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AGSNDiA P�S�. ?.ONING AI�ID PIANI�II�G f�IISSI�N "undUv RBGUI.A.� MSETING, 1UESnAY MA�C 26T�i, 19fi4 2i1 rt , 7•30 PoM. olco � t rd 1�+1 lechs BU3INBSS: 1, Case No. 64-LS Adjust�ant: r A . Applicgnt: G. B. Martinson. latce Subject: A hs�aring published on May 1Zth, 1964, on a requss ache�r � o Eor s aide qard variance for the construction of a St , � . proposed reaiden�c� on the follo�ring degczibed vi t . i _-. ...,• „ �.r% �. - <, � ; pr�mi.aea �n aopkins, Heanapin Couuty, Minnesota, � �� �-ty viz: "Lot 8, slock 90, We�t Minaeapolis 2ad Divieion", or 222 - llth " Av�ue North. ?he propoaed cac►atructf.on of thc dc•rallin� on Iat � 8 will reducs thR Sonth Side ard of acisti house oa Lot 7, �' � ���'� ��' ���`�" ✓!' � u Block 90, W�st Minaeapolis 2nd Diviaion to ns foot, which is less - than ehe raquired sida yard. It i» requ�estad that sv�c� aide yard r�ir�t £or Lot 7 b� waived with the provi:ion thst the propo�ea rssideace on Lot 8 have a North aida yard af ew�lve (12) fes and a South sida yard of sight (8) fept�--- . � � - ' .��. ,; -�,s ,� l ;�>>;. ,��, L�.,•v . AGTIO'�i R�QUIBSD: Rsco�ad to tha City Council. '�'`� � 2� Ca�e Noo 64-16-Special-Uae-Permito Appliaant: J. 8uase1l Carroll: Subjects Sp�cial-Ose-Permit �or the propo�ed constru�ction of an Of£iee � - � � ����t--� buildia,� in the Businee�•Beaidea�ce District oa the fallowing ,,�-c��� - �, . . - �, d�$cribed premisea �itvat�d in Hepicins� Henaepin County, Miuu�esots, � ,Q�,,,;� I,� J i� /�/<-3 �- / viz: "Tlso�a p�arts o f Lots 1� 2� 3 sad 4� Mivaeh�th8 Oeks lyi4; e o �!: North�eastsrly of Miaa�hsha Cr�ek; or the South �ide of Highvay �7 �'y� '2�`J �` `�`�� � and l�orth sad Bast o! Mimae�hsha Creelc. �_ � -�' , /-.s� � '- t ` "e:.��" _ ( � �t'`-�'`- �� � ACZIa[d B�QtfIBED: �eommand to the City Couacil. � OI.D BDSZNSSS: le Gaoe Noo 1�-11-Zonin�. Appl�eant: Th� Zaain,� aad Plamttu� Co�cmmissiona Subj�ct: Consid�rinB the areas sv�g;ested by the City Plasassr ths� shou be re-zoned MB-3 e ,� `� ��; � � _ � AC1Z�1 �QUIRED: Resolutioa ord�ariqQ a h�aring. -� 2� Catce No. 64•13-Zonin� A�plicant: Mr. Ge C. Watsa� Subjsct: It waa m�ved, aeconded asd the mutioa carriad that the rec�eat for the propn��d rezonin� �ram Residenti.sl-District to 1�'t-1 Dietrict ths S�olZawiag described araa for the proposed constirrcCion of apertment buildiagso "That land in the Double-Re�sideace Zoas Di.�trict of the City of Boplcin� that liea South of th� Narth bouadary of B.L.S. Noo 73I, North af the �iorth lina of Hacmepin Covnty Highway �.3 and bet��eYt tho Raot aud West bouacla�i�s o f H.L o S. No e 731 �txtended Southez Iy to Che Pis�rth �ine o f Heanepia Cou�►ty flighw8,q No. 3, or tha�t property fzontiag oa �he 100 Block on 20th Av�nue South; be hold in abeyance and saferred basck to the Zonin� and Planaia,g Con�niseion for that body to lwld unei,l suct� time ea the "oves�ll,�oni�p2an" for ehe City �.o �t ,p � • �.... C���'�j< < <L' ,(�f A4TYON B,IDqUI�SD: A motion t.o hold tha ebove requsst in ab�yancs Lmt fbf� "aver-aIl zoni� plaa" far ths City is tattea upo �; 3o L'ase No, fi4-17•Plsa B,�evi�. I'art of the 70I progrmm, � Appl3aatn: Zon3.t� aad Plannir�g Cammiasian Sub�ect: Subjec� to be explain�ad by ths City Plarn:er. � ACTIOTi 1t�QUIxLD: �� . 4, Case No� 64-18 Ca�m�aitq Facili�iee. Applieaxat: S°he 2onia� and Plannin� Comnis�ioao Subject: The echool, parka, recreat�on a�eaa, churahse etc, aa outliasd by the City Planner, � ACTION RIDqUIBED: Rec� ta the City Cov�il #ar approva].o ��. A apecittl r.�ti� af thc� Znnin�„ anrl PLsmiin� Ca��aion o� Ct� City of Uopl.ic� cma i�Qlcl ia ttta Cowncfl Chas�cero of tha C4.�y I3a11 on ?uesday, 2by 12ti�, 19Fi4, at 7:00 P.rs. o'c,octc. Praoer�t wero Cbc�i.s� Sundtry, and ►sawber�, 2�ayor 21iltx�rk, Cauacih.�an II'ol:orny, Jr. , S�annard, 21aloCh� aAd �.nnrsoa. T�10 C1Ly xSF3L1tl��c3S� DYuGE1Ch@1'� C1Cy h^A�1Z1BCria St=oJBx►� Cfty Build3n� Inepectar, Bia4�quiat and tha City Plamesr, 8aw1c�. �ac�e PIa. 1, G3-4i•�ll.�2nAay �318 Appl3.cnnt: ?1�e Zoa3q� aixl Pltimis� Cora��ieeioo. - ��--' Sub,�ect: Ps�tscsae fcar conaickm�tion propaaocl plamn for Coanty �taaci wY.� c�r► �w paeces Wroc�ti Chc� City of Ibpl:ina. Aatioa: tir. Po�ray Jr. aoved sacl ttr. Stam�rd secondQd ttw c,atioc► ehat the ?.onin� aad Pl�+i� Com�:�ieaion raco�ewi to tbc3 CiCy Cc�uacil �nr ire coaeidQtati.an pla� �r Hi�taway 418 Worth of Itscceleior Avaaue; foi propoead plan of 3rd S�roQt �03.� East frara propo8a�d Hi�t�aay �].II to ibak Avaauo; aud �tcopased raaclo ea �cr.os��ta the resicic3ntfa�, arcr� North of the na�v peoponed 3rd. St�reot ba appsovad. '14io r�c�ion carriod. Pir. Patoos7ay, Jr. moved aaR1 Yk. Lar�on ec�concic�c3 the raotiaa thnt t.tw Zoniq� aaxl PlaaniuC Co�i.gaioxe rc�caz�mtid to tlio Ci ty Covm�i?. thak tho ltail�oad �7ord�oveo Co�ar.daaion vacato tlioir order aettin� i�Ort�� the l,ocation cu�cl clivieion of coue of tlu3 uacles p�oa bricl�o �r eho rnropooQd ra3.ocation o fc Cauaty Road �`3 vador tt�o tractcs o f eha Ctil.ca�o and Nor�t�eorn &��l�y and tha Chicafy�, Iiilc�sutcea. St. Puul t+nd Pacific Railvay, ilost of tbnte Avenua. t� appra�rsd. Zhe wation cosriod. Caoo No. 2. G4-27-Gcn�sral Dovelopcaoat P3.aa. Applic�tnt: Tha Zoni� aact Pl�n�; Caa.�iocicm. 8ul�,jac�: YCiQ proposc�l �a�ral ck3velop�at pk►n f�r tl�a City of 13opl:ias f�r the uext tcasnLy yearo. fi��3on: No for�nl actLcn ctaa tatcea. A �ce�cal cic�lopAeat mp ur�c prcaac�ntocl fcor �tio Zonia� aad P1am�ioB Corniooiona consido�cotion c�ich st�ad propoeod zotsin� fins tho City of Ibpt:iatt ats a Uhole. 'T�iie o�so c.ti11 ve co�idaracl n;�oin at tiw s�s� opocial uaetis�. �asQ Bio. 3. �i4-18-Cocza.mity Facilitiee. Anpliaaat: ThQ Zonlat; atxl Platnzit� Car.lieaioa. Su��act: Tho propoe�2 Ca-cx�aity Faciliti#o Ql�sn �or the City of Ibpl:iim �or thc� na�xt ecro�tY Y� PQriacl. Actio:�: No t�rr�al Actfou cros tal:en. A �oaozal ��p of Chs City cme pre8antod �or ti�c� �oaLn� aal Plam�dns; Cor,r�iaei000 conBideration el�ovin� tho aroa afc c�acist�; tb►�nuaity Faci�litiea aad the prcpoaed recar�r.x�ndacl poctlitf�. 7�ba Corrai�oL�a shoulcl t� abla to t�at,a a saco:z�acxlation to �a Cieq Councxi relaeiv�e to Ca�r�miCyr Pacilieies �ollo�ui� tiso txaft ��ecial rwotitcq;. ' Ct�oa I�a. l�. G�i-1G-Spoaial Vsa-PeYaiit. tlp�licuat: J. Ac�aeall Carroll. Sut�ar�c�: A s�aoot �us u Sp�cial-iJae-P�it to coaatrc�ct am offico Ual.}.cli� in the Ilueinecie•l�oaidooce Dietrict. AcP.ion: itr. tlalc�lw �ove�l and tfay�or Ftiltx3zt Bocanded the ztitiaa ttae B000luCioa �175 "A ItEi�i�TiZON 04tDh'��1G A tII� Ii�O�t A SPSC2AL-t�SS-PID�T P+O� ��OS3� i77�TS� 4� ADi OP�'IC8 1WILD� IN �.S2b�S$•�BS�CB DE87�tI4'�", oa t1�ct fallhwie� clt3acsiLed propc3rty: ?�wt pasts o� Lota 1, 2, 3 ancl 4� t3i��,a O�tcs lyin� LZorWoaeterly of tZinno�iaha Craott Ue �. a�pnro�rod. � aation c�nrir�d. Tis. �o�Cst Ttnaoa otu�c�ad a fcilri a� tam houeas es Chey aro Uuile today. No £urthar i�wwsinerss nppeari� tt� Cara�eaion od�ourne;l. C. R. PaCaraon, �ccro�a..�y o�C tlie Cor:-caitssicaa '.�TtiSBS: �� nTr�csr: __.�___._.�. ___.___.,_. � � �zo�wara G� sunav�,, �na�x��an. �__... _._._�....._.�_�__.__. . _ _ `� ._ _ _ �_� __�""�., `� _ _ -— ---� -_..._ . � � �� �.fai'.; �Bi�i� <?��t��2T5 C.rsv iv�m�ers " ��"�Jr � �. �. t�'tCi:'{,'(t�aQf7 C���11� S�.' .�o �e {,�s�•o�! NC?°4�li�lS Pl��ht��t�� C��°�MB�Spvi� �'l�tad�.�s�i� �'l�n:�s�3� anG E:�s��sc{�; $�::�a�ae�fEc� �an�z�c�:�d�s, ,�..o:n�sofa P�crr ?_€�, 196� �... ' Case ��umber b�-i� `J �+liay 26, 196� `-' ���IC.SZi7'�: �7. vg. �a,�i�'i1�S�Fl Locat�on: 22� �1� ��;��ue ��iaE-�� Reques'r: �lco��Ecrnc� �cs ��:mi� �h� c��s�r�rction :�;c€ heusQ o� Lot 8 to �he sovirla or 2�2. S�'G� �BClC��ft�S L17�L'� COid�ilpFtl'.�, (lj Lryt 7 ond 8, �iod: ��, EJ1fes� l�Iis�nEa�c61s 2 me �� corr�man rnvc�er�hi� ��is�► a singi� famiiy house t�ca�e�i �n s oP ?'o (2� ?he di�F�'icv9�y is 'rh� sc�::c�:�a�-;r�-Pores� c�►� ;�� sr�s.;��� �+rE��ch erfier�ds io �i4��in caie fcx�� of�he si�'A iat �tn�, �3) tf 3�his pc�3•c$a 3s �a��s�c��ced as �i�8ncl�:�ed �yv?��ou' �aesrt��s�e�zi• ���;�c�a�ian' ii r�ay er''�e�ti #� �vi�hin €oc;�a- i"�ef a�$�:s sr�W !a#• s;.:e. T.�ss �s �Ji�v�� ro �� ��e ca�g � alf�ou�h prco��vs �o� f�a�n �un�9t�edo Ti� �a•c':� is �er� feeir �� �'�:�?h dnd f6�� f�i`'vy faoi� iot c�x.+(d fx3 �r:::�� �X:plC�rd��� L'y 1'�iTiC`fF:� i�3c�s feaf o� 3h� po►cho (4) �h� oS4��r c�l�•�s��a�eve Is ;� r��•a�f a dt�raan w ti`� �5�.� sid� yc�:�3 ��r�r 'Lot r t�s� se�c�r�qze ��•h� ort� ;�, s'sae yc�•d. are onc ��oS is for fiou��:�e��en u:�n31E i�h� haws� hc�s �a o�e �'�nfi cr,��;�n,�r��r� �ro so ir%�e �a�� ya;d is �ec�E�y ;rero, in �ran�•er.g �hs �a�-fc�nce a re�u3reana€r'r �ou1� be od�ed i��a seq�sEre a sida y�,�ci o� 32 �'est c� Lc�� $ dv6�ic� •,�c�a4d iae �r�� samn as ;he �•eqs;E•s� n�Irirr:�rr� und�r i�f�s esdi�ance. TF��s �ra�.rld E•25S'e dCS' f'�116 FU��L�Gis��E WtC�f� G� fE2L b��• �•4 3fl ��;�t. � C'.aSe �3t,f(3i�.'r ta4'^�E'? S€' f1�iCf�I 26, 1964 �" �1�ad�ca��: ,!. R. Cr�rxatl kr��c�qo�: H3c�9��ray 7 an�l �11g��eidc!6-ca ��ek Rec�uasfi: ���Cip� �S"672i2` SO E3'L?Ci c:n o�ee� 6Esi�dir� EEz �h$ 6�R �o�ao Srres� �€r�c`ir�s ar�d �om�r�;s �3} T'�:.L pt•�ra�a� �u'si�ir� ±s co be 50` 'iC gQC?' ar�� 1�,��.: s���zr�s �cc�h a sr�E 10,��0 ,qu�s�•� ����•. S��ou!d il��s a!9 �� c�r:s;d�c�c� as o�z�c� �;r��e �80 ��s•ce�� e��Pc#��de� �nd a ra�io �f one p��:.�,� seacc �or ��ct�i 2,�0 ����:� ��c�� �p�diee, 32 s�aces 'tiN�!'c�r �J.�'.. E'�C�ll4:'@G�. (2� �'�:n� �� o� ��Q ei��HiccrP'socti i�e}ic�yt�s �hu� a sii•� �tatt s:��J�a � ��Srt38Z�'�GIO b�et S4iC�'1 ��di'?S Vtlf?i`'v �O$ SiJ�'iT3JS"'i��. 7�:�s, e� j� rec� pc,�i��e cv tuc�e �h� sr����a e�� ��� rec�cte�i r•o.n �?sr�ornc��cQ. �3) �'E��� }"elC,��ltW4)/ � E5 �6•���c� ess a ie�114S'�t� GCCGvS h?��e`��}}r �v�a3ch cr�^r�s ea�t a�€:+�„s �115'as�3�f:P�! Cy'vc''.:' C3 �A�T`�� �O�t'lU�J. 8Fi 6�'1pGf:iilC,� �3'i$¢E $;'!J �'�ig�lli/Cf� �@�i.iiY33i�71�' !$ }Od�S ler�rr�ed 9�ha}� 'r�r„po:•ary cseccss �a:� s�e �c��3r•e�' c+az�'st ��-�� riE�4�r��c.y is u�—�}rrd�3. �Eze; zim� t�� ts,,—g��,r�gr�; ss a��r 19�II. '�'���i Yh. �cc:�s is r�n3�.�v� dcc���s v��8! �s ��ficrrr►iq�:d a�e� Q��c3 fo- mr �i��'s�a�•�d E�y c��ri�ucfiar� a ;�rvic� r� � i�h� �;. �;4/ T4�� prox�as�s� �pse a� in co����:7�a�nco E��ifih She pr��n# �:e�ing and vyq$h the ps��c�"r ihir�i�-� �elrrir�� �o �}�e �.^.i7's�!'C7E"wPlst�ae �iareo ThsJs, E� '¢s svgg���d �ha�t �� cEca��s3�� �e d�:�aye�i �Q�c�i:�g ��arn's�:a�� ef a sige �lar� ::arn�ra� ��aslcairag foca�ion, u;a4�Yy acc��, �c�;�sra�f•y �.��ic� ��Fmc���� ��ce.ss anu c,f:stceet p�za{canb. �... o ' - . �. y� , � ��� �� 3 � � I ' ,' •~ t,��. ' v � -�; --- ___; . . . . . . : • . . • . � � PL�i� l�tBS�9� ?���RTS �:c�.� 6�l��:�ees b�+--�� if �. �'. tU��rfiir�Qa� t��-�6 S� ria Ro �ar�•od8 li��K6E�S P1..��ll�il�ifCa �C�.�1�/liSSiC3i� r'�9ud�vr��t 3'IanniF�c� a,n� Resea�ch, dr�c�or�araS��c� �MBnrt�apal:s, 1�+eczn�sofa ��Acry 2�, 1964 � Crxse ivusn�r 64-1a V �1�ay �b, 196� Applicanfi: G. $. M'.ai�ir�.fan `., Loccstic�n: 22S i lth ,A�e�e�e f�lQrth Requesfi: �/u�•qear�ce fc> �ftni� tho cons�ructior� o�a ho�s� on l.at $ to fhe �u�h ar 222. Sfaff Fer�c6ir�gs and Corm�e� (�) L.ot 7 arzd 8, alock 9�d �lwS�' I`r�1t�t18tY�94��5 2 w•e �� cemmon oe,evr�ership wii•h a s�r�&� fcxrniiy �aa�.rse lo�ce�ed �n [,o� �o (2) The di'�£ic�l+ty is �ie scr�4r.�rl-in-p���a on �i�e sa�►�h v�nich ex$er��s to u�a�ha� ane faofi�f 1�he �ic�e tot I��:�v �3) tf i�is �oa�ch Ts c��3daced as �s��encl�ed �w's'{�"c�u4� Qarrr.ssaneni• fe�anda�ion) if rrray e�:��nd �o �vifini�s fa�.s�• i�e�F� af ir�s �i�� !a� f'sn�. Tiias is b�lieved 9�0 �e :�Se case aif�ou�j� proof h�s no: be�e: :�'��ai'rS�c�o �3�� pGic�� is ��n feef in d�p�h and �E�a #ifty €c� lo� c.x�td f� �n�ssiQ Eraaidrable Fry re�n�v�:� ifi�re� fes� o�9fi� pa�ch. (4) Fhe a�her �ltema�ide is :o c��a�,f a daric�r►ce �� tF�: sic�� y�rd for Lc�9�7 tv �ca�r�ixc� �he on� �cm'�` ��ae yard. 4i�c ar�� �fi as foi- founc�ui•ovn w�3�i4� �h� �ass� h� �s or�� fnot cno�r6�aa:�3rrg e�� s� t�e s's�e yG`•d �s �ec��6y zeroe �� grc�rti•er�g ths varicmce a rec�v�t�:mer�� coui� b� add�d io �r.�irE a s3de y�Cd a� 32 ���� on LAt � which �►ould �e �n� sam� cs #�he beqs���•�1 rn�nir�n�sr� �nd�r if� esdia�an��. 1Fhis w�a.i�d ce�r3et srhe bviicicd�te widtrh �f�rhQ tefi ��0 30 �,�eto � �ase t�lumbQr 64--16 SP 11r'�ay 26, 1964 � f�piica�t�: ,9. I�. Cr�r7oll �.c��airiorr Nighway 7 an� lVl;nr�ha:�a C��k t�equesfi: Speciu! pesmi� to srect as� cs�ce bu:�dir� in the 6-R Zonea Sfiai� �dr�uar►�s ar�d �omme��s (�) T3�� propc�d b�stldir� is i�n i� �OS X tt?�' and iwv::� siure�s �€g9� car sarn� ZOot�'� squcre ��•. Si�ovtd pl��s a1! b� c�r�id�t'�CI f!� O�t4C� s�uc� �80 percenf e�i�ec�����:} �as�d a r�io af or� pcu�Ici� soa;,c for eacE� 250 �� vaesQ applied, 32 spac�s wovtd be requ9red. �2) �o=r�t �� of tha c�plica'rion i�dic:c!Pas fihat a sifie p�an s�euld be subrr:�tied, �v� �,ch plc�s w�re n�t submi�►�d. Thcn, i� is r�ot �r�i�le fio �udge the m�ri� of 4� ce,qu��r f om perfQrr���ce o �3} TEvr►9c Hig4�wa� 7 ts pro�osEd cas a 6im"sirod acces� 1�ighevcrf Evi�ich crec��es arc access prabl�m o��r a lar�g peiia�. Ir+ ch���Cing �i�h ��� �-9i�4nvc�r L�e�asfm�ni� �t cvas tearned fS�ai fier��pe;�y acc�s c� �e ac�ub���� vr�fr�l fittQ high�t�ay is up-gr�r��a3o T�� fime �ns tsy►►�gra�3ir�g as a'��r 19bf3. 1h'hen rh� acce�s is rer,nowed dcarr�c��s �ral! t�a datccmir��d ar�ci pe�c! far or slimiinc�fred by co:�f�-ucting a secbice road � fihr� eusfi�. (4) The proposed �.►e ts in con'Farmance ��ifih f$ze pr�s�n;�ening csrd wi�h the pa�ese�t fit�inkis� r�t�s'ri� fio the Cg�r.preE�r�t�e Plana T6�:�s, it is sugg�s���d tha�fi fihe c�cis3�r� �� delcayed �ndis�g svksrni�:er� �f a sife �tar� shrn�rang buitding I�+cc�Ton, u�ilify acc�s, �omporaa� cuxl permanent �ecces� cnd off-��reet p�e4cir�. �