04-28-1964 A regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of Hopkins was held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall on Tuesday, April 28th, at 7:30 P.M. o'c lock. " Present were Chairman Sundby, and members Mayor Milbert, Councilman Pokorny, Jr. Stannard, Larson and Blake. The City Manager, Brubacher, City Engineer, Strojan, City Building Inspector, Blomquist, and City Planner, Hawks. Case No. 1. 64-6-Special-Use-Permit and Rezoning. Applicant: William J. Olson Subject: A request of a Special-Use-Permit and extend the C-2 boundary lines. A Special-Use-Permit to construct a gasoline filling station and the extention of the C-2 boundary for the construction of a Milk House on the property located on the Southeast corner of Blake Road and Excelsior Avenues or on the following described premises in Hopkins, Hennepin County, Minnesota, viz: "All of that part of Lot 77, Auditor�s Subdivision ��239, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at a point in the center line of Excelsior Blttl,. 30.01 feet West, measured along the center line from the point of intersection of said center line with the East line of Lot 77 , extended; thence South along a line parallel with and distance 30 feet West of the East line of said Lot 77, a distance of 127 feet; thence West along a line parallel with the South line of said Lot 77, a distance of 100 feet to the point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence North along a line parallel with the East line of said Lot 77 to the North line of said Lot 77; thence Westerly along the North "` line of Lot 77 to the Northwest corner thereof; thence South along the West line of said Lot to a point 45 feet North of the Southwest corner of said lot; thence East parallel with the South line of said Lot 133 feet; thence North parallel with said West line of said Lot to the inter- section with a line drawn from the actual point of beginning parallel with the South line of said lot; thence East in a straight line to the actual point of beginning, subject to rights acquired by the City of Hopkins for Street purposes in Doc. No. 529320, Files of the Registrar of Titles. Action: Mr. Stannard moved and Mr. Malecha seconded the motion that the Zoning Reel - 7 - and Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that the requests 0 - 450 for the Special-Use-Permit and to extend the C-2 Boundary zone be denied. Side - 4 - The denial based on the following reasons. 1. Safety factor. Their are well over 21,000 cars going through this area and the way the roads are a gasoline station and milk house would cause more congestion. 2. East of Blake Road and South of Excelsior Avenue the area is all zoned residential with the exception of these 71 feet and in my opinion to rezone this area would be "spot zoning". 3. The fact that there seems to be a difference of opinion of whether we are being ask to consider 71 feet or 120 feet for rezoning. Unless the footage is tied � down we would be acting for private interest here and we would be somewhat out of order in doing so. We should resolve just how much of an area we are talking about that is presently zoned commercial. The motion carried. Mayor Milbert not voting as he had removed himself from the Zoning and Planning Commission at the request of one of the persons from the area under discussion. Case No. 64-13-Zoning. Appleicant: G. C. Watson Subject: A hearing published April 16th, 1964, on the proposed rezoning from Residential District to MR-1 District the following described area for the proposed construction of an apartment building. That land in the Double-Residence Zoning District of the City of Hopkins that lies South of the North boundary of R.L.S. No. 731, North of the North line of Hennepin County Highway No. 3, and between the East and West boundaries of R.L.S. No. 731 extended Southerly to the North line of Hennepin County Highway No. 3, or that property fronting on the 100 Block on 20th Avenue South'.'. � Request: To rezone from County Highway No. 3, or that property fronting on the 100 Block on 20th Avenue South. Action: Mr. Malecha moved and Mr. Stannard seconded the motion that the Zoning 450 - 646 and Planning Commission recommend to the City Council the request for rezoning the above described area be denied based on the following reasons. First, additional traffic on a dead-e,nd street would create The April 28, 1964 Zoning and Planning Co�nission meeting minutes continued. a hazard. Second, rezoning at this time is untimely. Third, until a .-. meeting with Minnetonka Village relative to boundary limits is held this area should not be considered for rezoning. The motion carried. Mr. Pokorny, Jr. voting no. Case No. 2 64-14-Roads Applicant: City Council Subject: The City Council requested the Zoning and Planning Commission make a study and recommend to the City Council the results of that study relative to the proposed road plans for the �rollowing locations: 1. 2nd Street North, or Steven's Oakwood Park area. 2. The alignment of 8th Street or 9th Street So. Action: Mr. Sundby, the Co�nission�s Chairman, recommended this case be 646 - 1047 continued until the next Special meeting of the Commission or until May 12th, 1964. The meeting adjourned. ,-. C. R. Peterson, Secretary of the Commission MEMBERS: ATTEST: Howard G. Sundby, Chairma.n .-. � i ; i � The folloWiug rnotian was taksn fronn the Zoni�ag aad Plau►r�ing Comniseion meeting of Apri1 28, 1964; xeal 7 aide 4 case No. 64-6 and bk-6�A: Applicant: Mr. Wm. J. Olsou. Mr. Sundby: Tha chair vi.11 sateztain a motioa: Mr. Stanoard: "Well, I will mske a motion. That the C-2 boundry change and the Spscial-Uee-Parmit b� denied for tha folloaing reasoas of which I havs oise or two Ilated here. One for the safety factor. I xyoticm that tha traffic is about 21,000"cars goiag through thsr�e aad Che way the roads are at the prsasnt tims I dan't think thay are adequate; juat causn more conjection than we have naw. Sacond, becaus� F.ast of Blaka and Sauth of �celsior is all resideati.al With the sx- o i on th t would ception of thi. 7� feet and in my p ni a �.. be epot zonir►g. �ir. Malecha: I will a•cond the mction, and mq reason i� that we aesmn to have a dif£eran�ce here. We dv nnt kaow if we are talkin,g 71 feet or 120 feet. Until t�at ia rasolv�d i feel that in bshalf of privata intereat� here, �a would be somgwhat out of order. We ehould resalve yust how much of an arsa we are talking about that is ccm�mercial. Tha moCi�ca carried unanimousaly. Mayor Milbert rwt voting, having removed himself from the Cou�,iaeion at the request of one of the private property ownsrs of the area. fhb: - .. ._ 4-�8•64 � I � , , � _. ' _ ..�.:.__ - -� �. re�cs7.ar ra�et8a�ti; o�C tliQ �oxzin� rux� Plzitsni.r+� Cc+�.y.�aioa af Ctae Ci�y of �ogt^�3.s� t�aa iield 3a �Ixa �i]. ��ro of �Isa Ci�y 1�a13. on �adny, t�pri.l 2atU; �� 7:30 P.M. o°cY.oclt. Pree�� cm�c� Ciza�.rr.�a ��nclby, and rx�ai�rs tfeyc» Tiil�iare, Cow�cilr.�n Polsaxrryn Jr. SE:atmaxc�, I.r�soaa �u8 �ilal;Q. Tho cicy r�►nattc�z, �3zu�ac�u3r, Ci�y Bat,��x, ��a�c>;�an, c��y �a�.�a� t���o�. �a.o���.sz, a� ci�y p�, ��. Cadaa D1o. 1. 64-6-Sgc��.al-Ueo-Pc3rr�t aa�l Rrs�oiutng. Apnlicmit: L7i11lLacn J. a3.soa Su�,�ect: d rsquasL vf a S�cial-Use-YQxmit a� c�te�d �t�Q C•2 boua�dary linas. � �� Spacfnl-Use-Porca�� to conotx�set a �aooli� fillin,� s�i�fon �nrl ti�o c�stoatio� af �ho C-2 bowndary S� the coaetr�c�ioa o� a 24�iltc tiotase on �iiQ Pi+�P�tY located o�a �e Sout�imet corttar of Bl�lto �ad gad Eaccel�ttiog Av�cnues o� on tha £nZl,owing dc3scgi6ecl pra�iisoo in Iiopltins, �Ie�rin �aure�y, tiir�uasata, v9.z: "All of ti�a� p�� of LcaL 77, Auli�os°s Suvdiviai�t �t239, II�a�pin Cc9uaCy, 2ifauz��ots, descriibed ao �i],cx�o: Co�i.s� at a paia�� i�a thea cantex li�ae of �xcels�og Bivd. 30.01 �et t�c�se, �aeaeused alo� tlia cc�tar �iaa froca tha peiat of iatc3zooc�Lon of �aid cc�atax liae LriCk� ttxe t�ast ii nQ o f I.flt 79, c�te�cted; thcixa SnuCh �i oa„� u liLao parc►x1ol c�ftt� �a�d distaxQ 30 L•est t7ese ofc ths Bast lia� of suid Lo� 77, a d3aga�ace of Y.Z7 fec=t; �haace 4Jaat alon� a lina parallal with �ia South lino og aa�fd Let 77, a di�ata�aca 9g 3.00 fcoc3t tv tho pciitt of be�inai�g o� tho gz�ct �a i�e c1a$crfbad; tho�ca Nortiz oZon� a Iinc� y��illel c-lith tho l6ast lir�o of eraid Lax 77 ta �t�4 �oreh � o�c aaid T.ot 77; �hemce SJa�tariy mlon� �a Dloxeh liz�e o£ Lot 77 �o �bo Nor��iwc38� eoa�c�r �tic�eo£; �hon�eo sau&t� a1anB eha tde�t 1fnQ of oa9.c1 Lo� �o a poinC �5 �et T�osth of tho Southc�xest cos�r a� se9.ci Lot; �I�se Baat parallel w�tt� �hc� Sonth Iiuo o� said 3so� 9.33 fc�t; �lu�ce �TorctZi paral.lel c�.tU �taicl t,lcset 3in3 of ,�fcl Lo� �o �hc� fi�tor- �cti,oa c�i.�tti o lie� d�cacm fros� tha r-�tuul poio� of be�i�aiu� p�ra�lel c�tb tT�e Scnstii lino of ea�i.d tot; thc�o Fwat fn a otsr�i�h� 1i.vo to �Ue aatval poing o� bc�,i�mSa�, eut�jc�� �o zi�iite ncqui�ed t� tha Ci�y of �L,�plti�s £atc S�s�t pu�pesc3s 3n Doc. No. 529320, Filoa o� �ho R�e�ttar o� ?itic3a. Action: ttr. Stammrd r.x»vod and I�c. r3alocho ac3coaadnd tho raotica ttiat tt�a Zonin� �teel - 7 - a�ui P].�� C�.�eioo sacac�c�.nd �o eho City Cou�i�. �t tho raqueo�e 0 • 450 t�r �tic� Speciul-Uac�Pesmit atul to osctc3nc2 elzo C-2 Hou�►daecy zonQ t�o deafed. Sick� • 4 • 7�ie daaiol baessl on e�u� £�1].o�wir� roa�a�. 1. SafQ�y faceoa. Ytiai� arct �all ovar 21,OOt! casa �oint; tlis°ou�a lhis a�cc�g and the aay eFio roacle a�cee a �aeoline atatioa and milts Zwswc� e�uld caueo rmrc� cox�astfon. 2. F.ast o� Bln2:c3 �tc�d a�a�d So�s� o£ �cQlsia�c Aw�+se thQ area ia nIl aonQd roatctsatlai c��h tha mcce�ptioa of tt�ese 71 f�ot ard fa cq opinSan to rc3�ona tt�i.a c�rc�a wnuld b� o,epot �oaix�"� 3, Yho S�ace et�t tbc�aeo aoc�a to ba a cii£f�arence oF o�ia�i�n of vt�ehar us arc3 i�ni�3 aol: to cozaai�dor ?1 �oot o� IZa fumc Smr ��e�as�i�. Unlees t��Q f�ota�e ia eied c�ac�a va wculcl t� actin13 f��r psioata fn�areat hore and wa taauld bQ ��hae out of order in doi�3 00. t�o �ould r�soivc3 ,�tioL I�uz ra�ch oF �a asso cna aro tallcin� about t2wt io prQacx►tiy ..�nad caz:x�cial. 7�he raQtioa ct�rr9.ad. 2�r'�r 2Til�cxt not votiog na he had ror�oro�ed �iir.m�lf �a �iie Zos� ru�d Pla�ning Co�:iissfox� aC tho �eoq�aas� of ona o� tUQ posec�a � �ho aYew uaxtQx ,diaaugaioa. �/iDi1Q i11V• {f"/AMpW��j� :��pLei��at: G. C. �7Ataon S�b�ect: A h��.� pe�t�litsiiod Apsfl 1G�ia, 19G4, oa �►a p�apc►ead ro�ostir+t� :Esoe� Re�►idas�t�l Di.e�sie� to r�-1 D3�a�rieg �lua Eolla�aing �]¢�ses�l.be3ci ase�e fror �t2m prnposc�d con�oBxssc�i.on o� an aga�aat builclinB. "�'hr�t ]�S►d fn� r.i�o Do�ut�iQ•acsidanca 2oain� Dia�r�c� of tr►e Ci�y of Ilontt�as ehot if� Soutii a� tl�o Nor� bovr.�]a�cy o£ R.L.S. No. 7Z1, Nr�t�i o£ tizo � Wcztii Iina� o� Iie�cpia Coun�y IIi�ttnmy tto. 3, ana bet�xmn t�,� �o� aad t1c3a� bownr3asien of Ii.I..S. No. 7�Y c�Cc3nck�d Soutf.hr�ly tio ttu� 2Jo�h lino o�C I�annc�pin Couat� llialn�y Wo. �, os Ct�at �a�opc3stq fxontis� on elao 100 Dlocic oa� 20Ch AvQa►ew South:. Raqaa�t: 7Co ra�ona �or� County tii.�ip �o. 3. rnr Ctiat p�oposty £�rantina on thQ 100 B1ocI� on 24�h Anc3mso Soutti. A�tion: Tir. tk�lc�cF�s raavQcl nnd Z�Ir. Sta�rd eoce�ad4d tha r�e�iots C�uit ttlet Zonir� 4�0 • �4G tuxl �Ia�nni.n� Ca,�nisoion ��cosa:�cl to tt1Q Ci.�y Couacitl �ie f�quao� fcor sepou![n� tlu3 ubove �3escri.L�ec1 ascat� tse �iiocl basc�cl on tFso �o�kx;�i� res�oru�. Pirat, acklit�,onsl e�a£fic on a dc3ac�•ead �ts�ac�C cra�slci crea�a TE�a Apri.i 23 a l��ta voa�n� aeul Plannin� Cacni�sai� ��ilr4; �.-�irnatQs con�inwc�. n U.�:axc1. Sracox�d, rezoafn,� At �hica tir�a ia uat��naly. Tiiirc�, ua�il a� s�at �� vitt3 2�i�mx+�onlu� Villa,�� rola�ive ta bounctary 7.i�ilCo is helc3 Chie axea ahould not be cons4.�ed �or �esonin�. The rao�iou c�xried. Y3r. Potwrny, Jr. wtisaF; u+�. Caac� Na. 2 G�s-]la-I�oads l�pplicaa�at: CfCy Cvu�cil Sui��c3c�: The Circy Cov�cil rctquoe�ocl tl�e Zon•Ln13 anF1 Pl�rmis� Cc�isaioia ��al;s u ateu�y �ac! r�ul e� t�a Ci�.y Cou�cil �ha rasl�I�e oi� tt�t etu�y �-- rala�fvo eo ttxe p�c�poaod roacl paar�a fx�r �hc3 �n11a�rS�t,^, 1oca�9.ona: 1. 2ru1 Streot Nort.�z, or Stc�vc;n�'a Onlaroac� parS� aseFa. 2. 1Uo al�►e of ath �CxQe� or �th S�xaet So. Actioa: ttr. StuulUy, eI�n C�rr�isoian'� QiaAs�azq, �aco�:ar.�nded �his cusQ ix3 �rG - 1047 cont�ruu3cl uatil �bQ n�t Spocial r:x3etl.a; o� �►e Cararxiasion �sc �ntil ltuy 7.�t�, 19G4. Thc� Lxiae ina ad�o�cl. C. a. pete�rsoa, Sc�crat�ry of �ha Go�i.oa4asaa T9��: ....�.�. _ � i i��nr.��.s� � � - - ���i�r�� �� rr.�r �r■ ��� FMi'cJtf�u V• S�� ��� �/ � A�II�ir�A PRES�I+T�' ZdNING AND PL�TNTTTG COI�BiISSION ✓ 5undb � REGQ:GAR I�BTING, TUESDAY APRIL Z8, 1964 ✓ Milvert� 7:30 P.M. ✓ Pakornx,Jr. � ✓ Stanuard OLU ✓ Malscha FUSINES3s 1, Case No. 64-6 Specfal Use Permi� aad ✓ Larson App�icent-Wm.J. Olaoa extend rh� C•2 bouadaxy � Bla&e Iiaeso A hearin� published March 19th v Brubacne�_ 1964, coat�nued from the 3/31/54 �� SCYo.jan , meeting to 4�28j61s meeCiag, for a �t% Blosa uist � Special Uae Permit to construct a M! Hawlcs gasoline filling statioa aad Milk Houae oa the proparty located on the South-East corner of Montc and $xcelsior Avonues or on the follaevi� described premises in Hopkias, Henaepin Caunty, Mianesota, vize "All of Chae part of Lot 77, Auditor's Subdivisiaa �239, )��.,�Y �'�z`'� ` H�naepin Couatq, Miaaesota, described as follanss `v`�v Cammebcing at a poiat ia the center liae of Bxcelsior � �� � /�e*''�e� Blvd. 30.OI feet West, measured aloc� the cen�er lin� �it� �" fxom ths po�nt of interaecCion of �sid cencer line with ��� i�`�' � ��� the Bast line of Lot 77, exteaded; thence South aloag � ,�� a line parallel with �nd di�tant 30 feet West of Che Eaat Iino oF said Lot 77, � distance of �27 fest; thence West along a liae parallel with the South line of said � � � � • Iat 77, a d�sCance of 1Q� feet to the poiat of be$inaing ��v{ �.z � of the tract to be deacribecl; theace North aloc� a lfae ��� parallsl with the Baat line of aaid Eot 77 to the North Iiae of said.Y,ot 77; Chence Westerly aloag the North - line of Lot 77 to tue NortliwQat corner thereof; then�e South aloag the �Teat line o� said Lot to a poiat 45 feet IQo�th of the 5outhweat rorner of aatd lot; thence East psrallel with thQ Sos�th Iine of said lot 133 feeC; theace North parallel with so�� �:�'est liae of aaid loe to the intarsection with a liae drawo from Che acCual. po�at of beginning parallel �itt� the South line of aaid lot; Chsace Bast in a straigl�C line to the actual point of baginaing, subject to righte acquired by the CiCy of Hop&ias for . strset purposas in Doc. No. 524320. Files of Che Regis�rar o� ?itles. ,____ AC?ZON RDQUI�D: Reco�nend to the Citq Council. ___...�_ � ��t�`���":aS° �..: Case tio. 6G-13Z A heariag pub2ished on April lb, 196rr, on the 1 plicant-GaC. Wataon pxoposed rezoaing from Residoc�tial Dierzict to ������;� yk�� ±�Dt-1 District the follo�ing described area for proposed consCrnctioa of aa apartment bui2diqgs "That land ia.the Double•Reaidence Zoning District of thQ City of Hapkins �,,� �,s� that lies Soeikh of the' �iorth bouadery of R.L�S. No> �3L, �' � �� � P�orth of the North liae of Iienaapin CounCy Hi:ghway Ho. 3 ,�'�'"� and beCween tize 8ast aad West boundariea of R.L.S a Ro. 731 ext�nded SouChGrly ta the IOarth line of Hennepin County p�� �� �P° Highaay No, 3 or that property froaticbg o� the 100 Block H oa 20th Avenue 3outh. �'�Z'I�e� I�QUIRSA; Reca�eud to ihe City Council. � 2, �ase l�o. 64-1��a-A At th� regulax� Cauacil Mee�ing held on 4/21/64, Applicaat•City Council the City Council requested that �tae 2ouing and Plaac:ing Com�nissioa make a Etudy and recoam�end to Chg � City Council on a proposod road plan for the ;ollowing locatione: 1• 2nd Streat North, S':Even's Oalawood Park axea 2- The aligcnae�t of Sth Street or 9th S�reet So. 4C`�ION RBQiJ�REDs Recommc►nd to ths City �ouacil. � �� �L � __._.._..__� �- P �AP�INt �iG REPC) R`�S � Cc�se Numk+ePs b�-Q6A W a Olson b�065P V4. OIson b4-13Z G, C.. Wat�on HOPKt NS P�A6VP�IiNG COMMdSSdON Midweap Plcanning and Re�eaPch, �ncofipo-ated Minnea,potis, Men�e�ota Apa�i i 28, 1964 Ccase Number� 6��-O6A and 64-06SP Ap�°il 280 19b4 Peti ti onet•° W. Olson Locatrion� Southeast corne� of Monk and Excelaior Request: Special Permit to exect an oil stafii�n and supe�ette Staff IFindinas And �omments �.. �]� See �e�,oa�t fo� March e (27 The t�affic counts on Excelsia; entering the intersection f��om the wesf is 3977 ave��c+ge daily wlth 2492 continuing easto Some 1485 ca�s tu�n aithe�� nU�h or oa° south �rr+ostly noEth� -- enPe�ing fiPom the south a.�e g8S9 with 7296 continu�ng north, firom the east are 2863 with 4130 continuing westo This indicafie� a heavy tu�ning movernento F�om the north a��e 7337with b946 continuing south< The tota! numbe� of vehicfes maving th�ro�gh the inte�ect�cn bs 20,865, t3� Such a volum�, especially weth en expec�ed incFec�se of tha°ee pe�cent pe�° yead, is suf�cient tu wa�r�ant an imp�oved inter'�ectione The compfetion af Launty Road 18 wpl( abso�b some increase but the cPeation of new t�eff�c yenecatar� such as the add`tion to the ha.�pitalo the au�o agency, new indu�f�ial planM, and multiple housing wiil suppot�ir inc�easing tbafric, ;�4� Fcom a functional statxipoinfi th�e two cu�rb cut� as p:ropoaed should not �ae a detriment i•o t�rcfflc flow o� Excelsio� since they aTe past the inte��sacfion and wil) only ope�ate as an ent�ance and exit respectively e f5� The use of the pcope7ty for commeccial as a neighbo�hood se�vice is not coni�-a+�y to land use planning buf fihe follawing conditior� �hauld be conxlde�edo � �'a� Lighting s�evid be so Q��anged that the sou�ce doe� not sh�ne iniro the j �residenttol area. i �b� A fence (�ix feet) should be e�tected and maintained along the south and ea�t ��opepty line�. �c� Out�ide ato�age should be p�ohibited. ;; :i �d� TRailer �rentala, selling of ca,rs, and majoP �*epairs should !�e p�ohibited� �'e� Houma of operation shouYd not exte�d beyo�nd 10 PoMo (�j No pa�icing snoutd be pe�mifited within the 20 foc�t set-bocko ; �ps� � � -/,3 � �.2A/L�.� �',4�.�/�- `� � L n V • � � � W � � T � � � � V � � L � - - , � � GO� .�"_ j3;' i3�. ease �lum�e� 64-13Z �pri 1 28, 1964 Pefigiane:�o Ge Co Watson �.ocationo 20th Avenue South Action Reque>fied° Change of zone fsom DR ta MR Sta�ff `i nd i ngs A�d Commenh � (li- The City of Hopkins arx� the Village of Minnetorka hwe a joi�it study committee on co��o�afie bounda�ry adjustmen#s a One of the udjustments unde� coc�idemation is fhe t���aile,r cou�tro S�iould Phis p�ope�Py be placed wiPhin Hopicir+s, it must be zoned� Wha,teve� the zoning, the u�e as a t�aile� pa.�{c may continue -- ! eathe� as a �pe�rmitted use o�° as a non-conforming usee � �;2� It �s ev�denY that the land is neii�her� app�°opo°iate foE singPe family use no; incluatfii�lo ' Thus, we nave commercial o� multipfe sesidence af some fo�mo The proper '' use of the sifie over the long view is �efa�ed to other fand use decis�onse Cu�:rently i the fol(owing aswmptions a�e ge�er�lly accepted and as s� group will fo�m a i pa�fi of the iwsis fo� making decisions on the ove�o)l plon o ' �a;a That Hopkir� is a ciiy with o Cenir�ei Busines� D�strict and policies should be made to sPR�ngthen the Cent�al Busines� Districte , (�f !Hopkins is a rrwjoe employment center and poticaes should b� made to � austai� this facto � rc� Co�r�ty Road 3 is to be the majo� east-we�i• tho.-oughfa4e th�ough centaol Hopklns, (d� The old fairg�:ound is to be Hopki�s' maja� park and �ecreation a�eao �e� The gene�at land �se pattern is Po increose the cesidential der�aity sur��ounding the Cent�al Business Dis�ict and to protect the �ingle family detached house characteristic of the �esidential areas away from the Cent�al Business Dist�rict. . �f� The buaineu dist�ict at Excelsior and Shoc�y Oak Rood is functioning as a �eighbot�hood cente� and policies should be made to ahengthen lts wppo�rt area a �3� Othea� assumptioris muat also be made befove a plan ia finalizedo Haweve�r, applying the six p�evious stated ass�mptior� would indicate that the pat�c i� �r�lated to �+esidential, that the Shady Oak Shopping Center ia �elated to residentiai, ae�d the gene�al land use plan indicatea �eside�Pial fo�r the a�ea between 17th cnd 20th� '+?' >it;,;C'i'�s?'S��� GPBOi � �•�r MS ��-s,. !. 1. �.�. r:t)rli Ori�fi:� d f; as� n�.ar.y �:• ,,.� � ,;:.;Py iy ore of t�te �;� �.n:: factu�s a3 to the chaFacfis,ristics. A t�c+iler pa�k is high denaity -- thu� comrnon paa-k�r�g a�eas are p;esent, commo� pla� o�ea is used, individuai yaa^d space is srriai! wi4� mur.h of the ya:d in common,, ti�e living uni� are smail, the n�mbe� of child�en is less per unit, and the percent of residentS smployed as high. �'S� Aasuming the traile� par{c is in HopkiRs, we have high deruity abu4ting (ow density �single family houses�. Thus to extend the use to the soufih wou(d nat be s�ot �oning and may be desisableo To extenrJ the zoning to includ� lots now xcupied `--� ify single family hcuses would open the possibility to raze the house and buiid <,n apartment but it wovld also place a cloud of unce:rtai�ty on the property und thia 7ends to deduce maintenance whicP► finally eeduces vaiue� as a E�ause and resedential arsa� �6) The foct� as they exist are� � �a} 7he firai ler pcialc is i n Mi nnetonka� , 461 The zoning of three ioh fo,r multiple would � s�t zoning. ;I ('c, The zaring of land no�,v occupisd by houses of Phe �vali�y existing along �� the east side of 20th Ave»v� South would vndermir�e the security oS' the � area as an accepted and wel(-maintained single family neighbaahood., ' id) 7he �equest has me,rit nec� the t,*aileF paR{s but it is p:-e-mature and should be tab{�d pending annexation of the t�aile� pa*k o� denied as b�ing untimeiyo AGSE�TDA PR�S� ZONING AND PL��.NNTNG CO�fISSION Saarzei�_, REGUTAR 2^�E:'IIdG, TiILSDAY APRIL 28, 1964 FZi.�'ue�t 7:30 P.M� kokorny,Jr• Stan�ard GL17 Malecha BUSINSS3: le Case No. 64-�6 Special Use Permit aad I.�.rsaa Apglicant•Wm.J. Olson extend the C-2 boundary 81ake liaeao A hea�iag published March 19th Brubac.her 1964, conL•iuuc•zd from the 3/�1/b4 S:ro an meeting to �i/28/5%s meetiag, for a BI uis� � 5pecial Use Permit to coasCruct a Fiawicu w�„ ;asoliae filling station and Milk House oa tha properCy located on thr South-Eaeti cornex of MoQlc and �xcelsior AvQaues or oa the fo].lc�ing described premises in Hopkias, Hennepi.n Countq, Mlaaesota, v3�° "A11 of thaF: part of ��ot 77, A�editor's Suhdiv:tsion #239, Hean�pia CounCy, Minnesota, described as �ollawsa C�meacing at a poic�t in �he cenCer line of Excelaior Blvd. 30<O1 feet We$t, measured along the cea�ter lin� from the point of intersection of said cen.cer liae with tlie East line of Lat 77, extended; theace Sauth alor� a line para�lel with anrl distant 30 feet West of the Eaat line oz said I,ot 77, e dietance of :!27 feet; th�nce West aloag a liae paraZlel with the South li.ne of said Lot 77, a dis�aace of 1,�0 �eet to the point of beg3.aaiag of the tracr: to be dsacribed; thence Nortt� aAocig a lia� parallel wi:h the Eaat liae of said Lut 77 to the t�orth line of said Lot 77; theace iiesterly along the Nor�b liae of Lot 77 to the Northv�sst corner thereaf; t&eace South aZong the West line o� said Lot to a point 45 feet Nos�th of th� Southwest corner of said lotm thence East paralZel wi�:h rhe South line of eaid lot 133 :£eet; thenae Noxth paral�el with sa~ -_' .�r:Ft liae of said lo�: t�o th� iatareection with a line draWa from the actual g�oint of beginning paralZel vitti the South liae af said lotg thance Bast in a atraighr line to the actual point of begAnaing, subject to Yfghts acquired by th� City of Hogkine �o�c streee purpases fn Doc. po. 529320, Fil�+s of the Regis�cr�r of Titles. � ACTYOt� REQUIRSD: Recaamend �o th� C1tq Council. ��� � �IJSI118SS: Ia Ca4e tlo, 64-13Z A hearing publiahed on April lb, �9b�}, on the ApplieanC-G.Co Wataon proposed retoning from Residec�tie.l ni$r�fct �o :+�t•1 Diatrict the follvr�iag dessxibed area for groposed constructfon of au apar�mea[. b�ildings "That J.ac�d i.� the Double•Residence Zoaiag Distri�t of the City of H�pkins Chat lies Souti�i of tha �iorth boundexp of RaL.S. No. 7�1, North of the Narth line of Henaspin Cows.CJ� Higiiway IQa. 3, and between tl�e $ast and West bonndaries of R.L.Sa �o. 73I extended South�rly to the l�orth line of Iienaepin CounCy Sighway No. 3 or rhe� �raperty fronting an the 100 Block on 20th Avenue Suuttt. _.. A+G�IQI! �QUI�S�: Recaa�nd to th� �i�q Council. � 2o Cas� IQoa b�s-1�+-R At the regular Council Meetic� hel.c� on f�/Z1/64, Applicaa�-City Cowncil the Citq �ou�cil requested that tb,� Zoniag an� Pian�iag Co�issiaa male.e a Etudy and recc�a�aerxd to the. �. Ci�y Counci�. on a proposad road plaa for �he �o7llae�i�g locatioas: 1- 2nd Street Nort�, S �evea�s Oak�aaod Paxk ar�a 2- The aligc�meat of 8th Street or 9th Stxect So. ACTION �QUIREDt Reco��end to ths �ity Gouncil. ����_��. " � ._.... i P �.AP�INING REPORTS �-- C�xse i�lumbers 1a�-Q6A W� Olaon 64-O65P V��< 91�on 64-13Z G. �. Watson FiOPK�6�15 P4_�P�IP�fiNG CQ�AMi5S94N Miciweat Planni�g and Re�eapcha ;:nco��omated Minneapoli�, MlnneMota Ap�il 28, 1A64 �a�e Numiaer 64•-06A anci 64-OGSP Ap�i I 2$� 1964 �'etitioner° �/V o Olsan LacaYiQne Scwtheast co.rne�r of f�onk and Er.c�lsio� Rec�uesti: Speaial P�:-mit to e�ec4� an oil station cand svpe^�etfe `�faff FEnd'ang� And CorRme�ts � �1� �eQ �eport fo� Ma��ci�o (2y �he t.�affic counfis on €xcelsio�T ente��ing fihe int��ection f�om the wesfi is 39TJ ave7age daiiy with 24�2 tontinuzng easto Some 1485 caEs tu�n sithe�° no:�th o� aa° south �;rrastly no�Ph� -- ente�ing fi�om the sacEh a:-e 385'9 with 729� continuing north, firom ths �east are 2863 wiirh 4130 continuing west< This indic�te� a heovy turning movemente From the north ace 7337 �,vith 69�lG c�ntinuing sout-ho fhe totaf numb�s of vehicles moving th�*oetgh irhe intes�sectian is 20,865� �3� Such a volume� especially with an expec'red irec�=ec�e of i�h�°ee pea�cent p��- yead, ia su6fcient to v�a�=ant cen imp�oved inte�ectfona TF�e campletion af �.uunry Road i8 �vilt absotb some incr�ase bvfi the cPeation of new t�vf�c gene�ato��s such as the oddifi6on to fihe hospital, the auto agency, ��ew indusi'�ial pic��t�o and mv9fiipfe housing '+VIII SU(JFJO� IRC?eCiSPYf� tI;OfFIC. (4) Fe°om a functi�nai standpoinf 9�he two cu,�b cufid as p�oposed should ;�ofi be a det�iment to t�af�ic Flew on Exce{sior since they a:�e pasP t4�e inte�rsection and wiil only operafe as an entrance and exit xespectiveiyo �5) The use of Phe pUope�°ty for comme�c�a) as a nei�hbor-haod seuvic� �s nat con�a�y to land uae planning but the followving conditiona ahoutd be eonside�°eclo ' ; `a� Ligh�ing shavld be so a�ranged thair the sou�oce doe� not shine into the i' a�esidentiai aaea. i Cb} A fence f�ix �eet� shouid be e�ected and mointained alona the south and ea�t p�opePty lines. �c) Outside sto�ege should be p�ohibited e i; ' :I �d� Trrailer �*entalg� selling of ca�, and majoP �-epai�s should !�e prohibited. �e� Hou�s of ope�,ation should not exte�d beyond 10 P�M�. Cf'� No pa�lcing ahould be perPnitted within irhe 20 foot set-back� , 'i i t-_'.�.Sf= � � -�.� �.�A/L,E'.2 /`�p,.+z�-- � �� � /� l.r � � � � a � � , `o � � � � 1 V � _� � .._ e I � _ -�-- GO° /3?' �3�, Cc�se t�um6eP 64-13Z Ap�i f 2$, 1964 Pet�taa�e�Po G, Co Watson Locat�on� 20th Avenue South Actian Requesfied° Chanae of zone fsom DR to MR `.��caFf Findings Arxi Con�rrQ��g � �,�:� i'I;e CiY;� af Ho��a�s 4�r-,� the Vi Ilage of hlinnefionka have a ioiEit study cornmittee on co�rpa.rate bound��,� c+d�ustmen4so One of Phe adjuatrnpnts unde� cor:yhde�ration is the t���ile� ccw�t� Sl:ould this p�°apec�y be placed within Hopkins, it muat � be zoned, Wha�tever the aoning, the use as a treiie� park may continue -�- i eethe� as a pe+rmotted use o= aa a nor�-conforming useo � 4,2� It is eviu'ent that the land is neifhe� app�°�pciate for single family use noa° i�duatTfialo i Thu�, we have commea•ciai o� multipie residence of some foa�mo 7he �wope� ' use of the sit� ove� �the lor�g vieuv is relafed to ott�er iund use decisionso Cu�;ren�ly ; the fallawing aswrr�ptia�s ore gene�aliy accepted and ��s s� group wil! form a i pa�t of the basis foR making decisiorn on the overal) plan< � �a� That Hopki� is a c�fiy with a Cenfiral Businesx D°.st�ict and policies s!�ould � be made to st^'engthen the Cen4ral 8usineas Dist��cto �b� Hapkins i� o majo� employment center and policiea should b� made to sustain this facto �c� County Road 3 is to be the mejar ea�t-west thoroughfa�e th�ougn cent�a! Hopkir�s� �d) The o{d faiF-g�rourid is to be Hopka�' majo* paTk and 7ec�eation a�eoo �e� The gene�a� land �e pcafitern is to inc�ease the �esldential den�ity �u�:rounding the CentPa) 8usiness �ist�ict and to protect t4�e �ingle fami ly detached house cha.*acteristic of the �esidential areas away from �he Cent�al Busine�s Disr�rict o (f� The busir�e� dist�ict at Excelxio�r and Shady Oak Road is functioning as a neighbo�hood cente� and polic3e� should be made to s�engthen its wppoRt a�ea< (3� Othea� cusumptioris muaP also be made befo;re a plan is finalizedo Ho�nreve«, applying i•he six previous stated assumptions would indicate that the pae�ic i� a�elated to r+eaidential, that the Shady Oak Shopping Centea is related ta �esidentia�, and the genee�al land u�e plen indicates �esidential fo� the ao�ea b�tween 17th and 20th o _ . . � <<1'� Res�dengiai a�eas differ in many respecfis but de�ity is ore of the p�ime co�ir�olling fa�cto�s a� to the cha�acte�°�st�cs. A i�ailer paa-k is high dpnsity -- thus common packing a�reas are present, common play ar�a is �,�sed, individual yaa°d space is �malf wi�, much of the ya�d en common, the li•iir�g uni'rs are small, the numbev of ch�ld�er► ia ie,s peT unit, urxl the pe:rcent of �esidents employed is higho �5j �sumir�g t�e #railQ� pa�1c i� in 1-{]opkins, we havs high der�ity abutting low c�en�ity �singie family houses�o Thus to extend the use to the sau�rh would nofi be spo� �oning and may be deai�rablee To extend the zoning to includ� lots now occUpied � by single family hou�es would ope� the possibili�y to rQze the house and build , an apartrroent 6ut it would also place c� cicwd of uncer�ainty on fhe prope�ty , and tho� 'rends to �educe maintEnance uvhich fi�al ly s�educes values as a E,ouse and residential ared< �6) The facts as they exist a�eo � (a) The t�aile� pa�lc is in MinnePonkao tb� 7he zoning of th�ee lofis fae multi�ple wauld 4�e s�►ot zoningo �c;) The aoning o� lans! now occupied �y house�� of the quaiity existsng along �� the ear�t side of 20th Avenue South �,vould uride��mine the seces�rity o� the ' area as an accepted and well-mainfia:ned �ingle �amily neighbo�hoalo �d;� The �equest ha� me�it nea� the trailsT• pv�{c but it is p:-e-matu�e and should be tablec! pending annexation of fhe traile� park oa� denied as being untimelyo