03-26-1963 A rzgular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Co:�nission of the City of Hopkins , Minnesota
was held on Tu��sday, March 26th, 1963 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chanbers of the City
Present were Chairman Sun3by, and me�nbers Mayor Milbert, Gustafson, 9tannard, Else a.zd
� Malecha, the City Manager, Brubacher, the City Engineer, Strojan, the City Building
Inspector, Blo.nquist and the City Planner Haaks.
Ca�e No. 63-1-V.
Applicant: Ralph Souba
Subject: Hearin� published March 14, 19b3, on a request for an adjustm2nt of side
yards from eight feet to seven feet; the City Council at their xegular
meeting of March 19th, 1963 approved the request for a building pArmit of
a proposed single residence on a !+0 foot wide lot in the 200 Block on 18th
Aven-ae North, or Lot 25, Block 8, West Minneapolis 3rd. Division.
Request: An adjustment of one foot from the required eight foot side yards.
Action: Mr. Else move3 a:zd Mr. Malecha se�onde3 the motion to reconun�nd a�proval
to the City Council the a3justment of one foot from the required eight
foot side yards on Lot 25, Block 8, West Minneapolis 3rd. Divisio�n or on
a lot in the 200 Block on 18th Avenue North. The motion carried.
Mr. Stannard voting no.
Case No. 63-2-V.
Applicant: Don Revier
'~ Subject: Hearing p�ablished Ja:zuary 17th, 1963, on a request for an adjustment of
side yards from eight feet to seven feet; tne City Council at their m��eting
of March 19, 1963, approved the requast for a buildin� permit of a proposed
single residence on a 40 foot wide lot in the 200 Block on 18rh Avenue
North, or Lot 24, Block 8, West Minn�apolis 3rd. Division.
Request: An adjustment of one foot from the required eight foot side yards.
Action: Mr. Else :noved and Mr. Malecha seconde3 the m,�tion to reconnnend .approval
to the City Council the adjustment of one foot from th� required eight
foot side yards on Lot 24, Block 8, West MinneaQolis 3rd. Division, or on
a lot in the 200 Block on 18th Avenue North. Tne motion carried. Mr.
Staznard voting n�.
Case No. 63-12-Adjustm�:nts and refun3s.
Applicant: The City Council
Subject: Review the co:rnnunication of the City Manager, Mr. Brubacher, and the City
Building Inspector, Mr. Blomquist, with the intent to suggest m�thods of
spelling out in detail the present methods of handling adjustments and
building permits and suggested improvements in general.
~ Request: Spell out tne length of time or time limits of building permits; the
nwni�er of rene�wals of given building permits; refunds if any o��. building
permits issued but n��t "starte3"; fee �harges for request for a3justm��nts,
a�d rezoning."
Action: Mr. Blomquist outline his suggested methods of handling the above proble�ns.
After a discussion it was the opinion of the Co�unission tnat Mr. Vesely,
he City Attorney, should write the suggestions in a form of an anendment
to flr3in�.nce �k131 so that the Co�r,nission could re�o:n�-n�nd it to tne City
Council; a:ny other action was continaed until the next or April 9th Zoning
a:�d Planning Coirrnission n�eting.
Case No. 63-4-Z & P.
Applicant: Zoning and Planning Co�unission.
Subject: The M-D (Maltiple Residence) ar�as of the City of Hop�cins and as it is
handle by Or3inance ��131.
Request: Create new zones or areas which will handle the density proble;-n of the MR
zones by dividing the existing zone into a MR-1 and MR-2 zones to b�tter
control the cities building requ�sts.
Action: The Zoning and Planning Co�unission after some discussion felt that tney
would n�ed the services of the City Attorney, Mr. Vesely, in order to
properly handle this section of the rezoning a-nend_n��nt; the action was
continued until tne n�xt or April 9th Zoning and Planning Co�mnission
The March 26, 1953 Zoning and Planning Co;runission minutes continuad.
Case �o. 63-13-V.
Applicant: Zoning a.nd Planning Co�nnission
Su�ject: Customer parking a_nd e,nployee parking.
Requ�st: Continue suggestions and plans for tne parking proble�ns.
Action: Dae to t'ne many suogestions and the possible purchase of one of the key
lots in the proposed long range parking plan this item was continued
until the April 9th, 1963 Zoning and Planning Co:mnission meeting.
Case No. 63-14-V.
Applicant: Mr. W. M. Nelson
Subject: Hearing published March 14th, 1963, on a request to construct a proposed
single fa�nily 3welling on a 47 foot lot in an area wl.lich requires 50 foot
wid lots or at 600 -7th Avenu� South; Lot 1, Block 61, West Minneapolis.
Requ�st: A request for an adjustment of three feet from the required 5a foot size
Action: Mr. Malecha moved and Mr. Else seconde3 the motion to recomm�nd approval
to the City Council to allow the a3justment of tnrea fe�t from the require3
5� foot wide lot for a proposed construction of a single family d•�ellin�
at 500 - 7th Avenue South or Lot 1, Block 61, West Minneapolis. Tiie
motion carrie3. Mr. Stannard voting no.
^ Case No. 63-15-V; vacation of alley; etc.
Applicant: Ho�aard Nichodym
Subject: For discussion, an application to construct a proposed Co:nmercial buildinb
in a "C-2" zone o� Lots 4 and 5, Block ].9, West Minneapolis Center.
Reqaest: Vacate all of the alley in Lot 32 Block 19 and the East-West alley
between Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 19, West Minneapolis Ce:zter.
Action: Mr. Else moved and Mr. Gustafson seconded the motion that Mr. Nichodym
present a petition to the City Council for the vacation of the alley;
ordered a hearino on the rezoning from Single-Residence to "C-2" all of
the East 2 af Lot 32, and the North 12 feet of the East 2 of Lot 31,
Block 19, West Minneaoolis Center and for a special use permit to park
in residential zonz. Tne motion carried.
Case No. 63-7-Z, and Spe:.ial use permit.
Applicant: L. J. Mason
Su'�ject: An application for a Special Use Permit for a Gasoline filling station
and ajust the co:�nnercial z;�ning to a point 177 fe2t South of the South
lin� of Excelsior Avenue and Blake Road.
Request: A special use permit and rezoning of a certain area,
Action: Mr. Else :nove3 and Mr. Malecha seconded the motion that a hearing be
ordered �n the request for a special use permit a_zd for re-zoning from
Sin�le-Residence t� Co�nnercial -2- all that part of Lot number Seventy-
Seven (77) , Auditor�s Subdivision Nwnber 239, Hennepin County, Minnasota,
described as follows: Coirnn��ncing at a point in the center line of
E�celsior Boulevard Thirty and One-Hu_zdre3ths (30.01) fe�t West, measured
along the center line from the point of intersectio�n of said ceizter line
with th� E,�st lin�� of Lot Seventy-Seven (77) , extended; thence S�uth
along a line parallel with and distant Thirty (30) feet West of the East
lin� of said Lot Seventy-Seven (77) , a distance of O��ze Hundred �aenty-
Seven (127) feet; thence West along a line parallel with the South line
of said Lot Seventy-Seven (77) a distance of One hundred (100) feet to
the point of beginning of the tract to b� described; thence North along
a lin� parallel with the Ea.st line of said Lot Seventy-Se-ven (77) to the
North line of said Lot Seventy-Se-�en (77) ; thence Westerly along the
Noxth line of Lot Seventy-Se�ven (77) to the Northwest corn�r tnereof;
thence South alon� the West line of said Lot to b apoint Forty-Five (4S)
fe•at North of tne S�uthw�st corner of said Lot; then�e East parallel with
.� the South line of said Lot On� Hundred Thirty-Three (133) feet; thence
North parallel with said '�1est line of said Lot to the intersection with
a line drawn from the actual point of beginning parallel with the South
line of said Lot; thence East in a straight line to tne actual pr�int of
beginning, subject to rights acquired b� City of Hopkins for stre2t
purposes in D�c. No. 529320, Files of Registrar of Titles. The motion
The March 26th, 1953, Zoning and Planning Co��nission m��zting minutes continu�d.
Case No. 63-8-Z. ; adjustment; and sub-division.
Ap�licant: Douglas Arndt.
Subject: M;^. Else :noved and Mr. Stannard seconded tne motion to reco�nend approval
to the City Council the request to rezone from Industrial to "C-2" that
� part of Lot 7, Au3itor�s Su�division Number 242, Hennepin County, Minnesota
described as beginning at the Southwest corn�r of said Lot 7; th�nce North
along the West line of said Lot 191.52 feet; thence East at right angles
131.53 feat; thence Southeasterly, d��flecting to the right 6h degrees a.nd
36 �ninutes from the prolongation of the last above described course, to
the intersection with the Southerly line of said Lot; thence Westerly
along said Soutnerly line to tha point of beginning; and from Industrial
to Multiple Dwelling Lot 7, Auditorts Subdivision Nulnber 242, Hennepin
County, Min�esota, except that part thereof described as begin�ing at
tne S�uth�est corner of said Lot 7; thence North alon� the West line of
said Lot 191.52 feet; thence East at right angles 131.53 fezt; thence
Southeasterly, deflecting to the riglzt 66 degrees and 36 minutes from
the prolongation of the last above 3escribed course, to the intersection
with the Southerly line of said Lot; thence W�sterly alonu said Southerly
line to the point of beginning. The motion �arried.
Mr. W, Harlan Perbix wished t� have the recorc� show that as one of the
own�rs of the land known as registered la.nd survey No. 823, Files of
the Registrar of Titles, Hennepin County, Minnesota, he ��ould take no
position as to the advisability of the a,oplication for re-zoning of
of Lot 7, Auditor�s Sub3ivision No. 242, to multiple residence and C-2
`` as requested. However, we do not want to b` in a position s?zould the
re-zoning be granted to have this subsequent re-zoning oe use3 against
us because of our present industrial zoning. For it is com�.non kno�ledge
that s?zould the requ�st go throu�h, the property will in turn be re-sold
a:zd the proposed apartments will pass into the han3s of other parties.
For this reason we would appreciate your records s'no��ing that we izave
set out tnis potential future problem and do not wa.zt th� fact that this
property may be re-zoned to a lesser use in tne future to b� used
against us b��ause of our present us.
Th� meeting adjourned.
Mr. C. R. Peterson, Secretary of the Co:mnission
Howard G. Sundby, Chariman