02-11-1964 A special meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of Hopkins was held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall on Tuesday, February 11, 1964, at 7:00 P.M. o�clock, `` Present were Acting Chairman Mayor Milbert and members Councilman Pokorny, Jr. , Stannard, Larson and Blake. The City Manager, Brubacher, City Engineer, Strojan, City Building Inspector, Blomquist and the City Planner, Hawks. Case No. 1. 63-54-Subdivision regulations, 701 Program. Applicant: The Zoning and Planning Commission. Subject: The subdivision of proposed developments. , - Request: Study relative to the method of subdividing developments into plats. � Action: No action taken. Reel 7 - Side -2 Case No. 2. 63-56-Land-Use-Analysis, 701 Porgram. Applicatnt: The Zoning and Plann;ng Commission. Subject: Phase I. of the Land-Use-Analysis project of the 701 Program. Request: Study relative to Lane-Use for the future. ~ � ` .-. Action: No, action taken. Case No. 3. 64-3-Phase I - Population Analysis. Applicant: The Zoning and Planning Commission. Subject: Phase I of the Population-Analysis of the City of Hopkins. Request: A study of the population trends. Action: No action or discussion was taken. Case No. 4. 63-4-Public relations and publicity of the 701 Program. Applicant: The Zoning and Planning Commission. Subject: Discussion and questions concerning the public relations relative to the 701 Program. Action required: Make plans for handling the public relations of the Program so that as many persons as possible know of the Program and its progress. Action: Mr. Larson moved and Mr. Pokorny, Jr, seconded the motion that the City 31 - 258 Manager, Mr. Brubacher, contact the Chamber of Commerce to see if there assistance may be had so that a monthly news letter prepared by Mr. .-.. Brubacher, and his staff,might be released by that organization to its members and the Area Associations; also Mr. Brubacher will contact the Hennepin County review to see if arrangements for a monthly news release on the progress of the 701 Program can be arrived at. The motion carried. Case No. 5. A letter received from the Assistant Director for Realty Management, 0 - 5 Mr. R. H. Wilson, dated February 8th, 1964, relative to the letter mailed January 14, 1964, and signed by the Commission members, concerning the proposed re-location of the City Post Office was ordered filed. Case No. 6, The City staff were requested to prepare a study on what services_.a�:e 5 - 20 provided for the Hopkins property owners for their tax dollar. This report will be available to our Boundry Committee to be used at meetings to be held with the Minnetonka Village Boundry Committee when the boundry re-ajustment issue meetings are held. Case No. 7. Mr. Larson moved and Mr. Stannard seconded the motion that a meeting be 258 - 568 set up with Mayor Milbert, Councilman Pokorny, Jr. , City Ma.nager, Brubacher, City Planner Hawks and the management of NAPCO relative to the extension of 16th Avenue South being constructed on the West side of the existing ^ NAPCO building; also, Mr. Brubacher, was requested to arrange a meeting with the proper officials of the Village of Edina and the above mention Hopkins officals relati�e to the proposed inter-change on Highway �k18 and the proposed extension of Interlachen Road. If a meeting of minds is arrived at between Edina and Hopkins on the inter-change such plans should be presented at a meeting with the County and both the Village of Edina and Hopkins officals. It was suggested that the 16th Avenue South crossing The February llth, 1964, special meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission minutes continued. South crossing be discussed at the same time with the County. The — motion carried. Case No. 8. Housing Part II of Comprehensive Plan Preport No. 1 (Basic Studies) 568 - 1190 Action: The City Planner, Mr. Hawks reviewed the Housing Part II of the basic studies and will return with additional information at the next special meeting. No, formal action was taken. �- No further business the meeting adjourned. C. R. Peterson, Secretary of the Commission MEMBERS: - .-. ATTEST: Donald J. Milbert Acting Chairman. ..-. ^ , / - � A e�cisl :�aetiq; of ehQ Zonia;� an�l 'Plam�i.n� Ca�caiesi,o�a of� the City of ibpts�no tx�e ho1�2 in tGc Council C1itt�:stx�rB of tba City ILall oa 'i"�aeday, Fabruwcy 11, 1964, at ?:00 P.ti. o'clxt:. � Preaant ;,are Actin{� �in-u�n Zlayor tiilbe�rt aod r.saera�ro Couocilmeun Pot�s�ay, Jr. . Stcunmrd, Larsoa anel Dlat:�e. Thc City iian�oY, 8x�ulwcl�es, City 8z�inosz, Strojan, City 3leiildiq; Laspector, 81or�qaist oncl tvQ City Plam�t, �ladiw. Cnsa tJa. 1. G3•Sta-8ub�livia�on ra3ulatione, 701 Pro�r�. Applicetrts g'he Zcmi� ancl P�a�oia� Coca�ieeion. `,Snh,�c�ct: Tl�a aui�divioi,on of proposed clavalopraQats. Yoquosta Study relativa to the aathod of eutxlividin� devn3opernte into p].�ts. Action: tio acCion tril;en. Reel 7 - Side -2 Casa do. 2. 63-56•Laal�l8e«�nalyaie, 701 P�crarma. Applicatats 7'ho Zonitffi and Plaoa�B Cozsad.set�on. Sub�ect: �hass I. of tha L�d-�ao-�Analyol.a psorect of the 701 Pr�a��m�. II�qu4at; Stvdq relativct to Lrms-Uee Eor �� ftitma. Action: lqo. action taLaoa. Cass �io. 3. G4-3-Phaso I - Populati�a Analyais. Applic.aat: Zha Zonia� anct Plonnlqa Coc�uiaolLon. Sub�eat: PEwsa I of t60 Popu2attoa�+AAnalyeis of tbo City ot ibplcine. Scquost: A 8tudy of tho pc�pult�elan trends. Action: �to actioa ar discua8iou c� tatacui. Cn�Q bio. 4. G3•�S•Put�lio soloti�n6 stsd pul�licity of Ct� 701 Ps�a�tm�. Applic�sat: The Zouio; aiul Blomiin� Coca�l.$eion. 3ub�oct: Discuagaioa aa�l qnaoet�cns cooca�nin� tUo pnblio soiatioao ralntivo ec eho 701 Prv�cw. Action raquixod: tf�I� plrmo �os t,aa�lli� tbo �lic rolatLono oF ciio Pro�ca�a oo ti�at ao r.�aty poteoua ett pos8ibl+e I�ao�v of ttw Pzo�sow ot►d ito pto�eoao. Actiou: i2r. I�rson �nvcxl rm►1 t�tr. Pot�xny, Jr. aocondec2 tbe :aation t6ae tho City 31 - 25n tinm�ar, :ir. S3n�ac�ar, coatoct WQ Clsm:Jt�a�r of Dor�sca to oae it thsrG aeaistancQ :.�ny t�a had ea �t a ::�hly na�,ro iottar propr�ucoct try xtr. DruLnab�c. aad hia 8taff,ai�Gt ba rak��t8od by ttu�e or�a�ai�atio�a to ite �.�Saora ancl tl�o Ascao Aot3ociatioos; aloo I4r. DruUnchau uill cantoct t.Lca 2�p�n Covn�y rcrvic� to see i� arrun�c�uto f�vs n t.�nthiy aa�ao rolaaQe on thQ p�o�raao of ttio 701 Pro�rara can lx� urrivod aL. ?t�o �-���,oa casriocl. Caoa t�o. 5. A lottor rocaivcacl fs�oa tho 1►t�al�tant Diroctor �r Lkusit�j tlam�c�t, 0 - 5 TIr. �t. II. ►3ilaon, dutocl FaT�re�ry f�, 19G4, xol.a�ivo to ttu; laCCor r�ailod January ?�►, 19GG, and cipaQd try CGo C�Y-�ieDi.on �boZ�, c:onccarni� tiio propa�cx3 ro-1ocaCioa of cho City Post OS'ficc� txis os�claac«1 �ilor�. Caea tlo. G. Tlic C�ty atnfr tn3ra =c3qucetacl to groparo u ettxlq rna ��tsae oc�rvicao ase � � 20 pravic�acl �or ehe 1]oP� P't��Y o�mare fnr tLeir tax cloilar. TG.f►a rctpore uill hQ m�aila�le t�e os�r Ibu�clr,� Cors3ieees to t�e w�cul ae �eotin;o to Uo 1ia1d uit1� tilzo tliriaetonku Vi12�o Douadzy Ca�czittQo c�t�n etu� �ava�lry ra-�a�ua�t iam�l noatinUo A�co luwid. � Caeo Tio. 7. Ttr. Laraon �:xx�cl and tlr. Stam�mrd aa�od tt�e ;�oti,oc� t:twt a �x3otiq; U� �'' 25ii • SGE3 aoe up c�iCl� tE�yar II3.1�osC, Councl.ksun Poi�axaa►, Jr. City tTarm,�or, 3�subaci�er, CiCy Pla�r IIrnrl;t� and tho �.x,ux�ar.�on� of i4AP00 rol�ntiv�a to �tw c�cctc3noiun of 1GtI� Avcmuo Soueh txii� constructocl on tl�o t�c�tet oide ot tha acciati� I7APa0 but.lclin�;; aiso, t�. i3zvtxicTu�r, cros roqe�oated to arrr�o a �x�ti�; r,yitl� tttia psopczr officiole of �i�o V31ke�a at Ec2ina and tho �avo �:xantt.a� I1iop1:1c�8 oftiCal.B l3lttti�V Go th0 �pOOQcl iptt�!-�tttt�t� c� Iiiry�Iz�y i 1FI r�nel tt�o psnpaaocl m�ctc3nsioa a£ IneQrlachan �.oac1. If a t�otiin,,; of �insia is azrivacl a� bettx�on Tcliva aud IIapl:in�o oa the i�ttor-chr�n„a auch pt�as �iioulcl bo nxo�antod at a ::r�et4.� L�3.th tho County and t�otl� ttiQ Villriao ofc Ed�.na anci ES�pI:3n� o�ficala. It uoe cu�,;oetcui that tl�o a.GtTz Avo� .�-�.-� Tl�a FQt�rvasy llth, 19f�, epocial ;.�etia� of ttu� Zonic� anci Plaani� Cocx�i.eeioa nia�tew �ni.`�r 5aut� crvegi.n� bc3 diacuosecl ot thc3 st�n eisw �rteh tl�e Covmty. isu3 raotion cas�riocl. case �o. a. Bou�lz1� Ptut II of Coc�ps'ohet�eitro Y1esn Propo=t 2io. i �aso� sc�a�ee� SGt3 - I190 l�cti.oa: Tho City P�, tit. i�e�11c8 soviauc�cl the Ilausina Part II at tho �ic aCucl�ic�t a►ul vill ratur�a criti� ackliLf,,ona1 iafbtrnation at tho � nc�ct gpacial ��otin�. Mo. tnr.aal actfon c�sa tolu�. DTo £wctt�s businase tlw r�eotin� ad,�ournoci. C. II. Patc�ceon� 8ectetasy o� tiw Co�ie s:1+� t�ID�88: Atl88Ts Don�ld J. t;i t Act� Chairnnn. .�