04-09-1963 A special m�ating of the Zoning and Planning Co:�nission of the City of Hopkins was held
in the Council Chambers of the City Hall on Tuesday April 9th, 1963, at 7:3� p.m.
Present were chairman Sun3by, me�mbers Mayor Milbert, Counr_ilma.n Else, Gustafson, Stannarel ,
and Ma.lecha, the City Ma.nager, Brubacher, the City Engin,�er, Strojan, the City Bailding
Inspector, Blonquist, and the City Plann�r, Hawks; fro:n eight o�clock on the City Attorney,
^ Vesely.
Case No. 63-4-Zoning an3 Planning.
Applicant: Z oning and Plannin� Co:mnission
Subject: How to han3le the (M-D) Multiple Residence portions of Ordinan�e ��131.
Request: How to handle changes without actually making chanues on the Zoning map
itself at tnis time but control the 3ensity problem presente3 by tne browth
of the 3�wntowrr area.
Action: Mr. Gustafson moved an3 Mr. Stannard seconded the motion that Mr. Ha�a'�.s,
the City Planner, Mr. Blo:nquist the City Building In.spector, and Mr. Storjan,
tne City En;;inear continue to work on section 6, Multiple Residence District,
of Ordinance ��131 and check sucn cnanges �aith Mr. Vesely, the City Attorn�y,
t� :�ave ready for the n��xt special meetin� on May 14th, 1963 before hear-
ings an3 other reoular procedures for anending the Zoning map be recon-
mended to the City Council. The :notion carried.
Case No. 63-13-Paricing.
Applicant: Zoning and Planning Co�mnission
Subject: Cu�tomer parkin;; Employee parking.
Requ�st: Co�.tinue to work on how to handle the parking problem as it relates to
both the customer and employe2s.
Action: Mr. Else inovad and Mr. Malecha seconded the motion tnat this ite�n �e con-
tinued until the next speciat meeting on '�Iay 14th, 1963. The motion �arried.
Case No. 63-12-Adjustments an3 refunds.
Applicant: The City Council
Subject: Review the detaile3 plan worke3 out by the Building Inapector, Mr. Blomquist.
Request: Cneck such reco:iunendations with the City Attorney, Mr. Vesely.
Action: Mr. Stannard moved an3 Mr. Malecha seconded the motion that reconnnendations
of aQproval ba made to the City Council for the follo�inj adm��ndments to
be made to the Unifor�n Building Code and to Ordinance ��131.
Tne Uniform Buildino Code, Section �k302-d shall be anen3�3 to read:
Every permit issued by the Buildin; Official un3er the pxovisions of
this Code s�all expire by limitation an3 become nall an.d v�id, if the
�` building or work authorized by such permit is n�t co.-mneizce3 ;aithin
six (6) months fro:n the 3ate of such p�rmit, or if the building or
work authorize3 b� such permit is suspende3 or aban3��-�e3, at any tim��
after the work is co:TAil2Tlced, for a period �f 120 days. Before such
work can be reco�mnence:3 a new permit snall be first obtained to do
so, and the fee therefor shall be on�-nalf the a:nount require3 for a
new permit for sucn work, provide3 no chan;;es have been ;nade or will
be made in the original plans and specifications for su�n w�ric; an3
provide3, further, that such suspension or abandon��nent has n�t excee3ed
b� one year.
If in the best judge�-nent of the Building Official, a holder of a Baildin�
Permit has been unable to start tne building or work authorized by said
Buildin;; Permit durin;; the six (6) months followin;; issuance of a permit,
because of conditions be�ond the contrul of the holder of such p�rmit,
the Building Official may, on receiving pay.nent of the ten dollar ($10.00)
fee, grant a resonable extention �f time to allo� the start of such
b�aildin� or construction, but not to exceed six months.
Or3inance ��131, Sect. 13, Subd. 4 shall hav� the followin� a3de3:
The validity of any Spe�ial Use Permit s'.nall co-incide •�aith the
validity of the Buildin� Permit issue3 in connection there�aith.
Ordinance ��131, S�ct. 13, Subd. 5 s:�all be repeale3 and the followin�
Fees. An application for a Special Use Permit shall be acco:n�a_nied
'rae April 9th, 1963 Zo�ing and Planning Sp�cial meetinj minutes continue3,
by a pa�n��nt of $35.00 plus any publication costs in excess of $7.50.
Or3inance ��131, Sect. 15, Sub. 3 shall be a�ende3 to read:
�^ Application for a_zy adjustment permissible under the provisions of
tnis section shall be ��nade to tne Buildino In,�pector in the form of
a written application for a Buildin� Permit to use the property or
prez.nises as set forth in said aQplication, and be accom�anied b� tne
Building Permit fee as require3 by Ordinance ��192 and a fe2 of $35.00
plus a.ny publication cost in excess of $7,50 For costs of processing
sur_h ap�lication for adjustment of zo�ning require�nents.
Ordinan�e �k131, Sect. 15, Sub3. 5 shall havz ad3ed:
Tlze validity of any adju�tm��iZt to the requirements of the Z�ning
Ordinance snall co-incide with the validity of th� Building Permit
issued in con-�ection there;aith.
The followin� s�zall be ad3e3 to Ordinance ��131, Sect. 16, Subd. 4.
An� p�tition to rezon� a.ny lan3 in the City of Hop'.cins s�all be ac-
co.mpanied by a pay�ne�t of $75.00 (seventy-five 3ollars) to covzr the
cost of processin� said petition.
The �motion carried.
Case No. 63-9-Adjustment
Applicant: Dr. L. W. M�Iver
Su�ject: An application to construct a propose3 single residence with an adjustment
of side �ard on the North side of seven feet instead �f te�n �eet.
Reqaest: Grant the a3ju:,tment.
Action: Mr. Gustafson move3 and Mr. Stannard seconde3 the motion that reco:mnen3ation
be :nade to the City Coun�il to deny the request for an adjustme:nt of side
yard on the North side of seven feet instead of ten feet. Tne �notion
Case No. 63-3-Z�ning
Applicant: Zoning and Planning Co�nission.
Subjec.t: Rezonin� of property North of 2nd Street between Ja�kson and Tyler Ave�zues.
Reqa.est: Rezoning a buffer strip along 2nd Street.
Action: Mr. Malecha moved an3 Mr. Stannard seconded the :n��tion tnat the rezoning . •
in the general area �f Jackson and Tyler Avenu�s, tne area North of Han�y,aell
� and Re3 Owl be continued until the next sp�cial meeting on Ma;� 14th, 1953.
The �notion carried. Mr. Else votin� no.
Case �o. 63-20-Special Use Per*nit.
Applicant: Socony M�bil Co.
Subject: Hearing requeste3 for a propose3 building permit and a spe,:ial use permit to
build a propose3 car clinic.
Req.xest: Set: a date for a hearing on the sp�cial use permit.
Action: Mr. Gustafson ;noved and Mayor Milbert seconde3 the motion that Resolution
76, Auditor�s Subdivision �k239; starting at the point of intersection of
the North line of Excelsior Avanue an3 the East line of Monk Avenue, tnence
Northerly 300 feet along the East line of Monk Avenue; then�e at 90 degrees
to a point 300 feat in an Easterly direction; then�e at 90 3egrees, in a
Sout:�erly direction to a �oint of intersection with the Vorth lin� of
Excelsior Avanue, a distance of 276.74 fe2t, more or less; thence in a
^ Westerly 3irection along the North line of Excelsior Avenue to the point
of b�ginning, a distance of 300.9 feet, more or less - - subject ot road-
way easements. The :notion carried,
The �pril 9th, 1953 Zoning and Planning Special me�ting minutes continued.
Case No. 63-18
Ap�licant: Mr. Ricnard Prosen in behalf of Ho�kin's Colu:nbus Ho:ne Associatio��.
Subject: A buildin� p�rmit on a lot that has been designated as � lot to beco.ne a
�— City parking ramp in the "i�o�,�n-Town-Plan."
Requ�st: A building p�rmit.
Action: Mr. Else :nove3 and �:Kr. Gustafs�n seconde3 the motion that the Zoning and
Planning Co:r�nissioa reco.Ynneizd to the �ity Council to purchase Lot 24,
Block 5, West :"Iinaeapolis and the request for a building p�rmit �e de��.ied
based on tne fact that the Lot in questio�z is one that is considere3 a
key lot in tne over-a11 "Do;an.-To-an-Plan" that has been studied and worked
on by the �oancil and various Civic Coarnittezs for the past two years.
The �:notion carried.
The meeting adjourned:
C. R. Peterson, Secretary of the Commission
Ho;aard �s. Sundby, Chari�an ^
A special meeting of the Zoning and Planning Co�nission of the City of Hopkins was held
in the Coancil Chambers of the City Hall on Tuesday Apr:�l 9th, 1963, at 7;3+� p.m.
Present were �hairman Sundby, and _members Mayor Milbert, Councilman Else, Gustafson,
^ Stannard, and !Kalecha, the �ity Manager Brubacher, the :ity Enoinear, Strojan, the City
Building Inspector, Blornquist, and the City Planner, Hawks; fro:n eight o'clock on the
City Attorney, Vesely.
Mr. Sundby: "Case '�o. 63-4-Z & P.
Ap�licant: Zo��.ing and Plannino �o:rnnission
Subject: How to handle the (M-D) Multiple Reside�ce p�rtions
of ��rdinance ��131.
Request: How to handle chanoes without actually �naking changes on the Zon-
7},'+ "�
in; �p{�y itself at this time but to control the desn.ity proble.n.
Mr. Sundby: "�nie'1�' let this o�e go for a while as lon� as we have folks here :�n
another problem."
Mr. Sundby: Case �Io. 63-3-Zo:�ing
Su��ject: Rezozing the property North of 2nd Street betwe2n Jackson and
Re�uest: Rezoning a buffer strip alono 2n3, street.
ACTIO�I REQUIRED: Reco�nne_nd to the City Council.
Mr. Su:�dby: Mr. Hawks, what are your findinus?"
Mr. Hawks after pzting up a m,sp. "It is the area on 2nd. Street by HonqEeywell." "It is
the are� North of Honeywell whe�e s good portion of the strezt area is used
for p�.rking." "I have other material but I d��n't think we should go into that
at this time."
A Lady: "Ho;a long doas Hone�well have a contract to us2 that area for p�.rking;"
Mr. Brubacher: "I do not know."
iKr. Miller: "It was for five years."
iKrs. Miller: "'rhere was an Ordinance taht stated tnat after five years they could not
use it."
Mayor Milbert: "There is an Ordinance that has bezn put into effect that tney can use
the area for p.�.rking."
Mr. Miller: "The '�Iayor can fill in the back ground for you gantlemen• "We have a
traffic problem." "All of Monk and 2nd Street North, Tyler and 2nd. Street
North, you can't drive through there." "And the dust is another problen."
"And in the Winter they want to plow their p,�rking lots at night." "They .nake
such a noice that it is nothing short of a nuisance." "Our property values are
^ cut in the real estate .narket." "I am through paying for se�er." "It is .a pain
in the ne�k." "it is use3 only by the Industry."
Mayor Milbert : "You are just South?"
Mr. Miller: "These are old houses." "These two are seven years old." "Wnat can you d�
The April 9th, Sp�cial Zoning and Planning Co��nission �neeting minutes continued.
with this land." "I gave this to the town so that they would huild this up."
I s�ve3 the corner lot so I can't get out onto the street."
Mr. Brubacher: Mr. Ringstad and this gentlenen have �ad a proble� for many years."
"We �ave held them on a string because if we put 2nd. Street in would take their
Mayor Milbert: "Are there a p�tition for re-zoning or for a buffer strip. ?
Mr. Haw'�.s: "You think this area should be given up for an Industrial are�.." "If so
make it Industral property."
A ge�tlemen: "I d,� not think it will support any area except apartment where they d�
not expect privacy."
Mr. Hawks: "County Road ��18 will ga by the Railroad Tracks on the T,�est side." "There
is to be a diamond at Monk." "St. Louis Park have put in a section of curbs
that will force the trafic to go up to Highway �k7, it cannot come through."
~ "Mo�zk Ave�ue is being re:.ogniaed as a Norht-South Stre�t." "We are faced with
w'iat to d� with this area." "There are 13 ?�ouses �n the only goo3 land."
"We have the Nursery, that we are going to have a harder time to keep �.s a
Nursery as time goes on." "We have 37,0��� �ars on highway ��18 into Highway ��7."
"It is not a good area for housin;." "If that is true ;ae '�ave a single family
�istri�t that will co-n� through this w:ay and then the question of how will you
go to get into this area is upper most in our plans?" "The County wants a �
diamond in these thre� different areas." "It is not going to help this area.
"�lhere is the land for the diamonds coming fro:n?" "iVot on 2nd, that is not to
satisfactory." "The question is , how far are we going to go." "We have a couple
� of studies for this, just one method is to -nake a discribtion as to �ahere tne
new line is going to be." "I re�ogmize that twu new homes have been built here."
"That means that 2nd w�uld come straight across and tie into Lake and Monk."
"Everything below will be Industrial." "So:ne of the property will have to be
tak.en for p�.rking space." "That will mean your house plus 19 �ther homes that
are below that line." (all this time Mr. Hawks is wurkino with the map showing
the area he is talking about) .
Lady: "Wtzere are you on second?" (Mr. Hawks shows her) . "All of th�s is Industrial
now." "That would not give us a buffer zone." "Take our house too, make a ne�a
ro.sd go across here." "Where would that be, 3rd?" (wo.rking with the _nap) .
Mr. Haw'�.s: "It is going approximately 200 fe2t here." "It goes right North of t�e
"chict�e_�" house." "This is residencial area." "It might not be used, but the
main tning here was to keep most of the houses facing on the street."
Gentle�nen: "rhat would keep most of the traffic down here." (working with the ;nap) .
Mr. Hawics: "There is no reason for the traffic to go up in that area." "There is no
way out."
The :�pril 9th, Special Zoaino and Planning Co;mnission �eeting minutes continued.
Lady: ""Then Tyler Avenue goes up there?"
Mr. Hawks: "Yes, but this is but one approach."
Mr. Else: "W"lzere 3oes 3rd come out?"
Mr. Hawks (pointing to the �nap) "This is where it hits Coanty road �k18,"
"This is an .�.ttempt to keep all of the housing that is noa bsilt." "These houses
are here." "i�e •;a�uld s�aing back up �n 18 and onto Monk." "'I'nis way it would
increase the residencial �.rea," "In the first plan the Industri.al would be to
this point, on this one it would be below the hill."
Lady: "I do not like that."
Mr. Haw'�s: "This plan would not disturb as -nany people." "It would save 16 houses."
Mr. Stannard; "Jim wnere is Re3 Owl on that m�p;" "That is 8econd Street and it
comea in there?" (Mr. Haw'�cs is showing Mr. Stannard wliere Re3 0w1 is and w?iere
6econd Street is).
'� Mr. Hawics: "i�e did turn it just before the spar co-nes off." "Just North of the switch."
Ma.yor Milbert: "It will take out all of tnose houses?"
Mr. Miller: "I an in favor of the w.zole thing."
Mayor Milbert: "I think what Jim is trying to s.�y, is that we are trying more than one
way to work out this proble:n." "There is a naw plan that would s;aing out and
take out quite a few more housas."
Gesztle:nen: "Ho-a about 2nd, Street, Hoa doss it co.ne out?"
Mr. Hawks: "There is �ne plan to m,�ke 2nd Stre2t a through stre2t." "It will be close3
:most likely." "We �ave be�n aware of your problems but we have been waitinJ for
the County to get to a p�int w'�ere we had to �:nove." "I d� not think there is
a:ny hope for this ho�n��." (Point to a hone �n the ,nap.)
Mr. Sundby: "Jim at this particular time there is not anything we can d� to .nove;''
Mr. Hawks: "I think the �ity at this time, well, wa can have � say so, but I can't s.ay
how much good it will do us."
Mr. Brubacher: "If County Ro.�.d ��3 does not go in 2n3. Stre�t there will not even be an
interchenge, there will be just an over pass."
Mr. Else: "What did w� 3o there?"
Ma.yor Milbert: "The traffic will have to go all the way over to 5th."
Mr. Brubacher: "No, they will go like this, all of tnese houses raill go."
Mayor Milbert: "All of these houses will go?"
Mr. Brubacher: "Yes, The �ounty Engine�rs have said there will be nothing but diamQnds
or full inter-changes." "No through stops."
Mr. Sundby: "Jim, in order to satisfy these people, when d� you think the �ounty is
go ing to �no ve�"
Mr. Brubacher: "The �oanty is caaiting for us." "The� ought to know wizat w� are goinb
to d� with �ounty road ��3."
The April 9th, Special Zo�ing and Planning Co;mnission me�ting minutes continued.
Mayor Milbert: "They are not really waiting for us."
Mr, Brubacher: "Well they will until we let the:n kno-a �a1.1at w�� are goin� to do with
'� Cou:nty Road ��3." "We have to 3ecide if we are going to put County Ro.sd �k3."
Mayor Milbert: "There arz two ar three plans for County Road ��3 aren't there?"
Mr. Brubacher: "The;� are all based on w'iat will happen �iith County Road ��3".
Mayor Milbert: "�lithin a month or six weaks we s'�ould be able to tell these pe�ple
w'�at they are going to have to do."
Mr. Sun'��1:�: "It will be some time until we know w'iat is going to hap�en in your area."
"It could be e��en shorter than that." "We '�.now tfiat your are�. is not getting a
great deal of satisfaction at this time but just as soon �.s we do know wh�.t to
expe�t we will let you know."
Ge�itleme�-�: "Just getting so�e consideration is some help."
Mr. Sundby: Cae,� No. 4-Z. & P.
^ Applicant: Zoning and Planning Co�Yu�nission
Subject: Ho;a to handle tne (M-D) Multiple Residence portio�.s of
Ordinance �k131."
Request: Hoa to '�andle chan;es without actually �naking chan;es on the
Zo:�ing map itself at this time but to control the de�_zsity proble:n.
Mr. Brubacher: "This is o�ne that we :�ave ask Mr. Vesely to help �is on."
Mr. Hawics: "I d�rafted the proposal for two Multiple Residence area." "This was on the
ass�a.�nption that w�� w�are going to '�ave two Multiple Residence 3istricts."
�'���/��/����li�y6T�L�L�/��i��¢���i��6X¢�'J "The�e is some �a.iat of a question if you can
make pieces of an area into more than one type of area anyway when Mr. Vesely
receive3 my proposed treatment of the Multiple Residence areas he said it could
not be done that way." "It was completely wrong."
Mr. Vesely: "Let me p�zt it this way." "This applies generally to z��ning."rhe o;�mer
ship of land is unique .nn the fact that the law says there '�trxis�not like
ownership of most things." "it is not like owning something that is re_novable."
"In the 2nd place there is not in the wo.rld two lots that are alike." "The law
s•�.y that no two lots are the s.ame." "This is not the sa-ne with pers��nal property."
"rhe 3rd thing you should know is this, what is tnis waen a �n.sn buys land."
"vJhat he is really buying is a bundle of sticks." "What zoning is and does is
that it removes some af these sticks." "I do have three sticks here and here I
have two sticks left." "So z�ning is takino a certain piece of land without
do process of law." "That process is know.z as conde:nnation." "There is two ;aay
to conde�n land for a road." "i�Then you do it the first way he bets the land back
is whenyou abanUnned the road." "I can take the road back." "It starte3 in
Ohio in 1876." "They said you could not just build w:�eree�ver and wlienever you
wante3 to." The S. Court knocked that ruling out." "In 1890 or so the Court �
found that if Zoning is 3one propertyly you may re-zone and re:no�ae s�:ne of the
The April 9th Spe�ial Zoning and Planning Co�mnission meeting minutes continued.
sticks and _not p.�.y ..the ma.n for the sticks you take away." "�ou could Zoning
but the p�ople would get more and more po;aer." "Up until now the tread thet
is ra¢it17y grow;zing to do :nore zoning rather than less; the trend use to be
3 or 4 and now it the next 15 to 25 years the increase will be even greater."
The _-�ext 15 to 25 years they will be growing to 20 to 25 times the past.
"Your questio.�. is, you now �Zave a zone calle3 Multiple Residence and they tell
you what you can now d�." "That man that wons the land and w?zo has bought this
lot knows what his rights are and Ithen set a price on his land aco�arding to the
Ordinance." "No� you s:�.y we are going to take this are�. and re�nove so:ne of the
sticks but re.�r'�er when you do this that you are re,noving from him more of his
sticks." "You are therefore to be on the save side you .nust ad�pt the same thing
as ad�nending the zoning Ordinance." "'i�Then it is taken into court I will take
you step by step." "All the records must be very carefully keep." "Jim sa�_d why
can't we d�� here the s�.me as C-1- zone." ".iome �-1- can du things that others
-� can not d��." That bring me into so�ne other things." "On �xcelsior Ave�zue you
have create3 fire limits and that m.�.ke the Zoneing appl:_cation here different."
"But you could have still said that on this Avenue you can require every bus
stop back 10 fe�t." "But these is not what yos are 3oing here." "'Yos must re-
zone." "You have a map snd in A,B, and C you can do this and on 'J, E and F you
can do this." "But w?iat you can d� is re-zone." Mr. Vesely went on to esplain
in detail the way to handle the rezoning and the ad_nending of the rezoning
Mr. Sundby: "The original thought was to up-grade the Ordin�.ace from �ahat it is no;a."
Mayor Nlilbert: "Joe says we ::an no d� it without changing the Ordinance."
Mr. Hawlcs: "Yoa would have to change the Jrdinance anyway; (Mr. Hawks shows the m��.p
as it was last time). "So:ne of tnis is now C-1-; only part if it are ;ae concerned
about." "That part is this piece." "There is so:ne B-R that would permit
residence up here." "We have som �Iultiple out of that area." "Tl�ere was a
question as to w�aither we ;aanted to go this far or w11at." "I t'nink this should
be taken out of the v-1- district myself." (w�rking with the z��zing map) .
Mayor Milbert: "Just tnis block here or �oth sides of seventh?"
Mr. Stann.ard: "Do you think that it is smart to d� this piece meal?"
Mr. Sundby: "i�e are responsible to up-grade the district and we �:nust be careful of
what we will come up with in a year or two." "So�ne of this is of less value."
Mr. Stannard: "That is what Mr. Else 3aid of that District too."
^ Mr. Else: "Wizat is the re�.l prepase so we d�� not get someone in that we do not want in?"
Mr. Hawk:;: "No it is be�ause of our downto;�n plan, there is no co:nnercial in this area,
and ��ae are en.courag�n� p�ople to do some thing that we 3o not want thezn to d��."
Mayor Milbert: "This is the same are�. for p,�.rking lots."
iKr. Sto.rjan: "This is through out the C-1 are�. or z�ne.
The April 9th Special Zo.�ing and Planning Co�nission meeting minutes continu�d.
Mayor Milbert: "So now you can not put the sticks back."
Mayor Milbert: Crestland p,�id $910 snd 2 was Commercial and the other half is in the
"� Re�idencial area." "The 9+0 on llth in - - - - -"'
Mr. Ha�aks: "I think we hav2 the sam� thing here." "If we 3� assess people the s.ame
as we did the last tim�."
Ma.yor Milbert: "The assessm��nt is based on three d.ifferent assessments."
Mr. Brubacher: "You can cancel assessment that have been made but you can not add them."
Mr. Brubacher: "Are you prepared to put parking lots in this area?"
Mayor Milbert: "'You take this area out of the Cormnercial z�ne and no;a you are going
to put it back into the �ozunercial area, I do not think this is right."
Mr. Haw'�cs: "We are goin; to have to make so:ne proposed changes ;or you are not going
to have any plan." "Doan-tow.z is a pretty diffident use." "They out to be
2ven Industrial." "If we are going to have this area sur-�ounde3 by apartment
building, they function for the d��wn to;an area." "rhey shop daily." "If we
are going to exp�ct pe��ple to �one in '�ere and build apartment you ?�ave to �ive
the;n some reason to build." "Did we assess this up here?"
Mayor Milbert: "rhey are not in the C-1- area." "Vesely said yoa coud�.d not assess
when they w�re _not in tne C-1 area,"
Mr. Else: "We should see .hoa much money we �.re talking about."
Mayor Milbert: "That we s.ay." "But now why da^aw it in just so it will fit." "So-ne o�
this w..�s re-zoned twu years ago."
Mr. Brubac'_ner: "This was back in 1956."
Mayor Milbert: "What has hap�e_n now, w� have - - - - -
Mr. Else: "How �.nuch �noney are ;ae talking about." "Can you find out from Mrs . Sala w?i.�.t
the a-n�unt of money would be?''
Mayor Milbert: "Can you find if you oo pull out again I think we ;aere strickly the
be�.efits be�ause (this part just d��es not make any sense:')
Mr. Ha�a'�.s: "i�Iaybe 2verybody s'�ould be assesse3."
Mayor Milbert: "Right no;a there is nothing to stop �.nyone fro:n puting in �p.�.rtment in
C-1-." "Is tnat right Jo'�n?"
Mr. Brubac_zer: "For o:�e thing you are cuttin� your require;ne:nts a great d�aal."
Mayor iKilbert: "Can not they still do so?"
Mr. Bru�a+�her: "Jo� s.�.ys no."
Mayor Milbert: "0 d�� not say right now I am opposed to any of this." "Like I say it
may�e low but I still w:ant to know."
i�o sld
Mr. Sun.dby; 'f�b�q� it still be revie3 to do w11at we �aant to d�?�'
Mr. Brubac'_ner: "Yes, you are given them a higher density."
Mr. Ha�aks: ""I think it gives them a lot more free3�,n of design."
The April 9th Special Zo�ing and Planning Commission �eeting minutes continued.
Mr. Stannard: "I still tnink we should tak in .nore area when ;aa 3� �,n.y�lusng ." "If we
take in an over all area we �ould �r would be better off."
Mr. Hawtj's: "'rhat would be for a lesst 12 ye�.rs."
Mayo.r Milbert: "It is 10�7% built," "i�lhy change it?"
Mr. Brubacher: "Do you w.ant to start to e�_zcourage it?"
Mr. Haw'�cs: "'rhis is the p,srt that is to be for high rise apartments."
Mr. Brubacher: "The idea is do you want to get more e�u than yoa hav2 now."
Mayor Milbert: "Anything ne�a coming in you have :�ZR-3'.'
Mr. Hawks: "We have somet�.ing about a nu-nber of lo�ations of what we could get."
Mr. Else: "Can we wait until these things come up?"
Mr. Hawks: "We �ould be ad:ne�zding the te_xt by puting in the M-2 and not put any land
in the area."
Mayor Milbert: "It has bezn there sence 1956 and why do anything about it now?"
^ Mr. Haw'�cs: "rhe less w-� change the better."
Mr. Else: "Can aot we alert the Buildin� �y4¢l�(�fE¢a��� Insp�ctor and h�.ve him say that
there are so�►e changes?"
Mr. Su�dby: "Is this the only one we �an m.�.ke the changes on?"
Mr. Hawks: "Yes , but I think we should change it at the base."
Mr. Brubacher: "I d�� not think you want to change this to MR -1-."
Mr. Else: "Did it effect it?" "There inust be a couple of buildin�s to go."
iKr. Haw�.s: "About 25 units." (The ��nen are working with maps as they t�.lk.)
Mr. Bloznquist: "At MR-2- will not effe�t it." "Do you think it would be smart to make
it a MR-2- district?''
� Mr. Malecha: "You �nay find tnat you '�ave to go �up as far as '� - 5-."
Mr. Else: "But we shosld leave MR-1- as it is no;a."
Mr. Brubacher: "Then you have your MR-2- District."
Mr. Stann.�.rd: "That is wl.lat we did _here." "We would _have the limits in the out lying
limits or areas and then the business areas."
iKr. Blorn�uist: "In t'ne �ormnercial areas so:neone can �ant to build an apartm?:�t."
Mr. Strojan: "The s.�.me thing is true in that you can build a reside�zce �:zly you have to
sp�ll out tne re�idence details."
Mr. Hawks: "But this in only a title."
iKr. Blo�nquist: "rhere is no restrictions on the �.,ormnercial."
Mr. Strojan: "rhe reason we suggested this approach the zone in Double Residence
requires 60 fezt wide lots." "rhe�n right in there a 54 fo�t lot can '�ave a
single residence." "'You are s.�.ying that these ap�ly there an� no place else."
"Paric Valley can have S foot side yards, whe;� should that be?"
Mr. Else: "That is the reatriction but was in w}ie�_z it was platted."
Mr. Ve�ely: "'Yes, you c�.n, but your rezo:�ing �nust be uniform." "rhen the o�aaer has
The April 9th Sps�ial Zo:�ing and Planning Co-mnission �eeting .ninutes continued,
The� the ow�ier has the right to go�� to court and ask to �ave less restriction
on his property if he ;ais'1es." "I can say that tne set bac?cs can be b0 fe�t."
"This ; he �an d��." "But I cannot make it 25 fe�t s'zoald it �e 30 feet."
Mr. Else: "Can the zoning restrictions say that the lots are 100 feet an3 not be 75 feet?"
Mr. Ve�ely: "No."
Mr, Haw'�s: "You have two 3ifferenct police�ne;.-�." "The Zoning laws and private Industry."
Mr. Vesely: "Some one _night want a 40 foot lot and the �it�. side you can not do tnis."
"�verytime he _nake a (I coald not hear w?iat NIr. iiesely had to s.�.y fro:n here
on as he w�a�-�t d��ra to �aards Mr. Milbert and talked to the side of the group
fro;n there.J
Mr. Stannard: "�o yoa not have to ad3 �zto this wl.iy you want to have these changes
Mr. Else: "We could have a re�o�nen3ation to have ;KR District changed to a MR-1?"
� Mr. Vesely: "Yoa are increasir� the use ." "The s.�.me land but you have to have a
hearino." "Those p�o��le ;zave a rignt to have the hearing."
iKr. Ha�,7ks: "You wo•sld �.rd�er a hearing to return a piece of property tn :KR fro�n ;�IR-1
and the other pie�e from '�4R, to MR-2."
Mr. Brubacher: At the sa�ne time change the prop�rty that is zoned w�zere it is zone
'�IIt other th.an ;�II2. to :�Ilt-2?''
Mr. Ha�a'�cs: "You will have to go on the M12."
Mr. Ve.sely: "Then you have to have a hearin; o�. each of the section you whicn to
Mr. Hawks: "The 3istrict as �aell as the text of the Ordinance has to be change3."
"rhis �aould not effect any of the property."
iKr. Vesely: "Yes yoa are �han;ing the value of the p.roperty." "Yoa c�.n not just
change the test of the Ordinance, it is a major s�zrgery on the z+�ning Ordinance,"
Mr. Brubacher: "I sup��se y1r. Vesely you right o.r build �ahat you ;aant and the_� let us
work it out."
Mr. Gustafs�n -noved and _Mr. Stannard seconde3 the notion that Mr. Hawks, the City Planner,
Mr. Blomquist the �ity Building Insp��ctor, and Mr. Strojan, the City Engineer continu� to
woric o:� section �, Multiple �eside�zce District, of Ordinance ��131 and cne�k sucn.
cizanges �;aith NIr. Vesely, the �ity Attorney, to :�ave ready for the next spa�ial
meeting o:� '�Iay �.+�th, 1963 before hearings and other reoular procadur�s for a�nend-
ino the Zoning map he recoznnended to the �ity Coancil. The _notio:� carried.
Mr. Su�dby: Case '�o. 62-18
Applicant: Mr. Rich.�.rd Prose_z in be'�alf of Hop�:cin�s Lolu-nbus Ho.ne Association.
Subje�t: A building permit on a lot that has bea_-� designated as a lot
to beco�ne a City paricing ra-np.
Request: A building p�rmit a.ad a re;^o�n,ne_ndatio.-� to the �ity Coancil.
ACTION RE�2UIRE�: Rec��nn���zd to the �ity Council
The April �nd. 1963 5pecial Zoning and Planning �on�ission �eeting continued.
Mr. Sundby: Case No. 63-18; Applicant: Mr. Richard Prosen in behalf of Hopkin�s
Col�nbus Ho�ne gssociation.
Subject: A building p�rmit on a lot that has b?en designate3 as a lot
to become a City p�rking ramp.
"" Mr. Sundby: "Jim, wnat do you have on this?"
Mr. Hawks: "Here is your down-town map." "You see we have lots 11, 12 and 13 set
up along with lots 22, 23, and 24 of Block 5 for parking lots." "Now
on Lot 24 the house that is there would be removed and Mr. Prosen's
group ;aould build an office, retail store and a club?" "iVow, this is a
question we have discussed .m�:ny times, what if some one come along and
prop�ses a use for one of these lots that does not go along with our
plan." "This has now happ�ned and we will now have to :nake up ��ur minds."
Mr. Malecha: "That go�s back to Paul's question that if we are going to work with this
plan we �nust adopt it."
Mr. Sundby: "But w� are really saying that we want to go along with the plan -ahen :ae
continue to ;aork with it."
Mr. Haw'�cs: "This particular parking lot is the one that we felt could be use3 for a
ramp." "It is a little bite .more than just the p,arking we are considering."
"We could shift to the Post Office but we might find that a poor idea also."
Mr, SundSy: "I'his is a key site as comp.�red to the outlined p.�.rking lots."
Mr. Hawks: "These p,arking lots .�.re to pick up tha outlying area parking."
Mayor iKilbext: "To go into this psrking lot pr�blem a little bite, our original request
was that we pick up 32 lots immediately." "Mr. Ho�aell says now trat we
can not pick up the 32 lots at this time." "He feels that it is to much
at one time, is not the ;aay you understand it, Doug?"
Mr. Tim�nerm.�.n: "That is correct, but they nave not said what are the principal lot in
tne plan."
Mayor Milbert: Mr. Gladwin said that he was in no hurry to see these lots picked up."
"He fe�ls that office building space is a bite over-d��ne right noa."
Mr. Hawks: "As stated e�ven this one :.ould be shifted South and it would be a key lot."
"But your are just prolonging the decisi,on.
Mr. Titrr,nerm,�.n: "If you contact the psople on 9th, you will fine that those threz lots
on 9th are or will be available."
Mr. Hawks: "The vhurch will be available soon."
Mr. Stannard: "At this present time it would not hurt to change."
^ Mr. Ha�aks: "You effect the p��ple on the South side �f Excelsior."
Mr. Tim,nerm,�.n: "If we :.ould move it would be better to buy this lot right no�a rather
than-let the lots get started being use3 for other purposes."
Mr. Stannard: "Yea, but I don't knoa just how :nuch money the �ity has to purchase this
The �pril 9th special Zoning and Planning CoTnnission meeting ;ninutes continued.
Mayor Milbert: "We sell bonds to buy the lots." "That is how we got the lots behind
m� and Hoa�lls."
Mr. Prosen: "The �ity can help by �eour moving the lot d�wn one." "We '�,ave sold our old
building to Bursch's and it will be p.�.id for by May 1, of 63.:" "That
will will help the problem behind Stannards and releave Brus�h's parking."
Mr. Stannard: "Bursch's can�t build on that lot e�ven if it is paid for as far as you
are concerned." "He has all three lots in or under one morgage and has to
pay them all off before he :.an make a nove of any kind."
Mr. Prosen: "i1e 3id not know that this lot was :narked as a parking lot when we bought
Ma.yor Milbext: "Maybe you did�nt but it doesn't seem p,�ssible." "The p��ple who sald
yo;a. the lot knew about it and the person selling the lot is the •�hairm�.n
of the committee."
"'� Mr. Timnerman: "'Le� Mason and Vesely both know about."
Mayor Milbert: "It seem strange though that it never came out."
�r. Tinnnerman: "Have you notice wizat Robbins�ale are doing to provide in�re 3o;�ntown
parking?`' "I can not see that the �iow you can afford the parking lots, but
I ean not see how you can afford not to buy this lot," "The is .�. question
of developing priviate �..ots, in other w��rds can one of these oaners b°ai's.d
a lot for himself."
NLayor Milbert: Mr. Vesely did not you nDtify these p�aple that this lot was in a proposed
section that was to be :.onsidered a parking lot?"
Mr. Vesely: "I did not know wao was buying the lot." "No, I did not know wno it was that
was intereste3."
Mr. Prosen: "There is one thing sure, we 3id not know it was to be a parking lot."
"This is the first land that we have been in accord on." "And if you are
going to put us off of this prop��rty we ;aill be a long time getting set
up for anytning else." "We _nove ��ery slowly." "We do not require the p,�.rk-
ing lot to the South of us." "Your parking lot to the Soath m���ns nothing,
yoar p.arkin; regulations go off at 6:00 p.m." "�1e �ave fifty feet af
p,�rking and that will take care of us." "That will be all the p�.rking that
we nee3." "Just wizat are w�a fightin�?" "This is a plan from the City
Planner." "Yoa have a plan fron the land o��rners saying that they would
rather have this area co:rnnercial zather than a paricing lot." "I csn't sea
how you can d� anything unless you have really said that yoa are goin� to
buy these lots."
Mr. Male:.ha: "It is unfortunate but wL have to say that this area is basically parking."
Mr. Prose_n: "4�That is on this land?" (p,�inting to the .map) .
Tne ap.ril 9th Spscial Zo:�ing and Planning Co:rnnission �neeting minutes continued.
Mr. Malecha: "That is for an office building."
Mr. Prose:z: "That is w?zat we want to build,"
�Ka.yo.r Milbert: "rhe other night you said you wanted a location so that it would be
clo�e to Excelsior Avenue and the s?zopping district be�ause you w.�nte3
a place for the ;suild store �uildin;; one plans calls for office ap,�.ce
and club roo:ns."
Mr. Prosen: "If there has been pla�i�y�g done it has been p.retty much o:-� and off."
Mr. Else: "I•��hink w�a have oiven it sufficent refection." "Everyone in town kno;as
that w� _zave '�e2n considering this plan."
Mr. Proszn: "Yon could put a ranp in here," (pointing to the �_nap.)
Mr. Hawks: "There is a six foot slide �zere." "With this i.zcline w-a have on this
property w�a feel it is such that w�� can put a ra-np in che�.p�r tnan on the
other lot." "You �aill find:.that we try to get your surface �arking a.nd
—. then try to get your ramps put in." "If you go into an office type use and
for a club tnat is o�ne thing." "I can only say that it has gone(meaning the
plan) as far as to have a petition signe3 and presente3 to the �ouncil."
Ma.yor Milbert: "People .zave really worke3 and :move3 �n this plan, for the past two
years we have meet and workeri over it and then for the City to be the first
ones to break faith after the others have oone so far, we ;aill have to
move fifty fe2t to stay in conf�:�nuiattin with the plan."
Mr. Ha;akss "This lot is twice the size - - - - "
Mr. Prosen: "You are saying you can condemn this piece and sell it ta us but you can
not conde�nn this piece?"
Mr. Haaics: "No that is not true."
Mr. Prose:n: ""I have discusse3 this with th� architect and t:liis is not good for our
prop,�sal." "35 feet is not long enough."
Mr. Hawks: "There is 48 feet in front and in the back it is 143 feet."
Mr. Haaks: "We are not trying to get you to m��ve and not build." "We would like to
thin� that you are another me;nber on the team.
Ma;o,: :Zilbert: "From our sta�dpoint you are talking about a two months planning and we
are talking about two years of work."
Mr. Hawks: "If you take this first one we really nave to have the other si�."
Mr. Prosen: "Yoa have a petition from the p�ople fro:n this area;"
Mr. Tinunerman: "We have �:zot contacted all of the_� �ut we 3� have a p�tition ,.signed
� by 60% of the�n."
Mr. Prosen: "Mr, Gladwin says that office space is all ready priced out of the m:�rket
and that you do not need .nore parking.��in this area." "If this is the
case ,ahy you can not get rental of this office you show on the m,�.p and
you would not need to have to :nuch parking in this .area," "Tlhis �neana
The April 9th Spe�ial Zoning and planning Connnission meeting minutes continued.
tnat you �n�st be in the position to make it possible to do �ithout so�ne
o f the p.�.rking."
Mr. Vesely: "Let me tell you s�meting." "In the first place there is nothing �hat can
stop you frum building to:norrow." "If the Council adopts the plan they
are bound then the minute anyone steps up for a building p�rmit to buy
the property from the o.ze re�uesting the p.re.nit."
Mr. Pros�n: "All I want is to h�ve you say if you refuse to give us perrn►ission to build
that `you nave to buy all six lots, not just one."
�Ir. Else: "I move that wa reco:rnnend to the vity Council that we p�rrchase this lot in
according to tne 3o�an-town plan, that is Lot 24, Block 5, West Minneap�lis."
Mayor i�Iilbert: "What is the s211ing price $19,20��. ?"
Mr. Pros�n: "'You are ooin� to do this through condesn�ation?"
Mr. Else: "If you force us to."
The other Gentlemen w'no �aas with Mr. Prosz�z: "Can I say one thinJ." "We are all
inte�este3 in the �ity and we 3� not want any .zard feei:�ngs %� the �ity,
and we regard your reconnnendations." "We nave a intere�t in the �ity as
a a�zole."
Mr. Storjan: "The iiis only one thing I have to say that the six lots in question."
"This is just the beginning, there are going to be a lot of lots that
peuple •aill want to d� so:n2thing with, I think it is good if you are go-
ing to go all the �way; but if you start then I think you have to continue
to do the same with e-��exyone."
Mr. Malecha: "I think these people should .'�ave be2n advised by their attorney and it
_ should :�ave be2n brought to your attentioa; if you did .not kno�a where you
�a?zere '•�uying you should have."
Mayor iKilbert: "i�lzat ,you did not know others did."
Mr. Prose:�: "I was encourage to bring this to a head." "I would agrea to the _notion
if it was to s.ay that you sho�sld buy all six lots."
that not
iKr. Strojan: "One thing that should be brought out and that is/all of the lots of
the doanto�an w��.s to be �ity lots." "But all of the lots �a�re to be bougnt
but the plan ne�uer did say w:zich should be ;ity lots." "Eve�Z this one is
not ne�essary a City lot." "Gnzat Dick and I say is that City lots are
beiag used by custo:ners; if they are being userl by e�nployees that is
another thing." "�Te 3� not have any inform�.tion to co:ne up aith to :n,�.k�
a recomme�ndation on." "As a result of this p�titio:� I have to :n3ke a
re:.o:nme�:zdation to this Zo�zing and Planning �om,nission as to what they
should do." "v1e are fignting to s2a if the ;�ity is goin� to provide
�aricing for e�nploye2s and �usto:ners or just c�ustomers." "I ha,Je to atick
my ne:.ic out and make that re�o:rnne:�datio�i."
The April 9th Spa�ial 7o�.zing and Plannin� Co;mnission meeting minutes continued.
Mr. Stro��n; "We are w.aiting for funds fro� the 701 program to :nade the study; whe��
the study is co:npleted then I will have to :n3ke .ny reconune��d.ations." "It is hard
to say right now just what it will be."
Mr. Sundby: "I have a motion on the floor, do I have a second?"
Mr. Gustafs�n se�onde3 the motio.-�. The motio�. carried,
Mr. Else •nove3 and :Kr. Gustafs��n seco:�de3 the �notio:� that the Zo�ing and Planning
Co;mnission re�o:nm�_nd to tne �ity Coancil to p•.�rchase Lot 24 Block 5, West
Minne.�.p�lis and the request for a building p�rmit be d�enie3 b�.sed �n the fact
that the Lot in questio:� is o:ze that is considere3 a key lot in t'ne over-all
"Do�ri-To�a�n-Plan" that has been studie3 and worke3 oz by the �o�ancil and various
Civic �o;rnnittees for the past two years." The �:notion carried.
Mr. Sundhy: Case '�o. 63-9-Adjustment
Applicant: Dr. L. W. McIver
Subje�t: An application to construct a propose3 sin;le reside-:zce with an
^ adjustment of side yard on the No.rth side of seve� feat instead
of ten feet.
Request: Gra:nt the adjustment.
AC�rzo�r xE2uz�n: Reco�rnn��zd to the City Coancil.
Mr. Sundby: "iKr. Hawl.cs, what are your findin�?''
Mr. Hawics: "This is wtiere he is." (s'•.�oaing a map) "The last lot on Yolly." "It is
a d•.ad e.�.d street." "The last lot is Mr. Sw.�.nson. "Sw.anson is here, his
drive;a��y if off of the alley. "He '�as ,�.gr�2d to s211 all the w:�.y to the lot
line." "He 3oes not w.�nt to cut any of the trees 3own." "It is a big house
that Dr. Mclver is w,�.nting to build it will cost over $40,0��0." "To the Soath
is the uolf Coarse and North 50 fe�t." "Behind :zim is Sw.3nson." "Space ;aise
,,,� there is no proble:�n." "The house is the same as the one Sw-�nson '�as now."
"The lot must be 80 foot but no� you are g�ing to find a h�rds'zip �ut of this
is 'zard for me to sze."
Mr. Gustafs��n: "Do they cover the w�ole lot?"
Mr. Sta�znard: "The think that holds it up is the d�rive�a..�y?"
Mr. Hawks: "He �an sell two feet to Sw.anson and give an easement."
Mr. Brubacher: "If the� were not friends Swanson would not be selling the lot."
Mr. Ha�aks: "Fro:n the �ities standpoint if ;you can co:ne up ;aith a reason all right, but
I ca.n not do s�." "The house is not designed to fit the lot."
Mr. Gustafson: "He should make the '�ouse deeper and not so wide."
Mr. Haw'�cs: "rhere are .nany ways he could :nake the house fit the lot if he waated to
^ do so.��
Mr. Gustafson move3 a.nd Mr. Sta�.nard seconde3 the motion that re�o:nme�.dation be nade to
the �ity Coancil toadeny the re�u�st for an adjustmeslt of side yard �n the North
side of seve� feet instead of te�-� tEeet." Phe �notioa carried, Mr. Else voting
The Ap.ril 9�h Special Zoning and Planriin� Co�mnission _ne2ting minutes continued,
Mr. Sundby: Case �Io. 63-13-Parking.
Zoning and Planning Cozunission
Custo�ner p,�xking; e,nploye� p�.ricing.
Request: Continu� the �ork on '�o;a to handle the psrkin� p.roble:n as it
"' rel�tes to both tne custo.ner and employe�s,
Action Require3: Reco�nnend any solution to the �ity Council.
Mr. Else :na�ve3 and _Kr. Malecha seconded the mutio�.-� that 63-13-Parking be continu�d
until the next sp�cial ne2ting of Mayl4th, 1963. The motion carried,
Mr. Sundby: Case �10. 63-3-Zoning
Subject: Rezoning of p.roperty North of 2nd Street betwe��n ,Jackson and
Tyler. This was covere3 by the visitors and .'Kr. Hawks.
Mr. Brubacher: "Let mp explain this." "This is the only timP we are going to ask
yoa to d� anything e��cept the regular work,"
Mr. Sundby: Case No. 63-2�-Sp�cial Use Permit.
Applicant: Socony Mobil Co.
� Subje�t: Hearing requeste3 for a prop�se3 b�ailding psrmit and a sp�cial
use p�rmit to build a proposed car clinic.
Request: Set a d.�te for a hearing on the special use p�rmit.
Mr. Gustafson .noved and Mayor Milbert se�onde3 the �notion that Resolutioa ��143 "A
COR�.VER aF r."XCELSIOR A'�ID MONK AV�VLTES", or that part of Lot 76, Auditor's Suh-
division a�239; startin� at the point of intersection of the �Vo.rth line of
Excelsior Ave_nue and the East line of Mo_-�k .Ave�-�ue, thence No3therly 3J0 feat in
an East line �f Monk Avenue; thence at 90 de�rees to a p��int 300 feet in an Easterly
direction; thence at 90 degrees, in a Southerly direction to a point of intersectioa
^ with the No.rth line of Excelsior Avenue, a distance of 276.74 feet, more o.r less;
theace in a W2sterly direction along the �Io.rth line of Excelsior Ave�nue to the
p�int of beginnino, a distance of 300.9 feet, more or less - - subject to ro•sd
way easenents. The .notion carrie3.
The _neeting adjourne3.
Mr. Sundby: "Therz is one more ite:n."
Case �Io. 63-12 Adjustm��ats and refunds
The �ity Coancil the ap�licant.
Subject: Review the d�vtaile3 plana��orice3 out by the Building Insp�ctor,
Mr. Blomquist; check such plan with the �ity Attorney.
Request: Check with the City Attorney, Mr. Ves�ly.
Action required: Re�omme�_zd to City Council
Mr. Su�zdby: "Joe, you will have to re-write this o�e."
Mr. Vesely: "To rez�ne in Eden-Priare cost $83.0�." i�hy s'�oud the City pay for it?°f
Mr, Stannard _no�e3 and Mr. Malecha seconde3 the motioa that re�onune_-�d�tions �f ap�roval
be ,nade to the City Council for the fQllo�aino admendments to be m,�.de to the
Uniform Building Code and to Ordinance -��131.
The April 9th, 1963 Zoning and Planning Co�mnission sp:cial me2ting minutes continued.
The Jniform Building Code, Section ��302-d shall be amen•3e3 to read:
Every permit issue3 b� the Building Official under the provisions �f
this Co3e shall e_:�pire by limitatio�.1 and beco:ne null and void, if the
building or work authorized by such p�rmit is not co�nence3 within
'"` six (6) m��nths fro�n the 3ate of such permit, or if the building or
wr�rk 3uthorize3 by such permit is susp�nde3 o.r abandoned, at any time
after the work is co,�enced, for a p�riod �f 120 3ays. Befo.re such
w�ric can be reco:mnence3 a new permit shall be first obtained to 30
so, and the fee therefor shall be o:�e-half the amou-it require3 fo.r a
ne;a p�rmit for such work, provide3 no changes .'•zave been made or will
be _nsde in the original plans and spe�ifications for such work; and
provide3, further, that such suspsnsion o.r abandonnnnt has not excee3e3
by one year.
If in the best judge,nes�t of the Buildind Official, a holder of a Building
Permit has bee_n unalbe to start the building o.r work authorize3 by s.aid
Buildino Permit darin; the six (6) mo:-�ths folloaing issu.�.nce of a permit,
be�ause of cQnditions beyond the ��ntrol of the holder of such p�rmit,
the Buildin� Official may on receivin;; payme��-�t of the ten d�llars ($10.00)
fee, grant a reas�nable extention of tim� to alloa the start of s�acn baildin�
or construction, but not to exce�3 six months.
Ordinance �k131, Sect. 13, Subd. 4 shall have the followino add��d:
The validity of any Special Use Pennit s'•zall co-incide �aith the
—• validity of tne Bu?wding Permit issue3 in con�.ectioa there;aith.
Ord:inance ��131, Se�t. 13, Subd. 5 s'z�.11 be repeale3 and the followino
Fees. An ap�lication for a Sp�cial Use Permit shall be accornpanied
by a payme:-�t of $3�.00 plus .�ny p�.�blication cost in excess of $7.50.
Ordinance �k131, Sect. 15, Su'�. 3 s?zall be amende3 to read:
�.pplication for any adjustme�t permissible u:�der the provisions of
tnis section shall be �_nade to,.the �¢��f����i¢yL��/:��/¢�I�/��pi�p(g
Buildino Inspector in the form of
a wxitte�_z application for a Building Permit to use the prop�rty or
premises as set forth in s.aid sp�licatioz, and be acco:np�.nied 'by th�
Buildin; Permit fee as require3 by Ordinance 1k192 and a fez of $3.i.0��
�lus •sny p�ablicatio��. cost in ex�ess of $7.50 for costs of pro�essino sts
such ap�lication for adjustme��.t of zt�nino require:ne�zts.
Ordin.�.nce �k131, Sect. 15, Su'�d. 5 shall have added:
-� The validity of any adjustme�zt to the require:n���zts of the 7o�.ing
Ordinance shall co-incide �ait:� the validity of the Building Per�nit
iss�aed in conne�tion tnerewith.
The folloaino s'�all be ad�3ed to �rdinance �k131, Sect. 16, Subd. 4.
Any pptitio�. to rezone any lan3 in the City of Hop'cins sh�.11 be ac-
conpanie3 by a p.�.y:nent of $75.00 (se�ve_-�ty-five 3�llars) to cover the
cost of processing said p�tito�-�.
The notion carrie3.
The ,n�eting adjourned.