01-10-1963 � ' I ' A special meeting of the Zoning and Planning Comnission was held in the J. D. Room of the Trem�nt Plaza Motel on Thursday, January lOth, 1963. Present were Chairman Sundby, members Mayor Milbert, Gustafson, Wegleitner, Malecha and Stannard as well as the City Planner, Hawks, the City Building Inspector, Blomquist, the City Engineer, Storjan, the Special Assessment CleSicof the City, Mrs. Sala and the City l Attorney, Vesely. The Chamber of Commerce had the following members in attendance; D. Hagen, Howell, Zakariasen and Timmerman. The meeting was called to bring the members of the Zoning and Planning Commission up to date and familiarize them with the work that has been done by the various Committees of the Chamber of Commerce on the "Down-Town Plan". Mr. Sundby opened the meeting an3 called on Mr. Zakariasen to show a group of slides of the proposed "Down-town Plan" which Mr. Hawks explained in detail. Mr. Vesely was ask to point out to the Co�nission some of the problems that they would be exp�cted to act upon in the vzry near future. 1. The building of the Co�anunity Center. 2. The new Post Office building and its' location. 3. The new Library and its' location. 4. The new parking lot sites. 5. The zoning of the City in general. Mr. Vesely also explained just how the Zoning and Planning Commission should work andhow their recommendatians wizen received by the City Council were acted upon by that body as ,^ recommendations that had come from detailed stu3y, thought and long range planning. Mrs. Sala explained in detail the tax structure of the down-town area that would be effected by the new proposed parking lots. Mrs. Sala explained that for ever five lots in the business area where the proposed parking lots are located, four of these lots will have to purchase, pay for the improvement and the maintenance of the other one, which would then be a parking lot. Taxes will of course have to go up on the re:-naining four lots even after the cost of purchase and improvem��nts are paid for because future taxes will have to reflect an increase to off-set tax loss by the City condemning the rifth lot and for the maintenance of the fifth lot after it becomes a parking lot. Mr. Vesely cautioned the Commission and called their attention to the �ao� tha� the City cannot condemn property and it be used for private or employee parking. He express a feeling that a lot of the space used in the parking lots at the present time was for employee parking. A drive to inform the business firms about employees not using the present lots for parking should be undertaken by the Chamber of Com-nerce. Mr. Vesely expressed an opinion that all future office buildings should have private parking provided for the employees that will normally be house by said proposed buildings. The third point, Mr. Vesely again wish to make clear the importance of the Co:�nission's work. Tnat a great deal of stu3y, research and planning should go into their work as the ^ City Council depende3 upon the Zoning an3 Planning Commission to do this phase of the work for them. That all Ordinances concerning re-zoning of the City by the City Council will l�e done by that body with the firm belief that the proper amount of study etc, has been given any reco.-�unended changes by the Com�ission. That a plan should be decided upon. That once the plan is decided upon both the Zoning and Planning Com,nission and the City Council should stand behind the plan. However the plan must come first; and it first must co:ne from the Zoning and Planning Connission. Mayor Milbert moved and Mr. Malecha seconded the ;notion that the "Down-town Plan" be �n the Agenda of the January 29th, 1963 Zoning and Planning Com�nission. The motion carried. The meeting stood adjourne3. Mr. C. R. Peterson, Secretary of the Com,nission MEMBERS: —� ATTEST: Ho;aard �. Sundby, Chirma.n of the Zoning and Planning Comnission _---� ,,. _ ^ ^ , n � �