Resolution 142 (Official Publication) .-. CITY OF HOP�INS Hennepin County, Minnesota ZOIQING AND PLA.NNING CONL"IISSIO:I RESOLUTIOV N0. 142 "[� RFSOLUTIOV ORDERING A HE,4RING O1V CERTAIN AP�LICATIO:V TU CONSTRUCT A PROP�SED �ASOLINE FILLING SZATI0:1: TO REZOVE FRQM SINGLE-Ri;SI- D�iVCE TO CO�IERCIAL -2- AND FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT" W.iiEREAS, an application has be�n file3 with the Zoning and Pla�zning Co:mnission of the �ity of Hopkins that the follo;ain� described lands which are now in Single-Reside�ce be rezoned to Co:rnnercial -2- ^ Zo:�e of the City of Hop'.cins, Hennepin Coanty, Minnesota viz: "Fra.n Single-Residence to Co�7r,nercial -2- all tnat part of �.ot-_number Seventy-Seven (77) , Auditor�s Sub3ivision Number 239, Hennepin Co�snty, Minnesota, d�scribe3 as follo�s: Conum�ncing at a point in th� center line of Excelsior Boulevard Thirty and On�-Hu-�3re3ths (30.01) feat West, m�asured along tne center line from th� point of intersection of said center line ��aith t?�e East line of Lot S�venty-Seven (77) , e�tended; thence S�uth along a line parallel with and distant Thirty (3��) feat West of tne East lin� of said Lot Seventy- Seven (77), a distance of One Hundred Tweizty-Seven (127) feet; tne:nce West alo�zg a lin� parallel with the South line of said Lot Seventy-Seven (77) a distance of One Hundred (100) fe�:t to the point of beginning of the tract to be d��scribed; tnence North alon;; a line parallel with the East line of said Lo� Seventy-Seven (77) tu the North line of said Lot Seventy- Seven (77); thence Westerly along the i�orth line of Lot Seventy- Se�aen (77) to the Nortnwest corn�r thereof; thence South along tn.e '�Test line of said Lot to a point Forty-Five (4S) feat North of tne Southwest cornsr of said Lot; then�e East parallel with _, the Sout?� line of said Lot O�ze Hundred Thirty-Three (133) fe2t; theizce No.rth parallel with said West line of said Lot to the intersection aith a lin� dra'�an fro:n the a�tual point of bebin- ning parallel with the South line of said Lot; thence East in a straight line to tne actual point of beginzing, subject to rioizts acquired by City of Hopkins for street purposes in Doc. No. 529320, Files of Rebistrar of Titles THEREFO�E; :�.i_ is ordere3 that tn� Zoning and Planning Co;rnnission hold a hearing o:� said rezoning in the Coun�il Cha-n�ers in the �ity Hall at a special meeting of said Co�rnnission to be held on April 9th, 1903, at 7:30 o�clock p.m. and that the Secretary of the Co:ronission sizall give seven (7) days publishe3 n�tice of said hearing in the official n�wspaper of the City b� p:xblishin� a copy of the resolution tnerein. Adopte3 by t?�e Zoning and Planning Co�rnnission of the �ity of �` Hopkins �Iinnesota at a regular meeting held February 26th, 1963. C. R. P�TERS�JN HOW��:R� J. SUDTDBY, Cizairman Secretary of the Co:�nission of tne Zoning and Planning Co:zunissioz JOSEPH C. VESELY City Attorney Published in the Heiinepin Ccunty Review, Hop?cins, Minnesota, March 28t:�, 1903 `