Resolution 159 .... (Official Publication) CITY OF fiOPKINS Hennepin County, Min�-��sota ZO�IING AND PLANNING CO�II�IISSION RESOLUTION N0. 159 "A RESOI.UTIOV OZDERING A HF,AR.ING ON APPLICATIOV F0� REZOVING OF CERTAIN P�OPERTY" i�PrIEREA.S, an ap�lication has been filed with the Zoning an3 Planning Co�rnnission of the �ity of Hopkins that the following d�scribed lands w�iich are no�a in Business-Residence to Co��nercial -2- District of tne City, viz: ,^ Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, M:innehaha Oaks, lying East of Minne�.aha Creek, Sectio�n 19, To-,�mship 117, Ran,x,e 21, He�nepin County, Minn�sota. NOId TIiEREFOZE, IT IS HEREBY OZDERED that the Zonin;; and Planning Cozn- missio.�. hold a hearino .on said rezonning in the Council Chamuers in the City Hall at a regular meeting of said Co�mnission to be �eld on Auoust 27, 1963, at 7:30 p.m, o�clock and that tne S��retary of the Co;.runission sizall give se-ven (7) days published notice of said hearing in the official n��ws- paner of t'ne City �y pu�lishing a copy of the resolution therein, Adopted b� t'ne Zoning an3 Planning Co�rnnissio:� of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota at a reoular meeting held July 30, 1963. --, C. R. PETERS�JV HOWARi) G. SUI�IDBY, C�.airman of the Secretary of the �o�mnission Zoning an3 Pla:nning Co�.rnnissio,z JOSEPii C. VES�LY, City Attorn�y. PUBLISHED IN THE HEVNE�IN COUNTY RFVIEW AUGUST 15, 19�3. .-.