Resolution 158 CIT`i� OF I-�OPKINS - HE?VNEP,LN COJNTY, MLNNESOTA ?OVZNG AND PLANNING CO?DKISSIOi1 RES�JLUTIOv N0. 158 A RESO�TJTIOv 02DERING A HEARIN� ON REZOVILVG OF CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM 1K[JLTIPLR RESIDENCE 'TO .tiRl -1 A_ND FROM MtJLTiPLE RESIDE�TCE TO .�Ri -2 AND FROM BUSINESS rRESIDEVCE TO �O�fER- CIAT 2 ��TD TO Nfit-2 WHERE��S tlze City Cou�zcil of the City of Hop'•cins on its o;an motion referre3 to the Zo�ing a_n3 Plannin,x, Coi�n.ission of tne City of Hopkins a plan to establish certain differently described :multiple residence �ategories to be kn�;an as MR-1 an3 Nfit-2, and has further p��titioned said Zonin� and Planning Co;lunission to reconsider the busin��ss residence district as heretofore esta'�lis?.ie3 and more ^ particularly that the following 3escribed lan3s situate3 in �he City of Hopkins, which are no;a in the _nultiple resid�nce 3istrict, s':zall be �laced in tn�� NfiZ-1 district, viz: Lots 11 through 22, inclusive, Blocic 7, West Minneanolis; Lots 11 tnruugh 22, inclusive, Block 8, W;st Min��z2apolis; Lots 1 through 19, inclusive, Block 9, West Minneapulis; Lots 1 through 18, inclusive, Block 10, Wast Minaeapolis; Lots 18 thruugh 22,� in��lusive, an3 the S�uth 15 fezt of L�t 23, Block 5, We�t Minneapolis; Lots 1 thruu�h b, inclusive, an3 Lots 13 tnrou�h 18, inclusive, Block 11, West Minneapolis, in�lu3in; vacated streets; Lots 1 throuoh 3, inclusive, Do�a�s Ho:nestead, inclu3ino vacat�d Stre�ts; Lots 1 through 20, inclusive, Block 13, West Min�.eapolis; Lots 32 throu;h 37, inclusive, Block 3, West Minneapolis; Lots 7 thr�ugh 18, inclusive, Blo�k 2, West i�Iinneapolis; Lots 1 t�.rou�h 30, inclusive, Block 1, West Minneauolis; � That part of Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 2 an3 Zot 31, Block 1, West Minnea�olis, lyin;; S�uth of a lina parallel to a�nd 13!J fea� S�utn of the South line of Excelsior Avenue. Lo* 7 Auditor�s Subdivision ��242, Hennepin County, Minn�sota, except that part thereof described as follo�as: beoinning at tlze Southwest corner of said Lot 7, thence North alo�.g West line of said Lot 191.52 fezt; thence East at right angles 131.53 feat, thence Soutneastexly 3eflecting to tne right 65 degrees and 36 :ninutes fro:n th� prolonoation �f ti�e last above ��scribed course, to tne intersection with the Southerly 1in� of said Lot; then�e Westerly alon� said S�utherly line to t'ne point of beoinnino. And tnat the following described lands wizich are no;a in the �nultiple resident district be place3 in tne :�f�4-2 distict, viz: Lots 13 thr�ugh 24, in�lusive, Block 58, West Minneanolis; All of Elmo Pa:�ic Addition; ^ That part of tne Nortnwest 4 of Northwest 4 of Nortnwest 4 of Section 24, To�anship 117, Range 22, lying North of a line parallel to and 450 fe�t Nor�h of the �or�h right-of-way line of State Highway I1o. 7. And that the following 3escribe3 lands w'zicn are now located in the '"' business resid=nce 3istricts shall be �lace3 in th� NR-2 district, as follows: Lot b8 and the �orth 132 feet of Lot 69, Auditor�s Sub- division ��239. Tne West 165 feet of tnat par� of Lot 70, Auditor�s Sub- division ��239 lying North of Minn�haha Creek; a;-�d rhe Wast 166 feet of Lot 69, Auditor's Sub�3ivision ��239; That part of Lot 70, Auditor�s Subdivision ��239 lyin; South o f Min�.eha'�a Creek. That part of tha North;aeat 4 of the Northeast 4, Se�tio:�. 19, To�ans:�ip 117, Ralzge 21, lyino Nor�h of Minn��'�aha Creek. Lots 1, 2 an3 3, Block 1, Rubel an3 Goldma.n Addition. Lots 1 and 2 and Outlot �'kl, Blocic 2, Rubel and Gold�nan Addition. Tnat part of Tracts �.. and D. , Registered Land Surve;� ��561 lying betweetz the Southeasterly line of said Tracts K, and D, and a line parallel to an3 350 feat Northwesterly fro:n said S�utheasterly line �f Tracts K. and D. And that the followin� described lands which are no;a located in t'ne ,1 business residence districts shall be placed in the Co�rnnercial 2 District, viz: That part of the �Vori:heast 4 of Nortneast � of Section 23, Township 117, Ranje 22, lyin� South of the South right-of-way line of State i3ighway ��7 and East of the Northeasterly right- of-�aay line of tne Chicago and Northwestern Railway; That part �f the Soatheast 4 of Nortneast 4 of Section 23, To;a�Lzship 117, Ra:zge 22, lyim;; Northeasterly o f the Soutn- �aesterly riglzt-of-�aay line of the Cnicago and Northwestern Railway. Lots 7 through 11 inclusive, Block 1, Souba !�ddition and i�ots 14 througiz 18 inclusive, Blo�k 2, Gibb's 1st. .Ad3ition to West Minn�apolis. T;�at part of the right-of-;aay of the Chicaga and Northwestern Railway in the Southwest 4 of t'ne North;aest 4 of S�ction 24, Toan.ship 117, Ran,x,e 22, lying between the extension Southerly across said right-of-way of the East and West line of Lot 14, Block 2, Gib�'s lst. Addition to West Minneanolis. ,� NO�J, THEEZEFORE, IT IS :IEREBY ORDERED that the Zonin; an3 Plan.�.ing Co,n;nission of tne City of Hop'.cins shall hold a '�earin,a, o.�. said rezonin�, as herein�b�ve set forth, in the Cou�cil Cha-n'oers in the City Hall at Ho�'.cins at a sp��ial mezting of said Co�mnission to ba held on Se�te:n�er 10, 19�3 at 7:30 o'clock P.M, and that the S�cretary of the Connnission shall oive at least sevan ��a,�s published notice o�. said hearing in the official newspapar of the City by publishin;; a �o�y uf this Resolution therein. P�,SS�D AND ADOPTED 5� the Zoning and Plan:�ing Co�Yunission of the Lity of Hopkins at a regular meetin� thereof held July 30, 1963. C. E. PETE�2SOv, HOWARD G. SU�IDBY, ;CHAIR!v1[-1N OF .-. S�cretary of the Connnission Zonin; and P?a�_Anin; Co�mnission JOESPH C. VESEf�Y, City Attorne� Published in the Heszne�in County Re�vie;a Au�ust 29, 1963.