07-30-1963 A re�ular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Coi�nission of the City of Hopkins was
held in tne Council Cha�bers of the City Ha11 on Tuesday, July 30, 1953, at 7:30 p.m.
Present were acting chairman Mayor Milbert, me�bers Gustafson, Malecha and Larson. The
City Manager, Brubacher, the City Enoineer, Strojan, t'ne City Building Inspector, Blo�quist,
�` the City Planner, Hawks, and the City Attorne�, Vesely.
Case No. 63-34-Special Use Permit.
Applicant: H. Glezen for the YMCA of Minneapolis.
Subject: A hearing published July 18, 1963 on a request for a Special Use Permit
for tne prupose3 construction of a building to be used as a YMC� building
Tape �kl. in a Business-Residence District; proposed building to be constructe� on
side �k2. the following described property; to wit: That part of Lot Sixty-Eight
O1 - 28 (68) Auditor�s Su'�-division Number 239 describ�d as follo�s: Beginning
at a point 140 feet West of tne Northeast corner of Lot 6�; then�e Southerly
a distance of 350 feet; thence Westerly at right angles a distance of 463
feet; thence �ortherly at right angles a distance of 205 feet; thence
Easterly at right an�les 280 feet; thence �ortherly at right angles 155
fe2t; then�e Easterly at right angles 183 feet to the point of beginning,
except those portions th2reof conveyed to the City of Hopkins by 3eed
record�d in the Office of the Rebister of Deeds, Henn��pin County, Minnesota
in Book 1897, of D�aeds, on page 157, a_nd in Book 2111 of De�ds on page 614;
a:nd a pie�a bebinning at the point of inter-section on the East lin� of
Monk Aveaue and the Nortn line of the above describe3 property; thence
East alon� t'ne �ortn lin� of siad describa3 property a distance of 175
^ fe2t; thence North at right angles a distance of 20 feet; thence West
parallel to the Nor�h line of said described property to the East lin4 of
Monk Avenue; thence Soutn along said East line of the point of beoinning.
Request: A Special Us� Per�nit.
Ar_tion: M�r. Gustafson moved and Mr. Larson seconded the motion that the Zoning and
Planning Co-mnission reco�nend to the City Council that the Sp�cial Use
Permit requested by Mr. H. Glezen for the YM�A of Minneapolis for the
above d above 3��scribed property subject t� the approval of the proposed building
plans by the Cities Building Insp�ctor and Planner. The motion carried.
Case No. 63-3o-Special Use Permit.
Applicant: M�tropolitan Auto:notive Company
Subject: � A hearing published July 18, 19b3, for a request for a Sp�cial Use Permit
for the proposed construction of a new Phillips 66 gasoline filling station
28 - 109 in exchange of the present property no� use3 by the Phillips 66 gasoline
station; to wit: The corner of 12th and Excelsior Avenue to the corner
of 15th and Excelsior or all of Lots 10 and 11, and -the East 42 feet of
Lot 12, Block 8, Gibbs Addition to West Minneapolis.
—. Request: Special Use Permit.
Action: Mr. Malecha moved and Mr. Gustafson seconded the motion that the Zoning and
Planning Co.�nission recommend to tne City Council that the request for a
Special Use Permit on the above described property be approved; The
Co.n;nission also approved the new type of Phillips 66 gasoline station
Uuilding construction �hich has a trianolar canopy, a�nd extends from the
roof of the building upward and towards the large "66" sign with the
p�ek of the canopy fitted around the sign. Such type of construction
normally requires a variance, but because of tne hardships that would
be caused by the moving of the building back to accomodate the construction,
(sucn movement taking away the re4�ired parkinj in back of the building,)
and because this typA of construction is the present "trade �nark" of all
present Phil�ips 66 stations and not to have this construction would prove
an economic hardship to the Pnillips 66 dealership the Co:�nission also
appruved the variance subject to the buildinus approval by the City Build-
ing Inspector and provided that other sundry type of business such as
trailer rental, used car sales, sale of wood and etc. are not condacted
with the normal services and sales of a gasaline station. The znation
Case No. 63-38-Sign
Applicant: Cities Service Oil Co. , representative, Mr. Ada-ns.
Subject: A requzst from the Cities Service Oil Co. for a sign, a ped��stal pole a�nd
389-432 six feet in diameter; the location, 404 Excelsior Avenue West.
Request: Pennission to erect the sign.
'rhe July 30, 19�3 Zoning and Planning Co�mnission meeting minutes continu�d.
Action: Mr. Ma.lecha moved and Mr. Gustafson seconded th� motion that the Zoning
and Planning Co�nnission reconnn��nd to the City Council that the above re-
q�est be denied base3 on the reasons the Council gavz wiie�z tne requ�st
a;��eared before them; first, that the Service Station's product was a
�- secondary service an3 a convenience to the prime service a�ffered by the
Car Wash; and secon3, because if a car was to pull into the station for
gasoline only, it would have to move o�z through tne car wash to get eoress
to the street. The motion carrie3.
Case No. 63-37- A house noving permit.
Applicant: Harold Faucher
Sabject: A request tu move a house fro�n 119 Shady Oak Road to 600 - 7th Avenue Soutn
or to Zot 1, Block 61, West Minneapolis.
Request: A permit to move the house.
Action: On July 30th, 1903, our Building Inspector, Mr. Blo:nquist, received a
telephone call from I�Ir. Harold Faucher requesting that nis application b�
remove3 fro.n the agenda.
Case �Vo. 63-39-Reqaest for an adjustment.
Avplicant: Richard Prosen, for the K, C's of Hopkins.
Su'�ject: A request to ap�ear b�fore the Zoning and Planning Co�rnnission to request a
319-388 five foot front and a ten foot Year adjustment for their propose3 new
building. The location, 34- lOth Ave�.ue South or Lo� 13, Block 6, West
Reqaest: A five foot front and a ten foot rear adjustment for tneir propased new
Action: Mr. Larson ,no�ed and Mr. Malecna seconde3 the motion that Resolution No.
FROVT OF THE PROPOSED BUILDING" at 3�+ - Te:�tn Avenu� S�uth or Lot 13,
Block 6, West Min:�eapolis. Said buildinj to Ue the future hom� of the
Hopkins Kniglzts of Colu.-nbus ,Organization. The motion carried.
CasA No. 63-13-Custo.ner and Em�loyee parking.
Applicant: The Zoning and Planning Co:mnission.
Su'�ject: A report prepare3 by the Chamber of Co:�nnerce a.nd a survey prepare3 by Jim
439-6$2 Ha�aks, our City Planner, relative ko Custo:ner and Emplo;�ee parkin�.
Request: Revie,a and discuss the report.
Action: A partial report was given by Mr. Hawks, however the finishe3 report will
b� rea3y for the Council m�etin� of Aubust 6, 19-�3.
Case No. 63-4-Multiple Residence Districts of Or3inance ��131.
Applicant: The Zoning and Pla.znin,x, Co�mnission.
Subject: An Or3inance a�nendin;; Hop'cins Or3inance �io. 131, known as the Hopkins Ordinance
115-318 as to how to handle the :rlultiple :Zesidence District of the Or3ina_�ce.
Reqaest: Study and reconnnend an a_nend:nznt to Ordinance ��131 for a '�earing.
Actio.�n: Mr. Malecha ,no��ed and tilr. Larson seconde3 the .notion that Resolution No.
THE HOP�.INS ZONING OIZ�INANCE"; tne areas affecte3 fall in the followin�
locatio�n and boundary lines.
Fro:n Multiple-Residence to :�-1
Lots 11 through 22,inclusive, Block 7, West Minueapolis;
Lots 11 through 22, inclusive, Block 8, W�ast Min.zeapalis;
Lo�s 1 t'nroug'n 19, inclusive, Block 9, West Minn��a�nolis;
Lots 1 throu�h 18, inclusive, Block 10, West Min:�eapolis;
. Lots 18 through 22, inclusive, and the South 15 fe�t of Lot 23, Block
^ 6, Wes't Min:-�eapolis;
Lots 1 tnrough 6, inclusive, and Lo'�s 13 �nrougl.i 18, inclusive, Blocic
11, West Minnpanolis, inclu3in;; vacate3 streets;
Lots 1 tnrough 3, inclusiva, Dr��;a�s Hom�stead, including vacated Streets;
Lo*s 1 tnrough 20, inclusive, Blo.^.k 13, West Minneapolis;
Lots 32 through 37, inclusive, Bloc:c 3, W�ast Minneapolis;
Lots 7 througl.i 18, inclusive, Bloc'�. 2, Wast Min�.eapolis;
The July 3�, 1963 Zoning and Planning Co�nission neeting minutes continuzd.
Lots 1 through 30, incluaive, Block 1, West Minneapolis;
Tnat part of Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 2 and Lot 31, Block 1,
-- West Minneapolis, lying South of a line parallel to a:zd 130
feet Soutn of the South line of Excelsior Ave;zu�.
Lot 7 Au�.itor�s Subdivision ��242, Henne�in Cou;zty, Minn�sota,
ex�e�t tnat part tnereaf d��scrib�vd as follows: beoinning at
the Southwest corner of said Lot 7, thence North aloiz� West
line of said Lot 191.52 feet; thence East at right angles
131.53 feet, thence Southeasterly d2flecting to the right 65
d�orees and 35 minutes from the prolongation of the last above
de�cribed course, to the intersection �aith the S��utherly line
of said Lot; thence Westerly along said Southerly line to tne
point of beoinning.
From M�ultiple-Residence to :�IR-2
Lots 13 through 24, inclusive, Block 58, West Minzeapolis.
All of Elmo Park Addition.
Tiiat part of tne Northwest 4 of Northwest 4 of Northwest 4
of S�ction 24, Toranship 117, Range 22 lying North of a line
parallel to and 450 feet North of the North rig;zt-of-way
line �f State Hiohway No. 7.
Fram Business-Residence to MR-2
Lot 58 and the North 132 feet of Lot 69, Auditor's Subdivision ��239.
Tlie West 165 fee� of that part of Lot 70, Auditor�s Su'�division
��239 lying Nortn of M:Cnnehaha Creek; and the West 165 feet of
Lo� 69, Au3itor's Suhdivision ��239;
That part of Lot 70, Auditorts Sub3ivision ��239 lyin� South of
Minnzhaha Creek.
That part of the Northwest 4 of Nortneast 4, Section 19,
To-a.�.s?zip 117, Ran�e 21, lying Nortn o f Minne:�a'�a Creek.
Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 1, Rubel and Gold.nan Addition.
Lots 1 and 2 and Oatlot �kl, Block 2, Rubsl a�nd Gold:man Additio�z.
That part of Tracts K, an3 D. , Reoistere3 Land Survey �'�501 lyin�
bet��aeen ti►e Southeasterly line �f said 'rracts K. an3 D, and a lin�a
parallel to and 350 feet Northwesterly fro:n said Soutneasterly
line of Tracts K. and D.
Fro:m.�usiness-Residence to Co�rnnercial -2-.
That part of tne Northeast 4 of Northeast 4 of S�ction 23, Towns'zip
� 117, Ranoe 22, lying South of tne South right-af-way line of State
High;aay ��7 and East of tn� Nartheasterly rigizt-of-way line of the
Chicago and Nortnwestern Railway.
That part of the Southeast 4 of Northeast 4 of Section 23, To�anship
117, Ran�e 22, lyino Northeasterly of tne Southwesterly right-of-way
line of the Chica�o and Nartn-aestern Railway.
Lots 7 throu�h 11 inclusive, Block 1, Souba Addition azd
Lots 14 throu� l$ inclusiva, Block 2, Gibb�s lst. Addition to
West Minneapolis.
That part of the rignt-of-way of tne Chicago an3 Northwestern
Railway in the Sautnwest 4 of the Nortnwest 4 of Section 24,
Township 117, Ranoe 22, lying between tne extension Southerly across
said rig:zt-of-way of the East an3 West line of Lot 14, Block 2,
Gibb�s lst. Addition to West �Iinneapalis. The motion carried.
Case No. 63-19-Zoning.
Applicant: J. Russell Carroll
Subject: An ap�lication by J. Russell Carroll for the rezoning from Busin��ss Residence
683-597 to Cozrinercial -2- for the follo;ain� described area; to wit: O�z Highway
No. 7 East of Minnehaha Creek or that part of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Minne:�aha
� Oa'�.s lyin,x, East of Minneizaha Creek; Section 19, To:ans.zi� 117, Range 21,
Hetzn�pin Couaty, Minnesota.
Request: To rezone th� a'�ove 3escribe� property.
The July 30, 19�3 Zoninj and Planning Co��nission ;neeting minutes continued.
Action: M-r. Gustafson moved and Mr. Malecha seconde3 the motion that Resolution
-^ 2, 3, and 4, Minneizaha Oaks, lying East of Min�zeizaha Creek, Sect.ion 19,
To�anship 117, Ran;e 21, Hennepin County, Min-�esota. Also that all parties
including the State Highaay be notifie3 of the above hearin�. The motion
No furtner business a;�p��aring before the Comrnission the meetin� stood adjourned.
C. R. Peterson, Secretary of the Co:runission
Donald J. Milbert, Acting Chairman.