03-12-1963 A speeial mc�eting of tne Zoning a_zd Plannin,a, Coimnission of the City of Hop.cins, He.zne�in County, Minnesota was held on Tuesday, March 12, 19��3, at 7:3� p.m, at the Tremont Plaza ?'Iotel. Present were Chairman Sundby, mem'�ers , Ma�or Milbert, Cou�zcilman Else, Gustafson, ^ Sta_nnard and �Ialecna, the City Manager, BruUacher, the City Engine2r, Stroja.n, tne City Buildin� Inspector, Blomquist and the City Planner, Ha�aics. Case No. 63-4-Z. & P. Ap�licant: Zo.ning an3 Plannin� Coimnission Sai�ject: The M-R (Maltiple Residence) area.s of the City of Ho�?�cins a:n3 as it is handled b� Ordinance a�131. Requ�st: Changes? If so what? Ac�i�n: Mr. Gustafso.z -nova3 and Mx. Stannard second�d th� motion to recummend aQproval to the City Coancil that Sectio.�. 6 Multiple Residence District of the Hap'.cins Zr�ning Ordin,�.n�e ��131 be amended as prop�se3 by the en- ;closed .suggeste3 cna-��e which establis�zes i�RZ-1 a:nd MR-2 areas. Tne mution �arried, Case No. 62-46-Ordinan�e ��131. Applicant: Zoning and Plannin� Coiunission. Su�j�ct: Coa�ersion �f existing d�;aellings into n��n-residential uses an�3 the provding of d�aelling units within �omm��rcial areas. Reqa�st: Study an3 bxing in �o��mnents on the City Attorne�, Mr. Vesely�s prop��sed .--. �rdinance No. 203. Action: Mr. Gustafs:�n no��e3 and :�iyor ylilbert seco�nda3 the motion to reco:runend approval to the City Council an Ordinan�e a�:ne�z3in� para�raph (A) of Subdivision 1 of S�ction g of Ordinan�e �k131 know�.i as the Hop?cins Zon- ing Ordin.an�e. Th�� motion �arried. Case No. 63-5-Boundary adjustmeLzts. Applicant: Zonin; a.nd Planning Conunission Su��ject: Review boundary adjustments of the City of Hop'�ins and the Villa;;e of Minn�tonka. Request: Report on the neeting betw�en the Villa�e of Minn,�ton'�.a an3 the City of Hop'cins Boun3ary Conunittee of February 13th, 1903. Action: C�,�unittee m��mbex, Mr. Stann,�.rd a:z3 the City Manager, Mr. Brubacher, both re�orte3 �:�. tne Fearuary 13th meatin�. Mr. Else mov2d an3 Mr. Malecna secon3ed the motion o�n the bases of the report no action �e taken. That Uoundary meetings c�ntinu� to be held until such time as the Village of Minnetonka and the City of Hopkins can come to a satisfactory settlement, . The motion carried. Case No. 63-13-Parking. Applicant: Zo:-�ing and Planning Commission. Subject: Custom��r and ernployee parking. Request: Suggestions for handling of same. Action: No formal action was taken; the subject will be continued until such tim�� as a survey can be taken under the provisions of the "701" program. Mr. Stannard move3 and Mr. Gustafson secanded the motion that the meeting stand adjourned. The motion carried. Mr. C. R. Peterson, Secretary of the Commission. MEMBERS: �-. ATTEST: Howard G. Sundby, Chairman (Official Publication) CI�� OF HOPi�.INS Henn�pin County, Min:�esota "A RESOLUTION ORDERING A HEARING Ov CERTAIN APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT A PROPOSED SINGLE FANfILY DWELLING WITH AD,JUSTi�fE�VT OF SIDE YARDS FROl�i EIGHT FEET TO SEiIEN FEET" WtiEREAS written application has bezn .nade to the Buildin� Inspector for the construction �f a certain prop�sed single residence with a side yard variance of sev2n feet from eight feet on the following described p.remises situate3 in Hopkins, .--. Hennepin County, Minnes� ta, viz: Lot 25, Block 8 West Minneapolis 3rd. Division. NOW TiiEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY OZ.DEREI� that the Zoning an3 Plan- nin; Co�n:-nission of the City of Hopkins will hold a hearing on said application in tne Council Chambers in tne �ity Hall of the City of Hopkins Ma.rch 26; , 1963 at 7:30 o�clock p.m. an,3 tnat the Buildin� Inspector shall give seve:� (7) days published notice of said hearing in the official newspaper of the City by publishing a copy of tnis hearing notice therein. �-- Clinton K. Blo:nquist Buildin; Inspector Published in the Hennepin County Review Marcn 14th., 19b3 Building Inspecto Hearing No, 18. � (Official Publication) .-. " CITY 0� HOPi�INS He�znepin Coanty, Minnesota �� "r� RESOLUTION OitD�RING A HE.ARZNG OV CERTAIN APPLICAT:LOv TU COVSTR7JCT A PROPJSE� SINGLE D[+TE.LLING ON A 47 FOOT LOT WiiE1ZE r� 5 0 FOOT "LOT IS REQUIRED AND WIT"d ADNS � �NT OF SID� YARD3 FKOM EIGHT FEET TO SIX FEhT." WHERE%.�.5 writteLz application �zas been nade to the Buildin� Inspector for the construction of a �ertain pxop��e3 single fa:nily d�:aellin� on a 47 foot lot waere a 5� foot lot is require3 and for a side yard a3justm��nt of six feet fro:n eignt fe2t o�. tne follow- ing describe �re;nises situated in Hopkins , Henn��pin County, Minaesota, viz: Lot 1, Block 61, West Minneapolis. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDLRED that the Zoning an3 Plan- ning Co�Ynnission �f the City of Hopkins will hold a 'zearin; o:� said ap�lication in th� Council Cham��ers in the City Hall of the City of Hopkins yL�.rch 26th, 1963, at 7:30 o'clocic p.m, and that the Building Inspector shall give seven (7) days publishe3 notice of said ;zearing in the official ne�aspaQer of t:�e City by publis?7ing a copy of this hearing notice *herein. Clinton K. Blo�nquist Building Inspectar Published in the Hes-�nepin County Revie;a March 14th, 1963 Bailding Ins�ector Hearin;; No. 19. ^ , .-. (Official Publication) CITY OF HOPKINS "rl RESOLTJTI0�1 OiZD.i.RING A HE?,RING ON C�4ZT.t1IN APPLICATION TO CONSTRTJCT A P�OPOSE� SINGLE R,SI�ENCE WITH AD.JUSTMENT OF SIDE i�ARD O�I THE N0�2T�I SIDE OF SE�V�iV FEET INSTEAD OF TEiJ FE BT" W)3E�F,AS written application has bean nade to the Buildin� Inspector for the construction of a certain propose3 single fa�nily d;aelling and for a side yard adjustment three feet from the re- q�a.ired ten feat on the folloaing 3escribed pre:nises situate3 in Hopkins, Hennepin County, Minnesota, viz: ,.,o Tiiat part of Lot 16, Block 12, F. A. Savages Interlac:�en Paric, lying Sost:� of the N�rth forty-four (44) fe�t there�f: Also that part of vacate3 Interuban .�v�nue and aband�n�d right-of-way of the Minneapolis and St. Pa�.�l Su'�urban Rail- raad in the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Q,uarter of Section 29, To��rnship 117, Range 21, lyin� b�tween the E�.sterly and Westerly boundary lines, extended Southerly a�ross said vacated avenue and abandoned right-of-way, of Lot 16, Block 12, F. A. Savages Interlacnen Park". NOW T�iiERRFORE, IT IS HERE�Y ORDEREO that tne Zoning and Plan- ning Co,�unission �f the City of Hopkins �aill hold a hearing on said ap�lication in the Council C;.�am�ers in the City Hall of the City of Hupkins A�.ril 9th, 1963, at 7:30 o�clock p.m. at a sp�cial meeting and t.'�at tne Building Inapectar shall give seven (7) days published notice of s�id hearin� in the official n�aspaper of the City b;� � publichin� a copy of this hearino n�tice therein. Clinton �. Blo:nquis� Buildin,x, Inspector P'JBLISHED IN THE HEi�INEPIN COUNTY REJIEW MA.RC�i 28th, 1963 Building Inspsctor Hearing No. 20. �