08-25-1964 The regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of Hopkins was
held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall Tuesday, August 25th, 1964, at 7:30 P.M.
— Present were Acting Chairman, Mayor Milbert, and members Councilman Pokorny, Jr. ,
Ma.lecha and Blake. City Manager, Brubacher, City Engineer Strojan, City Building
Inspector Blomquist and City Planner Hawks.
Case No. 1. 64-23-Plat.
Applicant: John Meath
Subject: The request to plat Lots 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 2, Steven's Oakwood
Park with the stipulations that Jackson Avenue not be extended into the
residential area lying North of proposed 3rd Street; that Tyler Avenue
North be developed to tie into the proposed East-West throughfare from
Monk Avenue running West; that both sewer and water be brought into the
area from 2nd Street North; and that Van Buren Avenue be lowered to
maximum so as to benefit the undeveloped land to the East, This case
was heard by the City Council at their August 18th, Council meeting and
referred back to the Zoning and Planning Commission for additional study
and planning.
Action: Mr. Malecha moved and Mr. Pokorny, Jr, seconded the motion that the
Reel - 13 - Zoning and Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council
Side - 3 - of the newly proposed plat plan for Lots 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 2,
0 - 267 Steven's Oakwood Park as well as the extension of Jackson, Harrison and
^ Van Buren Avenues as shown on the "Steven's Oak Study" map as presented
by the City Planner; that water and sewer be brought into the proposed
plat area via the street the Engineering Department feels is most
applicable before any building permits may be granted. The motion carried.
267 - 324 Mr. Malecha moved and Mr. Pokorny, Jr. , seconded the motion that the
Zoning and Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council
of the petition submitted by property owners on Jackson Avenue North
for the extention and upgrading of Jackson Avenue. Also that the
petition be given the Engineering Department with a request for an
Engineers report on the area that will cover both Jackson and Van Burne
Avenues as to which will be most feasible for the extension of sewer
and water mains into the area to be platted; such preliminary report
to be used for a formal Engineer's report. The motion carried.
Case No. 2. 64-27-Variance
Applicant: A1 Kostecka
Subject: A hearing published on August 13th, 1964, on a request for a side yard
variance to cons�ruct a proposed residence on Lot 20, Block 49, West
Minneapolis, which will reduce the North side yard of an existing house
� on Lot 19, Block 49, West Minneapolis to one foot; which is less than
^ the required side yard.
Action: Mr. Pokorny, Jr. moved and Mr. Malecha seconded the motion that this
374 - 380 case be postponed to the next or September 29th, Zoning and Planning
Commissions regular meeting because Mr. Kostecka was not present to
speak on his proposed plans. The motion carried.
Case No. 3. 64-28-Special-Use-Permit.
Applicant: The Red Owl Stores Inc.
Subject: A hearing published on August 13, 1964, on a request for a Special-Use-
Permit for the proposed construction of a garage in the Industrical
District, or that part of Tracts A. and C. , R.L.S. ��505 and Tract B. ,
R.L.S. ��489, Hennepin County, Minnesota.
Action: Mr. Blake moved and Mr. Malecha seconded the motion that the Zoning and
332 - 370 Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council of the
request for a Special-Use-Permit for the proposed construction of a
garage in the Industrial District or that part of Tracts A, and C. , R.L.S.
��505 and Tract B. , R,L.S. �k489 as presented to the Building Inspector
and City Planner. The motion carried.
^ Case No. 4. 64-32-Vacation of Street.
Applicant: The City of Hopkins
Subject: That part of Homedale Avenue lying South of the North lines extended across
said Avenue of Lot 10, Block 10 and Lot 21, Block 11, F. A. Savage's
Interlacken Park, including that portion of the abandoned street car
right-of-way lying between the East and West lines of Homedale Avenue
extended Southerly across said right-of-way; which li�.s in a part of
The August 25th, 1964 Zoning and Planning Commission meeting minutes continued.
an existing park.
Action: Mr. Pokorny, Jr. moved and Mr. Blake seconded the motion that the
Zoning and Planning Commission recommend approval to the City Council
to vacate that part of Homedale Avenue or Lot 10, Block 10 and Lot 21,
Block 11, F. A. Savage�s Interlachen Park, including that portion of the
abandoned street car right-of-way lying between the East and West lines
of Homedale Avenue extended Southerly across said right-of-way and lying
as a part of an existing park. The motion carried.
No further business appearing the Commission adjourned.
`�'�' �`-`.c'l�,dv�T
C. R. Peterson, Secretary to the Commission
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Donald J. Milbert, Acting Chairman
�o rc�,�ali�x s:.���a�; o� eixa Zoz�is�; a�ct Plnrnc�iu� Corxai.o�3on of tha C�t� ag Iio�,2•�ino C�to
gsalc� i� tha Courc�cil Glu�e�ra of the City �cxll Tuaaclaq, Au�,�ust ?S�h, I�C�is uC 7:30 P.T�.
7►�g�es�sC t�elCet Actisi� CIzts3�r�Wz 2tayar Tiilbezt, a�ui r,un�tx3ra Cocutcil�n Foz;�orny, ,3r.,
i�a�ci3a and 131.a1�. Ci�gi F1ar�a�ex, nrubncllc�, C3,ty Ln�imer Stro;�an, City Huflcifn�
Yxwpectox II3oraquist a�d Ci�y P2duner I�i:c;.
C.a�r� Dlo. 1. G�i-23•Y�tt�.
t��pl.$..Cax�C: Jdtn tl�C�i
SuLi,�ac�: Ti�Q sa�at �a plc�t Lots a, 9, 10, il and 12, D1.ocI: 2, S��non'o oata�od
� Pag1: �rith �ia t�tiipulu�ioa�e tiwt Jaciceon Avmanse n�t ba c�ec�c�ed iato �Y►Q
rcutidmetial nrcao Iyin� Dbrtli o£ p�eapoec�cl 3�d Seroe�; �t Tyloz Qv�
No� ba cka�roIl�poc3 to tio ia�o ��ho �roQosod �►ut�Jaafi throu�,t�i=are fro�
1�Zon1: Avcxuao renminQ tJest; tlutt t�ath ne�x and vatmr bQ tosou�iit in�o the
�xaa t�noca 2�c1 S�raat t�or�h; r�acl tlzat Van Bur�a Av� t� ].otxirad to
m�iLa�� so aa go beaafit ttie tinulc�xi?.o�d La�xi to the Sae�. SEi4a caee
woo t�oard t�gr tha City Cou�ci]. at thoir Av�veC YBtts, Covacil raeetin� avd
ro�rc3�1 ba�t; to thca Zonin� mad BTunnin� G�caiaaion f�o�c c�dcl9.tiormi study
and ploiutitk;.
Actiou: t�rs l�ialactza novod ancl tir. Potaorny. Jr. ac+�o�ac3Qd th4 r�otion tbat �Zu3
F.aGl • R� � Zonin�; aa�l planc�g Coc�sfoa socoa�r.x�el capgrovai to �tu3 C4�y Covac3l
S�Lc�a - 3 � o� tiaa nc�rly Ps�olx�sad plat plan far Lo�a t�, 9, 1�, 11 and 12, Sloci� 2,
t� p 2G� St�n'a Ou2zzroor2 Parlc atf c�sll aa �hQ �ctc+nsion of .Iact:son, I�as�i8on a�c3
9aa }3urm �vcnuQs as shocm on � "S�o�n�n'8 O�tc 8tudy" r.�p �a pro�enCod
by th�3 C3�y Pl�t�'i tl�t,tiC wt1LC3' atycl �c�1Q= b0 U1'ot�(►�ttt �.ttto Ct�O p7cCj9odtt�2
plae arc3n v� t�a atr�at tF� finai.�r9.n� �opc►stx�r feo2s is �at
app2icabic� '�oi6oxo aay build�.� pcan-a�.to �y bn �cantod. ?t�e �ac�3.on cerri�d.
2G7 - 3�+ 2tt. Tfaloct�a r.qv�od ancl Tir. Polaorqy, Jr. , aoco�d Che r.»ti�on �t the
Y.a�.na �ncl glana�i� Co�.z:�ai�on �Qcaa��ead r�pproval Co tha C�ty Cosurcil
of Y.�e pot��ion oubc�.�tc3c1 by nropcasty acmmcs on Jact:son avemv,a �forth
�a� ehc3 ox�smtion and v�raclis� oS Juctwoa �v�. mLaa �ut �tae
pcatition �o �ivoa ti�ci B�ino�rire� Dc�rttYtr�at vith a roquest fbr �r�
�„in4a�o r�port oa tho asea ��ttt c�l.Il covor i�o=h Ja,ct�on an�l '�sa �:aa
Dvc�oc nr� �o aUich vill bca �o� £eanible fnx r,� c+�tc�asiyon of avwar
�,. ancl cwLoz r:�nitiw iato thQ orco eo tx� pl�tted; aucU proi�inary ropert
Co be usoc� i3or a Eora�nl Ei�i�toos'e soport. Tha raotioa c�cs9.c�c1.
�uao l�o. 2. G�i-27•Vn�civa�co
Applicant: A1 Koo�eclut
8ubjac�: A �c3nsin� ysu�blialu3cl -aa� Av�uae 13th, �,9fi4, on a requrio� for 8 si8a yas�cl
v�cias�co � coaeiruct a propoaod raei.d�ca on Lot 20. Dloct: 49p tloat
t�apo].�o, c�4cb srtll rciclv�ce �a Ndrtt� oide yard of a�a msisti� l�ousa
on Loe 19, II1ocic 4�, Eleet ttior�polits to ons 800t; cyhich qa lc�so thea
tba rE3qutrocl t3icb yr�sd.
Ac�ior�: 21r. Poiccr�y, Jr. caavod anxl tir. 2?a1c�cUo secondsd tha r.�otlrov �ha� tt�ie
37�s � 3a0 ciae4 tx� poatpoa4cl ta tho �eac� ar Bept�c 29th, 2ani� ancl P1�exm€�
Ccx�s�oa� rc�e�lr�c :xiatiaf; t�caiaeo tTt. Rostocic�i c�as mat p�v�ont t�..o
o�: � hia p�ropoeod plans. �'ho c neirou cas�i3d.
Cc�c No. 3. G�s-2fl-Spoetal-Uae-Perrsie.
APplicaatt Ttio Rod Oral Stiorc�s Iac.
Subjcct: D honsi� puhlic�hc�ci oa A�ust 13, 19G4, on a rmqueat �ot a Spacinl�lge-
Paxr�it fi�r tl:a �ropoac�cl conet�u�ctfon o� a �ara�e in r�tae In�uetricai
�i�►tsicC, ar t�at past ofc 'i'tacta A. anct C., �.L.B. �t503 aYui Tr�ae 8.,
R.L.5. �i��. I�n�oPia CouatY• 2Yis�a000t�et.
4cCior►t t�. S31at� �d a4u1 Tis. t�taiectu� ec3cotu�oc� the �tton thn� �hQ Zanin� and
332 • 370 P�n�; Con_�iLaeioa zc�comG�mncl apnraval to �ict CiLy Cotm�cil ofc Cho
� request f�r a Spaaial�fse-Porraie f�r tho p�ropoeed coas�ction of a
�c���,Q �i �ho Itx�vstrtol Dietsic� os �iutt pwct af Tr�ts A, t�nct C., R.L.S.
i75Q5 aa�l Tr.tict 8. , �.L.S. ���39 ac3 prc�at3ntc�1 �o tt�a Bu3.l�li�; 2aapoctor
anci Ci�y Blaa�x+�. �ha raation �trriad. .
�0 2k�. 4. E�+-32-Vu��ion af Stroet.
Ap{�licaat: 1'l�e C�,ty o f Ho�.ins
:futi�act: Tiza� part af i�oraadale Av�m�o lyi�; &outta o£ tiie Morth lineo oxdoadod acraes
aA3c1 dva�uu3 ot I�o� 10, B1ocIt 1�+ And �LvC 21, BLoci: 1�., F. A. St�v�e'e
I�aCc�cic�ci�a�a ParL., i�cludin� tE�at por�4,or� o� shQ at�aaxl�a�ad s�xoot c�r
�ri�Rst-of�ray 1yin� bst�rec:n t.�u3 �sC a�nr3 T7osC linaa oF T�oz.xidalo Ave�uc3
eac�o�cteri S�uetzarcly �erose oaicl rl.alit-o�-c�aq; �►ieh lfe� �ta a pore of
':�tia Au�ust 23P.h, 1�3G�s Zoniq� aiu3 Plm�miq� Cocxil.eeiou ;aaatis� ssi.t�� caaCima�d.
au oxf��iaII �ertc.
Acticn: Ibc. Poi�,oiy, 3r. nav�d mcul T�r. Hlatce saco�ndod �he mtion tliaL Cbe
ZoaiW; t�nct Ple�o�i� Canaisei�ont re�c.a�ca�d app�saval Co Che Ci�y Council
W vsa�to �tu►t pct��t of Saat�dale t►v�ue ar Lot 10, BJ+ocu la a�c� Iaot 21,
Bloct: 11, B. A. SaeraQe'e In�rlaabvn Parlc, icticluciing th�t pv�rtSon of tfie
Ab�s� ser�t ca= riahL-oF�rrsy lyie� i�etc�et3n ehe &tee e�aci Werot line�
o� Iloc�le AvaQuo mct�acled Southasly a�csoa� ssid rit;ht-at-�r.�q and lYiu�
`, as a pstt o£ t�a eQcistiat� par1:. Thc� rao�ioa atpcsiad.
No £wrth+aY 1>usinc�ee appeatiq� t.t� CacY�eioa ad joutrned.
�i. $. F0ti41"80'D� SACL't3t81"sT t.0 � �$�OYf
Doz�1d J, t�lt�e�r�, Act9s� Cheirn�sn
7•30 P.M.
dLA �n�� •
l., Case Noa 64•23•P1aC V -
Applicsnt: Johu l�leath '� �Brubache
Subject: The req•.seat to plat Lota 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block Sero�an
`' 2, Stevea°8 Oak�od Park with thc atipulatioas that � Blo c�ist �
.i�cicsoa Avenue not be eoctended into the residential i ✓LHawke .
area lying North of propoaed 3rd Street; that Z�►ler Aveaue North
be �eveloped to tie iato the propoaed SasC-Weat throughfare fzom
Mon3c Anenue rwcming West; ttiat both water azul sewer be brough into
the area from 2nd Street NorCk; and Lhat Van Burea Avenue be lowered
to xamimum so ae to benefit the uadeveloped land to thd $aat. This
case c•ma heard by the City Cocuticil on Auguet i8th aad r�ferred
bacic to the Zoai. aad Pla�� seion r,/�dditiou8l st
��� u
and planning. ��e,< <ee�, Ql�� � �l�c {�� � .
ACT�O�iT RBQUxRgD: ^ecoe�nea� o the it '��.. -
vc�'—^"�% `�c�@'� J
AiSW �j' �-t. 1� / � ���� �1�«�
�%l�Yi�.-e-,�_�� �-
�iJS:A�'S S:
1, Case Nao 64-2T-aariance
Applicaai: A1. Koatecka
Subject: A hearing publi�hed on Au�t 13th� 1964, on a xequeot for a
side yaxd variance to cona�stisct a pzopoe�d remiden�ce on Lot 20
which will reduce the DTozth side yard of dcistis� house oa Lot 19
Block 49, Weat Aitnaespolis to,oae fioot, which io �.es� than the
required side yard. " ,
- � '���� ��L
ACTIOTi BEQUIBSD: 8ecomme to the C1tq��il.
2� Case No. 64•28• Special-Use-P�rm +�.
Appliaant: Tlie B.ed Owl Stoxes xt�c.
Subjec�s A heasiag publiehed on Aagu�st 13th, ].�b4. oa � request for a
�� •__��i,al-Use-Permit for the proposed construction of a garage in
tha Indvatrial Diatrict or that pert of T=acta A. & C. , R L.S. Noa
505 and Tract B, A,L.S, �Io. 489. ," ��
� �� ` �' �
ACTION xHQUIRBD: Becommead to ch iCy Cowncil .
30 �ase Ho. 64-32-Qacatioa of Street.
Applicant: The City of �o�pkins
Subj�ct: The past of �acdale Aveaus lyin� South of the North lines ex�
teaded acrose aa3.d Avemu of Lot 10, Block �0 and I.ot 21, Bl.ock
11, F. A. Savage'e Interlachen Park� lucluding ttiat portion of
the at�andoned •treet car right•of-way lyin,g betw�een �he st
and Wea� lines of Homedale Av�nue exteuded Sauthetly aaf�o a d
�:way to pr de fat add t�na2�k ea, -� - .
� '
AC'rION RFiQV.LB�: Reco+nmend to the City Coimrcil i� �
,�1�,,� �o.� � _ ���� lso,, _ ��
' �e�—
, � �, � � C l�� ��.-.-
, � 1 �-�' �
�s� �uaber 64-27V' AuguSt 21s 1q64
$����ioa�: Si7 leb �vesae� Soutta
lP�eicit2o���: 1�1�►ir� �, ��s��cka
AeQues�: �d�usfcm��fi
�teff Find��ags:
� c , ;c,s •:� ,
�i ��o �:sS.''� �G `l. �� gi ;:;�� in�:s�12t� r3� .. ._ _„y :1::�.4� .f•,.r� 'r,'�:''._, . �'.�- -..�--_ ?E :a'�:::i:��� ?.t�i:,
2. S�a� �g �.S dCCL�?�Q� `^.`f a.Xi +J�C ��t?� S{_J'i' �i�:j:-'.. '•,✓fAo.;�%� c.:: 'i�:'�.r:>,:.�? a. £:k4''�. G'�` 3:�.•::
narth lot Iinea
� T.'":oga aw� "��sag aa;�m± �as b�?irs s.l�rG� n.J�:�S�s3r�"h-;Q?r �y'ti�� ?�L.^ !:'��e��.�c�� �i 9�,��!S4 ��?�� ��`� �x�34",
.....�_+..._,3 E ..._��_ ��. �,.�� s_�1�.: . �.�.:� . ,. ., . .', r.,. r. ..�... ,�_..i . � .. ... )�3ilc��ile�.� �.dt,.
&e '�t�is situ�tierfl has "sse�� before t� E��anai�� Co�mi�r�fan a ra�b�r of tim��
�i.th each 3��itig jure��d a�para�elpa �he exis�ing hou�e �.��s bu�.l� 3�fo�e gt�e
adoption of Lhe LOSd�.Iig erdir_aace �r�iGh S� �he �rdinance thst cse�ted � spe�-
if3.c side yard. �rios to th..at d��e ��9�a9) the ho�ae w�s an Lo� I9 �nc� Lot
2a c�as v�caato Yhu�, tt�e physic�al �ncat$on of the hc�►ss� doE� no� �xpr�sss '
fnte;nt of usSn& ttt� t�x► Iota o
5. Th�e �equest is to builci a h�use on �t 20 �ha:ch wil� be 8' fram the no�th
li�a� end 10' fsom ttr�: ��uets lis�ee ��uLch t�s iLn coa�form�nce o
�ths pia�ning c��tssi�s hr�s three poasiPole aetians:
1n To deny th� req�^s� ��ad declare Lot 20 �s th� s�de y�rci af �he keou�se �+�
�,�t 19 mnd not 8 laL•.,
�a Grr�nt a �aria�c� tm t�te side q�ar� Qn �� 19 `r�am £�° [0 1' t�h4cla �aill r���.n
sait� the land ar•.d ��rm�� � nea h��ase �o bee loa�cted �ithin 2 foot e
3� Zffie�rpret �he ord�.nammte as not appl�eable �e�su�e �he hous� as �ui�.r v�
t� lot e:as $n cocd€orm�mce at ttae �#�am �f c+�ns�ruGtion, is i�kely ta b�
r�placed sai�h a �e� H..�� wtiielx eaiZ�. �onforma
�oint t3��°e� ��11 ga�d �s bring about th� best lo�g r�r,ge resulfs gor th�
ne�ghtsorhoaci altt��u��s such u mot3.on is not as cusramary as �oi.nt on� ar t�o
, � �
.,��� ���r
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�se Number 61,-28•31P August 21 a 196�a
��i��.oner: Red t4�,a1
�c�tion: Bxc��cCh cf �d �vl
�.���.xsst: �ppra�aZ ef S�cial Uae Rermit ,
`' ��fx Pinde az�d �a�msae��;� �
��} The loc�t#.oa af ttae pr�posed gara�ge bu���ing �s ths Soatihweat corn�r of
2x�ci StrPec idos&� and $�nroe. ��e g�ara�� ig 15G' x 96° $nd ts to b� �sed
ss a �rucY: �e�vice t�a�er,
��� �hLs l�x�� �s znned $�dustrSal snd uatil recently w,os a lomr spc�� °wh�re
�ater c�lle�ct�do
(3� Access i� �o be ca�s�leLQly controlls�3 t�th the present gat� onta 2nd
A,ver+�e Alor+th, Ad�3�t��a+1 off-street p�axking is to he provicied and the
ar�a fenced.
(4� Ordinance re�uire$ � front yerd o� 30' for each site - Excelsior is the
f�ont snd the yard �x�atsa A fence may nst be erect¢d in this ysrd.
�S) The proposed site pl.aa indicates ell neeessary dat� snd confoz�ms t� the