10-27-1964 The regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of Hopkins was held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall on Tuesday, October 27th, 1964, at 7:30 p.m, o'clock. � Present were Chairman Sundby, members Mayor Milbert, Councilman Pokorny, Jr. , Stannard, Blake and Larson. City Manager, Brubacher, City Engineer, Strojan, City Building Inspector, Blomquist and the City Planner, Hawks. Case No. 1. 64-27-Variance Applicant: A1 Kostecka Subject: A hearing published on August 13th, 1964, on a request for a side yard variance to construct a proposed dwelling on Lot 20, Block 39, West Minneapolis , which will reduce the North side yard of existing house on Lot 19, Block 29, West Minneapolis to one foot, which is less than the required side yard. Action: Mr. Kostecka did not appear before the Commission relative to his request, Reel - 17 - although he had been notified by letter of the hearing. The request was Side - 2- tabled. 0 - 8 Case No. 2. 64-37-Special-Use-Permit. Applicant: Hammerlund Sheet Metal Company. Subject: A hearing published October 15th, 1964, on a request for a Special- Use-Permit for a proposed construction of an addition to an existing building in a Commercial-1 District at 607 - 2nd. Street South or on ^ Lots 22, 23, 24 and 25 , Block 2, West Minneapolis. Notices were mailed to adjacent property owners. _ Action: No one appeared in opposition to the request. Mr. Pokorny, Jr, moved 8 - 365 and Mr. Larson seconded the motion that the hearing be continued until the November lOth, 1964, Special Zoning and Planning Commission meeting; before such meeting Mr. Hammerlund to provide the Building Inspector and City Planner with plans that will state the use of the proposed building; construction of a wall on the alley side of the site with only a pedestrian type of entrance onto the alley; plans for truck loading docks; and the date of the removal of an older dwelling known as the "gas house" which exists in front of the proposed building site. _ The motion carried. ' � . Case No. 3. 64-38-Zoning Applicant: G. F. Lohman SuUject: Petition No. 1. To rezone from Business-Residence to Commercial-2; Parcel A-1. That part of the Northwest 4 of the Notheast 4 of Section 19, Township 117 , Range 21, lying North of a straight line extending from a point in the East line of said described premises situated 720.8 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Quarter-Quarter to a —. point in the West line 720.8 feet South of the Northwest corner of said described parcel as designated in pink on the attached plat. Parcel A-2. That portion of Lot 68, Auditor's Subdivision 239, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows: That part of Lot 68, Auditor�s Subdivision Number 239, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Lot 68; thence Southerly 155 feet; thence Easterly at right angles , paralleling the Northerly line 280 feet; thence at right angles Northerly 155 feet; thence Westerly at right angles 280 feet to the point of beginning, excepting therefrom the area donated to the Y.M.C.A, desciibed as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said described property; thence North along the West boundary thereof a distance of 20 feet; thence East and parallel to the North line of said described property a distance of 175 feet; thence South and parallel to said 20 foot West boundary line to the South line of said herein described property a distance of 20 feet; thence in a straight line to the point of beginning. Petition No. 2. to rezone from Single-Residence to Multiple Residence; Parcel B-1 and B-2. That part of the Northwest 4 of the Northeast 4 of Section 19, Township 117 , Range 21, lying South of a line drawn West ^ at right angles to the East line thereof from a point therein distant 720.8 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Quarter-Quarter to a point in the West line of said described premises 720.8 feet South of the Northwest corner of said Quarter-Quarter, being the area bounded on the West by the East line of Minnehaha Oaks and on the East by the The O��ober 27th, 1964 Zoning and Planning Commission meeting minutes continued. -- West boundary line of the Rubel and Goldman Addition and on the South by a straight line beginning at the Southwest corner of the herein described part of said Quarter-Quarter to the Southwest corner of said plat of Rubel and Goldman Addition. Petition No. 3, to rezone from Single-Residence to Commercial -2-, Parcel C, consisting of 172 acres located between Minnehaha Oaks and the Homedale Nursery, having a frontage on Highway No. 7 of 609 feet. Action: Mayor Milbert moved and Mr. Stannard seconded the motion that Resolution 365 - 368 No. 183 "A RESOLUTION ORDERING A HEARING FOR REZONING FROM BUSINESS- RESIDENCE TO COMMERCIAL-2" that property described in petition ��1; "FROM SINGLE-RESIDENCE TO NNLTIPLE-RESIDENCE-2" that property described in petition �k2; and "FROM SINGLE-RESIDENCE TO COMMERCIAL-2" that property described in petition ��3 be approved, The motion carried. Case No. 4. 64-39-Special-Use-Permit. Applicant: Mr. William J. Olsen. Subject: A request for a Special-Use-Permit and building permit to construct a gasoline service station on the following described property: All that ^ part of Lot number Seventy-seven (77) , Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at a point in the center line of Excelsior Boulevard Thirty and one hundredth (30.01) feet West, measured along the center line from the point of intersection of said center line with the East line of Lot Seventy-seven (77) , extended; thence South along a line parallel with and distance Thirty (30) feet West of the East line of said Lot Seventy-seven (77) , a distance of One hundred twenty-seven (127) feet; thence West along a line parallel with the South line of said Lot Seventy-seven (77) a distance of One hundred (100) feet to the point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence North along a line parallel with the East line of said Lot Seventy-seven (77) to the North line of said Lot Seventy-seven (77) thence Westerly along the North line of Lot Seventy-seven (77) to the Northwest corner thereof; thence South along the West line of said lot to a point Forty-five (45) feet North of the Southwest corner of said lot; thence East parallel with the South line of said Lot One Hundred Thirty-three (133) feet; thence North parallel with said West line of said Lot ot the intersection with a line drawn from the actural point of beginning parallel with the South line of said Lot; thence East in a straight line to the actual point of beginning, except the South 103.23 feet thereof. .-. Action: Mr. Stannard moved and Mr. Pokorny, Jr. seconded the motion that Reso- 378 - 417 lution ��184, "A RESOLUTION ORDERING A HEARING FOR A SPECIAL-USE-PERMIT FOR PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF A GASOLINE STATION IN A COMMERCIAL -2- DISTIRCT", the location, the above described property or the corner of Blake Road and Excelsior Avenue, be approved. The motion carried. No further business appearing on the agenda the meeting adjourned. C. R. Peterson, Secretary of the Commission MEMBERS: c� � � ,.j /ti�t7-��' --, � �- /"�� : ,� � �i �, �. r ATTE � �-C � �� �' ��� �� ; / : f .' � . j/ � r-.:t��>� �l _c �'v . !C�C.� . Howard G. S�andby,-���� � ' ' �� /�^ \� x ` �t�o raf;;ul..zx .�ein� a� tli� Zoitin�; and Pla�.s� Cc���ios3ox� �� tiae C�ty o�: 11o��I:�.no craa T»1:i in e�io Cauxvcil Ct}eaul�aro of �he C�.try �11 �n �ae�cluy, octoUa� 2a�:t3, ?�GG, n� 7:34 p.a. o°c1Qci:. P�•eae�nt• ��rss�a Ct�ti��tsn Stnracil�y, �r�c�n tf�y� TIi.1tx��; Co�nnciT�u�n k�aI:u�r�j�v .�r. , SL•t��.zrc�, B:.�al�e anci 7�rQvu. Ci�y tYane,^,Qr, Br�F�ci�er, C�ty �a�ina�, SC='O;J�, C3.�;� Ilcti't�3:��; �ra�poctox, II?�or3quia� at�rl �lie Cx�y P"s.z�nn�r, IIa��I:e. t'�ssc N�. l, Gta•a7-Va��anr.� l�gaplictsnt: �� IZo�teci:a �.. �ub,�oct: A bc�rin� �c:I�13.�1zEc1 va A+a�u�� �.3�, 19G�, on a s.Acaqu.::s� fo� � a�c�Q ym�.c� va��.r�nce Co canEs�ru�c� a p�op��ed draelli� on T+oL• 2E3, B1a�L• ��; �ye�� Tiianc3spal�a, ��i�cb Sr�II rc�du;:e �aQ Uorsch a�dc �a�d �� �:ia�: ��� 13ou�e an �oL• 19, B1ncT: 29, t7�e� tifnn�rtjsol9.� eo oue �ao�, .��c2a io 7.e�a t:t� �ha xe,e�u��dc3 o�.c3c; y��-c?. dc�:on: Iir. IZ,oaL•csci� c13� t�t ��p�.a� bQ£c+�e �tia Ccr4�a�nr� rcS,.�tive �o Yi�.o x�u3a�, Itc�a�. w 17 �- u�Ll�+� «i t:e hact 'uo�u no��.��iact t�� Io��Qs ofc F:Ixe &��.ar� �7. ��c ��r�ue�ts•a,,qs ��r3� - 2- ta'�lcsc3. � - £3 Czn�a DIu. 2. fr�s-3:-Sp�c�ral-6Tr�e-Pexr.�iL. A�np�3.cant: �Iar��rlc� St�ee� t2e�7. Car�sny. �u�;�c3c�: A Izoa.�ix�, p�v�I.��Fic;c3 Oc�ob�r �.�:I�; 1�C�, a� a rc3quaa� £oz a S�c3.a14 Usa-Pen�.fi £�x � prapoead cona�xuctiou o£ � adl�.tian � �� �:�.a$�� Uuilc�in" � a Ccr��arc�a�-l. Dio�r3.�:L• :�t Ga3 - 2ac1Q ��rco� �csc�tt� ox on LoLs 22, 23y 2E� an�1 25, II3.ocTc 2, t1a�L Pii�ac�golic�. Tto�aca� ua�c;: ::�ai.lecl t:o r�ct;�ce�� p�OPc3rty ac��ra. Ae��o�: tdo ona appoaract fn op�o��t3vn t.o 4:tia �Qqt�C. �Tr. Be1�+xaS�, J�. ::�ova3cl �3 » 3G5 anu P�. T�reon oc�con�acl +�I3a �aotion �hr3� tlia rtic��..r.,; b� cr,z���xusecl �n��l. t:Ii� t�atrar.�ue�r J.��i, �9Gf�, S�ial �oui,r� a�3 �]�a,.�4.u,., Gc�La�sf�on �:�Q�i:�;; bat:ora a�h :�aGir� t�i�. lSrir�rlvat�d � �nraantde t�e 8�.��x�a{; ���a���� can�t Citp P�iu�er crf�Fi p3nr� �t *.rii� aL•nte ehQ use c�£ �FiQ ���Qd tizai�.c3i�,; cox��z�ctiaa o�.a c��l� oa tt�c� a�ley e3.cle a� ��c� a�.t� �1�.�1i only � ��:3e�br�aro� typa o�' eu�ra�e oa�o lYaa A�.Ioyr p� �r Cr�cic loAd�.n; �xi:�; a�uZ r.�o cl�cQ o£ klie �tc�:rivab o� azz oZclm� cgv��.li�,� l�cm ut3 �I:a "�„uts a�ouoe" �.rhicl� t�c3.sCe ise fxon� of �i�e pro�w�e�3 i�u?Iclie�;; a�.>.�. �'bc rao��on c:ax$�flci. C.�no tlo. So G�s-33•Zaniz� !1�?�e�t: G. 1�. �.o��kvra S��ace� Pe�i�9;on Ido. 1.. To ro�onc� S�o� guoi;x3sa-Aea�.d3:�cct �o Ca:.r.3cc��ic��.�2; �a�caZ h-�.. �iu.�t p�trct ai Ctaa alo��In�asC N of t:ho �Io�13ex�o� �; os: 5oc��o�a �9, �ozn�hip 11?, Fw�r�r� ?J:, lyis� Tt�r�t� of u utixn3°• i: I� �c�:a�ul �q t-� o �vin� i� �I� �n�L iin.a o£ caid clo�e�c:��oa g�r�:�Baa cs��s�a�c�cl 720.�3 £ae� 5ou�i3 oS ghe FYoaC.�eaa� ca�x uf ou�f1 Q�uiri.��r�txa��s�� �o tt no�Lu� �n �a I3c��t 1�m 720.� f�o� 8o�utta o£ �tao Dlaztlrti�ors� cc��s o� saicl cicaocribQcl �a�c�l� Pares�Z A»2. �t�u� ����� of Y«�L Gt�, liud�L�a�ra Sul,div��ion 2:1�, F���a�;a�z� Coun�y, Ti��eao�rt: clatrcr�t�oci �o fc,�lrxm: TEusx parC c�: ?.�.�� t��:, L��scl�.��c°� Su'udivi�i.�i� ��u:ai�er �39, I1eat�e��.n Cc>u�ei:3�, I�r�"-r�: data�r�.F�c�3 tts� xal�c�c�s Cocc�riciz� at �tia Aaretnxse� co�rc o� Lot Ga; �iance So+�t�ac.�i�r 'W:�S £cse�; tl:e�ca �:na�erly a� Yf�rYJC CiY4�,;13£3, g�ttra�.la�.in� �hQ Ptar�t��xly 7�.� �II�3 i�a�; ttia��c� a� :�.�ti� an;lez� rSar�harly L."5 £c���y tri�.uca ETa��:c�l�/ a� r2;�2�� a�,tQ� 2t3t1 �eat Co �ti4 p�in� a£ Uee��.a�.r�;, c�;.ac���:1.�; �:Y��a£�ex:� tl�a are:u c�o�s�ad r� the �t.ti.C.A.. zloacr:�t�ac1 ac3 fal7.cse,a; �c;�;��ax�:t; �,� �i.u� Sout.:In�ca� cc�truax o� gm&d, cle�cx�uQd ��xopc�:C,w; tt��� teQ�:t� ail��s; �Fio �Tat3� Uu�is3� �h�3nA ca c3�.�s�a�:�Q o� w0 iec��; �xot�a ra�� uxx�! �Sr�ea�laJ. to ��e iir�$�i� 1� oi ��id :�eec:rfixec3 p�cr,�s�:y �, �b�i:�cQ v� 17� Leeti; LYic�.�ca Sou�h rsr�r3 �sa.r�l�,a� ::o c��3.a ?0 fco�� l�as� S�u�y 3�.x�c �.. r.a �tio Soa�I: 1i�a�3 4� 8A$cl lae6cs$�a d3scx�.fx3c1 �agt37r�y° u ct�o��rE,c:e n� 20 �cso�; �i�t��ccs �► z� a�ta����t Zf.mc �o t1�o pos.s�� o£ l�e����;. �Pc�CiL•icsn Yio. 2e �u rc�snci �co;� &�u;1n�P�a�t�.dc�cQ �fl Tfa�:fii.��a �'�e�;tr3�3r�^�; ryance7. B-1 umcl ?3-2. �lu�e pa� ot i:t�m �3vr�tn�Qa�. 4 0£ �F�e u��t�I�ea;€�� >; of Sact�an 1�3, To.anslii� 1�7, P..��;0 23, 1yi.n�,; SouCFi oi s l�e �i��:�n t7ea� a� x�.Ui�� au�rylaa �0 3;Ytcs Bn�� l�.na �aQ�BoS f�or.; a pai�� �'�cra� cZ3.c�ag�� �2G.� f�c�a� Sau�a of �a �Ioxthe�,o� co�r o£ ti�,7'LtI QF1'Clai;cx-�ru����r �� r� pai��f: �.n �he [�ca� l�r� o£ t��3c� d�se�ibec� p�Q:�se� ?���II �:ct�t: �c���a ��: L•�3s T�arttr.rc�s: c=a�.�� o� �aicl Qa:a�t�x-Qu�i��c, bs�3z�; �:tt�c: a�e� Tx���3lu4c? am ��.o 'Fle�t Lnr �t�e �aa� ��� Q� �tira�aI�tua OAF� a�d c� th� �sL p�J ��c� � � - • �IYa a�ctobar 27�, 2�fi4 Zoziit� tznd P?�it� CoL�.�.on�on �Gin; w�uCQs con��.t�.�ac�. T1aat bour�daxy �.ina a� tli� E.ubal uasi Go�mn Addition aact rnc� �tic� Scutii by A 8{Y2t�.�1� 1� i�iun3.� at tha 5ou�hhc,�ae� cornox of t;ha 1�arra�a dnacribcui y�rt of e�ti�l f�unrter-Quartar to elxo Sos�C��a�e cos� af aaid plat o� ltutx3l ancl. CaI&�n Addi�ion. Po��.�ticn �ta. 3. to xeaonc3 £�co�� �in�;.a-Ibeoiclenca r.o C�-��rciai w42. Psrcel C; conr�3.atir� of 17�� acs�a 7roca�ad baewaon 23i.m1aC3aIu� Oni� aad etio Ylormclnla btursary, I�veii�; a iYonta�o on Tii�tiwa� �to. 7 a� G(!9 `. tsro�. hs��.on: it�qag Yi�,ibert �:,a�cxl and :Tr.�5�uus�cl ec�con�c�d tt�a r�otfon �l�,t �'te,�lu��.�ra 3'�5 - 3fiB '�Jo. 133 "A It13�t.VJtlOiq �P•D� A �]P� FF� �.�i3NG FF�� A�T,I�"d:.&�-� BBSI�� �0 CtA$!�C]tl�I.-�t4 Pa��.tfon :�1;"L+i�2d &�tGL�i�SZD3�k:13 TO r�A,i"�PLI's-�&IDII�i-2" Pa�ieian L=2; qsxl PaCitioA �3 "8l�i Sxt�.:E�Ero 2.�SIA� 7�0 CO��L-23� on tiza Q'aovo ck3ecsibact P'ropc��S' �c �p�ucrvQc�. T�a :.��:�.ora carxic�ci. Ca�o Nn. 4. G4-39�Sraciatl-���-Possi3C. A�,aaicaa�: I�. ��Jill�.cuz 3. Ol.aan :u�joc�: 4 raqnac�� a�� A �pc3c�SnI-Usa•P4r,.�.� cinc� b�i.ldia� par.:d.t :o cout���a�ce� a. ;aev�.ino aarv�ca e�a$4.on o� tl�a %ox�oc�i� cloacsibed pro�,sr�x�y: "z�.1.1 t.taa� pr�zC o f Lo e 77, Awlitar'u Sui3cljtvit�fays Wuabc3r 239, ��in �o�a�;:, t��saCu, c�ascritxacl atn SoiYaras: Cowr.�i.c� at u pol�u� �.a �3ao coatcar 1.ino of Is�ccolsior pou�.cavard 30.0� :�t ?7c�oC, s�usuracl aJ�c�; �Isc� c�.CQ� 1ixu+ £rara �i�a poi.nt of ixitos�c�cct3.o� o� o�tid cantc� lino t�i�i t�T�o Lsaat liz�a o£ Loe 77, vx��culaci; r1�c�acQ Sout1� alo� a lina p�raliol 7.��i1 ax�ci dfsCa� 30 £aet �1c�e� o� t.ha LaQ� 1.�n�e nE oald L�t ?7, u ciin�ncc o£ 127 ic+o�; �Tx�o IJQos: �� a �.i� �arnliQi c•n.ti� � Sou�t� lino �� �ca�d Lot T? a clistanca o� 100 £c��: L-o tlio poia� af 1�i�a; o£ �:1io txzsc� �a i>a clvscxiUad; t:ti�ca Ttorti� aLori; a l�.xw Pnaailo2 t�.�i� r�aQ T�zat l�.nQ ox ca�d Lo�: ?7 co �o Noseh linc3 0� aaicl 7.oc 77; �tu3cca Z3Qatosc�y alon� r��� Tdo�tli 13n� o£ T�o� 77 ro tllo Zkrrrhtreat coreser tharoo�; tho�a 3ou�i uloc� the tlost lfna o£ eolcl LoC to a point 45 xt�ot Noreh oS� �iiQ SoesClx 15.w� ot sr�t,cl Lo� 233 £eut; �Iic�co Naz�Ia Pttra31Q1 vi�i t3aaid Wc�� 1t� os aaid lat to tlie intorsectiu� vi� a lfna c�rasm t� tlio �ctual poi.�i� o£ �.�ea3.nni�; �allel eritF� t.�w Saus� Z�Ln+e of aaic3 Lot; tihQoca Iicia� �an a atza�t linQ Co tha s�ctuai roin� o� tus��, aa�copC tlia SouL•I� Z03�3 faot r�c�xoof. Eletioa: Ftr, Sta�mrd raavod attd �x. mal�s'qy, �r. st�eoaclr3cl t.�iQ �:»Cioa1 xt�at 13esa- :37f� � �19 1u�.4ott u1t3l�e „1� Btb90�I�iZ't�iN OP�l�TJC3 � I� F� A SYIDC3t�.-U��s I�Z�Xt4�`� I�'qEt � C�1S�'YTAN AF A � S?A�'�4 T�f R 00��� »2 DYS�i'�ICT", rtxs 7.ocatl.on, Ltic� can�r o� n].c3l:o I�oad �xI �.ce�,Qox �vc3atia, or � aUove cleacs3.bad pro�ty ba a�s.rovod. T'ua �tion caxa•4.a:1.. Wa £wrCt�c�r buoi�eeeo appoar�..n� an Ct3a e��3e�ula t�u� w�et9.�; ac3jouan�s2� C+• Aw rQ�.'Qr(�L�� �'G�C�:CI�� P� 'i;:�1Q �iG�L�.4��.5! t�i ...r�a¢.s vr�.� V � • A�A3i�►a� • i��1��'cl (�. 3tlric�b37� C.f'121fSLmA.