Resolution 156 (Official Psblication) --. CITY Or HOPiuNS Hennepin Cou�.*y, Minnesota ZONING A:.�TD ?i�A�'�TNING CO��TiSSION R�SOLUTIOII N0. 15� "ti R�SOLT.JTIOIJ OR�.:R�L�1t� A HF�IRTNG FOR THE ISSTJANCE t)F A SPECTAL US� PLR;�ITT F0�2 THE P�OPOS�D ��ONSTR7JCTI0IJ 0� A GASOLINE FILLING STATIOV IN THE CO��RCIA.L-2- ZONE AND THE 'TRr1NSFERRZNG OF !�N EXISTING BUSINESS" W!�EREAS a writte�z application has '�ee� made �o t'ne Buildinu Inspector and tne Zoi-�ino and Pla:�ning Comrnission for the constructio�. of a �e��ain pxopose3 construction of a gasolin,� fillinj station and tha transferring of an �xistin;; busin�ss on tha following 3escribed premises situate3 in � Hopkins, Hen;�epin Cosnty, Minnesota, viz: Lo�s 10 and 11, a�3 the East 42 feet of Lot 12, Block 8, Gibbs Additio� to i�est Min�ea�olis. NOW THE�2EFORE, IT IS :iER�BY Ol��ili;� that tha Zonin� an3 Plannin,a, Cortnnission of tn� City of Hoplcins �aill hold a hearin� on said application - in the Council Chami�ers in th� City Hall of th� City of Hop�cins o.z July 30, 19-�3, at 7:30 p.m. otclock, and that the S�cretary of the Co�unission shall give se�ven (7) da�s publishe3 n�tice of said izearin;; in *�h� �fficial news- paper of the City 'oy pu�lis.zin� a cop�r of this resalution ~herein, Adopted �b;� tne Zonin; and Pla�znin� Co�mnission of the City af Hopkins Min�:z��sota at a special meetinU thereof held on July 9, 19��3. C. R. P�TER5011 HOW.,�.RD G. SU1�IDBY, Chairrnan for the Secre�ary of tne i.oin�nissio�z 7oning and Planzin� Co�mnission JOS�.PIi C. VESE)�Y, City Atcorney Ps'olis.z��d in =h� Heiz�epin County Review July 18, 19��3. .-. .