1954 A �pocial meeting of the �mployees Advisory Board of the �ity of Hopk3n$
� Was held at 4:30 P.1�.., Tueada,y �'annary 12, 1954.
Preaent were Chatrman Stevenson, members Caughren, Carter and City Manager
The meeting was cal].ed for the purpose of discussing disturbance in the
Sanitation Department as to who is the reaponsible head ar�d man to report
A�eeting ad3ourned.
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Clyde . �arter, Secretary to the Board
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e G. Stevenson, Chairman
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A special meeting of the Employees Advisory Board of the �ity of gopkins was
held at 4:30 p.M., Tuesday 2/9/54.
� present Were Chairman Stevenson, members Caughren, Scanlen, Carter and City
Manager Tqylor.
This meeting was called by �. Ta�y�lor for a flxrther discu9sion on the matter
of who is the department head of the Sanitation Department and to set a date
for a safety meeting.
�aughren moved, Scanlen seconded, that all drivers on the ganitation Depart-
ment be paid the same scale of pay. Carried.
It vas also decided that a meeting of all City employees be called in the
near future for a safety meeting.
I+�eeting ad�ourned.
C yde . �arter, Secretary to the Board
A�ERS: �
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yse G, gtevenson, �hairman
A speciel meeting of the �mplo�ees �:dvisory Board of the City of Hopkins Was held
at 4:30 P.M., at the City Hall on Mond�y lpril 5, 1954.
Fresent we� Chairman Ste�enson, members Caughren, ScanlB.n, Carter and City Manager
The purpose of this meeting was for a discussion on the possibility b� of licensing
truck owners doir� rubbish hauling within the City of Hopkins.
Sca.nlan moved, Caughren seconded, that City Manager Taylor check into the legality
of licensing resident and non-resident rubbish haulers and refer same to the City
dttorney and City Council. Carried.
Meeting adjourned.
Clyde D. Carter, Secretary to the Board
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Tse G. Stevenson, Gha:i.rman
�L�� O��O��L�2.�,
19 April 1951�
Please make arrangeanents to attend a meetirag
of the Employ�es' Advisory Corr¢�ittee on Tuesday� April 27
at 1�:30 P.I�L at the City Hall.
Mr. Carlson of the Minnesota �nployees Benefit
Association has asked for this r�eeting to discuss group
life insur ance and supple�mental retirement for Hopkins
city employees.
�-� � -��1-- __ _..
Walton R. L. Taylor
City Manager
� special maeting of th. Employeets Advisory Bosrd of th� City of Hopkine was held
at 4:30 P.2�.. on Tuesd�y, Ap¢�il 27, 1954 at the City Hall.
Preaent xore Chairman Stev�nson, members Caughren, Scanl.an, Carter and City l�,sna�er
The purpose of thia �eting xas to hear Mr. Carlaon of the Minnssota Enployee�a Ftenefit
Aasociation explaia employos�a benefi�� plan. ,
Scs�x�lan mo�ed, Caughren asconded, that a msati� be aalled o� all City F.nployees for
4:30 P.1�.. 2tiiesday, I� 11, 1954 � receive informatioa t`ron representati�res of the
Minnsaota Fnploysesa Ben��it Asaociation aa to benefits. Carried.
l��eeti�g ad�ourned. �
Clyde D. Carter, Secre�ary to the Board
MEMB�RS: / ,;
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e G. Stevenson, Chairman
A meeting of the full time employeas of the City of Hogkins xas called for
4:30 P.M., Thursd�y, Ju]� 29, 1954, for the purpose of electing one member
to the Advisory Board.
-� Chairman 5tevenson called tha meeting to order and asked for nominations for
the election of one member to the Advisory Board for a three year term from
�/1,/54 to 8/1/57 to fill the expired term of C],y�de Carter.
Carter moved, Sletten seconded, the nomi.nation of Clifford �,. Robinson.
Robinson moved, Puck second.ed, the nomination of Yerlyn Sletten.
Schug moved, Caughren aeconded, that nominations be closed. Carried.
Sterling moved, Caughren seconded, that the Chair�aan appoint the tellers Which
he did, and the folloWing Were appointed: C],yde Carter, NSary LietzoW arld Joe
Upon the t�ng of the votes the same xere found to be as fo11oW8:
Clifford Robinson - 16
Ver]yn Slettin - 2
�ereupon, Clifford Robinson was declared elected for the three yaar term.
'� NSeeting ad j ourned.
Clyde Carter, Secretary to the Board
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"` �Lae G; Stevenson, Chairm
A special. meeting of the Employee�s Advisory Board of the City of Hopkins was bsld
,..1 at 4:30 P.M., on Moniday, September 20, 1954 at the Cit� Hall,
Members present were Cha.i.rman 5tevenson, members Caughren, Robinson, Scanlan and
City Manager Taylor.
This meeting Was called for the purpos� of discussing the possibilitf of recommending
to the City Council the need for a full time fire and police dispatcher to further
the efficiency of these tuo depart�ent�, Mr. Stevenson agreed to convey to the City
Council the feelings of the members of the Advisory Board at the next co�uncil meeting.
All members of the pdvisory Board agreed that a twenty—four hour dispatcher would
increase the �fficiency of both departments and apesd up the sernice to the publia.
A�eeting ad j ourned.
Walter Scanlan, S�oretary to the Board
Lae atevenson, Chairman
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