01-14-1964 A regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of Hopkins was held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall on Tuesday, January 14th, 1964, at 7:30 P.M. o'clock. Present were Chairma.n Sundby, and members Mayor Milbert, Gustafson, Melecha and Larson. .-� The City Engineer, Strojan, the City Planner Hawks and the City Attorney, Vesely. Case No. 1. 63 -27-Zoning. Applicant: The Zoning and Planning Commission. Subject: Mr. Vesely will speak to the Commission on his recommendations relative to the proposed ordinance on 40 foot wide lots. Request: To draw a new ordinance relative to the use of 40 foot wide lots. Recommended by the Zoning and Planning Commission to the City Council. Approved by the City Council and referred to the City Attorney to draw an ordinance applicable to 40 foot wide lots. Action: No forma.l action was taken. Reel - 2 Side - 4 0 - 279 Case No. 2. 63-28-Zoning. Applicant: The Zoning and Planning Commission. Subject: Mr. Vesely will speak to the Commission on public access to all buildable ^ lots. Request: To draw an ordinance relative to public access to all buildable lots. Recommended by the Zoning and Planning Commission to the City Council. Approved by the City Council and referred to the City Attorney to draw' •�-"` �'" ^ , an ordinance applicable to all buildable lots having public access be-_ _ _ _ ._ _ fore an building permit may be issued. Action: It was moved by Mr. Larson and seconded by Mr. Melecha that the Zoning 294 - 780 and Planning Commission again recommend to the City Council that the City Attorney, Mr. Vesely draw an ordinance relative to all buildable lots having public access. The motion carried. Case No. 3. 63-54-Subdivision regulations; 701 program. Applicant: The Zoning and Planning Commission. Subject: The subdi.vision of proposed developments. Request: Study and review same with the City Planner, Mr. Hawks before the Com- - _ _ mission ma.ke any recommedations to the City Council. ' . . J Action: No action taken. Continued until the next special meeting of February _ llth, 1964, which will start at 7:00 p.m, o'clock. Case No. 4. 63-56-Land use analysis; 701 program. Applicant: The Zoning and Planning Commission. Subject: Phase I, of the Land Use Analysis portion of the 701 program. Request: Study and review same with the City Planner, Mr. Hawks before the Commission makes recommendations to the City Council. .. ; Action: No action taken. Continued until the next special meeting of February _ _ ' llth, 1964, which will start at 7: 00 p.m. o'clock. All special meetings will start from now on at 7:00 p.m, and only "701 program ma.terial" will be considered at any special meeting until the 701 program is finished. Case No. 1. 63-51-Adjustment. Applicant: Mr. C. F. Magny. Subject: A hearing published December 26th, 1963, relative to an adjustment of of side of the rear yard by five (5) feet, to permit the addition of a room to an existing dwelling. The location, Lot A. , R.L.S. �k198, or 101 Minnetonka Mills Road. "� Request: A rear yard adjustment on one side of his lot so that an additional room may be added to the existing home. The minutes of the Zoning and Planning Commission Special meeting continued. Action: Mayor Milbert moved and Mr. Larson seconded the motion that the Zoning 279 - 291 and Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that the above described property be granted an adjustment to the one side of the rear "" yard so that an additional room may be added to an existing residence. A letter from the neighbor on the side requiring the adjustment has been placed on record and which shows no objections to the adjustment. The motion carried. C. R. Peterson, Secretary of the Commission MENNIBERS: ATTEST: r Howard G. Sundby, Chairman �. �. -- � r l. � � r .4 ��gu�r m�etis�g of the Zonin,� and Plannin� Comm3.ssion of tfie City of Iioplci.na ��a� �e1d �n �he Cousxcil Ct�amb�rs of �h� City flall on Tuesday, .7anuary 14th, 1964, at 7:30 PeM, �o°c lacko Pxea�nt w�.re Chai��man Simdby, and members tiayoz Tiilbert, GusCa�Bon, Melecha end Larsa�, The City Ex�gineer, Stro�an, the Ci�y Plaaner Haw2te and the Citcy Attora�y, Veaelya Caae Noo l0 63-27-Zoitiag. .��sp:lice�a.�: TI�a Zonin,g �.nnd �'l��ing Consniasio�a. �':�?��s,�s°.�� Maro Vesely �ill sgeak eo the Com:�ssion oa hia recommenda�ioas sal�tive to tlie pxupa�ed osdiaance en 40 foot ur�d� lote. ��q�u�: �To draRa a new otcdinance �e18�f.ve �o the uae of 40 foa� �Jid� lot�e Recotm�endna 'by tli� Z�ni� and P].aanfa,� Co�sissioa to the Ci�y Cov�ac�.l, Aysp�oved b�r the City Co�ua�cil ancl rEfarred �a the �ity Attorn�y ta dr$w an ordiz�nce appl.tcable to 40 foo� wide l.oto. Aati�na No formal ac��oa �ss talun. R�e�. 2 aida 4 0 - 279 Caa� �o0 2e 63-28-Za�in� .��Sp7.ican�: The Zflni� �ad Plannin$ Cou�iesion Subject: M�v ge�ely c�ill apealc to the Co�niseion an public access to �11 buildabl� lotse - �tequsst: To dsaw an ordins�ce relative to pub].ic access ea all buil.dable lotso Recomaea�ed Dy Che Zoni�; and Planni:ag Coniuiaaion to th� CiCy Covac�l, Approved bq �he City Council aad rsfezred to the City A�taaxn�y to drar� ars oxdinance applfcable r.o a9.1 hui.ldablc Iote haviag pubZic s.ccees be- fare an bu3ld�.ng permit nay be is�u►�do Act�.ane IL waa moved by Mr. Lsrean a�ad secanded by Mr. Melecha th.at the Zonin,� aad 294 - 7B0 Plaaaing Co�ai�sioa ap,sin seco�mmsnd to the City Couacil that f.I�e Ci�y Attoraey, Mro Yes:ly dxaw an oxdinance xe].atine to all buf.ldable Ioes having publ�c acce�so Tha m��ion carrfed, f:aoe I�o, 30 63-54-Snhdivieioi� r�$uls�ions; 70k pro�xam, .�pp�.�cant: The Zonix� and Yl�anain,g Coamieai.oa, Sub;�ecte Tha subd�vieAoa o€ propooed developrnsnCs. �oqu�se� S�udy gnd r�vie� ama�e wizh ttbe Ci�tq Planuet, Mro Nawka befox0 the Coamissiou �alce aay �teca�ationa to the City Couacil. !�ctiena I3o actioa takk�ao Continued uafii�I the na�t spscial r�seetin, of Fe'�saasy 1Z��i•A 19uG, wlhich will stsx� a� 7:00 p.me o"clock, Cass� Noa �, 6�-5G•I.and use analysita; ?Ol pmgbama AgpRican�r Tlae Zoniaa �ad Planning Commis�icn 3ub,��ce: �'haect �. of the Lr�nd Dee Aaalyeia poa�ion of rhe 701 pro�a�o $tudy and r�view a�ma with t}ae City Plan�aer, l�e Aa+aks hafo�a the Commisafoa makes xecommen.datf.ons �o the City Couuacila Act�ha: Ido ac�i�a takeno Coa�t3nued �e3Z ��:� �t �pecxgl m��€:3� o£ F�brur�y 11th, 1954, tui�ich will starC at 7:fl0 p.na o'clack. �?.1 s�ec�.a:4. r��c�tin�� w�ll s�� �an �w aa at 7:00 g.ra, aad only 70Z pro��8m ���cix�.l tr3.11 iso cosasid�rad ra� a:ry special m,eetixa� c�nCil the 70A �o��m is �i.�s.�.shed, �aae No a I., 63-51 Ad,jaast�aen�e �pp'�:scaxig: 2�. C. F o N,a�n3' Sub�ect, A h�esin,b published December 26gh, 19f�3, �celat�v� to �n as��uatx�at of v�e side of t�aa sear yard by fi�e �5) ��o�, to germit t�e a�clition of a room to an �c.4a�in� dwellin�< The location, �o� A. , R. 'L.S:, �`198, o� 1��. riia�etonlca BY�.11s Raado �e�s���: A re�r yard s3je�s�nt on oa�� sid� of his Lot so ttsa� �a �+ddltiosaal x�m m�y b e �dded ta Che exi a g9.a,� hom��, �he n�4.�t�s of the Zonin� and plauning Co�nia�s$an Spec3,a1 meeting coatiiwed, �egiar►s Maymr Mili�ert mrnred aad I�Ir. Zaraca sacond�d the motioa thar the Zaaing aad Z79 � 291 Planni.� Com�t�sioa recoma�and to the City Cowacil tha� tlie sbove ae$cr:ibed property be gran�ed an adjustu�enti to tlse ome side of the rear yard �o th�t aa addi�4.onal roam rs$y be added to en exia�fng r�aidcacee A ls�ter from the n�ighbor on the stde requiria,g ths adjust�sn� has been placed on recorcl and wh�ch sho�ws mo objection�. 1'he �aotion carr3edo .� C. x. P��ar�oa, Secretary of the Commission ���, I�lBBRS t ....e � .v. - ._ _... ,..., �..._._._ � _..__. - - ..�... r � r r�� �s� �Sille7i i Fl�asrd G o Sum,dby, Chaf�n L A+GENnh P88S� • Z�G Ai� PLADIl�It9G 00!![�83IOmi � Sundb ,,,,,_,� 8PBC7,AS. �, T�SD�Y, JApl1ARY 3l+eh, 1964 Milbe�t , ,,, �„ 7:3Q PeMo �__,_,_,,, Polcorn Jx , � Gustaf�om t�Z� S d :�8+��:�SSt la Case �o, 53-27-Zonit� 1sc'ha Applicant: The Zoning aad Plannis�g Commiesion Larson Subjact: t4r, Vea�ly will speak to th+e Ca�.tss3,ua oa his ru�acissr ___ reco�datio� rel,ativa to 48 foot uride lotea �/ 3tm sn `,, Bl st Acti.on B,�equirad: 8econaid�r your recamm�adatiot�s to r wl�ss �. Covuail for an OrdiAanas. �,�„ eeel 2. Case po. 63-28-Zoni.s� AppZ�.cant: ?he 2oaiag anud Plamatin�g Co�i�eion Sub ject: Mr. Yeeely will sp�ak to the Coainiasioa on 7'ublic Acc�.sa t4 all bu�ldable loCs. ........._. Actioa Raquired: RaconQider qowr racoc�eadations to th�: City Cauacil for an Ordinance. 3e Case Ho. 63-54-SubdivieiaA sesgu].at�oas. 701 Progzma. App7.3.cant: The Zon3.ng and YLannin� Comnission 3ubject: Tha aubdi-,ri�fQa of propo�ad da�velop�nsats. Actiyon Req�ired: b stud� and r�caa�dation from Mr. Haa�w b:�Eore � Ca��aion �alc6 raCac�adatioa Co tha Ci�y► C�oyacil w. 4o c8ee No. 63•s6-Lana us� enaly.�. �o� program. Applicant Zhe Zvntn�g a�d P�anniAg Cammisaiou subjuct: Pt�sae T. _..._. Actl�oa �aquirad: A study aad z�coa�eadat� fzom 1Kr. Baak�. NP:tJ �L1S]�SSS: I e Caae No 0 63-51-Ad justasant Appli�tant:Mr. C. F. Ma$nq 5ubject: A heari� p�ubliahad DecQmbmr 26th, 1963, atlative to aa� 4djvatramt of o�e sida of the rear yaxd by �cive �5�1 fest. The 1oca�ion, Lat A. B.L.S. #198 or 101 Mima�tonlca Miila Basd. �__. 8equ�st: A cesr yard adjuatmca�nt on ths one �ide ot hie ]ot• L J '�"_ �' Actian 8�quiteds Reaocome�d to the City Cavuo�ci]. ,..... Siga lettars to mail to Congresames► an the locatiom of tha prapoeed �a�w � Po�t OfHce. ?his Istt�r Will be preparad foz qcw , (�/��r � ..o--�-,�.�' L-G.�✓'P ' � � C G i �"►z,- C..�! � I �a �2�� � ��. \ _� �.,�.