05-25-1963 � reoular me?ting of tne Zoning an3 Pla�nnino Co�unission of the City of Hopkins, Minn-�sota
wa:� called for Tuesday, June 25, 19b3, at 7:30 p.m. o�clock in the �ouncil ChamUers of
the City Hall.
� A quorwn was not present.
The meeting was adjourned ;ait'a cases No. 63-20; 63-31 and �3-32 continued until the
Special meeting of t'ne Zoning and Planning Co�ncnission to be held at 7:30 p.m, o�clock
in the vouncil Chambers of the �ity Hall oz July 9, 1963.
C. R. Peterson, Secre�ary of the Coimnission
Howar3 G. Sundby, Chariman.
A rebular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Co�mnission of the City of Hop'_cins �as
held in the Coancil Cham�ers of the City Hall on Tuesday, Ju�e ?_5, 1963, at 7:30 p.m.
o'c lock.
Present were Chairman Sundby, members Gustafson, Stannard, Malecha, and Larson. The
City Manager, Brubacher, the City Engin�er, Strojan, the City Buildinj Insp�ctor,
—. Blomquist an3 the City Planner, Hawks.
Case No. 63-30-Fence
Ap�licant: Donald F. Klassy, 310 Burn�s Drive.
Sujbact: The proposed construction of a fence; from the back of his lot to the back
of his neighbors ho:ne.
Request: A permit to construct the proposed fence.
Action: Mr. Malecha moved and Mr. Stannard seconded the motion that tne Zoning and
Planning Co:mnission recommend the City Council approve the anplication for
a permit to construct the proposed fence. An error in the ori�inal print-
in� of the Or3inance resulte3 in a _nisinterpretation of the Ordinan�e and
thereby caused a hardship. The motion carried.
Case No. 63-31-Special Use Permit.
Anp licant: M-r. Hed lund
Subject: A hearin� published June 27, 1963, on a reqiest for a Special Use Permit for
a nroposed addition to the existin,x, Hopkins Nursin� Hone; 724 County Road
��18, or that part of the Northeast 4 of Southeast 4 of S�ction 25, Tow�zs:zip
117 North, Range 22, West of the 5th Principle Meridian, described as
"'� follows: Co:mnencinj at the Northeast corner of the Northeast 4 of the
Southeast 4 of said S�ction 25, thence 3ue South 395.12 feet to tne place
of beginnin,x, of land to be described, thence Westerly at an angle of 92.31°
witn tne last described line 400.0 feet, thence South parallel with the
East line of said Section 380.0 feet, thence E�.st to a point on tne East
lin� of said Section a distance of 330.0 feet South of the point of beginning,
thence Nor�h to point of begin�in,x„ except the East 90.0 feet thereof
taken for road.
Request: Special Use Permit.
Act_ion: Mr. Malecha move3 and :�Ir. Sta.znard secon3ed the motion that the Zonin� a_nd
Planning Co�mnission reco:mnend to the City Council that the request for a
S�ecial Use Parrnit be approved for the above described pruperty. The motio:z
Case No. 63-29-Special Use Permit.
Applicant: NAPCO Inc.
SuUject: A hearin� published June 27, 19b3, a.z a req�sest for a Special Use Permit to
construct a proposed a3dition on the South ead of a_n existing buildin;; to
use a D;�nano:-neter test stan3 and paint stora;e vault; the location 1600
�` S�utn 2nd. Street.
Req-sest: A Special Use Permit.
Actio�n: Mr. Stannard :nove3 and M-r. Ma1er_ha secon3ed the motion tnat tne Zo�in� a:.z3
Plannin; Coaunission recommend to tne City Council that the .request for a
Special Use Per�nit be approved for the proposed construction on tnz above
described property. The ;notion carried.
Case No. 63-32-Special Use Per�mit.
App licant: M�. H. R. S�aeet
Subject: A Special Use Permit to construct a new 'uuilding to eala.rge the present
Dairy Queen business by placin� it on a ne�a site. The location, 1718
Excelsior Avanue or Lots 1 an3 2 an3 the North 102 fee� of Lots 3, 4, and
that part of L�t 5 lyin;; West of the East 25 feet thereof Block 2, Boule-vard
:Kana r.
Request: A Special Use Pernit.
Action: Mr. Stannard moved a_zd Mr. Malecha seconded the motion tnat Resolution ��15�+
COyll.�RCIAL -2- ZONE", or the �novin� of the prese.zt Dairy Queen '�usin�ss bj�
th2 pro�osed constructioiz of a n�w all-year-round type of Dairy Quee;z
structu.re at 1718 Excelsior Avenue or on the above 3�scribed pruperty be
approve3. The �notion carrie�..
Case No. 63-33-R�gistere3 Land Survey
Applican�: E. Gra.nt Hill Estate; G Reilly.
Su'aject: Approve a plat of the following proper�y; to wit: Beginning at the Soutn-
west corner of Lot 85, Auditor�s Su�3ivision �Iu�-ni�er 239, Hen;z��in Coanty,
Min�zesota; theatie South alon� the W�ast lin�� of Mon'c Avenae 80 fe�t; th�nce
� West and parallel to the South lin�� of Lot 85, 139.81 feet; then�e North
80 fezt to th� Soatnwest corn�r of Lot 8b; thence East along the South lin,�
of Lot 85, 13�.67 feet to th,� point of beginnin�, being part of Lot 90,
Aizditor�s Subdivision Number 239, Heiz���in Cowzt�, Mzn:���sota, accor3in� to
the plat thereof on file or of recor3 in the offices of the Registra.r of
Titles and Register of Daeds respectively in and for said Hennapin Couizty.
The North 20 feet of Lots 84 an3 85 in auditor�s Su'�division Nw-nber 239,
Hennepin County, Minnesota, accordin� to the �lat thereof oiz file a;-�3 of
record in the office of the Reoistra.r of Titles in a�z�3 for said Hen-z�pin
That part of Lot 9�, Auditor�s Subdivision Num�er 239, Hen_�.epin Coun�y,
Minnesota, lyin� East of tn� cen}er line of Bucha�a.n Street as sizown in
the plat of An3erson�s lst Ad3ition to St. Louis Park, extended iVorth, and
S��uth of the South lin� of Lot 8�, Auditor1s Subdivision Numb��r 239, Hen�.�Ypin
Coanty, Minnesota, an3 the sa:.ne exten3e3 West, except that par� of said
Lot 90, describe3 as follows: Beoinning at th� S�utheast corn�r of Lot 85,
Auditor Su?�division �lumber 239, Hen�epin County, Min�esota; thence S�uth
along th� West line of Monlc Avenue 80 feet; the�ce West a.nd parallel to
the South line of said Lot 85, 139.81 feet; thenre North 80 feet to the
"-' Southwest corn2r of Lot 80; to tne South line of said Zot 85; 139.81 feet;
tnence North 80 feet to th� Southaest corn�r of Lot 85; th�nce East alo.z�
tn� South lin� of Lot 85, 139.67 feet to the point of beoin-�in;;, also except
the South 80 feet of that part of said Lot 90 lying Uetween the extension
North of the W�ast lin�� of Lot 5 a-nd the East line of Lot 3, Blocic 7, of
Anderson�s lst Addition of St, Louis Park, according to the plat thereof
on file and of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in an3 for
said 23ennepin County.
Lot 85, also that Part of Lot 9��, !�uditor�s Subdivision i�wnber 239, Hen�epin
County, Minaesota, describe3 as follows; Beginnin;; a� the Nor�hwest corner
of said Lot 85; thence W�asterly on a lin,� which is an extension of the North
lin�� of said Lot 8o a distanre of 7 fezt; the:�ce South�rly on a lin� �arallel
to and 7 feet distant fro:n the W��st lin� �f said Lot 85 a 3istance of 80
feet; the��ce Easterly on a lin� ��ahich is a.� e�tension of tne S�utn lin�� of
said Lot 8� a distance of 7 fee�; thence Nortnerly alon� the W�st line of
sai� 'L�t 85 a 3istan�e of 80 feet to the point of beoinning, accor3in;; to
tne plat th�reof on file or of record in the office of the Reoistrar of
Titles in an3 for said Hen:�e�in County.
� That paxt of Lot 90, Auditor's Subdivision Number 239, Hennepin County,
Minnesota, described as follows: Co�mnencing at a point in th� South line
of said Lot 90 dista:zt 293.9 feet East of the Noxth�aest corner of Lot 89
in said su�division; thence Eaat alon� the South line of said Lot 90 a
dista_zce of 323.4 fe�t to the center line of Bucha�az Avenue in the plat of
Anderson�s First Addition; then�e Nortn alon� the e�tension ��f tha center
line of said Buchana.n �venue a distance of 566.2 feet to the No_therly lin��
of said Lot 90; thence Southwesterly alon; the Northerly lin� of said Zot
462.05 feet; thence South�rly 377.6 fee� to the point of begin-�ino, accor3-
in� to th� plat thereof on file or of recor3 in the offices of the Registrar
of Titles an3 2egister of Deeds respectively in an3 for said Hennepin Cou;ity.
Lots 5 and 7, Block 7, Anderson's lst Ad3ition to St. Louis Paric, an3 that
part of Bucha:za� �'�veirue va�ate3 lyin� East of th2 ceizter lin� thereof and
lyin� between the Westerly extensions of the Nor�h and Southerly lin�� of
said Lot 7.
Request: Appro�ve th�� plat.
Action: Mr. Malecna moved a.z3 Mr. Gustafson secon3ed the :notion that the Zoning
and PlanninJ Co�rnnission reco�Yunen3 to the City Council approval of th�
^ propossd Registered La�zd Su.rvey with tne su�geste3 road cn.an�es made by
Mr. Ha�aks, thz City Resid��nt Planner, relative to Lots E, F a:z3 G. on th�
above described property. The motion carrie3.
Casa No. 63-34-Special Use Permit:
Applicant: The `.�oun� M�n�s C�ristian Association of the City of Minneapolis, by
Mr. H. Gle�en.
Sabject: A S�ecial Use Permit tc� co�zstruct a proposed YMCA buildin� to be built on
thL followin;; described property, to wit: That part of Lot Sixty-eight (68)
Auditor�s Subdivisions Number 239 described as follows: Beginning at a
--. point 140 feet West of the Northeast corner of Lot 68; thence Southerly a
distance of 360 feet; thence Westerly at right angles a distance of 463
feet; thence Northerly at right angles a distance of 205 feet; thence
Easterly at right angles 280 feet; thence Northerly at right angles 155
feet; thence Easterly at right angles 183 feet to the point of beginning,
except those portions thereof conveyed to the City of Hopkins by deed re-
corded in the Office of the Register of Deeds, Hennepin County, Minnesota
in Book 1897 of Deeds, on page 157, and in Book 2111 of Deeds on page 614
and a piece beginning at the point of intersection on the East line of Monk
Avenue and the North line of the above described property; thence East along
the North line of said described property a distance of 175 feet; thence
North at right angles a distance of 20 feet; thence West parallel to the
North line of said described property to the East line of Monk Avenu�; theL�.ce
South along said East line to the point of beginning.
Request: A Special Use Permit.
Action: Mr. Gustafson moved and Mr. Stannard seconded the motion that Resolution
IN A BUSINESS-RESIDENCE ZONE", on Lot 68, Auditors Sub-division ��239,
� Hennepin County, Minnesota, or on the above 3escribed property. The motion
Case No. 63-35- Platting.
Applicant: Mr. Vernon Blatzheim.
Subject: Approve the plat of the follo�aing described property; Lot 15, Block 2,
Steven�s Oakwood Park, and Lots 4 and 5 of Turngren�s Addition.
Request: Approve tne Plat plan before Mr. Blatzheim orders his hard copies.
Action: Mr. Malecha moved and Mr. Gustafson secon3ed the notion that the Zoning and
Planning Co;rnnission recomnend to the City CQun�il that the request of the
proposed plat plan be appro�aed for the above described property. The motio�
Case No. 63-36-Special Use Per�nits.
Applicant: Metropolitan Automotive Company.
Subje�t: A re�u2st for a Special Use Per�nit for the proposed �onstruction of a new
Phillips b6 gasoline filling station for the exchange of the present Pnillips
66 Station locate3 at the corner of 12th and Excelsior Avenu� to the corn�r
^ of 15th and Excelsor or all of Lots 10 and 11, an3 the East /+2 feet of Lot
12, Block 8, Gib�s Ad3ition to West Minn�apolis.
Request: A Special Use Pernit.
Action: Mr. Gustafson moved an3 Mr. Larson secon3ed the motion that Resolution ��156
-2- ZONE" or Lots 10 and 11, and the East 42 feet of Lot 12, Block 8, Gibbs
Ad3ition to West Minnea�olis. The inotion carried.
Case No. 63-4-Zoizing.
Applicant: The Zoning and Planning Co:mnission.
Su�ject: To rewrite tlie (M-D) Multiple Residence portions of Or3inance ��131. Referred
to th� �ity Council who in turn referred it to the �ity Attorne3, Mr. Vesely,
to write the a�nendment to Or3inance �k131. Mr. Vesely requeste3 a discussion
with the Zo��-�ing and Planning Co�rnnission to clear up qu�astionable areas of
tlle propos�d amendment.
Request: A discussion period covering the �Iultiple Residence portion of Ordinance ��131.
-- Action: No actio:z :aas take�i on the ab��ve case. Mr. Reilly of the Hagen Reality
pres�nted so.me finding to the Con�nission. Mr. Reilly ;aould like to put his
findings in �riting and appear before the City Council and tne Zoning and
Plan�.ing Coirrinission relative to the prapose3 ad:nendment. Tize matter was
continu�3 until the neat Special or �uUust 13, 1963 Zoning an3 Planning
Co�nnission me�ting.
Cas� No. 63-27-Zoning
Applicant: The Zoning and Planning Co;�nission.
Subject: A report fro:n the Resident Planner, Mr. Ha�aks on '�is reco:mnendations relative
to how to handle 40 foot wide lots.
-� Reqaest: Reco�rnnend to the City Council for consideration.
Action: No action �aas taken. Mr. Ha-aks submitte3 his report; however the Zo�ing an3
Pla�zninu Co;iunission -ne�nbers wished to take time to study the report �efore
they make reco,-runendations to the City Council. The case was continu?d u�ztil
ou.r next S�ecial or Au�ust 13th Zoning an3 Planning Co�rnnission meetin;;.
No further business appearing Mr. Gustafson .no-�ed and i�Ir. Stannard secon3�3 th� ,-notion
that the Zozing and Pla�a_zino Co:�unission meetin; stand adjourn�3. The motion carrie�.
C. R. Peterson, Secreta.ry of tne Co�mnission
Ho�aard G. Sulidby, Chairman