08-13-1963 A special meetino of the Zoning and Planninu Co:rnnission of the City of H�pkins was held in the Cou;zcil ChamUers of the City Hall on Tu�sday Au�ust 13, 1903, at 7:30 p.m, o�clock. Present were Cnair�nan Sundb�, members Mayor Milbert, Gustafson, Malecha, and Larson. The City M.�nager, Brubacher, t�e City Enbine2r, Strojan, the City Building Inapector, Blo:nquist and the City Planner, Hawks. � Case No. 63-4-MR-1, MR-2 an3 C-2- ame�3�.nent to Or3inance ��131. Applicant: Thz Zonin,a, an3 Pla-_zning Co;runission. Subject: How to a�n�nd the Multiple Residence and Business-Residence sections of Tape 2 Or3inance �k131. Reel 2 Raques't: Discuss and prepare for the hearing to be izeld on tnis subject on the atta�ne3 335 - 479 suggested resolutioiz containing the effected areas. Action: No action aas taken, but the Co�rnnission reviewed and prepared themselves for t'ne hearin,x, to be held on Auoust 27, 19b3. Case No. 63-13-Parking report. Applicant: Zoning and Plannin� Co�nnission Subject: Customer parkin,; Employee parking. 479 - 487 Req+a.est: Study tne re�ort as presented by Mr. Ha�aks. Action: Mr. Ha.aks �aas unable to havz the report ready and tnerefore the znatter was continued until the ae.�t sp�cial me2ting or S�ptember 10, 19�3. Case No. 63-37-Zoning A�plicant: The Zoning and Planning Co�rnnission Sabject: A report from the Resident Pla_nner, Mr. Haaks on his recommendations relative 487 - 598 as to how to ha_ndle 40 foot wide lots. Req�a.est: Re�view Mr. Haaks, tne City Plann�rs, report and offer suggestions. � A.tion: Mr. Gustafson ,noved and :�Ir. NLalecka seconde3 the motion tnat the re�ort from th� Resident Planner, Mr. Haaks, on th� �natter of han3ling 40 foot wide lots be recoannanded to the City Council for their consideration and reco:mnen3ation to the City Attornaj� to dra�a an Ordinance admending Ordinance �k131 Subd. 17. Case No. 63-40-Sp��cial Use Permit Anplicant: Minneapolis Terminal Warehoase Subject: An addition to the East side of th� building and South of the present office 0 - 336 portion projection. (said buildin; n��a bein� use�i by the Honeywell Company). The location 600 - 2nd. Street North. Req�aest: A Special Use Permit. � Action: Mr. Larson ;no•Jed and Mr. Gustafsan seconded the motion that Resolution No. 160, "� RESOLUTIOV OZ.DL�ZING A HEARING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A SPr�C?AL USE P�,RMIT FOR THE PROP�SED �'�DDITIO:V TO AN EXISTIN� BUILDING IN THE INDUSTRIAL AREA", or to th� building now used by Honey�aell Conpa�y at 600 2nd. Street North, or Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 all in Block 1, West Minnea�polis Center, together with that portion of the vacate3 alley adjacent to an3 Easterly of the abo�ve des�ribed lots. Tize �notion carried. No furtner business on the agenda the _neetin; stood adjourned. C. R. Peterson, Secretary of the Cormnissior ,,. ME�ERS: r� AT'�EST: Ho�aar3 G. Sundby, Chairma_z