12-26-1961 A re�ular meetin� of the Zonin� �nd Plannin� Ccmmission was held on Tuesday, December 26, 1961 at 7:30 p.m. in the Cit,y 'Hall. Present �aere Chairman [�cgleitner, Mayor Milbert, Councilman Else and members Gustafson, Stannard, Sundby, the City rlana�er, Brubacher, �i+-y rn�ineer, Strojan, and Consultant Planner, rir. H�.���l:s. t-1r. 1?ilbert noved and Mr. Gus�sfson seconded his cnotion that P.esolution r?o� 104 "A � �SOLUTION ORDrP,ING A H�ARING ON A CrRTAIN BUIL]�ING PERASIT APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT AN INDUSTRI.AL BUILDING IN AN INDUSTi2IAL ZONr AND FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A SPrCIAL US� PERP4IT THEIZ�OI"', the building to be located on T,ot 6, Block 1 , Mason's Industrial Addition; the bui_ldin�* te be upon the Northeast corner oi 7th Street Sou.th; said building flermit appl�- cation apnlied for by rir. Lee Mason and continued f.ror� *he October 31st and November 28th meetings be continued until the next 7onin� and Plannin� Cemmission meetin�. The motion carried. Mr. Sundby moved and I�4r. Gustaf_son seconded his motion that. recommendation cf approval be made to the City Council of Resolution No. 109 "A P.ESOLUTION ORDEnING A AEARING ON APPLICATION rOP. P�E70IVING OF C�RTAIN PP,OPRRTY' , the described lands ��rhich are no�a in Double-Resiience District and placins*, the :�<�me in Commercial "C-2" nistrici. of the City, viz: That nart of_ i:he Southeast ,-'`, of the Southeast ' of Section 23, To�•mship 117, North, P,an�;e 22, �dest of the Fif.th Principa.l rleridian, lyinv bet�veen a 1 ine nar�llel to and 150 feet �ast of the ��est 1 ine, and a 1 ine parallel to and 220 feet �ast of the [�lest line ef the following described parcel of land. Corimencing at a point in the North �ine of Chicago, :�Iil���aukee, �� St. PaLl Rail�aay Company R/tl distance of 660 feet ?aest of the East 1 ine o:E the Soui:h- east �-�, of the Southeast �; thence North parallel with the �ast line of saicl � Southeast � of the Southeast -,�, 495.3 �eet, thence �Jest at ri;ht angles 366�4 feet to actual point: of be�innin� �f. this description; thence South Parallel �aith the East line of said Southeast '; of the Southeast 4 a distance of 135 feet thence [•lest � t right an�"� �s a distance of 138�4 feet, thence South at ri�ht an�les a dist�nce of 263.0 feet, thence Glest at ri�ht an;les 165,2 feet to the ��]est line of_ said Southeas�t -,�� of the Southeast '; of Section 23, thence North alon` said tJest line a distance of 6i�2,0 feet, thence �ast at ri�ht anr�les a distance of_ 185,4 feet� thence South ut ri�ht an�les 194.0 �ent, thence East at ri�ht an�les a dist�nce o� 137,2 feet to point of be�inning. The motion carried. P�1r. Gustafson r�oved and rlr. Stannard seconded his motion that recommendation of approval_ be made to the City Council of Resolution No. 110 "A P,ESOLUTION OP,D�RIPIG A IIF.ARING ON A CERTAIN 1�PPT ICATION TO COIQSTRUC.T A PP�OPOS^D I?VDUSTP�IAL BUILDING IN A CERTAIN INDUSTP.I:�L A1Zr,A OR DISTI�ICT AND Ii'OP, TIIF ISSUANCE Or A SPECIAL US� PrI1�4IT TfiLEZEFOP.", the buildin7 f:o be located on Lots 1 thru 13, Blocic 1, T�est Minnelpolis �enter; said buildin� permit appli- cation applied for by the Minneapolis Terminal T;l�reheuse Co., located 4t 600 - 2nd Street Ner�.h. The motion ca.rried, Mr. Sundby moved and rsr. Gustafson seconded his motion that recommendation of apnroval be made i.o the City Council of '',esolution No. 111 "A PWSOLUTION ORD'.?RING HE.'�RING ON IS CEP�TAIN APPLICATION TO CONSTP.i1GT A PROPOS�D IT•"�USTRIAL BUILDING IN A CBRTAIN INDUSTRAII, � AR7;A OP. DIST�ICT !1ND FOR TIIF, ISSUANCr Or A SPFCIAL USr PEPSiIT TEirru FOP�", the buildin� to be Zocated on the �Jest z of vacated 12th Avenue South adjacent to Block 36, �Jest Minneapolis, that part of Lots 1 thru 7 and th� �ast L ef vacated �iley in Iilock 36, West Tlinneapolis, lyins� North of the center of Nine Ptile Creelc; or at 1202 - Sth Street South, said buildin� perrlit application being made by Thermotech Plastics. The motion carried. Mr. Gustafson moved and r�r. Sundby seconded his r�otion that � recommend�tion of denial be made to the City Council on a buildin� perrnit anp?ication made by Mr. T�ilfred J. I'unke to construct a �arage addit ion at 10 Hawthorne �tord �•�ith a vlriance from the required side yard of 10 feet. The motion carried. r:tr. Stannard moved and A1r. Sundby seconded his motion of recommendation of. approval to the City Council for a buildin� pezmit applic4tion Made by the Blalce Clinic to construct a neca Front entry�aay with a variance from the required front yard of five (5) feet; the buildin� located at 15 - 9th Avenue South. The motion carried. Mr, Gustafson moved and rir. Sundby seconded his motion that the buil<iin� permit application � made by rlr. Eimo Ginkel to construct �n apartment building in Industrial zoned property located on tract F., P,.L.S. #561 at 309 Monl: Avenue he continuecl until tl�e next 7onin� and Plannin� Commission meetin� to give time for further stuc�y. The moticn carried. '� P1r. Sundby moved and Mr. Stannard seconded his motion that the follo�ainG proposed ��ordin� �or Amendment i:o Section 11, Subdivision 3, be recommen�ied to the City Council. Section 11 OEf-Street Parl:ing in Residential Districts. Subdivision 3. (a) No. �arage or of�-street parkin� area which is accessory to a use 7ermitted in the respective residential district shall be occunied Minutes of the Dec. 26, 1961 Zonin� & Planning meeting, pa�P _2_ by an automobile or trucl:, the owner or assignee of which is not a resident on the site. No truck with a rated capacity of_ 2L ton or more shall be parked in a residential district Pxcept as necessary to conduct w service for �,hich. a i:rucic is requirec;. (b) In all sin�le and double residence districts, off-s�reet parking shall be provided on the same lot as the principal use. Parking � facilities for at least two (2) cars for each dwelling unit. (c) Off-street parking in Residential Districts for uses other than residential shall be permitted upon approval of a plan by the Planni.ng Commission and City Council. Said plan shall conform to the follo�aing prior to acceptance for consideration for approval. 1. Site shall abut on a lot wt�ich is in the "C" or "I" D istric+.. and be in the same o�mershin as the 1_und in �11P_ t�(;�� OI' ��Z�� District� 2. Adequate access shall be nrovided to a public alley or street. Such driveway access points sha21 nbt exceed twenty-tiao (22) feet in ��idth af the nublic walk center line. 3. The front yard shall conf.orr.i to that required f_or a residence in the area and shall be landscaoed in accordance with appropriate design for the area. � 4� The side lo� line shall be protPcted with fence not over siv (6) feet in heiaht nor less than four (4) feet :ahich is at least fifty (SO) nercent closed, or by a planting strin not less than twelve (12) feet in �.�idth. 5, Thct portion of the Lot not included �,�ithin the land- scape renuirement shall be sur"aced with a material �o c�ntrol dust and drainage. 6. The intended method of drainage for the lot sh�ll be shown. 7. I,ighting i� provided sha�l be accomplished in such a way as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent land in residential use. The mction carried. The meetin� adjourned, �. .^,. R. Peterson, Secretary to th� Commission T41;MBERS: �TTTsST: �. L. �,iegleitner, Chairman: �