01-26-1965 A regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of Hopkins was held in the meeting room in the City Hall on Tuesday, January 26th, 1965 , at 7:30 p.m. o�clock. — Present were Chairman Sundby, members , Mayor Milbert, Councilman Pokorny, Jr. , Larson and Blake. The City Manager, Brubacher, City Engineer, Strojan, City Building inspector, Blomquist and City Planner, Hawks. Case No. 65-1-Special-Use-Permit. Applicant: Mr. Gene Reilly Subject: A hearing published January 14th, 1965 , on an application for a Special-Use-Permit for the proposed construction of an industrial building in the Industrial District on the following described premises situated in Hopkins , Hennepin County, Minnesota, viz: Auditor�s Subdivision No. 195 , Lot 7; or on the foundation of the old Minneapolis Moline building that burned a few weeks ago at 402 - 6th Avenue South. Action: Mr. Pokorny, Jr. moved and Mr. Larson seconded the motion to recom- mend the City Council grant a Special-Use-Permit to construct a 200� X 300' Industrial Building on Lot 7, Auditors Subdivision ��195, or at 402 - 6th Avenue South, according to plans and plot plan submitted to the Building Inspector. Said permit to note and take cognizance of the intent of the City to construct a continuation of 5th �treet South and a 12" water main from 6th Avenue South to '� a point of connection with llth Avenue South at a future date. The motion carried. Case No. 64-43-Special-Use-Permit Applicant: Mr. Paul Kelley. Subject: A hearing published November lOth, 1964, on a request for a Special- Use-Permit for a proposed construction of a miniature golf course in a Commercial-2 Industrical zoned Districts on the following described premises situated in Hopkins, Hennepin County, Minnesota, viz: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7, Block 17, including one-half of vacated alleys West Minneapolis Center or adjacent to and behind 619 Excelsior Avenue East continued from the November 24th and December 29th, 1964 Zoning and Planning Co�nission meetings. Action: Mr. Larson moved and Mr. Blake seconded the motion that the re- quest for a Special-Use-Permit on the above property be continued until the next or February 23rd, 1965 , Zoning and Planning Com- mission meeting. The motion carried. Case No. 64-38-Zoning Applicant: G. F. Lohman ""' Subject: A hearing published October 27th, 1964, on an application to rezone certain areas from Business-Residence to Commercial-2; from Single- Residence to Multiple-Residence-2 and from Single-Residence to Commercial-2 the following described premises in Hopkins, Hennepin County, Minnesota, viz: From Business-Residence to Commercial-2 that part of the North 720.8 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 19, Township 117 , Range 21, lying Easterly of Minnehaha Oaks Addition; and that part of Lot 68 Auditor's Subdivision ��239 described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Lot thence South along the West line of said Lot 135 feet; thence Easterly parallel with the North line of said Lot 208 feet; thence South parallel with the West line of Lot twenty feet, thence Easterly parallel with the North line of said Lot 72 feet; thence Northerly parallel with the West line of said Lot 155 feet to the North line of Lot 68; thence west to the point of beginning. From Single-Residence and Double-Residence to Multiple Residence-� that part of the Northwest Quarter of the North- '� east Qua.rter of gection 19, Township 117 , Range 21, lyi�b South of the North 720.8 feet, and lying East of Minnehaha Oaks Addition and lying West of Rubel and Goldman Addition; and that part of Tracts A. and B. Registered Land Survey �k561 lying West of Rubel and Goldman Addition. From Single-Residence to Commercial-2 or Multiple-Residence-2 District, that part of the North Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 19, Township 117, Range 21, lying South The January 26th, 1965, Zoning and Planning Commission meeting minutes continued. Page -2- of State Highway No. 7 and Easterly of a line running from —. a point in the South line of said North Quarter, distance 810.0 feet West of the Southeast corner to a point in the Southerly line of State Highway No. 7 , distance 609.25 feet as measured Westerly along the South line of State Highway No. 7 from the East line of the Northwest Quarter; action on the above request continued from the November 24th,and December 29th, 1964, Zoning and Planning Commission meetings. Action: Mr. Larson moved and Mr. Blake seconded the motion that the request for rezoning of the above described properties be continued until the ne� regular Zoning and Planning Commission meeting of February 23rd, 1965. All property owners affected by such proposed re- zoning to be notified by letter. The motion carried. Mr. Blake moved and Mr. Larson seconded the motion that the appoint- ment of the Chairman of the Commission for 1965 be continued until the next Commission meeting; Mayor Milbert and Councilmen Pokorny, Jr. having had to retire from the meeting early to serve on another meeting being held in the Council Chambers. The motion carried. No further business appearing the Commission adjourned. , ��-- - � �� ., 1���,��i C. R. Peterson, Secretary to the Commission MEMBERS: , :' ,4 ;: >LC i� �� ./�-a �17r-��. - \� �� rT � r i / ��Li-yi �� /�-�/ ( �� �, 1� � \ ATTES . � � � �� � / / � �-c Howard G. Sundby, Chairman ^ --- �� A re�ular sase�i� of �he Zonis� and. Plannix� Coml.nsion of the City of floplci� �aas held in the meatiu� room in the C3Cy Ha11 on Tuesd�y, S�nuary 26�h, 19b5, at 7:30 p.m. o'cloctc. Pzesent were� Ch��.�maa Svadby, meml�ers, Mayox t�iibezt, Couacilc�an Pol�rny, Js. , Lareon 8ad B].elce. The .Ci�y 1�3anagez, Brubac�aer, C��y Engina�er, Stro��aa City Bu�ldin� In- spector, Blomquiat aaci City Plaa�er, Hawis$. Case� No. 65-1-Spec3.al-U$e-Pesqnit. Applicant: 2�lre Geae 8oilly �,- Subjsct: A he�rf� publi�hQd January 14th, 1965, on aa appl.�catian for a SpeciAl-Use•Permit f�r the progosed coa�trnc�ion of an �.ndustri�al builsling i� the Iadustrial Dis�r�ce oa tha fo�lowing daecrib�d gsemia�o situat4d ia Hoptcina, �Iez�aepsn County, ALiteneee�a, viz: Audi�:ar's Subdiviei.on No.195, Lot 7; ox oa the fctaudat9.on aF the old riinneapal2s Melina buildin� tha� burned a f�w 4�salcs a�o att 4Q2 - G�h Avanue SouCl�. Act3on: M�c. Polcosay, Jr. moved �a►d 2�. Lar�oa eacoadQd thes m4tion tc> recom- mead C�ze C3�y Gouacil �nztt a Special-IIse•PesAir to corstauct a 200 ` 8 300° T�du6�'r1al Buf.ldfs�; o�t I,ot�7, Audi�ors SuUd3v:tsfot� �#195, or at 402 - 6�h Avenue Sau�h,:�,ccor3�ng to plaas and p9.ot plan aub�m�tteed to the 8uild2n� Iaspsc�o�. Sa�d psrm�t to =wte and taluf co�zen�e of ths ia��s�t of �he Ci�y to coxustruc� a coatinuati.aa o� 5th Streot Sau�t: and a 12" water ranin fsam 6th Aveau� South Co a po3.at of conaection ��iCh lltb Aveaue South at e f-u�u�s data. Th� mcC�oa carcied, Cas� No. 64-43-Sp8cial-Uae-Ps:mi.t Applica�t: M�r. Paul tCAlley • Sub,�ect: a ha�tis� publ�shecl PIovember lOth, �964, oa s, sequest �or a Special- , Use•Pena3� iEo� a p�oposed ccaatrucgion of a mi�t.a�ure golf coures in a Cos�scia!•2 sad Taduataical zoac�d Di.s�x�ets oa the following described premises sittaatsd ia Fiaptcins, Hennapia Cawnty, Fsimnesota, viz: Loto 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 aad 9, Blocic 17, includiCng ona•half of vacatad slley$ We$�t Miru�eapoli� Ceaeer or adjac�ut Co and b�hiad 6Z9 B�Cc.�laio� Avonue E�as� conicinued fram tha Idovemb�r 24th and Dec�-�bar 29th, 196� Zoniag and Pl.aimiag Comm�.esioa mee�iage. Actioa: Mr. I�raon s�aved and Mr. Blake secondQd the mo�ioxr tha� the re- que,s.�t �or a Specia�-Use-Parmi� on the above p�rag,�rty be conti�aued , vatil thQ nszt or Februarq 23zd, 1965, Zonire� sad Planniag Com- niss3oa me�tiagt �ha mction car9cied. Cam�e PQa. G4-38-Zonitt� Agr�licaat: G. �. Lohrotta SubjacC: A hes��.a� published Octobex 2Yth, I.964, on an appl3cation to �ezone csrtaiCn axaae fxom Bus�uutass-Aesidezlce to Corm�e�ctal-2; fran Sin4;le- ReBidancs to Multiplo-�esid�n.ca-2 aad from Si�Ia-$esid�ac� to � Camras�cisl-2 tha fol�aw�a� deacsibed pre�.sos in lioplci�, Hem:sgin Counzp, Mirn��tota, viz: � From Busir4ss�8s8�dence teo Cor�rcial-2 that pa� of the l�orth 7�0.8 fea2 �f whe Narthwe�C Qvart�r af �h� I1o�c�hrleet Quarter of. Se+ction 19, Tauaship 117, �e 2a, Iy� 8�sterly af Minnehaha Oalce �c�ditioa; at�d th�t psrt of Lo� G8 Auditor°e Subd�visiou #239 des�r�bed ae £ollows: Cozmc�ancing a� �� �ortbweet coresoa o� said Lot �hhe�cs South �lon� �hQ West l�ae . of ssid I,ot 135 fc3et; thsnce Sa�aterly pasallel �aitb the Nor�h liae of eaid Lot ?08 £set; thence South garaZlel crit'� �he tJest ].3ne of Lut �wenty feet, thesue 8aa�e�ly parallel with �� thQ Narth lins of eaid Lotc 72 £set; tfiQnc*� I�ortbexly p�ra17.s1 wit.� tihe We�� lia�o of said Lot 155 fear to tha Nor� liue of Lot 68; the�vice W�ot �o �h� poinC of begiani.n�. Fyrora 3ix�le-�a�dan�ce aad Ac�v�Le-BeaidencQ to fiiul�ipls Ae�ial�ace-2 tha� part of ths Nosghwast Quartar cf the North- c3aat Quarttr of SscCioa 19, Towuehip 117, B�e 21, lyi=�g SOLlt�l OF �18 NOY�1 72O•S fC8@C, 8tid Z�Zi$ F.a.B� b� P•�.t1lt9�f8�18 Oalcs Addition aad ].y'in,� We�t of I�uTual and Golduian Additfon; and that p�,tt of �$c� A. sad B. , Be$ietered Land Survey �SG1 lyin� Wer�t of Sutiel and Goldman Addition. From Single-Re�ideaas to Commerc�a,l-2 az Multipl�-Resideace-2 Diatrcic�, thae part of the Narth Qvarter of ths Dforthwest Quarter of S�ct�.oB I9, Tawn�hip 117, Rang� 21 lyi,n� South �I�Q 3anc�ary 2G�h, x9G a, �anir�; and Pl�enc�i� �cra:�.s�f.on �►satir4; �.�.r�utes �onCiauQd. PB�Q -2- o� Srato IdiahWay Na. 7 r�nci F.�stexly ofc a l�no rv�cmin;; �ia:� a point in �1:Q Sou�Ia ].�� of aa�.a T3ouC1� Qexatctar, dio�ax�co �IQ.O fQet °�ie�� o� tl�Q 5outhaaat coraes to a poine 3n tha SouCtierly liaa of SL•�atc� Ii��hc�,�y Tdo. 7, di�tanca G09.25 foat � r.moou�rad E�r�cer�,y a3Ar�; �t�Q South iina oF s�atQ �f�hc�as► t3o. 7 cxota tho LasC lfne of �he T3orCtiwa�t Qvartc�r; r�ction on tha al�ova recnwot cong3.nuQd frora �he Nov�ta� a�SL•ti,anRl Deca•.��r 29t1i, 19C��, l.ue�in� And Pl�anis�, Coz�aefos► ti�atiu�a. � Aatton: Pir. Y.�raoa �:�oved snd T�ir. B7ut:o aecondad r1iQ �:�oticra ttu�� �tua roqua�t fx�� razon�� of �1ia a3aovo cieacrltincl pr+oper�ioe �e contfnuacl un�il �ha x�raU�l.�,x Zo �* �nEl PL�sui.r� Cor�rai.safron �:v3o�fn� of Faba�uuicy 23rd, 19G5. �11 propc�c�y o�me�sa Affce,cead Uy szaeh PLo�oaad rQ- zam3.n; eo 'ao �o�i ffsd by Io�CQ�. Tfia uzoCion carr�.od. tir. Blat;Q r�ve�l and :�. I.��csax� sacondad tbo u�tion tlu�t tY�a �ppoint- r.�t o� ti�o C#�air►:raa of tY►c3 Co�aiss�lost �n� i965 �� con�in�Qd u:at�.l tht� next Co�tni8aios� rac��ir,�;; i�yoic PTiibert ancl Co�nc3� �'ol�oxay, J�c. �usvtt� �sad eo re��re x�ra:a �tze �aoss:� c�rly to �es�aca on anos:hmc �.�at�.� bc:�n, hQid in �e �ocu�c3.1 Ct�&c3ra. The L�aCion ca�riaci. 2Io Sexrtizesr t�ueia�ass a�ea��ta� �a Caatrdee3on mc��oua�ocl. C. it. PQtarsan, Sc3cra�ry t� �I�Q CoGra3aa�on T��13ti3 s 6tTt�S?s Aowaxd G. Sundby, Ci�irtnao � � _ ., ;r.- ��Y.�.�y,, , .... .1;; a-z.� a. zar�ic ata� r�.:��i�G ccx:���s�a�v �"��--�<ib�,--__._... `, �C�I.Z.A� MES�'t�TG, TiTE 3�,�'�, .Tl�i�l�", 26, �.9b3 ��� �� .��.Uex C , ....,_ 7:30 �'�M. ._._...�._...� ,�.. �..- P k.c�sa►__,y 3z.�_. S,ta�,lrsard �a$a� Nao 1. G�.e R��:.Lp 1 . .h ,,,,�,r„ A�p 1�caat� Lar�c>c,�, Csac �ta� io 65-].-�get:i.�1-Us�-Pe�it Brub cher�,�,,,,. A.a��.�,�s€�t: C:�ne Re�.�.ly S trc�i alx �sth�ssts A h�►�i.a€; pub3.�.�he�i Jecx�ry 14�tz, 196a au as► s�p�lic��io� ffur 131amc��e��. a Spec:s:E.-[I�e�Pc:Y:n3� £�� tha p�cp�c��d caras�:.•t-��ction a� an �a� � Hatal�.r: dv�tr�al bui.�.�11rg, in the Ia�du�txi.�L D�stxic� aa the followrir,g �•..✓ � �,..��_.�.� d�seribec� pze�i.�es a�k��ted i� Pa�lc�a. Heua�c�pi�a County, Mir��,�..�_< <��z: �.udis:ore .Sub�ii�i�i,a� �io. X95 I�at 7. ox on �:he: fo�u�d��•.:7� of �:�� ?�iac�.t���o].�.� �'s�.1.Ft� t;u:s.�idtr� +:ha� ��.,�-r1e w�ks ,�r.� r.t �:'�:. _ �::-h <�=�en+ie S�uLh� � Ct S �%�i ���75 _ c3� /leeo��r.��e_n��� � rJ� 7� <`��,��- / � i ♦�OII �`�fa,:;�:`.a:'. 'i�_�,���t3on o€ appro�al a ��:� C:i.t}� c'.rsw�l.i� r.�. € ..,_„�.. �. dppain: � a� chaixm�n for tbe. yesx of 19ES. � �8�'i0ffi B,X�i3TRBD: Ap�oi�ta�nt �d� by the L�trycr with the Ccsu�iFaiox�s approval. �""' �v ` G'"' " � L� � L � t �� l C/� L � � � �