thereto. .,
AND WHEREAS, the Council has caused pla�ns and s2ecifications
_ to be made for si�ad work and .improvment` �uhich are on file with
the C le rk . k_ � j� ��
BE IT THEREFORE. RESOLVED, by the�Village Co�ncil of the
Village of VPest Minneapolis, that Paul``S�enaon, Engineer., with the
asaiata,nce of the Village Clerk, supervisors of the work and
heretofore designater as such by the Village Council, be and are
hereby directed�to forthwith calculate the amount proper and
necessarp to be especially assessed for such improvment a.gainat
every assessa,ble Lot` or parcel of lanei affected, upon the basie
of bene'fite without regard to cash va.lu�,tion, and in accordance
with the proviaiona of Chapter 35 General laws �9�5, and amendmenta
thereto, and provided�that the amount of the asseesment and accrued
interest for eaid improvment shall be payable in f�ive annual install
ments, that the proposed assessment when made shall be filed with
the clerk for public inspection, and`la.id before the Village Council
for.its approval. That the Clerk is hereby direoted to cause notice
to be given as required by Che,petr 35. G. L. 1915, and amendmente
thereto, of the time and place, when and where the Gouncil will meet
and pass upon such proposed.assessment, and hear and pass on all
objectione, _ if a.ny, or am�end the same.
Trustee and�Councilman �P. H. De Fore who offered the
foregoing resolution thereupon moQed its adoption, which was
seconed by Trustee and Councilman Emil Peterson, and upon being
put to a vote wa�e unanimously adopted by all members of the
Village Council � �
� - - .�
J G - �r�
r• ,
The Following bills �ere auditod and allo�ved. . ,� �
8933=Great IdorthQrn Ry. Freight. car. �14098 Poco � • �8.25
8934-First National Bank, 5.water main:coupons �147.00
C� . _� . ' . _
8935 rirst National Bank� 10 water�main coupons � 26.70
8936.-�amden Construction Co � balance in full� of �coritrsct ��3412.52
8937-Joe Burdil, 109 hours labor ,�� -���48.60
8938-Great Northern Ry, Preight oar 36822 Coke � . � � 105.20
8939-Hudson Map Co, rebinding atlas - �� 12.50
� 8940=Joe VViee, 95 hours labor �-� . - 42.75
' 8941=George V�ise , 95 hours labor � ' • � 42.75
8942-0rder canceled. �� -�
8943-�Villiam lr�inch, 228 h�urs labor ' � � � 102.60
8944-Ch�1lange Company, balanae in full'for Tower Tank 1850.00
�- 8945-Frank Edel, servisos to 7=1=26.�' � • � ���125.00
8946-James Peterson, servises�to 7-1-26: � � . - � �� � ' � � 125.--
8947=Herman Olson; servises to 7-1-26.- � � � ' 130.00
8.948-Gus �`Jil liams ,. servise s to � 7,1�26, : ��. " �- 150.00
8949-Zeonard 'uvilliams, servisos to 7=1-26. ' � � � � 125.00
� 8950-Juhn UVillma,n. 40 hiurs labor � • �-� 18.00
8951-Henr� Sparber , 180 hours labor � � • -� 81.00
'89.52-Frank l�iinvan � 228 hours labor. � � � . � 102.60
89.53=Joe Pudil, 120_hours labor. � ' � 54.00
89.54-Jos guro2iel, 228 -hours labor. . . - �� 102.60
89.55=Frank Stodola, �2:�0 hours' ove-rseer. �-�. ���� 115.00
89,56-�. A. Sohutz, 61-2 hours man and team �_ • • '� 550.80
.89.57-��larren Benson, 228 hours man �and team 205.20
�89.58=Frank Sitar, 174 hours man and team � . -� �� 156.60
895.9-L, Thompson, �127 -hours inan ar�d team � 114.30
. , �
896•0-Y'dalace Stodola. �12 hours hauling �coal • � 15.00
896.1-Jos Kurka, 235 hours labor �� � � ��� 105.75
896,2-F. J. Kokesh. suppliQs � , "� 5�.08
8963-Bren Brothers, supplies . � � �" 7�.26
8964-I�1rs Irlinnie Trwnan , Primary Llection � � •� 5.40
f3965-I�2rs B. Hosp, Primary� :�lection. � • � � � !�� �� 6.30
� 896.6-H. D. Trumari, �Primary ��lection� � " . � ��� 6.30
896.7-Z. R. Beardsley, Prima.r� i+;lection � � ��� 11�.10 �
8968-Irving Smetana, Primar� Election. 11.10
8969-John Svehil, Prims,r� �;lection '
, 11.10
8970-Charles Shonka, Primar� �lection:
8971-Dan Fole�. Prim�r� �lection � �. .
,8972-Hopkins Variet�.��ore�, Rod Plannel :.
897,3-�`Villiam Strobeck, �lectric-�supplies � � �
,8974-Herbur,t LlVilliams, 15 clays _Gas Pl�nt _ ;
,8975-Hennepin County ueview, publishing �
,8976-Mpls Gen Lleo Co,.Power.Gas Plant ,
^8977-T�pls Gen -�lec Co. Power Pwnp
_8978- �Ipls Gen �lea Co,Power Siren • , '
.8979-Mpls Gen Elec Co,Street and Hall lights �
898�-�luniQipal League, Dues to Sept 1927 .��- �
.8981-��.2pls General Hospital, care oY Jacob Nelson , �
8982-Hennepin Count�, Board of paupers .
, _ �.
8983-National Meter Go, 10 5�8 water meters , .� �
8984-Druar and PJliniaowski.. sett.ing, eorner stakes .
8985-National yd2eter Co, 1 3" �mpire meter . . �
, .8986-State Treasurer, inspection-of car 822 �is.
,8987-W. S. Not� Co, rep�rin�.gas masks ,
8988-Crane �ompan�, fittings : , �
8989-T��. B. Skinner i;o, 12 service sadciles . :
,8990-P�Zc Queen Bros , gasoline , � ;
8991-Pickands Brown Co, car 36822; 59100# Coke �: ,
8992-J. �.. Henness9 Co,.painting and material Po� librar9
8993-Pittsburgh Coal Co, Qar 14098. 75000� Poc.o. .
8994-Frank Sitar. 3 da�s working for surveyor. ;
8995-rf2o Don�ld TransPer, drayage _
8996-1�J. S. Smetsna, supplies •• , .
8997-Hennepin County 7�'nterprise. Printing.Ord,inance and
' noL-ice
8998-L. �. Close, going aQter election supplie,s
8999-H. D. Truman, returning election returnes
8000-Hopkins T�oter Co, welding � , .
9001-J. L. Hennessy Co� lumber. �
9002-P. ?3. Coyle, smithing� «rork road tools .
9003-�mil Peterson, Lgpenses to, `lerginia. . .
9004-Lrank Sitar, 15 hours of Picer primar� elect,ion _'
9005-James ATickodym,. freight and drayage � ,
-� 3.00
�- 5.82
�� 9.60
-13. 50
-20 . 40
� 3. 85
2 . 60
-1: 35
-2 : 80
43. 28.
�� �
9006-�'V. D. Lovell. �stimate ido. 1 on sewer and water
r:Iain contract 4930.80
9007-:1. H. Hensler,, smithing ��vork road t�ols i8.40
9008-�opkins Library, salery and supplies •� �104,05
` 9009-James .Blake, servise rendere�3. t�farren Benson. ' 2.00
9010-Harry B1unt,�Justice Pees. • 2.80
9011-Jos Zajicek, fitLing lock librar9 door �1.25
� � 9012-P, J. Caroline, su�plies Board of Health 4.U0
9013-First Idational Br.�nk, I�Zpls. interest on ��vater and
Ga,s bond s� � 591. 25
9014-Northtivestern Telephone :C.o, phones 45.45
� . z. .
' rt�7ee t ing_ then on mo t ion' ad j ourried .
_ , r
_ .. ., . ._ _. �?
� President. ,
.. . ' Recorder.
�; : _ � .
� � ... � _ �... _
, �. � . _ • , � . ;
•' . � r . , � � . . < �
� _ . � ; . �. , . �
�. . i . . . • . . l. . . . . ' .
. . . . . � . , � � . , . . ..
. The �Tillage Coune il of the Village of �':�est IbZinnoapolis, met
in ��ouncil room in re�ular se�sion at 7:30 0'clock P. T�tI.
August 3rd, 192G. . � "
. Members ,pres�nt ;, � �_ _
Paul S�venson, �resident, i�. �i. �De Fore and 0,. R.
_ Beckman Trustees and L. �1. Close, �ecorder.
The minutes of previous meeting �vas -read and approved as read -- -
The reports of Herman Olson, as ,to collections of lVater and Gas
a,�d P'rank Stodola, Road Uverseer were re�.d; approved �and ordered
placed on Pile.., . . . � . �
gn Ordinance to Lioense and ��egulate 'rransient. T�Ierchants
in the Village of VVest Minneapolis had its first reading, and on
mot�ion the rules were suspended and s3me was given the secomd reading
passed, approved and ordered published
g petition for�a sidewalk an� Curb on the East side of Mo nroe
Avenue between Excels.ior �venue and aecond�Street South v�as granted
and Trustee . and -.Counc ilman ti`J. �Ii. De ��'ore offered the foregoing
��H�R�AS, more than one-half oF the frontage o� the property
Pronting on the Last side oP r:�onroe �venue beteaen �aoelsior Avenue
and aecond Street South, in the Village of '�{lest ll4innea,polis,
Count� of Hennepin, State of I�,!irinespta, have petitioned the Village
Council of said �Tillage to order a sidewalk and curb constructed on
above desoribed street as aforesaid, and that all the costs`thereo.�
be assessed against the aPoresaid 8butting propert�, pa�able in five
annual installments, and have requested the adoption of the necessary
resolution to give effect thereto, according to law;
THER�,FO � B� IT RL�OZVED, b� the Village Council of the ,
Villa.ge of ���est T�riinneapolis th�,t a sidewalk and curb be and the same
is hereby ordered to be constructed on the :�ast side of l��lonroe
Avenue trom �xcelsior 1�venue to.aecond �treet South and in front oP
Zots 6,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31 and 32.in Block 22 NVest
Minneapolis Cente r. and Zots 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,z0,21,22,23 and
24 in :Block 34 ��Vest Mpls Center in accordance �ith plans and speQifi-
cations on �ile in the ofzice of the ��Tillage �lerk, which plans and speo
specifications are hereby approved and adopted. knd that the �vork of cons-
tructiog said sidewalk and curb be done onder contract let to the.
lowest bidder, .�nd �
� BE IT .�'IJRTHER t�SOLV.i,D, that the cost and expense oP con-
structing said sidewalk and curb as aforesaid, be assessed against the �:to
aforesaid abutting lots or land, payable in Five annual equal
installments, �,nd that bonds of the Village oi �+�est I�dinneapolis be
issued and negoiated and sold for the aggregate of�such installments
the proveeds thereoP to be used in paging for the said �idewalk and
Cu.rb improvment.
Trustee and Counailmax� bl. H. DeFore who offered the
foregoing resolution thereupon moved its adoption, tivhich was
seconed by Trustee and i;ounoilman 0. R. Beckman, and upon being
put to a vote was uanaimousl� adopted a� all members oi the �+�illage
- �ND '�'l��`R�AS, it is necessary to issue Orders or Bonds and to
sell the same in the amount of One Hundred FiPty (5p1�m.00)
�Dollars for the purpose of providing furids to defray the cost
-. of said improv�ent, and iri anticipation of the collection of
such special assessment. �
� . NO��' T��RLFOR:� B� IT; � SOZVED, �that the Village Council of t
� the T1ill.age of l�iest P;Zinneapolis, Hennepin Count�, �2inriesota,
' that ?rders or bonds be, and the same are, Yiereb�r ordered to
be duly issued on the�Treasurer of the Tlillage,in the sum of
One�Hundred `Lwen��-seven (�127.00) Dollars, being the aggregate
special assessment of the benefits duly determinecl and assessed
bt the Village !:ouncil in its resolution adopted July 6th, 1926,
Pyaable in five annual_installments, each of which shall be
represented by seperate orders or bonds bearing interest at
Sig (6�) per cent per annum until matutity, and to �e in
, � accordance with the atatute in such caes nade and provided
and the rre�ident of the �'dillage ::ouncil, and the Village
Clerk or hecorder �.re hereb�r authorized, empowered and instructed
to sign and execute said orders or bonds and shall sell the
same to the hig•hest bidder For not less than par, and that the
proceeds thereof be used, and are.hereby appropriated for the
pa�rment of such improvment �
. Trustee and Councilman' ed. ��i. DeFore, who offered the
� „ Poregoing resolution thereupon r�oved its 'adoption, which was
��reconed by 'riecord,er. �. �. Close, and upon being put to a vote
waa unanimously adopted b� all members of the Village Council.
�m���fi*�������=�*���*��**����*� .
�rustee and Councilman 0. R. Becl�nan offered the �ollowin
resolution. �
� The Village Counc,i3 oi the iTillage .oP �lest� T�Zinrieapolis
met in regular sossion on the 3rd dat of 1�ugust 1926 at 7;30
0'clock P.M. in the Village Council Chambera of said Village,
being the time and place appointed in � duly published notiQe
of hearing pursuant ti its rea�lution adopted J.u].� 6th �1926,
for the purpose of �scertaining and,assessin� the benefits to
the propert�r v�vithin� said Village conFered. by the improvment
known as Sewer Extension on �the street herein afte r named and
aPter hea�ring all testimomy b�r or on behalP of a11 the persons
o� parties interested or �Tuho,es property is affected b� said
improvmem t' and desiring to be� herd , and �being full� advised in
the 'p�emises, the follo�ing. resolution u�ras adopted, tiiz:
�JH ;R��S, pursuant to a� resolution adopted l�il�y� 4th 1�J26,
by the Village �ouncil for'the construction of sewer eatension
in the Vil].a,ge of �:�'est Pdinneapolis as ,Qollov��s :
F�om the �oint of inLersec�tion oi the center
line ' of 'ihird Street T�Torth v�rith the center
�line of Ninth �venue,�thence running in a�
� southerly.direction a distance of 645 feet �
along the�center line of said T�inth �venue
to the point�oF intersection o� the center.;
line o.f Second`street north �vith the center
line of � said iuinth �lvenue . anel there connecting
to joint.distriot sewer of distriot 4 herein
described and classified.
Said sewer shall be 8 inches in diameter and sh�,ll be classified
as lateral No 5 of.district 4 according to plans and speciFioatie
ons on file in the offioe oi the Recor`der of said Village oF
1°Jest fllinneapolis, �3opkiris Postoffiee ��.�innesota, and pursuant
to Chapter 35 oP the laws of I�innesota for the year 1915, and
amendments thereto.
..o. .��_ _.�..,.��.. ._.__,.. ...._. _ _._�....._.L.�,._ ,�, ._........
� AND WHEI�AS, pursuant to a�resolution of the Village Council of
the Village oF 1Jest r�lirlt�espolis, T,�innesota, adopted _Jul�r 6th 1926,
the proposed assessment of the amount piroper' and necessary to be espe
especially assessed for such improvment against every assessable lot �
piece or parcel of land affected by such improvrnent, on the basis
of benefitts ��rithout regard to cash valuation in accordance �r�ith
Chapter 35, G. Z. Z915, v�ahich has besn made and is on file with the
Village �lerk f��r Public inspection, and has been duly submitted
to the �Tillage Council for consideration, �l'�D �VHi,i��AS, due notice has
been given of the time and � place tivhen and v�here the ��ouncil will
meet and pass upon the said proposed assessment and hear and pass
upon all objections, if an�r, or amend the same.
i��OL'J iH:: ���U " Bi� I'r _:�+;aOZVL�, by the Village �ouncil of the
Village of 'eaest l��inneapolis, th�t the aforesaid proposed assessment
be and the sa.me is hereby adopted, made and constituted the speaial
assessment against the Zots, pieces and parcels of land theriin
described and shall be a lien upon the property described therein
and �11 thereoP, which lien shall be conaurant �vith thQ general taxes
assessed against s�,id property �::,nd the Clerk is hereby directed to
immedistely transmit a certified�duplicate statement thereof to the
County �uditor for colleotion in the manner and as required by law
�ND BE IT FURTHr,R �SOLV:�D� tl�at the proceeds oP assessment of proper�
levied a�ainst the propert� benefi�ed b� „said improvment be and are
henby �.��� •�ppropria�ted and set a�side as a sepera�e special
assessment fund J'or the payment oP setiver warrents issued by the
Tdillage of �Jest. T�:�inriea.polis to cover the cost and expense of said
improvment, all :.n accordance with the Statutes in such case
made �.t1d prOvidtad.
, ,
Trustee and Councilman 0. R. Becl�nan, who offered the
foregoing resol�ution thereupon moved its adoption, ti�rhich w�,s
seconed b�r Reco.rder :c;. .�. Close, and upon being put to a vote was
unanimously adonted b�r all members of the Village Council.
� general discussion was had with refera oe to a petition
For the construction of a sewer from t�e point ��X��a�������s
along the center line of 1welPth �venue a diatance of 170 Feet
south of the ceMter line of �;$Qelsior �venue, thence running in a
southerly direc�ion a distance oP 1042 Peet along the cen�er line
of said Twelfth �lvenue to the point of inter�ection oF the center
line of said Twelfth �venue tvith the center iine of Second Street
South and there connecting to joint district sewer of district 9
herein described and �assified. `
• Said se�aer shall be 8 inches in diameter and shall be
classified as lateral No 1 of district nine:
'rhat asewer be constructod from the point oF intersection
oY the center line of �'welfth �venue with the center line of aecond
atreet �outta thence running in a easterl�r direction a distance of
165 �eet along the center line of said Second atreet South to the
center line of north and south alle� located bettiveen �'vrelfth and
�leventh �venues and there cor�neoting to the general sewer herein
described and classified.�Said sewer shall be 8 inches in diameter
and shall be clasidied as district seuver For distric'� 9.
�'JH�R�:UPON; Trustee and �ecorder �. A. Close, offered :,�
the folowin resolu�ion e�tending the egisting se�ver system .
�i1H�RL�S, The Village Council of the ?lillage of ttuest
Minneapolis, Hennepin County, State of�l�,�innesota, has heretoFore
to wit, on�November 7th, 1916, passed and� approved an ordinance
V l�lll'�O r�1J � �i� 1�i �ly J �I S'iS I V�.� • J11. U�•.�,J11 J�� � TL1�i�
Trustee and Councilman 0. R. Beckman offered the following
�`�IHER�TS.. pursuant to �resolution oi the lillage Council
of the �Tillage' of �Vest T�Iinneap.olis, adopted Uctober 6th .1925,
giving effect thereto by order of the i�illage Counoil for the
eonstruction of a Curb on the ��est side of r�lonroe l�venue, between
Lxo,elsior rivenue and �irst Street South in said V.illage,�a
contract having been let for the said work in accordance with
plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village
Clerk, whieh resolution provided that the cost and expense of
constructing said �urb be assessed against the abutting property
payable in five a nnual installments..
�ND �i��;REAS, said Curb w�,s duly completed pursuant to
said resolution and contract let there Pore.
�ND ��dTr� `��5, the benefits to tne property on said Curb
b� reason of the construction ther.eoF, have been duly ascertained
b� resolution adopted July 6th 1926, duly determined and
assess�d.� . .
ATdD 'u�HE ��' S, it is necess�,r�r to issue bonds or orders
and to se11 the same in the amaunt of Two Hundred Seventy�eight
��278.00).Dollars,. For the purpose of �roviding .funds to defray the
cost of said improvment, and in anticipation of .the collection
of such special assessment.
I�10Vu THRLRFORE BE IT _�'SOL'T�;D, that the �Tillage Council oF
�the �Tillage oF luest I+4lnneapolis, i�ounty of :�ennepin, State �of
�.linnesota, that Orders or bonds be, and the same are, hereby
ordexed to be duly issued on�the Treasurer of the 1ill�ge in the
sum of T�vo Hundred Seventy-eight (�278.00) Dollars, b„ing the
a�gre�ate assessment.:oP the benefits duly determined and assessed
by the Village �ouncil�,�h its resolution adopted Jul� 6th 1926,
pa�able in five annual installments, eaoh of ��hich.shall be
represented by a sepe.rate order or bond bearing interest at Six
(6�%) per cent.per annum�until maturity, and '�o be in accordance
with the Statutes in such.�case made and provided, and t�e��
Preside3�t of the Vill;age �:ouncil, and the Village Clerk or
Recorder are hereby authorized, empowered and instructed to sigh
and e�ecute said:orders or bonds and shall sell the same to
the highest bidder P�or not less than par, and that tlie proceeds
thereoP, be used, and are hereby appropriated Por the payment
of such improvment. . � �
Trustee �,nd Councilman 0. R. Beckman, who ofPered. the
foregoing resolution thereupon moved its adoption, ��ihich was
Seconed by Councilman !�1. H. De Fore, and upon being put to a
vote was unanimousl� adopted by all members oF the v"illage Council.
Trustee ar�d Councilman VV. H. DeFore , offered the follov��ing
'�`V�iER�+,��5, pursuant to a resolution of the �Tillage
�ouncil oP the 'Jillage of ':`;est rJlinneapolis, adopted lslia� 3rd 1926.
giving effect thereto by all the otimers of the property af�ected
by the construction oP a sidewalk and curb on the uuest side oF
Lle�enth �lvenue between First and �econd Stree't No,rth, in said
iiillage, a contraxt having been let for the said work in accor-
dance with plans and speczi�ications on .file in th oflice of the
Village Clerk, which pettiton �,nd resolution provide that the
cost and expense of construeting said sidetiv�.lk and curb be
assessed against the abutting propert�, ap�able in .five annual
installments. •
�D v� -' "�, s�..id sidewalk and curb was duly completed
pursuant to said resolution a.nd contract let therefore.
.�r1D V'JH.� � S, the benefits to the property in said
sidewalk and curb, by reason of the construction thereof, have
been dul,y a�Qertained ��r resolution Sdopted July 6th 1926, duly
determined $lnd asse d
sse .
, t,�;;�' .
1� petit�on,;being- presented For additional l�later N1ain
extensions for�the pur�ose of.sup�lying water to tne inhabitents
of. the Village of b'�est Minneapolis on Twelfth ��venue bet�een
�First and Second Streets �outh, and �that the �vhole amount of the
cost and egpense thereoP be.asse�sed against the abutting property
of the petitioners, and.�in consic�eration.oP «hich Trustee and
� Recard.er :L., li. Close ,., offered • the following reso;luti.on.. �
.,, , , _. .
, t�HERL�I�, the �Tillage �ouncil of the J°illage of l'dest
I:.tinneapolis , �ounty of Hennepi�,� State of �Id�_innesota:.,:�:has.�called
to its attention b� petition _of the o�vrie,rs_of � the property
concerned therein �he adv'i"sability arid-_nece�sity o��constructing
additional tVater l�ain for�the �ur�ose of �u�plying water to
the inhabitents of the � illage of i�uest I�,�inneapolis ,. that said .
water main and the. construction thereof so under.consideration
is the be l�id as follows. �
� On Twelfth �venue between �'irst and
. �econd �treets.South in.the.Village,, �
of tiVest T,Tinneapolis, �ounty of Hennepin,_ .
State oi t�linnesota. `
.. �
- The size�_of.the �vater main so proposed to be laid shall
be Sig �6"� Pipe such as usual and customary in such case.
�ND VJH�REaS, the Council has been duly eonsiderin�
the matter of ma.�ing s�,id water main�e�tension in ac�ordance
with Chapter 425 of the _laws . of T,�innesota ,-for the year 1921 �
and proViding for the expense thereof to.be pai�. by the
abutting property o�vners in accordance with said �hapter.
,.. NOVV TH�REFOR� B� IT R�SOZV�D., in accordanoe �vith said
Chapter that-'the.consideration of.layirtg said water main
� extension�in accordance with said Chapter:be taken up �.nd that there
�- be a public hearing thereon at 7:30.= o'olock P.P.2. September 7th `
1�26, in the Counoil room of the Village Hall�in the Village of
��est rb�inneapolis; Count� .and State � aforesaid , and the Village
�ecorder is hereb� directed tp notify all property o�vners, whoes
property ma�r be_ assessed thereYore to�be presant at said hearing
That said notification be given by pubTication�of the proper
notice in due form in the ofiicial paper of tlie Village of t�Vest
P��inneapolis , C:ovnty and atate aforesaid�; For a period of two -
��--weeks -comrnencin� ��ugust 19th 1926: `,�
Trus.tee , and Recorder �;. �. Close, who offered the
foregoing resolution thereupon moved its adoption, which was
seconed.by Trustee and Councilman �: R. Beckrnan, and upon being
put to a vote was unanimous�.y adopted��by all�members of the
Village Council. .
. . _ . __r-�.,..� . .-:t� _.._..i . ii.f._� Js . ' �
.�-. �
i;' �
�;: .
,•; .
AND t���y�Rr.�S, the s�,id Village has heretofore by resolution
passed Tdovember,7th 1916,� resolvec3 that .� sewer be constructed
at a point along the center'line o� Twelfth �lvenue a distance of
170 feet south of the center line of �+:scelsior ��venue, thence running
in southerly direction a distance of 1042 feet along the center
line of said �welfth Avenue to the point of intersection of the
aenter line of said lwelfth Avenue �vith the cen�er line of Second ,;;,,;
Street South and there connecting�to joint district sewer of distr'ic`t�
9 herein described a nd classified. .
,�lso fro.m the point of intersection oP the center line of
�welfth l�venue ��uith th�e center line of Second 5traet South thence
runnin� in a easterly direction a distance of 156 feet al'ong the cente;
line of said Second '�treet South to the center line of north and south
alley .located between .'�welfth and i;leventh �lvenues arid -there
connectin� to tho general sewer here in described and classified.
�. S,aid setver sh�.11 be 8 inches in diameter and shall be
classified as distriet server For district 9 �
t;�Ii� -�'AS, the ozvners of the propert� abutting upon said
extension as aforesaid, have requested by petition that the
construction of said lat�ral a nd district sevver at tnis time
:�ND `41HE�.E�S, the cost thereof has been dul� estimated
by Yaul Swenson, a compentent enginecr, who has drativn the necessary
plans and specifications, and tabul4ted the result oF the estimate
oP the cos� and reported the same to the ilillage �iuncil of the Villag
of '4�est, n!linneapolis, and such plans and specifications have been filed
with the �lerk, and are now on file open to inspection of all persons
`�'H��RLFUR� B� IT �`',LSOZiTED, that a extension to the egisting �
�ewer aystem be constructed as follo�r�s, to wit: .
From � point along the center line of luvelith .:�venue a distaMce of
170 feet south of the center line of Excelsior Avenue, thence
running in a southerl� direction a distance of 1A42 feet along the
center line of said TwelPth .�venue to the point of intersection
of the center line o� said �revelfth �lvenue «rith the center line
of aeconc� S�r�et �outh and there eonnecting to joint district
se�ver oP district 9 herein describe�d �,nd cl�ssified'. '
Said se�ver sha11 be 8 inches in diameter and shall be
classified as I,ateral No 1 of district nine. �
� glso a set�er be construoted from.tlie :point of interseetion
of the center line of �Twelfth �lvenue tivith the canter line of Second
Street ��outh thence running in a easterly direction �. distance o.f
165 feet along the conter line o�f saicl Secorid Street South to the
center line of North and South alley locatQd beteeen TwelPth and
� Elrventh Avenues and there connec�ting �;o the �eneral se�ver here in
c�escribed and classified. 7aid se�ver shall. be 8 inche� in diameter
and shall be classified as d�istrict se�ver for district 9 all in the
1i31age of ���iest T�/Iinneapolis, �ount� oF T3ennepin, 5tate of Ps2innesota.
, Trustee and =�:eco�der,
• thereupon moved its adoption,
cilman 4�J. H. Der'ore , �.nd ,a�i
- adopte.d �y all members of the
�vho �:�f�ered the foregoing resolu�Lion
which �v�,s sec�oned by �lrustee and Coun-
n bein� put to a vote vras un�.nimously
Jil�lage �ouncil.
The Pollo4ving bills �oerQ audited and allo���ed.:
9015-r'irst Nat Bank� 1924 ti'�d.IJI. Cer �140.00 �oupons 118.95
� 1 cou�on i3, 40 � • 523.85
9016-.Joe �akak, 108 hours labor 48.60
9017-Great Northern ��, Freight car 131'1G4 Coke 102.53
9018-Hopkins Library, salery and supplies • . 86.00
9019-First Id�,tional Bank, 1924 ,Se�ver l�a�,r 280.00 Int� 67.20 347.20
9020-First National Ba,nk� 1921 LJ. M. �Cer 600.00 Int 18.00 618.00
9021-First Nat ional Bank, 1921 Swe ,��V�ir 300. U0 � Int 18.00
9022-T�lerchante Idat Bank, St 'Paul, Int on 1922.VV. �t�. Cer
9023- Druar and I:�Zi�ino�vski. !staking 9th ,1ve sewer
9024-Fiennepin Uounty �evie�,� publishing �
9025-Mpls Gen Llec Co. Streot and,H�ll lights
9026-f���pls Gen �lec Co. Po��er Gas P1ant .
9027-Mpls Gen Llec Co, Power for �wnp
9028-Pv7pls Gen �lec Co, Power airen
9029-Bren Brothers, supplies
9030-�ecurity National 3ank,;compensa,tion Insura�ce
9031-I�ipls '.�hreshing I�ach +�o; Uil Pump Parts
• �
9032-�. H. Co91e, reparing road tmols
9033-B.�i1. and Teo Harri�. 3-2" Pipe
90:4-r. J: Koke�h,� �upplies
� . , . . . �., .
9035-Pickands Brown Co, Car 13838 �576U0� Coke
9036-I��pls `l'hreshing l��ach Co � Cop��er and brsss tubing
9037-i+;astern Id�Iachine i��lorks, reparing �V�,ter �ump
9038-Red G�uing �Sewef� Pipe Co, 24' 8" Pipe
9039-h�pls Threshing I��taoh Co, �'ee�d oil purip
904A-Cook Oil Co, car 182 8032 gal Distilate .078
9041-Red 1`ling Setver Pipe Co, 32-z' 8" Pipe
9042-Improvment Bulletin. 9dd for 9th Ave Sewer bids
9043-1.4c Donald Transfer, dr:�.yage
9044 ,Burroughs Add in� Tro7aeh ;o , maintena.nce
9045-P;�pls Threshing P,Zach Co, braz:ing
9046-:�nton Olson, matches
9047-�'ickands Bro�vn �o , Car 131764 57600;# . Coke
9048-L. Thompson, 207 hours rrian r�nd team
9049-It�i. ��i. achutz. 420 hours man and team
9050-Frank Sitar, 203 hours man and team
84.93 .
50 . 40
9051-�J. Benson,228 hours man and team
9052-t�Vallace Stodola, 32 hours man and truck
9053-1�yallace atodola, 18 hours labor
9054-Frank Stodola, 234 hours as overseer
9055-Henry �parber, 205 hours labor
905G-Ed ��orber, 104 nours l�bor
9057-Joe Pudi1, 230 hours labor
9058-Joe Kirchell, 225 hours labor.
9059-F-rank I��iinv�,r, �21 hours labor
9060-Herman Olson, se-rvises to 8/1/26.
9061-ieinard �'Jilliams, salexy to 8�1/2G.
9062-Gus t�Villiams, salery to 8�1�26.
9063-Frank �del, saler�r to 8/1/26.
9064-James Peterson, salery to 8�1�26.
9065=James Berry, Two weeks as m�rshal � � �62.50
9066-A. ��1�. Gammell, s�ecial marshal July 4th 3.1�5
9067- Claus Rasmu�sen, special marshal July 4th. 3.15
9068-�V. D. Zovell, Balance in full �°Vster Main t;xcelsior
�venue 4672.45
9069-1:V. D. Lovell;Balance in full se���er 6th �lvenue 747.40
9070-�=1. D. Zovell, In �ull ior sewer on 9th Avenue
. 9071-Great Northern �y� freight car.:13B38 coke
9072-Great Northarn :?y, freight car 182 Distilate
907�-A. a, Nash, assesaing
9074-A. H. Hensler, rep�,ring ro�.d tools
9075=C, ��. Sunquist, lo�vering sewer Prom 6th to L$c �lve 265.80
9U76- �. '�u. Sunquist, rep�ring pipe broken b�r Zovell 10.30
9077- Jake Scheffler, 6 months costodian fire apperatus 50.00
9078-1y. H. DeFore, rerund rub�aish tax 3.00
Py7ee t ing then ad j ournod .
bTTEST: �ecorder .of tiVe�t tvlinneapoli�
President of Village
The Villa.ge Council of the Villa.ge of West Minneapolis
met in Council room�in regular session at 7:30 0'clock P. M.
September 7, 1g26�. � �
Members presant,
Paul S�enson, President, W. H. De Fore, 0.. R. Beckman,
Emil Peterson, Trustees, and E.. A._Close, Recorder.
The .minutes of ineeting of August 3rd 1926, were read a;nd
approved as read. . ,
The reports of Herman Olson, as to eollectiona of Gas a.nd
Water and Fra�nk Stodola, Road Overseer, vaere read, approved,
_ and ordered plaeed on file. � ,
Bids for constructing Sidewalk and Curb were:.recieved as
follo�vs. , �
No. 1, C�arl son S idewalk Co , �
, 2542--12th Ave, ,S. B4pls. : .
Sidewalk per square yard - - - -1.00 �
� � .Curb per lineal foot - - - - - - .63.. �
No 2. Ole�Olson. � � -
321-1�, Ave S. Mpls. . . -�.
`� Sidewalk per square yard - - - --1.05.
Curb,per lineal foot. - - - - - .55
No 3, W. C. Smith. .
. 5510 Colfax�Ave, S. Mpls
Sidewalk per square yard --- 1.35�
Curb per lineal foot.- - - - - .50,
No 4. Louis Lundquist.
Hopkins �Iinn. -
. , Sidevaalk per square .yard. - - - - . 0 � .
Curb per lineal foot - - - - - - ,�0., � � -
� On motion the bid of Louis Lundquiat wae accepted and he.�as
awarded the contract for constructing sidewalke a.nd curbs in
the Village during the year 1926.
� A r.equest by petition of .four residents on 12th Avenue
south from Exceleior Avenue to Second Street South� for a
_ gas main wae on motion granted. .
On the request of �att�Mo Calley tof � e Fire Department
to assi$t them in procuring new uniform� v�as �efered to e,
committee of 9V.H.De Fore, O.R.Beckman and Emil Peterson to
investiga.te and report at next meeting of the Council.
The President appointed as members of the Library
Board DQr J. G. Shinka. Mrs Winter and Mrs J. J. BQeng. .
On motion it v�as moved that a ievey of 055 per
front foot be made to cover the cost of Calcium Chloride
and s�reading saxne on the stree�s. for 1926.
On moti.on it was ordered that n� pa.rking be allowed
��X���EX��$���� within twenty feet of any corner in the Village
of West Minne�.polis by the unanimous vote of the Council.
Complaint made by.J. E, Simons, as to the condition of sevenlh
Avenue after rains was refered to the Road Committee.
. . ' A}�etitxon� for a'Sidewalk �nd Curb on the west� side o�f
Fifteenth Avenue from Excelsior Avenue to Second Street North •
wae on motion granted and Trustee_and Record.er�E. A. Close,
offered the foregoing resolution. •
. • WiiEREAB,� mo-re t�hat� one half of the� froi�ta.�e of the pr
property fronting on -the avest side of_ Fifteenth Aveni� between
Exceleior Avenue and Second Street North, in the,�Vi-llage of
West Minneapolis, County of Hennepin, Sta.te of D�innesota, have
petitioned the Village Council io order a side�alk and curb
� constructed on the above de'scribed street as a.foresa.id., and
. that al1 the cost �hereof'be assessed`�against the abutting
property, pa.yable in five annual -installments, and have req-
quested the adoption of the necessa.ry resolution to give ef
effect thereto', according to law:� ''
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Vill�,ge Council of the
� Village of West Minneapolis that.a sidewalk and curb�be a.nd
tl�e sa.me is hereby ordered to be coristrueted on.the �est side
of Fifteenth Aven�ze-bEt�veEn Excelsior �Avenue' and Se�ond Street
North and in front �f-lats 3,�,3,4,5,6,7,�,9,10,11 anf 12.in
Block 5 and lots 1,2,3,�+,5,6,7;� and 9,in�Block ��Gibbs Fir�t . �
Addition to Vdest I�Iinneapolie in � accordance with-plans and
s-pecifications on�fil� in-the office,of the Village Clerk,
which plans and specifications•are hereby approved-and a.dopted
and tha.t the tivork of constructing said �id.ewalk an'd curb be
done under contra�t let to the lowest�'bidder, ans:
BE IT FURTHER-RESOL�iEB,�th�,t the�cost and expense of
constructing said sideaTalk and curb�as aforesaid, be•assessed
against the aforesaid abutting lots of •la,nd,.'..pay�ble in five
annual installmen�s; anf that bonds o� orders of the Village
of U�est Minneapol�a be issu�d-and` negoiated �a,nd' sold for the
� aggregate of such installments the proceeds to�be used in p
� paying for the �said siciev��,l� a,nd curb improvment. ,
TrustEe and Recorder E�, A, Close,.v�ho offered the
�,foregoing resolutiori thereupon moved its adoption which
�as secoried by Triistee and Councilman Emil Peterson,'and
upon being put to a vote was unanimously adopted by all men-
bers of the Village Council. ,
.�, . � , : � � � � �
- ..,. _,r�- _- , . .r. , _..
� . , - i. � . .
' ; , 'L . .
\� Trustee and Councilme,n 0. R: Brckman offered the
fo_regoin� resolution. _
The Village Council of the village of West Minneapolis,
Hennepin�County, State--of Minnesota; offeres the followin reaolution
authorizing a,n issue and negoia.tion of 3ewer VParrents for the purpos�
of prov.iding��und� to deEray the cost of the n�c�ssary extensions to
the sewer sy�,tem of the said gil�lage in accordance witii Cha,pter 35
G. L. �9i5, Minneeota,, a.nd amendments there.to.
. . , � - �<;
VPHEREAS, the necessary �steps haee� bee�n �ta.ken by, the Village
Council of.the Village of 9Vest�Minneapolis, Countp of Hennepin, $tate
of Bdinnesota, for the construction of sewer e$tensione in the said
Village pursuant to Chapter 35, G. L. 1915, and e.mendments thereto.
AND VPHEI�EAS, pursuant to a, resolution of the Village Council
adopted May 4th �9z6, it was deemed_necessary and expedient for the
best interesta of said Village to construct extensions of sewer in the
Villa�e of West B�inne�,polis �e,s follows: •-
From the point of�intersection of the oenter line�
of Third Str.eet North with'the center line of Ninth
Avenue, thence running in a southerlp direction a
�� dista.nce of 645 fe��t along the center line of said
Ninth Avenue to the point of intersection of the
center line of Secorid Stre�et North with the center line
said Ninth Avenue� anci there connecting to joint
district s�er of district�� herein described and
cla,ssified. Said eewer sh�.11 be 8 inohes in diaxnet�r
and shall b� clasified as .altera.l No �5 of �district � �
, �+.by laying a sewer thereon.in accordance with plans
and specifications on file in the office of the Recorder
said Villa e of West Mi li H� '
g nneapo s, opkins Postoffice, �Hinnesota, pur—
su�.nt to Chapter 35 of the le,w�� of Minnesota for the year 1915, and
amend.ments thereto. . � �
AND V9HEREAS�, the Council has caused plans and specifications
to be made for the said� work� and improvment, which are on file avith
the Clerk . � . -
AND V9HEREAB, A contract for the sum of Twelve Hundred Eighty
(�12�0.00) Dollars.has been duly let for the construction of said sewer
extension on the street-aforeea.id.
L AND VPHEREAS,It is deemed necessary and expedient for the
J� best intereste of the sald Village.to ma,ke sais-necessary improvment
a.nd sew�r exteneion to a,nd to maintain the existing sewer aystem in
said. Villa.ge. , . .
AND WHEREAS, By resolution�adopted May 4th 1926, Paul
Sv�enson, engineer v�ith the assistance of the Village Clerk, supervisors
of the work heretofore desi�nated as�such by the Village Council.w�re
directed�to forthwith calculate the amount proper and necessary to be
especi•ally aesessed for such improvment against every assessable lot,
piece or parcel of land affected, upon the basis of benefits without
regard to c�.sh valuation for the cost of said �vork and
NOW'THEREFURE BE IT RESOLVED, b'y the�Village Council of the
Villa�e of West Minneapolis, County.of Hennepin, Sta,te of Minnesota, that
the sa.id Village Council, issue e.nd negoiate Twelve Hundred Eighty
(�12�0.00) Dollara im amount of Sewer Warrents of said Village in accordence
with authority given�by Chapter 35, G. L. 1915, and amendmenta thereto
for the purpose of providing funds to defray the cost necessa.ry for the
impTovment and �xtention to �,nd maintenance of the existing sewer aystem
in the said Village, and that there be and there hereby ie.is�u�d coupon
,►+ Warrente of the Villag� of,West M�imneapolis for the aggregate amount
aforesaid bearing interest at the rate of six (6�) per cent per annum,
pa.ya.ble annually, said we.rrents to be�in.d�nomination and mature as
follo�vs. �25�.00 Due Septemb�r lst 1927. .
25�.00 Due September lst 1g2�.
25�. C�0 Due September lst 1929 •
25�.00 Due september lst 1930.
Said w�,rrents to be�da��d Septembex�ists�9��31'
The:President, and the Village Clerk or Recorder of�
the Villa�e Council be and are hereby authorized and empowered
and instructed to sign and execute said 3ewer Warrents and
ea.id Coupons �tt�ched thereto, and sell the a�me to the
higheet bidder for no� less than �ar, and that the proceeds
thereof be used and are hereby appropriated for the payment �
of such improvment.
Trustee and Counci�.man 0. R. Beckman, who offered
the foregoin� resolution thereupon moved its adoption�which
was seconed by Trustee and Councilman VP.�H. ne Fore, and upon
bein� put to �s. vote avas' unanimously adopted by all members
�of the Vi1�a,g�Cou���� � �. � � � �
tae�PL c,n.! eL u.� ' �, a � o�ol �c * g,/'L�'�lral�
REAS�, :th;e��advisability�dand n c��f�y of constructin �.ddifion
g . �
wate�-�mai�;, �fo.r the purpose of supplying water to the inhab�
itents of¢ihe Village of West Minneapolis, is under consid—�'
eration, �aid water mains�a.nd.the construction thereof so under
consideration, are proposed to be laid as follows:- ,
On Twelfth Avenue betvaeen First S�reet South to Second
Street South. � � �
� Thw size of the rovater:r�ain so propoded to be laid to
be of Six:(6!') inch pipe such ae is usuaT and customary in
such cases, including in all cases proper connection with
and as a part of the existing voater works system of said Vi
.�AND Wi�REAS, The said Council has caused due notice t
to be given property�owners affected by the laying of said
water main extensions in acco'rdance with Chapter.425 of the -
laws�of Ddinnesota, for the year 1q21; of a public hearing
thereon at�7:30 0'clock P,� M. September�1926, in the Council
room of the Village Hall,�in�the•Village of UPest �inneapolis.
_ � AND WHEREAS-, at said �time .and place,� all property
owriers affected by the laying �of s�,id' water main and the
assessment thereof in accordance with eaid la�r, were duly herd
and there being no objection to saia project.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,�that the construction of
, said proposed water main is necessary and that the same be
constructed as proposed.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that' the Village Recorder be '
directed and he is hereby directed�,�to advertise for bids for
the construction of such improvment in the Hennepin County �
Review, the official.news pa,per of said Village, and in the,
.I�provment Bulliten, Minneapolis, Minnesota�, each for a peroid
of tavo weeks, such advertismnet shall spe'cr�ify the work to be �
done, shall call for bids on a basis of ca`sh payment fdr such
work and shall state the time when bids wi�ll be ope�aed and
considered by the V�illage Coiancil, �nd that�no�bid sha11 be .
considered un�ess sealed and filed with the Reeorder and accom—.
panied by a ca,sh deposit or certified check payable.to E.A.Close,
Recorder, for fifteen (15�) per cent of t2ie amount of the bid. .
�AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, tha.t sealed bids e�Till be
recieved by the Village Council of the Village of West Minneapolis
County of Hennepin, State of �Iinnesota.,.'Post Office, Hopkins
T��innesota,, up to 7:30'0'clock P.M. Sept 20,1926,at which time same
�ri11 be opened for.consideration. ; .
AND BE IT FURTFi�R RESOLVED,'�that the cost of construction
of said water main extension be assesse'd �,gainst the property
abutting thereon upon the basis of bene�fits to.property in.accor—
dance with Chapter 425 of �the laws of Minnesota, for the yea.r 1921
� , � � � � �� .
Trustee and Councilman W.H.De Fore, who offereci.the foregoin���
resolution thereupon moved its adoption�ur�ich �vas seconed by
Trustee and Councilman O.R.Beckman, and upon being put to �, vote
was unanimously,adopted by all members of •the tTilla.ge Council.
., •� `
,!;,1 \ ,
.i', `
,:' .
;, .
;� �
' .
The follo�in� resolution was offered by Trustee and Councilman
Emil Peterson. _
WHEREAS, -the Village Council did on •the 3rd -�l.ay
August 1926, pass a resolution for the construction of an
extension to the existing seuver system to be construc�ed
followrs, to-wit:
From a point along the center line of Twelfth
Avenue a distance of 170; feet south of the center. line- of
Excelsior Avenue, thence�running in a�outherly direction a
distance of 10�F2 feet along thecFnter line o.f saici Twe3fth Avn
Avenue to the point of intersection of the centEr line of
Twelfth Avenue with the cen�er line of, Seconc�-f�treet �outh
and there connecting to joint district sevrer of�F�diatrict nine
herein described and ca,lssified. � �
Sa.id sewer shall be � inches in diaxneter and shall be clasa-
ified as lateral No 1 of district 9. .� -
ALSO a sewer to be constructed from the point of
intersection of the center line of Twelfth Avenue�witYr--the
center lir�e of Second Street South thence running in a
ea.sterly direction a distance,of 1�5 feet.along the oe�ter line
of Second Street South�to the center line of the North a.nd
South �,lley located betv�een 12=and 13th Avenues and there
connecting to the general sewer herein described and
classified. , � _ - -
Said sewer shall be � inch s in dia.meter and shall
be cla�ified as district sewer for district 9 all in t�.e
Village of West Minneapolis.
WHEP�EAS, P�.ul Swenson, Engineer with the assista.nce Of
E.A.Close, Recorder, has drawn the necessary plans antl-specifi-=
cations a,nd ta.bulated and estimated the cost of said improvment
and reported the sa.ne to�the�Village Council'of the�Vi�lage
of West Minneapolis. �
AND WHEREAS, s�ch plans and specifications, tabulations.
and estimates ha,ve been made and filed with E. A�. Close,. ''
Clerk and Recorder.
N0�1 THEREFORF BE IT RFSOLVED, tha:t the Village Clerk
be, and he is hereby directed to caus� prop.osals for brd,s for
such work to be advertised �n the Hennepin County Review,
the Official Paper of the Vill�,ge of West �Zinne�polis; -and in
the 3mprovment Bulliten, Minneapolis, Minnesota, a.t least once
in each week for three succesive weeks,� vdhich .adver.tism-ent sh
shall specify the work to be done, shall call for bids upon the
ba,sis of cash p-ayment for the v�ork, a,nd shall st�.te a$-ime mrithin
which bids e�ill be recieved, and. the exact time at which the
same will be opened for consideration by the Villa.ge•Council
of the Village of �Pest �inneapolis: that all bids shall be ac
accompanied by a certified check, paya.ble tA �the T•rea,surer of
the Village in the sum of at le�,st fifteen (15�) per cent
of the �,mount of the bid, that all proposals �shall• be• directed
to the Recorder of said. Village securely sealed, so as to
prevent them being opened without detection, �and to be-endorsed
on the wrapper, mrith a brief ststement or surn�nary as to the �
work for which the bid is mad.e. • �� -'
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that s�.id proposal� and b-ids be
recieved by the Village Council of the Villa.ge of West Minn-
eapl�s, County of Hennepin,.State of Minrieso�ta,�Post Of-fice
Hoplcins Minnesota, up to 7:30 O�clock P.M. September 2�th 1926,
at vrhich time the game. vni�ll be opened for consideration: '
, BE IT FtTRTHER RESOLVED, that the cost of constructing said
'extension of the sewer as a.foresaid be assessed against the
�� land abutting thereon in accorda,nce with Section 9 of•C3�apter
� 35 of the laws o� �l?innesota for the year Zgl5
'�� � Trustee a,nd Councilman Emil Peterson,.v��ho offered
the foregoing.resolution thereupon moved its adoption, evhich
. was �econed by Trustee and Councilma.n 0. R. BecYman, and
, upon being put to a vote ti�vas unanirnously adopted by all
members of the Villas�e Council.
The following bills �ere �udited and allowed
9079-Ed Arkes, 159 hours labor •
90�0-North�estern=Te1'ephone Exch. phones�
90�1-Fir�t �Na.tional Bank,. Seiner �Warrents and coupons
91��2�Mpls �anufacturing Co, 4 blaes excelsior .
90�3-:'V. S. Nott Co, Asbestoa Cemen� � `
� 9o�4-Ameri:can �Met�er� Co, 10 'Ga.s Mete�rs �� `
, �
9o�5-State Treasurer, Inspecting'car 1�2 Dis
9o�6-Yellow Tr�.il Garage, Gasoline .' � �
90�7-Carl E 3iewert, reparing Tape �'� � �.
90��-L�. Lundquist. ' Sidewalk a,nd � Curb 1'1 th Ave N. '
. ,,,. , , , . .
- 9o�9-L. Lundqui'st,-' Sidewalk and''Curb�; Monroe Avenue
,°090-hdpls Gen Elec Co. Street an� Ha�ll � light's.
9o91-�dpls Gen Elec Co, Power for Siren. •�
9o92-�p1s Gen Elec�Co, Po�er Water Pump. -
9�93-�pls Gen Elec Co, Power G�.s Plant
. � � , .• .
_� 9o94-Jar�es Peter�on. servises' to ' 9/1/26: � ��
9095--Frank Edel;.:servises to 9/1/26:
go96-Gus Williams, Servises to �/1/26.
°097-Leonard �Nilliams. Servises to 9/1/26.
9o9��Herman Olson. Servises to �,/1/26. ,
� 9o99=Hurbert'Williams.�l7�days at'Ga:s Plarit �.
,,.;9100-3ren Brothers,�supplies ' � . -
,, . . , ,
� 9101-�rane �Co�, 3T!�' i.2" Pipe , .
_; 9102=Nationa:l Meter Co, 1.0'�Empire Meters
�103-J. E. Hennessy Co. Lumber-and`Cement �
. - . . : road � ., . . .
. 9104.--P.�� H.. Coyle. repe.rin$ .tooTs � � ,
-.91o5-ti'P. S. Nott Co, ExpanG-ion joint-s
�, .� .. � -
- ,- .9.��o6-Hopkins Library,• S'alerp arid� �uvplies
f�107 :'Pilliam Strobeck, Fiber washers � � �
010�-Hennepin Gounty Review. Publishing � � .
91o9-North�veste,rn Telephone Exch.. Phones
. � ; . .
�� 9110-M. � A. Schutz�, 392 Yiours man and team
:�,-9111=?'Valace Stodola, 67 hours man and team
.,9112-G. Benson. 117 hours man and team �
9113-L. Thompson, 1�+9 hours man and teaxn
911�-Frank�Sitar, 222 hours man �.nd team .
. �7•45
52g . o�+
` 4.?0
1. 64�
. 25
�, i25.00
� � 446.�0
, i�2. ?5
� ` 3.00
� . 107.4�
' •.• i25.00
, 125.00
. � � . 62. 50
. 7•30
, . . 42.35
139 50
. ?7.25
� 65.00
, 59.40
-� 44.95
452. �,0
9i15-�. Benson.227 hours m�n and team 204.30
9116-�al�ce Stodola, 13 houre laror 6.�5
9117-Henry Sparber, 231 hours labor 103•95
011�-Frank Stodola, 23� hours as overseer 131.45.
9�1g-G. Manvar, 222 hours labor. 99•9�
9120-Ed Fa�er, 63 hours labor 2��35
9121-Joe Pudil, 226 houre la�or 101.70
9122�Joe Kirchell, 204 hours labor. 91.�0
9123—J. Neleon. 176 hours la.bor. 79.20
9124-A.H.Hensler, reparing road tools 20.60
91z5-Jos A. Hosp. 1/� salery � Incidenta.ls 94.1�
Meeting then on motion adjourned.
,. . . ,_ -= - �---� �
The following resolution v�Jas offexed by' Trustee a.nd
Councilrnan Emil Peterson.
,�� . :. . - .
l�;I'ER�AS; pursuant to a� resolution adopted August 3rd
1926, by the�Village'Council of the Vi11�;ge of West �Iinneap�
� olis for the construction of a sewer extension in the V�i��llage
of 9Vest Minneapolis as follows:
- Fror� �: po int along the' cente r l ine � o f Twe lf th' Avenue
—a distance of� i70; ,feet _ south ,of � the -center line o:f Exce.lsior
A�enue thenee.r�znning in a.southerly direction a distance
of 10�+2 feet al�ng the center line of�said Twelfth Avenue
� to the point of_inet�section of the center line of Twelfth
Avenue with tlie center line of Second Street South and
there connecting to joint district sewer of district 9
iaerein d.escribed and cla,ssified. � � '
Said se�er shall be �� inches in d.iameter and�shall be
classified�as lateral.No l of district 9. �
A se�rer to be constructed from the point of intersection
of the center line.of.Twelfth Avenue with the center line
of Second Street South thence'running in a easterly d�irec—
tion a distan�e of lb5 feet along the centsr line of Second
S-�reet South to.the center line-of the North and South alley
located betv�een 12th and 13th Av�nues and there connecting
to the general sewer herein desc�ibed and classified.
Said sewer �hall be � inches in diameter and shall be class�
�fied as distr.ict sewer for district 9 all in the Villa�e
of West �linneapolis.
AND �VHEREAS, the Council has caused plans and specifi—
cations to be made for said work and improvment �ahich are
on f ile with the Cle,�k .
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, by the Villa�e Council of
the Village of West Minneapolis, th�.t Paul S�ven�on, Engineer
with the assistance of the Village Clerk, supervisors of
•the v�oxk and heretofore designated as such by the Village
Council be and are rereby clirected to forthc�ith calcu�ate
the amount proper,and necess�.ry to be a�sessed for such i
improvment against�,the assessable lots or parcels of'•,land
affected upon the basis of benefite �ithout regard to caeh
valuation, and in accordance with the provisions of Chapter
35, Genere,l laws of 1915, and axnendments thereto,,, and
nrovided that the amount of the assess�.ent and acrued interest
for said improvment shall be payable in five equal a,nnual
installments. That the proposed assessment when made shall
be filed v�►ith the Cl�rk for public inspection, and laid
before the Council ior its approval.
That the Clerk is hereby directed to cause notice to
be given as required by Chapter �5, Gene�al laws 1915,
and axnendments thereto, of the jaime �.nd place, avhen and
v�here, the Council �rill meet upon such proposed assessment
and �ear and pass on all objections,'if any, or amend the
Trustee and Councilman Emil Peterson, �Rho offered
the foregoing re�olution thereupon moved its adoption which
was seconed by Councilman and Trustee 0. R. Beckman, and
upon being put to a vote was unanimously adopted by all
members of the tTillage Council.
�� .. h',
�:ir�r�l;:�°!',✓•,} �� `��� ,o <., , ("e'
Trustee and Councilman Va. H. De �ore, offered the
following resolution: � � � •�
WHER�AS, it appears t�at the necessary steps have
b�ren taken by the Vi11�ge, Council of �th� Village of '�est
— i�innea�olis, County� of Hennep�.n, �StatQ of' �inn�so��a, . for
th� constru�tion of adc�itional Water �I�,ins.� �
AND 9l►HEREAS, it' is necessary to issue Certificates
nf IndEbtedness in �h ainount of Fo�irte�n� Hundr�d Thirty�
• � N�ne� and Thirty ��z2�id�redths (�14�39:3fl) Doll�.rs foT the pur—
�ose: o� providi�ng�;�funds to defr2�y trE cost cif� said addi—
tion�.l improvmen�s and. extensit�ns� to �nd m�,intenance of
th� exls�ir�g wat{��r.works' sy�tem i�n said V�:llage:
' AND �VHT' A�, � it �s d��mEd: necessary a�d exp�di�nt
for the best nterests of. said.� V•i17.�,ge;�to� ma.ke •�aid nec—
essa.ry .addit ons,� i�riprovme�its, a�d� ex�'�nsgor�s� to � and to •
maintain th existi�g v��.t�r �tTorks syi�`tem' it� said �'illa,ge.
. ,. _
�� '. NOt� HRT+'R�FORE BE;, � T� RESOLiTED, that � the Nillage
— C o u n e i l' o'� t h e � i. l l age,-r o f• Wes t M i nne�.po li�, Coun ty �o f
� H�r�nepin, Stat�� of• l�iin�esota; for the purpo�se of providing
�- � i�nds to dE�ray- the cbst of necessary �.dc�itions, im�rov�
men�ts, �:nd �extens�ion� to the �naintEr�an�e of� the •ex`isting
watpr works sy�tem in sa.�.d Vi11a�e �� •
. . . • . , . r .
The �o1lo�ing resolution ��e offered by Truatee and
Counoilman Emil Peter�on.
�aHEREAB, pur�uant to a re�olution e,dopted Auguat 3rd
�926, by the V�llage Counoil-of the Villa,ge of �1ee� �inneap-
011� for tbe conetruc�lon of a eeweP ea�tension in the �illlage
of �est �inne�polie as followe:
From � point along �he e�nter line of �'welfth Avenue
s di��anoe of i70 fect south of the oenter line of Eavelsior
Avenue thenoe r?anning in a southerl�r d,irection � di�t�noe
of 1042 fee�•�,long the oent�r line of e�i8 Twelfth Av�nue
to the point of ineta�eeotion of the center 13ne of Tw'elfth
�►venue with the oenter �ine of �eaond �treet �outh and
there.conn�ating to joint distrioL ge�oer of di�triet 9
�erein deseribed and ol�esified.
9aifl se�rer eha�ll be S inohee fn di�uneter and sh�,ll be
claseified ae later�.l No l of district 9.
A se�rer to be oonet�uc%ed from the poin� of interseotion
of the o�nter lin� of Te�relfth Avenue witD the oenter line
of Seoond 3treet south thenae running in a easterly dfrec-
tion a� dietance o� 165 feet alon� the aenter line oY SeQond
Street �outh to the center l�ne o� the North and �outh e.11ey
1oca�ted between 12th e�nd 13th Avenuee and there conneotin�
to the gener�l seWer herein desc�ibed etind olaeeified.
Said eewer �he�ll 1oe S fno8e� fa diameter e�nd �hall be olaee-
i�fi�fl ae dietrict eewer for 8istriot 9 e�li in the Vflla��e
oY �Nest �inneapolis.
I1�1D t�Fi�REAB, �he Counoil hag oaueed plane and speoifi-
oa:tione to be made �or aQid work a.nd improvment w�ich �.re
on f lle �►ith ihe Cle�k .
H� IT �'iiER�FORE REBOL�TED, by t$� Vflla,ge COunoil Of
the Villa�e of Aest Minn��poli8, th�,t P�ul Sweneon, Eragineer
wlth the �s�istaaoe of the Vi112�ge �lerk, �upervisore af
the work �nd heretofore designated ae such by the Village
Couneil be and �,�e hereby directed to forthwith oaleul�te
the e,mount�pYoper �nd neae�sery to be ��s�eeed for euoh i
improvmen� sgainst �Ehe �sseseabl� lote or pa�roelB of land
a,ffeotefl upon the b�eie of benefite without rega.rd to oe.sh
v�lue�t�on, �nd in �ocordanoe �ith �he provieione of Chapter
35, ��neral l�.�e of 1915� �nd amen�ment� thereto, �nd
provf8ed that the amount of the assessment �nd �.oru�d in�ereet
for s�id improvment eh�ll be p�.y�.b7.e in ��ve equal annu�l �
inste.11mente. Tha� the proposed a�sesement �hen m�de shall
be �iled �eith the Clerk for publia inapeation, �nd laid
befo�e the Counoil for its approval.
�'%at the Clerk ia herebq.direoted �Eo cauee notiee to
be �iven a� required by Che,pter ��j, Qenemal l�.we 1915,
and �mendxnents thereto, of the #im� and pl�Qe, when �nd
v�here, tbe Council will meet upon �uch proposed ��seBsroent
�nd �ear e,nd p�ss on all ob�eot9.one� iP a.ny, or am�nd the
sta.me .
Trustee and Counoilman i�mil Peter�on, a�ho offered
�he foregoing reeolution thereupon moved ite adoptian a�hich
v�as secon�d bp Councilman and Truetee 0. R. Beakman, �,nd
upon be9.n� pu� to a eote was una.nimouely a,dopted by �.11
member� o the Vflla�e aounoil.
��s�+tss�toss��*s�** �s�t*s*ss
V�SEREAS, a contr�et for the eum of 2j4�.00 Doll�.re ha�e been
let pursuant to � resolution adop�ed Auguat 3rd 1g26, by
the 9illa�e Council of the Villa,�e of �Jest Minneapolis, for
the oonstruction of a sewer.eatiension in �he Village of
�est �innea,polis as follows:
From a poin� alon� the aenter..line of �velfth Avenue
a distance.of 170_f,eet south of the center line of Excelsior
Avenue�thenoe runni�g in-a southerly direetion a distance
of 1042 fe�t along the oenter line of said Twelfth Aeenue
to the point of in�erseation of �he center�line of 4'welfth
Avenue with �he Eenter li.ne of Second �treet South and
there conneoting to'j�oint district sewer of district 9 herein
d�scribed and� clae+sified.
3aid ee�er�she.11 be'� ii�ches in diameter and shall be class�
if ied �.s lateral IQo 1' Qf df striQt Nine .
A ee�er to be eonstructed from the point of intersectfon
-of -the_ center�- line. of Twelfth seenue with the center line ,
of Second 3�reet South thence running in a ea��terly direci�on
a distance of 165 feet along the center line of_3econd
Street Sou$h to the. aenter �line of ,the l�or%h and 9outh alleg
located between 12th �nd 13th Aoenues and-there Qonneatin�
to the �eneral s�wer herein desaribed and cl�ss�f.ied, .
3�id sewer shall be � inches in diameter �nd she.11
be calssified a.e distriex.sewer.for di�trict 9 acaording `-_
to plaua� �.nd specific�t:ions on file in the offioe of the
Recorder of the Village of Weg'G Minneapolis, Hopkins
Poot Office E3nnesota, and pursuant to Qh�pter 35 of the
l��rs of the 9tate of Minnesota for the pea,r 19�5, �nd
amendm�nts thereto. � �
A1�D 1l�EREA9, pursuan% *o a resolution. of the �lilla�e
Council of .��Vill, oY �eat �inneapolie, Minnesota,
�dopted 3ep er. th 1926.�, the propoeed a�sessment of the
proper amount necess��y to be especially asseesed for suoh
improvment againa� eeery assesaable lot, pi�ece or parcel�
of land asffeated by such i�provment on the basis of benefits
wi�hout regard to eash valuation and in accordanoe with Chapte
35� �• �• 1915: $as been made.�and is on file �ith the Villa�e
Clerk for publio inspectiono
1�OTIC�_IS HEREBY GI9ER, that th� Village.Counofl of
the Villa�e of �dest Minneapoli�s, Minnesota, v�ill mee�
Aovember �926,�in the Yillage Council Chambera in the
Villa�e Municip�l building of said 9ill�age at 7:30 o°clook
P. !',�. and paes ugon such proposed �.sseesment, and sh311
hear and p�.es upon all objectione if an�, and may amend
the proposed asaes�ment as to �ny lo�s, pieaee of land
a.nd will prooeed to make an a.saeesment as aforeaafd for
eaid �ork �ncl�improvmen� in accordanae with eaid Statute.
Dated 9egt,�mber 5th, 1926.
Pre s ident.
Vill�e Recorder
Augus.t 3ef 1�26, Paul ��:e�son, Er�gineer, ti�rith the assi; tance of
the Village Clerk, suoer°visorsAof the work, heretofore design�te�
as such by the Village Council were d.irectEd to fort�.�rith calcu—
� s,te t�e �,r�±ount proper and necessary �o be especially assessed
for such improvment �,ga.in�;t every assessable lot, piece or parcel
of l�,nd a,ffaected, upon the basis of benefits witholzt regard to
cash valuation for the cos+ of sai� �vork and improvment.
AND GIHEREAS, �t is necessary ti issue warre:�ts to be known �
as sewer warrents and to.negoia.te the sa.me in the a.�ount of '
T�renty—three �unc?r�d and Forty—Eight (�234�.00) Dollars for thE our
purpose of providing funds to defray the cost of said irnprovment ancx
extension for the maintainance of the existing set�er system i
in�said. Village in anticipa.tion of the col.lection of such i
s�ecial aesessr�ent. �
NOVr� THEREFORE i3E IT �.ESOLVED, that the Vi�lage Council of
the Village of !�est bqinneapolis, Hennepin County, Sta.te of
�Tinnesota, th�.t the said Villa e issue a.nd negotia;�e T�enty—
trree Hundred a.ncl Forty—eight ��2j4�.00) Dollars in amount of
setwer warrents of said Village, in �,ccordance ro�ith �.uthority
given by Ch�,pter 35 G. L. 1�15, and �endments there�to for
the pur;��ose of providing funds to defray +he cost of necessa.ry
improvrnente and eFtension�s to and ma,ntenance of the existing
sevuer e�orks system in the said Village, and that there be and
thEre here7�t is issued coupon wa,rrents of the Villa,ge cf West
Minnea.polis for the a.ggrega,te �afores�id bea.ring interest �,t
the rate of six (6�) per ce�nt per a,nnum paya.ble annua,lly,
said. warrents to be in deno ination and mtture a.s follows �nd
bea.ring date of i9�6.
��69.60 Due �r! _1927,
469.6o Due , , 1g2�.
�46g.6�o Due� ; , 1929•
��469.60 Due . , 1930.
469.60 Du.e�_L�. 1g31.
Thae the �Jillage
the Village Council �.r
instucted to si�n and
saiu Coupons att�ched
highest bidder for not
thereof be used and ar
of said improvment.
Cler� or Recorder and the Presdadent of
e hereby �.uthorize�, empowered ancl
e�ecute the eaid Se�er V9arrents and
thereto, and se11 the same to the
less than p�,r, and that the proceeds
e,hereby appropxi�.ted for the payment
Tr�a�tee and_Councilman Emil Peterson tii;ho offered the
foregoing resolution thereupon moved its adoption, l�hich w�.s
seconed bt Trustee a,rid Counciimar. 0. P�. Beckma.n, and upon
being nut to a vote �r�.s unani�ously adopted by all members of
the Village Council:
Trustee a:nd Councilman Emil Peterson, offered the follo�ing
SE�'ER WARR�NTS, of the Village of z�est �Iinneapolis, Count�y -of
uenn�pin State of Jlinnesota, for the purpose of providing
funds to defray tne cost of necessary extensions to the sewer
syatem of said VilZage in accordance v�ith Chapter 35, G. L.
1915, of �innesota, an�� amendments thereto.
VJHEREAS, th� necessary step� have been taken by the
Village Council of the Vill�ge of !"est �Iinneapo�is, �ounty
of Nennepin, St�,te of Minnesota, for the construction of a
sewer extPns�fion in said Village pursua.nt to Cha.�t�r 35, G, L,
of �innesota, and amer.dments-thereto.
AND �ViiEREAS, pursuant to a resolution of the Village
Council adopted August 3rd, 1;'26, it vaa.s deemed necessa.ry and
��`�expedient for the best imterests of sai�. Villa.ge to con�truct
extensions of sewer in the Village of �i�est b�inneapolis ae
From a point �,long the center line of Twelfth Avenue
a distance of 170 feet south of the center line of �xcelsior
Avenue thence run�ing in a southerly•direction a distance of
1042 feet a,? on� the center line of said T�uelfth .Avenue to the
p�int of imtersection of the center line of m,rtTelfth Avenue
vrith the center line of Second Street South and there co:�nec�
ting to joint district seaver of distric+.9 Y�erein described
and cl�.ssified. �
S�.id eeti�er sha1.1 be � inches in dia.meter and
shall be classified as Lateral No 1 of distri.ct 9.
A sev!�er to be constructed from the poznt of intersec-
tion--of the center line of TveeTfth Avenue v�rith the center lin.p
of � cond Street South, thence running i�a a easterly c?irection
a diGt�,nce of 165 feet along tre center line of sa.i�. Seconcl
Street South to the center line of th.e north �nd. south alley
localed bettiaeer_ 12th znd 13th AZ*Enues and there connecting to
the Genera.l Se�rer herein descr�.bed �nd elassified.
S:�id �e�ver sha.11 be � inches in diameter and
sha,7.1 �e classified as di�trict sewer for c�istrict Nine, by
la.ying a sev�er thereon in accordance tixaith plans a,nd �pecifi--
catio�:s on file in the office of the Recorder of sa.id Village
of 'T1est '�inneapolis, Hopkins Post Office P�+�innesot�., a.nd pursuant
to Cha.pter 35 of the laws of Minnesota, for the ye�r 1915, and
amendments thereto. �
AN� V�IHEREAS, the Council has ca.used plans and specifica-
tions to be mta.de for said work anc? improvment �hich �.re
on fil� with the Clerk. �
ArID �ri�HEREAS, a contr�,ct for the sum of T�°�enty Three
Hundred and Forty-eight (�23�-�.00) Dolla.re has been let for t
the construction of saic� sem�er extension on �h� street aforesaid.
AATD 'JUHEREAS, it i� _�eemed nece�s�.ry �,nd expedie�nt for
the best interests oi the eaid Village to r�ake said necessary�
improvment and seaver extension to a.nd to maintain the existigg
sewer system in said Village.
AIJD �j�REAS, by resolution of the Vil.la.ge Council.� ��:�opd�d
Was offered by Trustee and Councilmaxi V�'. H. De Fore as
1'JHEREAS, the
Vil.lage Council of
Henn�pin, State of
�ater ma,ins in the
1921, I�dinnesota.
necessary steps have been taken by the
the Villa.ge of 11�est I�inneapolis, County of'
�linnesota., for the construction of addition al
said Village pursuant to Chapter 425, G. L.
AATD �JVHEREAS, pursua.nt to �, resolution of the Village
Council of s�.id tTilla.ge adopted August 3r� 192�, it was deeraed
rlecessary and expident fo.r the best interests of sa.id Village
to construct addition�.l six inc?� pipe water mains on the follov�ing
stre�et i n said Village:
On T�velfth Avenue between First Street South and -
Secon,� Utreet'South.
AT3D 'NHEREAS, prior to the adoption of said resolution
and proceed:.r_gs eiving effaect thereto, thereby, petitions vuere
�- ma,de to the Village Council by the o�:ners of t�e ab•atting
property at the peeting of the Council held �n . 1926�
at �vhich all property owners ��rhoes property may be assesssd
far the cost of said improvment were notified to be presant
that the assessment of the cost of sa.id improvrcient be payable
in five annual equal in�tallments.
AND 1A�R�AS, the Council has caused plans and Epecifica—
tions to be made for said work and improvment evhich are or�
file t�ith t�e Clerk.
A;d� ti'd�£iEAS, a contract for the su.� of Fcurteeri H�sr�red
Thirty—Nine (�1439.00) Dollars has been duly let for the �
construction of said additional �U�,,ter m�.ins on �the street
Ar�� '•.�REAS, it is cteemed necess�.ry and expident for
the best interests of eaid Vill�,ge to'make said n2cessa.rjr
additional �dditional improvments and extensions to and to
mainta..in the existing wwter u�orks syatem in said Vill�.ge.
AND ���'�iEREAS, it is necessa,ry to issue Certificates of
Indebtedness and to negoiate the same in the �.mount of
Fourteen Hundred Thirty�nine (�1439.00) Dollars for the purpose
of provodin� funds to defray the c�st of said add.itions,
!improvmente and exten.sions to and maintenance of the existing
water works sya.tem in sa.id Village in anticipation of the
collecting of such special �.sesament, and tha.t it is necessary
a.nd. �xpedient for the sale of Certificates of Indebtedness of
said Village to mezt said expense �nd that it �vill be necessary
to advertise for bids for the su� of Fourteen Hundred Thirty*�
nine (�1439.00) Dolla.rs in axnount of Certificates of Indebt—
edness to meet said expense.
NOE THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Villa�ge Council
pf tY�e Village of tiRest Minneapolis, Hennepin ounty, State
of l�innesota, that sai� Villa e issue and neg�i�te Fourteen
Hundred ThirtyTnine (�1439.00� Dollars in a.r�ount of Certif�-
icates o� Indebtedness of said �'illa.ge in accordance witr, th�t
a,uthority �iven �y Chapter 425, G. L. 1921, �innesota, for
the urpose,of providing funds to defray the cost of neceusary
addi�tions, improvments a.nd extensions to and maintenance of
the existing �°rater wor��s system in sai�. Village and that 3�h�re
�. . - - � _ _ _ _
� be and there hFreby is is�uad coupons Village Cextificates of
��. indebtedness of the Village of 1Nest �dinneapolis for the ��gregate
amount aforesaid. bearing interest a.t the ra_te of six (6) per
cent ��per annum pay�.ble annually, Certificates to be of the
denotnonation and to m�.ture aa folla�ws:
�2�7.�f Du� Nov lst 1927.
2�7 . �� T?ue Nov lst 192�. . ��
#2�7•�0 Due Nov lst 1929.
�2�7.�8 �ue Nov lst 1930.
2�7.�� Due Nov 1st 1931.
And to be dated November lst, 1g26. �
That the Villa�ge Clerk or Recorder and the President of the
Vill�,ge Council be and are rereby a.uthorized and empo�ered az
and imstructed to sion and e:ecute said Certificates of Inde--
btsdnees an� coupons attached thereto, �.nd sell the sa.me to
the hi�ghest bidder for r_ot les_s than par, and tha.t the proceeds
� be used a,nd �,re h�reby appropriated for the payment of said
�, BL TT FURT?�R P,ESOLVED, that the Village Council �.dvertise
fon; r�:�e week in the F�ernepin County Review, a legal news pap�r �'
,7.�� publ:i,shed in Hennepin County, �Iinnesota, t?��.t bids will be -
- reciev;ed �or the �urchase of said Certific�.tes of Indebtedne�s
on ��iJs�/ f� 192h, at 7:30 0� clock P.M, in the Council
Chambers`-. of the D�Iunicipa.l Building of s�.id Village and that
s�.id Certificates of Indebtedness �i11 be offered for sale on
terras set oa� in a notice of V�llage Certificates of Ind�bt-
edness for sa?e �hich shall be sunstantially the follo��ing
\ .. A�
PUBLIC NOTICE, i`� hereby eiven that se�, ed bids for the
purchase of.Fourteen H�.u�red Thirty-nin� (�1 3Q.90) Dollara
in a.mount of Village oi V� st :�Jlinneapolis, C unty of Hennepin,
State of Minnesota, Certif c�tes of Indeb� dness will be
recieved �,n� considered by e Village .Cc�'tm.cil on the
1926, at 7:3 o�ciock P.M. in the Council
Chamber� of the Municipal Bui ing of� aid Village of V�est
Minneapolis, Hppkins Post Offic �, ?�i�esota,.
Sa.id Certificates of Ind�bt�'ness are to be issued for
the purpose of providing funds t�5' fray the cost of necessary
aac7.itiona, improvments, extensi�ns t and. mainter_ance of the
existing v��ter works syatem ir•i said. Vi lage said certifica.tes
of Indebteeness to be dated � 1926, an�. be�,r
interest at the rate of si � o per cen per anr�u� pay�able
annually, and h�ve the in,erest coupons a ached. thereto
and mature as follo�r�T •
2�7. �� -�ize T1ov l�t 1,a27.
2�7. �df'`�ue Nov lst 192�. �
2�7.� Due Nov lst 1g29. �
�2�7 r'�8 Due r'ov lst iQ30. �
2���. �d Due Nov lst Z;31.
AI1 tenders to pu.rcha,se must be 1'�ithout condition o�
qualifica,tion �'nd bE accomp�,nied by an unconditib•nal certified
check �ayable�'to the ord�r of the Treasurer of the ViT age f
for the aum f Tv�o Hundred Fifteen (�215.00) Dol.lars.
Sai:' C�r+i c�ztes of Indebtedness will be ready �or deli ery
at the ti �e of the sa.le. The Villa.ge �ouncil reserves the �ight
to rejec a�ny and '�;11 offers wnd award the Certificates of �
Irldebt ness to a lov�er bidder.
Sids naulc� be addre��ed to the undersigned. �
This otice i� �iven by authority of a re6ol�ation adopted
by E Village �ouncil. �
^�ruste� ancl �ounai.lm�,n �. �. Ua �oge= �rho off�x�d �he
fgre�;oing resolution th�reupoa moved it� .edoat�on ��hich �raa �
�eeoned b� �rus�ee �ri3 Couneilm�.n �. �t. �r-ekm�..n, an3 u�on being
An�6 Lo a vo-�� �rae ��ni�o�l� _�.�opted by �11-� �emt� rs of the
'U'i.11�ge Council: . .
' - . �
. _ f.
lhe Village Council of tne Village of 'P�ye�t I:Zinneapolis met in
Council-Room in regular aessip2l' �.t 7:30 P. I47..Oct.5th. I926:
�,, It�einbers present;-� Paal :3��venson.,,Pre�.,`��i.T�?.DeFore, O.R.Bac].man; and
M I:mil Peterson, `lrustees,� �.nd ;�.A.Close��?ecorder. � --
The minutes of previou� meeting were read and approved as road.
The reports of ��rman Olson on �tiater�anci Cas collection� and
,Fr�,nk Stodola;xo�d-overseer; apioroved and placed on file.
, .
11,-peti��tion sor grading� alley runriing north and south in Block 5
between 9tn. and IOth...^1�ue. �o.. so as to drain oir surfa�e'�Lrater
vvas r�ad. r�otion-made�and�econded tnat the necessary.work be
done;to this alle�. "
A r est'for straet lighta on.4th. Street at t:�e intereect�ions
of 9th. and TOth. Aves, nortii was re�,d and alter some dise�as�ion
vvas reterred to the Follotiving committea; Peterson, Da Fore�and
The resignation oF l�rs. Leuthner; Treas, oP the Library-3oard ���as
acepted. F�,�rs. �Jlara Zajieek ��vas a��.ointed py ?res. Swenson to
fill the v�cancy:
The sollo�ving bills� ���ere aadited and all��v�d;
Gt. Tdorthern Ry. irQi�h� on c;oal
First Nat. Bank, Hoyokins c��up. I924 �e�ver-�'V3rrants
Gt. Northern Ry. rreight on coke
Pirst Nat. Bank, ��c�pkins pa•✓ing coup. 9/25 -2u-
Sec. TTai. B�,nk, r���pkins I923 !uater-main cert.
� irst YZat. _gank " I923 UJat�r-main Cert. 4
First �Jat. Bank " I922 5e�:ver-i'rarrants 4
lvlpls. Gen. Llectric Co. St. F,c :iall lignts
I1 F1 T/
�, �,
po�ver Gas-Plant
" '' �iran
„ „ f,
„ Pum�
Standerd Oil Oo. L�aoricatin� Oil
Ficands BroE�rn :;o. Coke
r�tic y.ueen Bros, mendin� tape-linQ
D -
uf Indeot.
r. Blake m�!�1C�,1 ser�ri�Q to ��n,�on ���c %'erehell
Tuic D�n��ld ':'ransFer d r�i,y3�e
� .ii. �iain•�r� ��ard o� lealth -suppli��s- ��
L.Lundquist rebuilding Genarator-
��erman Olson :3�r�ices to Oct. I�t. I92o.
Leonard `,'�,'illiams " " ,� . ��
Gust. I�illiams " '� �
Frank �doll �� i�
Jas. Petersoan " '�
Herbert l`Jilliams 3d,ys "G
Frank I��tTunvar 2I2 nrs .
Frank �todola 22I "
H.Spaber I64 "
Joe. x�adil 208 "
�.rarber Ig�, ��
Joe. Yerchell I75 "
J.l•lelson g �►
Itq. A. Schnts 123 t,
John wellman 80 "�
�'J. }3enson 2I2 ��
Frank aitar I7 "
�i IT
�� ��
�� ��
�s Plant " "
man �x tsam
�, ►f
P.J.Kokesh su�oplies
�ennepin Co. �eview printing
Jas.Peterson �eys for J�,il
Yelloiv Trail Gara�e gasoline
::edwing Sewer Pipe Co. pip�
_ 67.20
63i3. 66
I80 . f3 9
� � 6.00
�- _ � ; _ . .- ..�---�
9I66- Look Oil Co.. car�I2I� -80�38� ��.1. Di��tiTlate - 454.�4
67- ��utler �iamr.�er t:�1f�. Co , � electric supplies II.I2
68,- Ttiv,in. �it�� Pipe Coverix�� �o. � 1'.P,P. packin� I2.47 �
69- Hopkins 3and � . � �Donation� � 400.00
9I70- Jos. Lmpanger `.Proas. rire-DQpt. Ins, 546.98
, 7I.= Gt.IJortharn P�. '=e�.`r ��2I Distilla.te 238.43
72- J.i+�.Hennese� Lbr. ��o. lumber 3.38 .
73-. P.Sundquist� � labor on mis�l. .joos �� 4�.60 -
7�- Dr�a3r ec. ?�.�ili27vuski Se"t �in�� :�e�aer-�rades� � - 20.00
75- uennepin �o. �nterprise Gas <� '�'!ater b�ol�s 90,60
76- :�iopkins .�ublic Library salar,y � cc sup_plies : II3.98
, 77- „ j<�.s. I� ickod-,rm - lre.i�ht :��, dra.ya�e ' � '7. 55
7F3-� :�.A•.Close�..:s�r�ices �s '�ec�rder- to ��t: 6th. I926-323..00
On _r�o.t.i�� met:ting .ad_jouri�ed •ui� till P1ov.2nd. I926, at ;7:30 P.IJI. .
��ttest ; . , . _.. _ : y .. _
,------ -- -----'Pr�esiderit. -- ,. ---- � ' � -- ,--- �=
-.'. �-- �- -- - .
• __ �ecorder. � �
.. . : � � ; : / �`,��a�_"� .� -
� _ . .�. ,
, , _ .
� _
...._ . _ _
�he Vi11a�e Council os i;ne Villa�;e �f �Yuest T��Zinneapolis met in
�ouncil - r�om in regular session a�t 7.30 P.I�; November 2nd.I926.
It�iembers present ; �- -
- Paul ��venson Pres, l'�.H.Defore. �1.O.Beckman:
and Lmil'Petorson Trustees. � - �
The committe on street-lights ior 4t11. at, north; "reccoire.nc�ed .�
.��� that liglrts be inatalle�. at 9th.- IOth. 3c IItn.Ave�. and 4th. st. north.
and the �ecorder instructa�� t'o place order �vith_T��linneapolis ,Ge•neral
�lectr.i�>�o.to install same. ;
9. ro,quest From proparty o�uners oi Peacefull-Valley using 9th; �ve. So.�
� that this past of the� road bo put in be-tter sllai�e; ag•ro.ein� ,to _help
Village spread g�ravel upon t]iis streatch o� road thus leaving it in
better �cond�ition fo-r �_;�prin�. - . . _ ._ _ - _. -. . :
b2otion made and secoried that this request 'oe granted,
_ up., . _.
Commit.tee appointed to lool����va�rs and means , to procure new suits �;.
for our Fire-Department reportod that ��.fter sonsulting ilillage �'�ttorne�r
�osp �finc� that V'illage Council cannot proceed in accordance LLvvith _.r �
statufies regulating the'same.
ihe�following bills were sudi�ed and allowed.- �
9I'79-Zd.t'V.'Pelephone �o. service 44.85
AI80-Tv.�:�f.Nat. Bank I�ipls. �3ondsI500 Int.��550.25 2056:25
9I8I-Sec, Nat. Bank Hopkin�I925 �Vater-mr�,in..�ert. II27.00
9I£32-Sec. Nat. ;3ank Hopkinsl925 6�Iater-main ��ert: , II5.40
9I83-Ed�farber I8C hr�. labor on ro3d 8I.00
9I84=I��pis. Gen. Llectric �o. at:�Hall lights � I85�.02 --
9I85-B�Zpls..Gen. Llectric Co. siren �- 3.00• �
9I86-l�pls. Gen. �+:leatric �o. Power Gas-Plant 49.63° -
9I87-b2pls. Gen. �lectric Co. Power--Pump-House 99:42
9I88-Hennepin Co. Review printing 29:50
9I89-14�e.�ueen Bros. supplies Pire-Truck 2.25
9I90-Y..H.Coyle �blacksmith-tirork . � - - ��9.75 �
,_9I9I-Druardc P�Iilinouske surveying � I70.00
.� .
9I92-Crane Co, pipe°� fittin�s_ 40.64
9I93-g1ward F�,Sons Co. catch-basins ~90.00
9I94-Hennepin Co Farm board-Lindberg- 46.00
9I95-A;H.iiensler bl�,eksmith-E�ork I7.50
9I96-RedG�ving Se�rer-Pipe Co. 56.00
9I97-Picands �3ro�vn � Co �;ar�860 Coke 223.I3
� �, .
9I9f3-%'V.a.Nott �o. brake-cams �ire-`l'r�ack I0.00
a� '
9I99-N.�"J.'lelephorie Co. s�rvice- Gaa :�ouse _� l�all 5.65
9�OO�Frank oitar 68hrs, man & t�am , nI.20
920I-Z.Thompson 59 "� ," " 53:I0
9202-G. Broky�l ° 3I ." . lab�or � � -,� . I3.95 :
_� _. . __ _ _ ,
, . j
- �
9�03-Henry Sparber -'.. 226 hrs. la�or � : . IOI.70,; `
9204-JoYin -4�ollman . . I03-' `� '',` . - „ � - • , 46.35, ,
9205=J.�erchell �. .227 i' �_ � :" � _ - . _ . IO2,. I5 _: _ �
9206-F.I��unson _ . � � 2:3� T'. � ". . � I05:30:
9207-ti�J:�enson 234 " man c� team 2Io.G0
9208-I���: Shutz : ; . • ~227 " n , .. �t _ 249.30_ _ `
9209-Frank Stodola 234 " road-overseer ,I2f3.70�__ .
92!�O-Gust �'Jilliams servicos .to r�ov.Ist. I926 I50.00
92II-Zeonard �TJilliams . " " ._ " I25.00'
92I2=�'rank ;�de11° " „ �':' I25.00
62I3-Jas.Peterso�i " " " _ I25.00 -
92I4-Herm�n Olson " " " I30.00 �. �
� 92I5�Herman Olson pos�age 2.00 �
92I6-Gt.Northern t,y.Co: freight on coke � 93.45
92I7-Sec. � Zdat. Bank� �iopkins . insurancQ � 200.00 -
92I8-Anton Olson� ` � � � supplies - - . �.�I �
92I9-W,D.�ovoll� � -Se��ver on�.�I2th. Ave.2323.�50 �� � � � �
. SVater on I2tn. ��ve.:II36..09 . . 3459.59_
9220-HopYins.Library. salary � supplies: I26.08_ ...
922I-H.��iensler blac�smitn-work- . _. . . . 7.75 -_ _ .
9222-J.�udil _230 hrs. labor _ I03.50__
. ., _ . - � . -, . - . .. -- . � I
I�eeting thon on motion adjourned. � �
Al�r�s�r : � . . . __ . _ . . � �
-------------=----------- : . .� - - _ -- ��,
� ' � �resident. � _ -,--- ���.`�..'t`-=------- ' .
. � _ ._ � . -Recorder.�_�.�-..
/ -
. _ �.
�� . � � . , . _. -- , . .
`i'he Village Council of th�- Village, of ';i�e�t I���inneapolis�met
� in i:ouncil room in ragular session at 7:30 o'cloc� �:� ?+�.
�`� - _ ..� December 7th. I926. _ : ; - _ _
� � t . � - _ . _.
t��_embers presen ,.
' Paul Swenson; President; O.R.Beckman; Emil Peterson,
; '+�.H.De �'ore, `Prustees. , -� . �
� The minutes of the previous meeting was read and��,ppro�ed.
� The repo-rts of Jas. Peterson, r.�ar,�hal; T�arry �. Blunt,
� and D�n. Foley,,Justice of.the Peace; �-rank ��todola,. Ro3d.0verseer;
��ierman Olson as . to ��:�ater and Gas collections were read ,
� approved and orderd placed on file. :�-
` Petition Prom'r:��inneapolis Gen. Llectric Co. for .
� permission �o'eroct, 3 poles on 4th. st, north bet��een-9th. 8�
''- Ilth. Aves. andI pole on I�r�innetonka �,Iills Foad near 4tYi. �t. ,��vas
� by motion �ra3�ted .
' �etition from r�rtinneapulis Gen. �lectric Co.-.for
� permis3ion to. erect I po1e.- in �.11eV bet��een �th_. Rc IO_tfi. ilves. ,
"�xelsior 31rd. and Ist. north�,-� r,ranted. . �•
' Tecorder instruetod to :place order :vith P:�inneapolis
� Gen. �lectric �o. for one street light to be erected on corner
' of I5th. �ve.�`8c 2nd, at, north. . - �; _ '
� � � Complaint� that :atr:aet�=�Car�� obstruct -�razfic on �th.
'_ ,��ve. �Zortn;-end of �he line=� and siaggesting that all cars� be
� stat�oned i,n tne Loop. untill leav�ing time.' J', �
Village �Ltorney requested to take u�o this matter ��vitll �rie
' I�riir�neapo�I' is 8c aT. Paul � Street Ry. .Co. ,_
Dividing the Villa�e into �.lection Di�'t'rict� was
brougnt up,-fo_r discussion,and upon suggestion f�oin Village �ltty.
it was deoided to defer deFinate action.fo'r time being. ,
� `Phe matter of compensatin� ��loction Jud'ges for ser�ices
- on I�ovember �loction brought on considerable di'scussion,
' T�Iotion made and s�condec� that they be allovved 75� per hour;granted.
The follo����in� bills ti^rere aud.ited and allovred.
9223�- G.[�J.P�Ioore se-rvices Board of Health. �OO.GO
24- iirst Nat. Ban�. loan to cover dePicit. . I600.00 �
25= Td,��i.Telephone 'Co. servica- fire-men ' 39.25
26- �'irst � Sec.ldat. :Bank, ll�ipls. 31d�. Bond,I000 Inti00�II00.00 :
2�- t'u�D.Lovell Bal. on ti'Jater T��ain I2th. �ve. 200�.49
28- Ben T��Ionk 59 nrs. labor 26.55
29- Gt. Northern ��. frei�ht on coke Car�I982.6 �:98.97
9230- �d. ra�b�r I92 hrs labor 86.40
3I= atandercl ��il �o. �3.I7
32- a�ec. P;at. Bany Iiopkins I925 W.T4`�,i�i 5 coup. I8.27
33'- Sec, i�at. �ank i�iopkins �%��,ter P.'ain 5 coup. 3�.83
34- "ittsber� �oal �o. car �947I Coal 2I4.80
35- Crane �o. pipe w_fittin�;� I59.04
� � 36- T:ipls. Gen. :�lectric ::o. ;oo���r-�iren- 3.00
37- P�ipls. Gen. �lectric Co. �oo���r :3c 1i�ht Ga�-HouJe �. �0.74
38- ;:�vIpls. Gen. Electric �o. �t. ��all lig�ht T85.74
39-��T�ipls. Gen. �lectric �o. � light �ump-House I.O�
92 40= l'��alter �.Booth F� �on sup_plies . .57
4I- i edwin� aetiver .�ipe �o. pip� 9.88
42- �ellow Trail Gara�e time o� anow-Plo�� .25
43- Cook Oil Co. :;a-r���9I GORd Distillate 434.9�9
44- Gt. Tdortnern Ry. .ireigrit on ��ar�39I GO:�-tX 228.94
45- F.J.L�okesh supplies 2.I0
46- American t�Ieter Co. IO -51t. Gas Neters 8G.55
47- Picands Bro�vn ��o. Car �I9826 �oke 236.30
48- Bren Bros. supplies . 8.I;5..
5�3 -
: °=79-
.g I--
J.�.Hennesey �o. lumber � cer�ent 8.00
I41c �,ueen Bro�. supplie� � Fire-�ruck 7.05
►��m. atrobeck I 40�d lamp I.50
�.u'd.atark atate 'lroas. inspect. Car�#39I GOF,X-Oil 4.80
�'rank aitar 74 hrs. man �c team 66.60
birs. achutz I�39 hrs. man � team I79.I0
Erarren 13enson 200 hra. man x team I80.00
�dallace .�todola �3 hrs. man �,c truck 23.00
Frank�I��unson I94 hr�. Iapor 87.30
Joe �erchell I96 " " ' 88.20
John 'oaellman I2i " " 54.45
G.Brokel I70 " " 7�.50
Henry aparba 207 " " 93.I5
Joe. iudil ' I26` i' " 56.70
F.atodola 220 " road-overseer I2i.00
Gus� ��Jilliams services to Dec. Ist. I92G I50.00
Zeonard �rdilliams ' " " " " " I25.00
Verner ,:illiams I8 nrs. at Gas-House • 8.I0
Jas. Peterso� aervices to Dec. Ist. I926 I25.00
Frank �de12 � " " " „ " I25.00
Herm�,n �ZSOYl t� �t �� '� �� I��.��
R,t'd.I,:oore �� Gen. �lection �9 nrs. 2�.25
Dan Foley " " 3I " 23.25
�hris. :7enson " " 3I " 23.25
�.�'. ated�an " " ,I ►' 23.25
:7os. Ve31e,y " " 3I " 23.u5
�'rar_� aitar " " I6 " I2.00
1'rs . ='ruman " " I8 " I3. 50
'"rs . 3chau�uss " „ Ig r� • I3.5p
t;'rs. �3osp " ' " IS " i3.50
rindre� .�rne�� . 4ettin� �3allot� -�.00
��. :.��:;l�c��zone ��o. � tel. �ar;rice 44.45
aec. i��.t. ?.�n_: 24 couoonda � 400.00
�ennepin �o. �evie:v �uppliea 2.25
amith Beal �::o :ii Flax �em�nt 22.50
T�:c . Donald rrahsfe'r �o. ��_ drsyage 7.50
P.�i.Coyle blac� .3mithfa�aair work 3.25
J.�.�ioap services to D�c. I�t. I926. 89.00
atella i�. Peterson �teno�;�apic �arvica -�io,��o- II. 00
a.H.i�ensler repair road tools S.I5
a.ii.I,�c �onaugney �.e�taizr���L 13.65
Jas. Tuickodym frei�lit �: drayage 5.06
Hopkins .c'ublic Zibrary salary 3c :�upplies 94.I5
�. i�, auYldqui�t �waater m�,in :�� Ga.� �ioase � T,4i�s1. - I70.30
- )OJo.
: 1,'_eeting then on
' � .�:PT.�a t .
motion adjourned. �_,
' --------------President.--- ��`''r:. _
T*=�,*��:�:�.T-��*fi�-+.***�.., ��zr:..
Recorder Pro�tem.