05-28-1963 A regular meetin� of the Zo:zing and Planning �o�ission of the City of Ho�kins was held in the Coancil Cham�ers of the City Ha11 on Tuesday, Ma.y 28, 1963, at 7:30 Q.m. o'clock. Present were �hairman Sundby, members, Mayor Milbert, Gustafson, Stannard and Malecha, �. the City Manager, Brubacher, the City En�ineer, Strojan, the City Building Insp�ctor, Blo�quist and the �ity Planner, Hawks. Case No. 63-16-Rezoning Applicant: Ho�aard Nickody.n Subject Hearing publishe3 May 2, 1963, and aontinue3 to the ylay 28, 1963 :neztin�, for the rezoning from Single �eside�-�ce to Co�r,nercial -2- and for adjust- ment of side yards for the propose3 ��onstruction of a Conunercial building o�n the following prop�rty: Lots 4, 5, an3 32, Block 19 and that part of the East-West alley in Block Nineteen (19) , West Minneapolis Ce�zter, Hennepin County, Minnesota, lying Westerly of the �Iortherly extension of tne Easterly line of Lot Thirty-two (32) in said block. Request: Rezo:ze from Single Residence to Co:tunercial -2- District and f�r side yard adjustm�nts. Action: Mr. Malecha mo•ved and Mr. Stannard se�onde3 �his motion that the Zoning and Planning Co;rnnission re�oannend to the �ity Council that the request for re zoning from Single Resident to Co��nercial -2- District a�zd fo.r tne adjust- ment of side yards for the above 3escribed pro�psrty be 3enied �ase3 on the petitio�-� pres�nte3 the �oznnission carrying 125 names of residents on '1 Harrison and Va�. Buren Avenues and �n the o�jection made in parson by some thirty residents at the hearing; also the e�vidence submitted by the applicant was not sufficient to justify the requested rezoning. The :notion carried. Case �10. 63-15-Special Use Pe�mit. Applicant: Hop'.cins Co�-�tractors. Suhject: Hearing pablished May 16, 19b3, o.z a request f�r a Special Use Permit o.� the p.roposed �onstructio.z of two industrial buildin�s �st 641 - b47 - 13th Ave�nu� South or Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, Blo��k 56, West Min�eapolis. Request: The issuance of a Special Use Permit. Actio�l: Mr. Gustafson nove3 and :�Iayor i�Iilbert seconde3 the motion that the abo��e request be continued until the ne_�t or Ju;ze 25th, 1903 Zoning and Pl�.nning Co�nnission ;neetin�, due to the fact that :iopkins �ontractors 'zad not pres�nted the City Building Insp,�ctor or Planner with detailed plans as to the type of buildin�s they :zave in mind and tney w�re not at tne �neeting to do so. Th2 m��tion carried. Case �Io. 63-17-V. " Ap�licant: Midwestern Properites Subje�t: Hearing pablishe3 May 16, 1963, on an ap�lication to divide Lot 1, Block 2, Browers ad3ition into two building sites, adjustment of req��aired lot size from the required width of 100 feet to approximately �4 feet x 132.0 feet an3 78.3 feet x 132.0 feet. Requast: Approval to subdivide the lot for the p.roposed construction of two single family dw�allings on Lot 1, Block 2, Browers addition, Actioa: Ma.yor Milbert move3 a_nd Mr. Stannard s�conde3 the motion th.�.t the Zoning and Planning Co;�nission recomnen3 to the City Council it app.rove the request for side yard and lot size adjustments on the abo�ve described prop�rty. The motion carried. Case �Vo. 63-22-Special Use Permit. Ap�licant: Stephens Buick Subject: Hearing pablisheri :Kay 16, 1963, o:�. an application to construct a p�le type sign 48 fe�t high x 4 feet x 12 feet wide at 9�9 East Excelsior AveL-�ue. Re�uest: The issuance of a Special Use Permit. .-. Action: Mr. Gustafson ;nove3 and Mr. Stannard s�conde3 the motion that the Zoning and Planning Co�7nnission re�omrnend to the �ity Council it approve the re- quest for a pole typa structure to be set back (3�) thirty feet from the fro�nt line of the prop�rty; said structure to be 48 feet high x 4 feet x 12 feet wide at 909 E•�.st Excelsior Avenae. The :notion carried. 'Phe Ma� 28, 1963, regular Zoning an3 Planning Co:�nnission meeting minutes continued. Case No. 63-23 Special Use Pe��nit. Applicant: Mr. Ed. Finke, 23, - Harrison Avenue North. Subject: Hearing published May 16, 1963, on an application for a Special Use Permit "� to build an Industrial building in an Industrial Zone on the follo�ing describe3 proper�y: Lots 14, 15, 16, and 17, except the North�est 15 feet thereof of Block 18, West Minneapolis Center. Request: The issuance of a Special Use Pennit. Action: Mr. Malecha move3 an3 Mr. Gustafson secon3e3 the :notion that the Zoning and Planning Co�nnissian reco�nend to the City Council it approve the request for the issuance of a Special Use Pennit to build a proposed Industrial build- � ing in an In3ustrial Zone �n the above described property. The �notion carried. Case No. 63-24-Sp�cial Use Permit. Applicant: M:r. Ralph Rutledge Subject: Hearing publishe3 May 16, 19b3, for an at�plication for a Special Use Pennit to build an Industrial buildino in an Industrial Zone for a propose3 build- ing that will be use3 as a Berry Box Manufacturing Coinpany; the location, 610 - 14tn Avenue South, or Lots 1 an3 2, L. P. Crevier�s 2nd. Ad3ition. Request: A Special Use Permit to construct a proposed Industrial building. ^ Action: Mr. Male�ha moved and Mr. Stannard seconded the motion that Che Zoning and Planning Ca;mnission recomme��.d to the �ity Council it approve the request for the issuance of a Special Use Pennit to build a proposed Industrial Building on the above described property with the provisions that the front of sazd �prop�s�d building be constructe3 of brick, sha3ow block or so�n� othex typ�� of decorative finishing. The motion carrie3. Case No. 63-26-Zoning. � Applicant: Dr. Olson and Mr. Steve Sagmiller Subject: Hearing published y1a;� 16, 1953, for an application for rez�ning that part of Lot 71, Auditoris Subdivision ��239, Section 19, To;avns'zip 117, Ranoe 21, Henne�in County, Minneso ta from Dou'�le Residen�e District to Multiple Residence District. Request: To rezone the abo�e 3escribe3 property fro� Double to Multiple Residence �istrict, Action: Mr. Stannar3 move3 an�3 Mr. Malecha secon3e3 the motion that the Zonin; and Plan�.ino Co�mnission reco;�nnea3 to the City Council it a�nprove tiie request to rezone the above 3escribed property from Double to M7altiple Residence, but to confo nn with the propose3 MR-2 District requinnents of Ordinance .-.. �k131. Tlze motion carrie3. Case No. 63-4-Zonino and Planning Connnission on re-zoning. Applicant: The 7oning and Planning Connnission Subje�t: How to handle the (M-�) Multiple Residence prutions of Ordinance ak131. Request: To rewrite �he (M-�) Multiple Reside;L�e portion �f Ordinance ��131. Action: Mr. Stan�ard m��ed an3 Mr. Malecha secon3ed the �notioa that the Zonin�; an3 Plannin� Co�rnnission recotrnnend to the City Council the prop�se3 N�2-1 and MR-2 ane�-�ciment require:nents to Ordia�ce �k131. The motion carried. Case No. 63-29-SP. Applicant: NAPCO, Inc. Subject: Application for a Special Use Permit to co:�struct an a3dition on the South end of pres�nt buildino to use as �ynanomater Test Stan3 an3 Paint Storage Vault at 1600 South 2nd. Street. Request: Spvcial Use Permit: Action: Ma�aor Milbert move3 and tilr. Stannard seconde3 tlze �nQtion that a Res�lution " �k152, "A RESOLUTIOV OZDEUING A HEARING FOR THE ISSUE�NCE OF � SP�CTAT� USE PER1�fIT ON THE Pi20POSED �'�D�ITIOV TO �N EKISTTNG INDTJSTRIAL BUILDING IN AN IND'JSTRIAL 70iVE" at 1600 South 2nd. Strezt or that part of West 355 fezt of Nortlnwest 4 of Nortnwe�t 4 of Section 25, Towns'�ip 117, Ran�e 22, lying Northerly of railruad right-of-way a�d that Qax't of Section 2b, Township 117, Ran.ge 22 Co.�►unencing 1112.65 feet East of Northeast corner of North- east 4 of Nortneast 4i thence Sout'n 90 feet; thence West 25.25 fezt; thence The �a� 28, 19�3, r�gular Zoning an3 Planning Co;runission neeting minutes conLinued, Soutn to Nortnerly line of Minneapolis an3 St. Louis Railway right-of- way; the.�ce Lasterly alonb Nortlzerly line of said right-of-�ay to East line of Northeast 4i thence �orth to Nortaeast corizer thereaf; thence '�est to beginning, be approved. The motion carried. The tne,�ting adjourne3. , C. R. Peterson, Secretary of the Co:rnnission MENII3ERS: ATTEST: -�• ____ , Howard G. Sun3by, Chairman �