08-19-1964 The special ameeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of Hopkins was held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Wednesday, August 19th, 1964 at 7:00 P.M. o'clock. -- Present were Chairman Sundby, and members Stannard, Malecha, Larson and Blake. City Manager, Brubacher, City Engineer, Strojan and City Building Inspector, Blomquist and City Planner, Hawks. Case No. 1. 63-28-Subdivision Regulation. Applicant: The Zoning and Planning Commission. Subject: Establish a method of platting areas in the City of Hopkins that are as now unplatted. Action: Mr. Larson moved and Mr. Ma.lecha seconded the motion that the Zoning and Planning Commission approve the proposed Subdivision Regulation, with the suggested changes made by Mr. Blake being incorporated into the regulation; that said regulation be recommended to the City Council for their consideration and recommendation to the City Attorney for the drawing of a preliminary Ordinance. The motion carried. Case No. 1. 64-29-Edward and Kelsey report. Applicant: The Zoning and Planning Commission. Subject: A review of the Edward and Kelse�� critique on the proposed road system for the City of Hopkins. ^ Action: There was no action taken on this case as the critique had not been received from Edward and Kelsey. Case No. 2 64-30-Walk-through program. Applicant: The Zoning and Planning Commission. Subject: A proposed program for the walk throughs for the City of Hopkins and their tie-in with the proposed downtown plan. Action: Mr. Stannard moved and Mr. Blake seconded the motion that the Zoning and Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that a Committee be appointed, the committee to be made up from one member of the City Council, one member of the Planning and Zoni_ng Commission and one member of the Chamber of Commerce, to study the propsed walk-throughs plan�ed for the City to follow through with the "Down-Town-Plan". The motion carried. Mr. Stannard volunteered to represent the Zoning and Planning Commission. The motion carried. Case No. 3. 64-31-Commercial Goals and Standards. Applicant: The Zoning and Planning Commission. Subject: The Commercial goals and standards of the business firms as applied to " ` - — the 701 program. -- - --� .-. No action was taken on this case. No further business appearing the Commission adjourned. -•��.�,,���L�i t� ,�,� C. R. Peterson, Secretary to the Commission MEMBERS: � , �� I ,�"��"Li- L i��-�.(__ ,'j� '��L ct %'-�--_ � ,,� , -� - / , �� � / � ATTE . ^ � , ,! /'w". .C''L'Y� Howard G. Sundby, Chairman __--- ___--_ __ _.__.._.-- � � Ttzo anocial .:r.�Ci� o£ tho Zanin� cuxl Plaami�; Ca:sLiaaiou o� ttic� C�.ty �£ 3bplctr.8 c�as tiQl.a ia tA6 Coua�cil Ct�cal�ora of tho City 21�11, t�aclxyaeday, Au,�t�aL 2�tla, I9G4 at 7:(30 P,ti. o'o lact;. I'roesnt vere Qiairr.�t Sw�cl�y� anci r.�o ��nnard, :i�lc�cha, Larson an�l Bl.si•ra. City ;Sant�ar, Ba�ulutche�, City �ineor, SCro�an ancl City 11u311iut� 2nepacr�r, Dl.ar:xluiut aixl City Pla�, Iki��I:e. Cnoa D1o. l. G3-2t3-&utxliviaion ltc�lntton. A�licant: Tha Zoain� ancl Plcumis� Cacr.�ioion. SuU�c3ct: 8et,ai�lis3h a :�ot.tlod of pLsttiu� arc�a in thc3 City o� Bapl:3no t[m� ato ac � trnt tmpl,attc3d. Action: Th. I.arson :.�o�vc�cl aiul tlr. tiaic3ctu� ar�ccoculacl r�ho r.,otioa et�r tizfl �onis� ruul Pimm�in� Ca:r�i�aion upprovo t�w Inopoac�t SuUclivi�ion &syuk►tion, �4.C� ttw au,^,i;ostnci cUaq;c3c r�nda by tlr. Dlal� bei� locorpornCacl tu�o U�o rca,,,,�;+xiation; that 8aicl s�c�ulati�on Uc rc�cocr.raxb�l to We Ci.ty Cave�cil £ar t.tseir consiclQration anct roco�x�clat3on to the City Attos�noy �os thQ clsacri� of aap�rolinimry Ordi�rance. Tlu3 natLoa cnrriod. Cr�ao No. 1. G4-29-E�rc� an�l &aleoq report. Applictmt: The Za �� aacl P�a:tniat; Cor��aion. Sui��c3cC: A rc�vic�r of tt�a ��ard �n8 IGelapycsitiquc3 on tha pr+apo�d rocd pyc+tec� 8�r elu� Ci�y of �pl:iaa. Action: Zhc�ro aaa ao action taivaa on e�is caeo ae tUa critiq�x3 h8d cat tx�a rocoiw� fs�aQ �ckAtrd atul Raleey. Caao No. 2 GG-30-t7all:-tt�s�o�;li ino�pra�. Apr�icant: T!� 2onl.� aiul Plr� Cor�o�ioaton. Su��oc�: A P�t?�� P�;Sr� f�nr tiio ualt: tl�tou,��o fior tiho Clty ow I1op�:iuo ancl �eis tia-in aitti d�o psopoeacl c�amtocm plan. Action: Tir. 5taanard �d rind ;bc. Dlat:4 eocoYulacl tb0 r�oCion tl�t tho Zvuin; �uul plan� Car�iOaton rc3coc�c�snd to tt�a City Couacil tl�at c� Ca.rii�eas bo O�01ALOc1� tha COtz'�l.�tCia t0 bC� �lo up £�oc] ott�D r.�' Of thC Ci4y Coui�C11' one �a�s o£ Ci�a Plmmiq� ancl Zon�� Co�z�iseion asut oYw r.x�cal�er af tho �+.. Q�bwr of Co�.�exco, ta otudy ttu: props<xl c�allc-ttn'ou�tls pinci�3 faos tlie City to tnl7.av thme�h otitl� t1w "Da�n•To�m•Plan". ?t�e !aotion casri�d. Iir. �taoc�rcl vv�olc�ntc�ro�l to roprcxsoat tlu� Zo�afn�; and Planni�� Cor�i�eion. ��e notioa carried. C.�ao Tb. 3. GG-31-Ca.r_�urcial Goals and Stazxlatsda. A�li,cant: T6c3 ZotdaC Atxl ltltnvc�iq; Cors.�i��to�. �uI>;�octc: Tiio Coa��ccial �oala asxl etanrlarclo of thca In�inaea fis►�c ae appYied to eiva 701 pso�rau. �to oction c�ao tatcea oa tliie caeo. Db i�urtturr iwaiaose appoasic� ttw Cocraio8�ocs odja�rn�cl. C. tt. Potctroon, Sc;czc:t.mry to tl'c: Cvr.r.�.iaeia�. Yffi�tS s � A1'�B6'r: i�oc�rd G. Sunclby� Chairrxtn