Resolution 157 "`� (Official Publication) CITY OF HOPKINS Hei��.epin County, Minnesota ZOVING AND PLANNING CO�IISSION RESOZUTIO'� OV. 157 "A RESOLUTZ011 OI2DERING A HEARING OV A FIVE FOOT (5) ADJUSfiMENT r0� A PR��POSED BUILDING IN A CONII�IE�CIA.L -1- DISTRICT". W.�3E�EAS, a w.ritten application has been ;nade to tne Building Ins�ector and th� Zonin; and Pla.nning Com�nission for the propose3 construrtion �f a ceztain building b� the Knights� of Colw-nbus Organization �aith a req�,zest for an a3justment of tne required front yar3 set back on the followin� ,.� describe3 prenises situated in Hopkins, He�n:�e�in Cou�zty, Minn��sota, viz: Lo� 13, Block 6, West Minneapolis. NOW THEREFO�R, IT IS HEREBY OZ.DLk�E�J tnat tne Zoning an3 Planning Co�unissio�. of th� City of Ho�kins will hold a '�earin� o;� said anplication in tha Council Chambexs in th� City Hall of t'ne City of Hopkins on A.u�ust 27, 19�3, at 7:30 p.m. o'clock, and tnat tn.e Secretary of the Co�7nnission s:�.all give aeve���. (7) days published notice �f said hearin� in the official nv;as- p�:ner of the �ity 'oy pu'�lisning a copy of this resolution t'nerein, Ado�t�d b;� the Zo�ning and Planning Ca�mnission of the City of Hop'cins Minnasata at a reoular mee�ing tn�reof held July 30, 1953. C. R. P�.TERSON HOW.a.Rll G. SUNDBY, Cnairman of tne S��retary of the Co�unission Zonin; a_nd Planning Coimnission ,TOFSr'.P:3 C. V"r'.SELY, City �ttorney. Published in tne Heiznepin County Revie�a Au;;ust 15, 19�3.