07-31-1962 (2) The minutes of the July 31th, 1962 Zoning and Planning meeting are as follows:
Present were Ma.yor Milbert, Councilma.n Else, and members Sundby and Gustafson, the
City 14ana.ger, Brubacher, the City Engineer, Strojan, the City Building Inspector,
Blomquist and the City Planner, Hawks.
Mr. Else moved and Mr. Sundby seconded the motion that Mayor Milbert be appointed
Chairma.n pro tem in the absence of Chairman Wegleitner. The motion carried.
Mr. Else moved and Mr. Gustafson seconded the motion that Mr. Howard G. Sundby be
appointed Chaiman for the year 1962-63. The motion carried.
Mr. Sundby assumed the Chaimanship and continued with the evenings new business.
Case No. 62-29
Applicant: Sachs Nuts.
Subject: Hearing on the request for the issua.nce of a special use permit on the
proposed construction of an addition to an existing building at 1515
South 5th Street or the West 386.85' of that part of Northwest 4 of
� the Northwest 4 of Section 25, Township 117, Range .22, lying South of
the Southerly right-of-way line of the Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad
Company and lying East of the center lines of 16th Avenue South extended
Northerly, subject to an easement for street purposes over the South 33'
thereof and for a rear yard set-back from 40' to 1' .
Mr. Sundby: "You have the Staff findings, are there any comments?"
Mr. Hawks: "They have let the West side with the necessary 35' for the future
developing of 16th Avenue. It should be black-topped etc. , when it
is developed, (16th Avenue) Sachs will be over or under, Uut I don't
think we can at this time insist on an additional 16' ; the permit
coverage shows why but not the limites."
Mr. Holle: "Jim made a suggestion about the parking and it will be as Jim ask, the
rest of the parking will be more than adequcate."
Mr. Hawks: "Mr. Holle, why are we doing the parking like this?"
Mr. Holle: "In order to give us the six feet to landscape ."
Mr. Milbert moved and Mr. Gustafson seconded the otion that recommendation be made
to the City Council to waive the rear yard set-back requirement of 40'
to 1' on the proposed building and to issue a special use permit to
the Sachs Nuts Company with the following provisson:
(a) That a front yard of 30' be maintained and landscaped, free of
parking fronting on Fifth Street South from a line projected from
� the West side of the present loading dock and along 16th Street
(b) That a front yard of s_:.x feet be ma.intained and landscaped for the
remainder of the lot width along Fifth Street South with that
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���;e N�. 62-29-��
`, l��t�iti°ian�r: SA��kn Idu�s, �n�.
T�oc;a�.ion: 1515 Seuth .�ifth S�xee�
Acti�n Requ�sted: Ap�rQval of bcsilding pQratit to erect f. 14,0�� sq., r�� >
addi�ion �to th� exi.sti�ng buildinge
�T�.FF �+:�ND�NGS �..7D �Gi�tlF;Nx'S
1�, �:hc� si�e o,' r.he pxupoe�ed addition �a I.ocat�d in the I+�du:stria�
zo�e, :he .tor has fx•ontage on Soa�h Pifth Stre�+t and a parcel
c�f 1�nd 3.`�° i.n wicitlz haa been d�f.�?ed to the City for us�
+=s �u�bl�a rl�ht-o�-wa�� along the west side aubject tc, dev�e�.op•ve�nt
priar �� 196?. The lot has railroad frontgge on th� �I. anai St o ?�.
i�n�i con�:st.�is some �f7,(300 sqo ft,
2� 1'h� i�ropos�ad addit:ic�n is �o be uaed aa �a�xehou,ae space for cans
��n�l cri13. c��ntain uo�e 14,304 sq� fC.
3, �`bEa ma,jor t.t�oroughfar� sys�er,� as propose�3 extex�ds Gau.nty R�ed 7�
�" �;��aCt► ��ong Z7th �,vent�e to �'i�st St:zeet 3outh w�a�re it ve�r� �as�:
►.o �6t�i AvE�ne�� ancl thea� adu�h �c�oss Lhe trec�Ca ala,ng the 16t:�
�v�:m1f� a1i},�nm�nt pase the Sacks N�ts, bn�s sitee ��is tho3ou�.ghf���
ahen caampleted ta Shady Oak �Load is expectea to c�rry some IU,OQt�
`,, aeh�.�lea per daye
��, 'i'�;r: gen�r.a? t�rea :.� in fihe initilsa stages of develo�uent and thesa I
i:{zst indus�ries cuill establisl: �.tte deeelopment atmosphere� TtaeaR,
3i i.� im�o�tant �t�at raaeona'nle �ttand�rd$ be aHhered to.
S� Y�e ordirwnce pe�utits a loe aove::-a�e cf. u0'�, whii�h is high canp�r�d
.4 wost ne�aly d�vel�p�d induststai �axks. 30-�e0'� is a cc�nmon
s:.��:im� stipulatad it� p�iv�te re�trictiosis. �he peYcent of r.over�g�
inGlud�ng the addltior� �s propos�:d is 54`�a
6, T;a�: o�rdinance reqtrires that of�E-c�treet parking be pzovid��l �.�n th�
px�misea aiicl that ull dr.ivQs and parking areas be s�arfecFd, 'Phe
s tandard� �re 1 space for each Fc�ur persone e�ployed on r.!�e 1.arg��t ',
s�iftt, p�.u� space for coa�pany owr�ed vehiclea plus s�8ce f�or c�asta��eru;
Titi�se atr�nd�rds are very �a�nimemm..
�-' 7, �� granCfng a special permit under Section 13, Su�� 3 pro�vide:a th.at
ti�e Go�saciL �nay xr.clude Euc.h condi.tions as necessary. Thsas, it i3
r�camm�ndeci tha� the foilowing be cox�sid�:red:
�a7� That � Eront qarc of 3Q' be m�r.i��sined aud landscapeai, �ree
of parlcing Fron�ting on �ii:th SCre�t South from a linp p���jecz.ad
from �he w�st aicte oi' the pt�eaent loading dock and along 16t:�►
Street� �x�ojpcted,
`-' c�b� That s front yard of six feE:t be mai.ntained and landscapc�d
for tt�e remainder of ghe lot width along Fifth 5treet Su�nth
witt► th�t spPce between th�e frc�at ysrd being uCilized for
aff-str�et p�.rkir,g�
Gase No. 62-29�SP (cantinued��
�c� �hat rh� p�r�ing erea be swrfeced aad a�alls be painted
not 1Nss tYu�n �.S° x 18.�° ,
�,, �d j �hat ehe access drive �cu�b-ceae� �e limi�ed to 22° pl�us
xeturti radi�s cuxba �nd no moxe ��an thr�� curb cwta.
��;) ?hat nff-atree�t Io�di�� �aciligiee incl�,�diag �msna�veriug
apat� be i�►dicgted on Eh� pian and .ie�at�s�.led o, �
� .
(c) That the parking area be surfaced and stalls be painted not less
than 8.5 ' X 18.5'
(d) That the access drive curb-cuts be limited to 22' plus return
�- radius curbs and no more than three curb cuts.
(e) That off-street loading facilities including ma.neuvering space::
be indicated on the plan and installed.
The motion carried.
Mr. Sa��hs came into the Council room and was presented to the Zoing and Planning
Commission by Mr. Holle. Mr. Sachs thanked the Commission.
Case No. 62-28
Applicant: Thermotech Industries Inc.
Subject: Hearing on a request to construct a proposed addition to an existing
building, and for a special use permit. The location, 1202 South 5th
Street, or that part of Block 36, West Minneapolis lying Northeasterly
of Nine Mile Creek, including vacated alley,
Mr. Hawks: We review this at the last meeting and we didn't appear to have any
question on��� about the Nine Mile Creek situation. We wanted 25'
from the center line of the Creek." " We will be ove in the area he is
using for a driveway so there are no problems
Mr. Gustafson: "We want 50' for the Creek, 25' from the center?"
Mr. Sundby: "Yes."
Mayor Milbert moved and Mr. Else seconded the motion that recommendation be ma.de
to the City Council to approve the request for a special use permit with the follow-
ing provisions:
� (a) That a 25' easement from the center of Nine Mile Creek be obtained from
Thermotech Industries Inc.
(b) That a dust free surface be applied to all parking areas.
The motion carried.
Mr. Hawks: One other problem, on Sachs etc, that they surface their parking lots.
but let keep in mind that while they might not know just where the lots
will be they should contact me an� time they are going to do the work
on the ��rking lots and I will see them."
Mayor Milbert: "The Ordinance calls for dust free footings."
Mr. Brubacher: 'Yes, and red rock says it is dust free but it isn't."
Mr. Hawks: "You could say a 2' mat, but if we don't specify we can't do much."
Mayor Milbert: "I think we should say when we issue the permit."
Mr. Sundby: "We can table it for the time being, what is your pleasure?"
Mayor Milbert: "Let my motion stand."
Case No. 62-33
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Case No. 52-28-SP
Petitioner: Thermotech Plastica
' Loc�tion: 1202 3outh Fi�th Str�et
Ac:ion Request�d: A ape�cial p�xtuit to erect a 10,000 aq. £t. eddf.rion
to th� pree�nt plant.
L. �he aite is z�ned Indust.riel and contains lots 11 C�irough 17,
block 36, '�est Aiinneapo�.ia Addition.
�. 9 a�.ile �Y•eek cuts diagi.�anally acrooa lote 11, 12, and 13 and
then in a nor�h-south direc:ti.on glang the westerly side crf e:orn 1.4,
la, 15 and 17 o The creek ia epproxima�tely 12' tr,i wl.dth and �ai.th
ba�nks reuuires some 24'.
30 'Tt�e lots are 130 feet deep pZue ?° of s vacated alley. The �a:istiag
building is 10' eaat ox tbe line. Thus, the ��ildable diat�nae is
l�ai e minus 24° or I2.3' . The building propoaed is lA0' and t:aE: plo�
��.an indicatea A 25B drive a�.Qng �he e�st sidee
� '-: .� AF_ �he Dec�mb�r 26, I9u�: meeting, a similar request wae beforP the
P�.anning Commission and the subject of a xigh�-of-wey easemex�t:
fnr the creek came u�. It is again a sub;ect which should be
��naidered. The rec�m�endation is thse the right-o�-yray be at
Zeast 24` in width and preferably 50' . The fifty foot will.
germit a draia�ageway with a 12° channel, a 2: 1 slope with a a"
depth and a 10' area on each side for �ravel to maintain th� a�0° . ��
�e The site is 4uffici��Ytly large to acca�nddate garking for th�e
estimatect 140 employees. HoeaEver, it is suggested that th� p�;rking
b� indicated on the pl�t p�an �+ith each space no leaa than 8.�i` x
18.5', ns� gaxking within the 30' front yard, �hat the drives zind
parking area be surfaced and $paces paintede
6. Off-street loading s�ould be deaignated on th� plot plan, inc�.,cstfhg
maaeueering area.
7. Curb cuts limited to 22' plus return radiva with a l.imit of t��o,
Applicant: Herb Mason
Subjeet: To re-zone from Single Dwelling to Multiple-Dwelling District for the
proposed construction of an apartment building. The location, 601 -
17th Avenue North, or that part of the West z of the Southwest � of Section
13, Township 117, Range 22, corresponding to the South 124' of the
West 200' of Lot 7, in a Single-Dwelling District.
Mr. Sundby: "Mr. Blomquist, do you have nay thing on this one?"
Mayor Milbert:
Mr. Blomqu:;st: "The Herzon property is in this area."
Mayor Milbert: "He is the obje��cion."
Mr. Blomquist: "That is the only one."
Mr. Gustafson moved �at�ti Mr. Else seconded the motion that a Resolution ��122, "A
RESIDENCE DISTRICT" 601 - 17th or that part of the West 2 of the Section 13,
�-- Township 117, Range 22, corresponding to the South 124 feet of the East 200 feet
of the West 233 feet of said Southwest �. The motion carried.
Case No. 62-31
Applicant: William Nelsen
Subject: To construct a proposed industrial building in an Industrial
District to house the Twin City Water Clinic. The location,
613-619 - 13th Avenue South or Lots 20 and 21, Block 56, West Minneapolis.
Mr. Sundby: "Is anyone appearing on this application?"
Mr. Brubacher: "Why don't you do this, just order a hearing?"
Mayor Milbert Moved and Mr. Else seconded the motion that Resolution No. 123, A
to construct an industrial building at 613-619 - 13th Avenue South or on Losts 20
and 21, Block 56, West Minneapolis. The motion carried.
Case No. 62030
Applicant: Mr. George Uhl
Subject: A hearing to construct an addition to an exis£ing dwelling; a basement
garage with a family room above it. The location, 214 - 15th Avenue
North or Lot 8, Block 4, Gibbs lst. Addition to Wast Minneapolis.
Mr. Sundby; "Mr. Hawks, do you have any Staff findings?"
Mr. Hawks: "This is a fifty foot lot." "The lots around him are all the same."
` Mr. Uhl�s lot set up on a bank, He is some 5 ' above the grade at the
alley and so has a problem in gaining access from the alley." "If he
came in level with the grade for his garage the roof of the garage
would only be two feet above ground level.
� S �
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�'e����o���: 1'�ain ��!e3r 6Jater ��i��c ,�
Lo�:at�on: JLots 2� - 21, Bba�c€S �� t�'e�t �Iinr_�a*�flli�
Action Fteq��s�ed: Sp�cfsl ��i-�:�t �o c�r�N�4YL� a on� ����y bua.�d�n�
S�l�E�� P'�YdDING� AATA C�2i��TS
I e Tt�e �o� is in t�e "�nd�.s�ti�a3 ZQ�ze91 �:14i�1� �eqc�ir�s m t�ont
yard of 30' �ahi�.e �he plan as ga�opUsec? sY:o�vs A�� o
2a T�� plmn alaa indica��s tl:e �u�l��n� �s �ebn� 1�::u_ec� �a� Lhw
eaath lofi line c�hilr� th2 ordnr,.ance �equia�� IO° .
3e Tha lo� �conta�.ns 13,2a0 �quar� f��L, cahi�h �se:nl� ��r�i.� 7,g20
sqoa�re fee� o£ coverAge uncier �h� +ar�?inunce as c�a�are�l L•�
3�,b£30 p�epo�e�..
L. F, �ha oadinaa�ce requi�es �h�t gart��.n; �nd Zc��clin� ���.i3.��i�s b�
pr�vided and that tihey D� au�faeec� F•f�.�h a cc�sst f�:e^ subs�aneee
T�Ze p�sg?��.�.g design �.s not i�cdicut�d ale.?TG:I��1 Spacs: is ava�Ie�bl.�
tfl par�. 9 �Jeh3c�.es.
So �o inciLc��t�an is ��.�7en �s Lo lan��,=���a�.n�E ox� �i�n� n€ exterio�
6, S�wer snd aaater i.s r.ow avai Iab1� u_�d �., �,erreMg�. yla;.a a;-<_a i� :ra;��<�ving
in qtta�i�y of buildings. The scarfzic�ng of L-�e s�x�r�t and �r�ir�a��
should also b� considereu in C'ras �ea� fu�.uree
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�' ��L�.��o�ex�: �r o Geor�p L�hl
Locat:ian: 21� Ti��een�h ��=�er.u� P3�r�4i
Ac��.o� ReCugsged: A �r��isnce �a �ae��t �4's�� e�ee���n o� A L�a��:n.���
����ge an� fs�i�� z�so�:: L.rh�c�: c��.?� co�e �o �;i�3aa.n
3° 3" o� th� ��.�e tc� 7_�.n� i��s�:e��l of u' �^s rwq�i:��o
Siz� o� srguc�.ue is �2` .� 2�°.
��AF�' FI�3IPh�S IsIvD � .G�9'i�:3'T5
�, �,ot is located tn Ct3e '`Fl�.s' do��3e �esi�e�c� zetzw. �►s-�:, d���x�:�c�
�c:quir�s a lvt �rL��l� :.� ��° ar..€� a. ����a �� £�,��30 �c�. a�, e�c����
fo�: �o�s platted. pg��b to t:�� ada��:ic�n o� �h�.� orc��.r�x���� ��s����
sach l�t cuay h�c�e a �ai1�� oi ��° .
2, �-ach lo� s1aaZ2 l�avw v �S�:o:�fi y��::� �x ��' , ����= :;'�sd'�� �� 4° srsd �
raar yss� of 2�" .
� 30 ^x�� p�cs�osa3 f� to c�:cten� �:he hc���;e 12' �.J t�.e aoLei� s��.�.�i a �a:�s�e�t�
��rage �nd a �ami.lq �oo� an �c��. �Iz� ha�nae �s� rc�� r���t�a �.3 �.es�
t�a 3° fra� t:�e 1 i�2e anc�. s�e 3 3 �Se I ou �:.. U1S��°� !�tt o
� �, �is. TDhl's Ao� i8 s�e �° aba-�e �Y��e a21�J �h{ch ��eates � ��cb��s
Ls� g�i�ni�g access i�o� the a1�e�.
5> �n� gaa�tia�g of a varisn�.e i� r��.���o:n �o t��e g8ra�� I��a ���t� �s�r��
airece a g�'ade probiem does ��:�st ..~�t�d the g��atira� of � ��.r��anc�
to the �orth side 3 ot lire for a ��s�ffi�n� ga�^age �Q+a1d r��.t�� �hQ
�levatio�a ve�-y little fraa� w�hUt e�is�s. ;Iou�vsr, �o ���.aL� �a
a�oom �o �e consL-�t�cted �n �csp �€ �1�L gara�e e�culd p�.acQ a �Sigh �pa3.�.
��i��ntn aome ?° of gY�e house to Lize nor���o �hae is q���6i��a�b�e
since �h.e floo� ZevP1 0¢ �he haus� �s ab�ve t�:� El����.�.w�3 0� �he
Io� aad s�o ��ot�?em ap��a�s �o e:���t �o preven� t�a� b�n�Icling o�
additiongl roo�s to `h� �aes�.
C y ,�. �r���an�� �:� �?�sn�:ed on a �.o€� b�sis �r �ou�c� YiGL�S82tY� `,A p��a`
��5� lo� �c� l��.ve tl�e ss�e gxi*��:l�ges aa��I�� fiiie �ss�frbar.�v �a �L�s��
io`� in ��3is distr�.c�.
Mr. Blomquist: "He will have to raise the floor of the garage as it is to be on
grade with the street."
Mr. Hawks: "Your lot is three feet higher than the house next door. " "If you
�- build as planned it will sort of shut this man in." " Just eight foot
from him he will have a twenty foot wall." If you have to put up the
garage here it would be better if you could move the garage back then
your neighbor will be better off." "You have sufficent grounds to
grant the variance off the alley." "It will have quite an affect on
the hmme on the S4uth side."
Mr. Gustafson: "How about the proposed family room at the rear of his home?"
Mr. Hawks: "It is just an idea of mine."
Ma.yor Milbert: "Have the nei��bors been notified?"
Mr. Blomquist: "She has talked to me and told me that she wo�tld be up here if she
wished to object." "I have this thought thou, if you could move back
the garage it would be a help it would be your only problem and that is
not must of a one."
Mayor Milbert: "Will the neighbor be or have only five feet plus your three feet
between the two homes?"
Mr. Uhl: "Yes, I have five feet now."
Mr. Sundby: "If the slab runs down to your neighbor, is it your feeling that it
would justify the variance?"
Mr. Hawks: "He can justify the variance because of the problem he has in the alley.
"In ma.king that alley a point of entrance for his garage he can not make
his driveway equal to the other lots. If you could put the garage back
a little it would be better for the neighbor. But remember we have
a door in the middle of his house here."(pointing to drawing.)
Mr. Else: "Will you have to build a retaining wall?"
Mr. Blomquist: "No, it is down low enough here that he wont need a wall."
Mr. Else: (pointing to drawing) "Would not he have to put a retainer wall here?"
Mr. Hawks: "He would have to move all of that dirt from the front to way back here."
Mr. Blomquist: "He has a three foot bank. The line is almost as far back as the
foundation goes. The three foot would be level with his neighbors lot
or property."
Mr. Hawks: "How about your overhang, are you planning any Mr. Uhl?"
Mr. Uhl: "No, just 12'; i.< la�s ro-b_ �;:at to be over the window upstairs."
Mr. Hawks: "It would seem to protect the neighbor in this way."
Mr. Sundby: "Even if he would move it he would still have the same thing."
Mr. Uhl: "If we build it as planed on the North side their will be no windows and
she will have more privacy than she has now."
Mr. Sundby: "In most cases we have needed a letter saying the neighbor does not
object, should we require a letter from Mr. U�1's neighbor?"
Mr. Sundby: "Do you think you could get such a letter, Mr. Uhl?"
�- Mr. Uhl: " "I don't know but I can ask her."
Mr. Sundby: "It can be handled subject to his getting a letter from the neighbor."
Mayor Milbert: "Anyother suggestion, Mr. Hawks?"
Mr. Hawks: "With the family room the same elevation as the house on the North
and if he was to build from the door back it would take the adjoin-
ing proptery out of the sun."
Mr. Hawks: "What if you were back to the or your kitchen door?"
Mr. Blomquis�: "A twenty foot door and 16feet to the house, that's a lot of dirt."
Mr. Hawks: "Get somebody who wants the fill."
Mr. Blomquist: "Digging out the dir is the cheapest part of building, Mr. Uhl."
Mr. Uhl: "That is what I am afraid of."
Mayor Milbert: "You can't come in from the back?"
Mr. Uhl: "Then I would have to dig out fifty feet and Paul would be seven feet
above me and the roof of the garage would only be two feet above the
ground and the kids would be on top of it all of the time."
Mayor Milbert: (Pointing to drawing by Mr. Hawks) "You looked at this then?"
Mr. Blomquist: "Yes, I looked at it."
Mr. Else: "It doesn't sound iike the woman on the North knows what it is
all about."
Mr. Blomquist: "She said she would be up here if she wanted to object."
Mr. Blomquist: "He really can't do much else. "With a curb cut he can't drive
his car into the yard." "The drive runs right up." "When he gets
there he is hung up." "His approach from the alley is just now
possible." "He has only the front of his lot to use as a driveway."
Ma.yor Milbert: "The roadway is higher?"
Mr. Sundby: "He seems to have good reason for the variance."
Mayor Milbert moved and Mr. Gustafson seconded the motion that recommendation be
made to the City Council to approve the proposed construction of a basement garage
and family room over the garage provided the garage is set back from the front of
the house ten feet or to the East edge of the door on the North side of the house
which ever is greater and also provided the City Council wih a letter from Mrs.
Jacqualine Wyman of 218 - 15th Avenue North, stating she has no objection to such
an addition. The motion carried.
Mr. Sundby: "Mr. Uhl, you understand?"
Mr. Uhl: "Yes, I will check with her and get the letter."
Case No. 62-23
Applicant Dill and Nelson
Subject: To construct a single family dwelling on a forty (40') foot lot in a
Double-Residence District. The location 20 - 19th Avenue North, or
Lot 7, Block 14, West Minneapolis 3rd Division.
Mr. Hawks: "This is the one we discussed." "Where there is not any thing to
Mayor Milbert moved that the matter be tabled subject to additional informa.tion.
The motion carried.
Case No. 62-34
Applicant: Leslie R. Johnson of 4701 West 40th Street, Minneapolis 16,
Subject: To divide a section of property and to construct two dwellings on the
resulting two lots. The location �kl and ��5 Hawthorne Road or on Lot
1, Block 2, Browers Addition.
Mr. Hawks: "This the the lot that comes up for inquiry everyother month." "It is
an over-sized lot, not quite large enough for two lots in this area
�.:.� and to large for anyone to want to build on. " "It is 142' square."
Mr. Hawks: "We regularily require 80' for lots in this area.
Mr. Else: "It is wider in the back, it looks like it would work out to about 76'
at the back."
Mr. Blomquist: "We do require 80' in this area;"
Mr. Hawks: "Yes, we require 80' for these lots in this area; but this one is left
over, if you were to divide it equaly you would have 71� at the front
and 76' at the back ."
� Mr. Brubacher: "(looking at the map) We have a 17' easement on the North side
of this lot." "That pulls this in."
Mr. Johnson: "If there is a hearing would it be
Mr. Hawks: "(Something about deeds.) "They ma.y have expired."
Mayor Milbert: "When we sold off lots this same e�u:�stion came about."
Mr. Sundby: "You were aware of this 17' easement?"
Mr. Johnson: "I Checked and find that there is 12 feet." "If we could build
on this easement it is about three foot from the water main."
Mr. Brubacher to Mr. Strojan: "How deep are we here?"
Mr. Storjan: "'�he norma.l coverage, about three feet,"
Mr. Johnson: "I would be - -
Mayor Milbert: "Thi is up for discussion, nothing more;"
Mr. Else: "Basically I can see two nice home there."
Mr. Brubacher: "What does he want?"
Mr. Blomquist: "He came into see if ii� was possible for his to split the lots and
� build. -6-
�r. B�ubacher: "it would be necessary for him to - - -
Mr. Sundby: "Can �e refer this until the next meeting:"
Ma.yor Milbert: "I move we set a hearing on it."
�' Mr. Johnson: "This is not a cheap lot or they will not be cheap lots and I
have to know ."
Mayor Milbert: "If he would put up - - -
Mr. Brubacher: "The owner of the homes would be responsible for the water if
we should have to dig up the ma.ins."
Mr. Johnson: °tT�Ce way I have it figured the homes could be built and like as
not the water mains would never have to be taken up."
Mayor Milbert::"Maybe not but the City has to protect themselves."
Mr. Johnson: "Yes, that is right."
Mr. Else: "Can you move these so the garage can be built over the easments, Dick?"
Mr, Brubacher: "Yes, but if the easements have to be taken up they will be taken
up at the owner expense."
Mr. Johnson: "We could put the garage there better than the house and it would cost
about the same."
Mr. Johnson: "Here is a different plan I have for the inside lot."
Mayor Milbert moved and Mr. Gustafson seconded the motion that a -uilding Inspectors
DWELLINGS" at ��1 and ��5 Hawthorne Road or Lot 1, Block 2, Browers
Addition with variances of width, area and side yards be approved.
The motion carried.
Applicant: Towns Edge Oldsmobile, Inc.
�ubject: To construct a structure in an Industrial Zone. The location, 202
Excelsior Avenue West or Lots 19 and 20 Auditor`s Sub-division ��242
and for the issuance of a special use permit.
Mr. Blomquist: "This is the one they have in mind, (shows a long sign) it is to
connect on tn ;ihe fence a.t the end of The Oldsmobile sign and run
up to the Ramber building."
Mayor Milbert moved and Mr. Gustafson seconded the motion that a Resolution ��125
AND FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT", the location 202 Excelsior Avenue West or the West
� 150 feet of the East 225 feet of r_hat part of lot 20 and lot 19 Auditor's Sub-
division �242 on which an addition to the existing fence structure would be con-
structed, be approved. The motion carried.
Case No. 62-23
Applic�nt: Dill and Nelson
Subject: To construct a single family dwelling on a forty (40') foot lot in a
Double-Residence District. The location 20 - l�th Avenue North, or Lot 7, Block 14,
West Minneapolis 3rd Division.
Mr. Sundby: "This was tabled for additional information, Mr. Nelson, now that you
are here do you have any more informa.tion for us?"
Mr. Nelson: "What I want to do is built a house. I did not buy this piece
of property before the year of 1956. "It it would seem to me that
it would be better to have a nice small house on the forty foot of
this lot than to just let it stay there. You can't add on to the
other house."
Mr. Bloomquist: "The house he is speaking of is or look like a two room house on
one lot on the other lot is a garage."
Mr. Hawks: "The difference is that the Ordinance treats all lots less than 50
� feet the same. You must have had the lot prior to 1956. "As far
as the ordinance goes it would be like selling off part of the side
Mr. Nelson: "I have built quite a few houses on forty foot lots."
Mr. Hawks: ""I don't see how you can unless we admend the ordinance."
Mayor Milbert: "Do you think you can buy the other lot?"
Mr. Nelson: "The lot has 80 foot frontage on Excelsior and it would cost me
$8,000.00. "If I could build and leave the other house where it is
for a while it is one thing. But you can't put up a house in that
location and come out when you pay that amount of money for the lot.
There are a X�iE of l��yl��s here in town that have two house on them."
�. --
Mr. Hawks: "That is a good point; but if the Planning Commission think so we
should change the Ordina.nce to say so."
Mr. Sundby: "If he should build would he conform other wise?"
Mr. Hawks: "Yes, The houses across the street are on 40' lots."
Mayor Milbert: "Did you buy the other forty feet?"
Mr. H�:wks: "Can you move the other house ?"
Mr. Else: "What would gain by moving the other house?"
Mr. Nelson: "It wouldn't pay."
Mayor Milbert: "Have you considered building a double?"
Mr. Nelson: "It wouldn't pay, in ten years I might come out."
`- Mr. Sundby: "Maybe we should dig back into the history and see how the other
house was done."
Mr. Hawks: "The only reason it is different is the fact someone thought it should
be forty foot."
�ase Noo 62-23-SP
�'eti�ionero I?e�.l anc: fi�e:.son, Inc�
Lc�ationa 20 19th A��e., NAP
Aatian Requestedo F'exmit i:o biiild on a 40' lot p7.�t�Ged prio:c to ordi.n�n�;e.
�.� 7'his lo� is ].c�ated in t2xe '=i�It" zoning dis�rict which requires a width aP
50R on :�ots platted pr�,or '�.o the ad.option r�P this ordinanceo
20 �l.ock l�+ of 4�est Minneflpol::s Third T.�as pl.�tted with �06 lots. I�velopment.
Y�ss occured. on �K.i° - 60' 8a $0' parcels witr� lot 7 being occupied by a
double �aragee ;.ot 8 w�.th � smaU. house� lots 9 80 10 by one house e►nd
3.ot� 11 & 12 by one hoi�e o
�, T.hP lot is se-wwed by a pubzic f�lleya thua vehi�ular acceas is not ne�eas-
ary from the fronto F..c�xe�vE=r. the e�dsting ga�a�e is not oriented taRrard
the al.l�y o
1r4 7'he hause s.s pr�posed ��i.l.l be in confo��ce �rith the "D�t" regul�►tions
with. the excepti.on oP ?.ot. wid�h azid areao Z`husa Sect. lly Subd� 1? pr�-
vides tYaat the Zot is bu3ldabte far a singl,e-femi.ly house upon 3hoWing
�Y�t said lot fr:.s sepe�rate�•Y art,raed or under contre,�t for sale on ��G� 209
1.�56� Otrerwi se q it is not� rec o�nized. as a buia.d.able 1ot�
Mr. Sundby to Mr. Hawks: "Could you draw up an ordinance for this sort of thing
by the next meeting?"
Ma.yor Milbert: "No one is going to split a 80' lot, is this other house far
.... enough away so you could build?"
Mr. Blomquist: "This little house is not over 20' deep. He would be 40 foot
in front of it."
Mr. Gustafson: "Is it right on Excelsior:'?"
Mr. Blomquist: "It is just off of Excelsior on 8th, this one was built a long
time ago."
Mr. Sundby: "Do you have a starting date?"
Mr. Nelson: "I would like to start in six weeks."
Ma.yor Milbert: "Has anyone an ordinance handy?"
Mr. Else and Mayor Milbert look at Ordinance �k131 to see what section applies
to this case."
Mr. Blom�uist: "Ithink it comes under that. The date is 1956.
Mr. Else: "Here it is, Subd. 17."
Mr. Else moved and Mayor Milbert seconded the motion that recommendation be ma.de
to the City Council that Subd. 17 of Section 11 of Ordinance ��'131 be revised to
eliminate the requirement as to ownership of property prior to the effective date
of Ordinance ��131 or Ma.rch 26, 1956 be approved. The motion carried.
Mr. Sundby: "You understand, Mr. Nelson, what we are doing?"
Mr. Nelson: "Yes, thank you."
Mr. Sundby: "Is there any thing else on the agend?"
Mr. Bloomquist: "I have one, it got lost in the office. It is to rezone a Single-
._ dwelling District to a Multiple-Dwelling District.
Case No. 62-36Z
Applicant: Hirsch Bros.
Subject: To rezone from Single-Dwelling and Double-Dwelling District to a
Multiple-Dwelling District. The location llth Avenue South or Lots
13 through 24, Block 58, West Minneapolis.
Ma.yor Milbert: "That is the piece that the Creek goes through."
Mr. Sundby: "Do we have a map on this area?"
Mr. Sundby: "Mr. Hirsch are you here to speak on this?"
Mr. Hirsch: "Yes, I am. We want to build two or three eight or twelve unit
apartment buildings. (Pointing to the portion to be re-zoned) In
� here the�e are nine lots; we propose to build on them. Most likely
three buildings. You have industr�al- zoning here and here it is
Double-Residence here."
Mr. Gustafson: "That is Moline there?"
Mr. Hawks: "What is your intention to do with the Creek which is on or cuts across
this lot?"
Mr. Faucher: "We plan to fence off the creek; build up a picnic area and put up
a couple of bridges and have a really nice area around it."
Mr. Hawks: "Did you hear the discussion that there must ;be 25' easements on
each side of the creek?"
Mayor Milbert: "It would be necessary that we have 25' easements by the creek;
the City would require the easements. It could be in lawn, driveway,
etc. , we would have no objection to this type of easements."
Mr. Else: "How many lots are there here?"
Mr. Faucher: "Nine in all. We would use six of the lots to build on. When the
creek starts to cut across we would put in parking etc. Seven, eight
and nine wont be used for buildings."
Mr. Hawks: "Are you familiar with our requirements?"
Mr. Faucher: "You require 1000 feet of land area per apartment unit?"
Mr. Hawks: "Yes,; would you be putting in as ma.ny apartment buildings as you
Mr. Faucher: No; we havn't p�anned to."
Mr. Hawks: ""Also you must remembe� the 10' set back,"
Someone: "Ten feet from the front of the street?"
Mr. Hawks: "Ten feet from your lot line." "We prefer twenty to twenty-five feet."
Mayor Milbert: "What size buildings do you plan on building?"
Someone: " 63 X 48 feet in size." "We have a West frontage of about 1220 feet."
Mr. Faucher: "As far as the curving of the creek, I don't think it will present
problems to us." "But we have to resever a little because of the
type of soil."
Mr. Hawks: "The other thing the buildings must have parking; 12 spaces on each
building; you can't quite ma.ke it with just one row of parking spaces."
Someone: "We want run into any problems that way, we intend to spread the
buildings out."
Mr. Hawks: "It is more important that you get a good plan." "Thenwe can cover
the other points when we have something to work on."
Someone: "We want to have as good an area as we can."
Mr. Hawks: "It doesn't make much difference, you are fixed to a certain degree."
Mayor Milbert: "If ;you want to get going we had better order a hearing."
Someone: "It is real funny, the property has been all taken, they left just
this one piece."
Mayor Milbert mo�ved and Mr. Else seconded the motion that a Resolution ��126,"A
MULTIPLE-RESIDENCE DISTRICT", Lots 13 through 24, Block 58, West
Minneapolis be approved. The motion carried,
Mr. Brubacher: "I have a request for a hearing for Super Valu Company. They are
requesting an addition on the South of their building. It would be
207' X 436' ." "They are interested in an early start and they wandered
if it would be possible to work in an extra meeting?"
Mr. Sundb�r_• "Do they have that much room?"
Mayor Milbert: "When we moved to vacate Jefferson that gave them enough lot
requirement for a building of this size."
Mr. Blomquist: "The area is zoned Industrial;"
Mr. Brubact�er: "Yes, the have the room and it is zoned Industrial, but they claim
that because it is zoned Industrial they did not know about having
to �:ave a hearing for a special use permit."
�- The following is the case number and legal for the Super Valu request:
Case No. 62-37
Applicant: Super Valu
Subject: To construct a proposed addition to an existing building and for a
special use permit. The locatio�}, 101 Jefferson St. , or Lots 1,2,3,4,
5,6,7,8,9,10,14 and the North z of Lot 15; and Lots 19,20,21,22,23,24,
25,26, and 27; Block 23, including that part of Northeasterly and
Southwesterly alley lying between the Easterly line of Madison Avenue
and the Northerly extension of Lot 27, all in said Block 23. Al1 of
blocks 24 and 32. The South z of Lot 11 and all of Lots 12, 13, 14,
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24, Block 33. Including half
of vacated Jefferson Avenue, all of vacated Madison Avenue, all of
vacated lst. 9treet lying East of Jefferson Avenue and West of the
extens�i�on North of the West line of Al1ey in Block 33, all in West
Minneapolis Center.
Mayor Milbert moved and Mr. Gustafson seconded the motion tha.t Resolution ��127, "A
USE PERMIT THEREOF", to construct a proposed addition to the existing building at
101 Jefferson St, or on the above described lots be approved. The motion carried.
Mr. Hawks: "The Chamber of Commerce wants to put up a sign in front of the Powell
� Candy building, or by it, �;he sign would be large and in black and
Mayor Milbert: "Just what is the size?"
Mr. Hawks: "It is huge. The City of Hopkins has been getting credit all over
the Country because of the lovely landscaped area in the Industrial
P Park that we have built up on Excelsior Avenue. Slides of the area
are show�n� �ll over the country, with the caption "It can be done, it
has been done, it was done in Hopkins Minnesota." "I think the idea
of the sign is all right but not in this area, To put up a thing like
this is all wrong, this is just not the wrong place for it. Everybody
knows they are in Hopkins.
Mayor Milbert: "Where is Mr. Timmern�an?"
Mr. Brubacher: "He went, I told him his sign wasn't going to get any place."
Mr. Else: "I don't think it is such a bad idea."
Mr. Sundby: "It is selling Hopkins."
Mr. Brubacher: "Who are we selling it to?"
Mr. Hawks: "That area is a color slide area. Just don't have it there."
Mayor Milbert: "Where would this go?"
Mr. Brubacher: "On the property of Powell Candy, as close to the Creek as it can
�-- or could be put."
Ma.yor Milbert: "Did Powell Candy agree to have the sign put there?"
Mr. Brubach��: "Yes, they are giving the land for it."
Mr. Hawks: "A post type sign is so much better." "When any one comes to Hopkins
and sees this:"'
Mr. Sundby: "For the time being lets table it on that basises."
Mr. Hawks: "The fence recommendation has a correction."
Mr. Hawks: "On the one subject, change that part on link type fences to read
that they be constructed with knuckle ends up and barb ends down."
Ma.yor Milbert move that the suggested change bemade to the recommendations to
the City Councils. Mr. Else seconded the motion. The motion carried.
The meeting adjourned:
Mr. Hawks: Your matter of storm drain�; s;>stem. We are showing the size of culverts
and what and where they are." "A fellow came in talked to me about this piece of
Mr. Brubacher: "You know what they plan to put there�"
Mr. Hawks: "A sewer line there, pointing at a map."
(They are talking about the Edina se�aer problems)
Mr. Brubacher: "One cubic foot. That is one plan. But considering this has
been tabled twice and it has been revised also. They are going to come by the creek.
The capital gain was to put it in and to pay for it but it had to be over size
�" right up to Richfield."
Ma.yor Milbert: "They would put it in and we would pay for it:"
Mr. Brubacher: "One cubic foot a second is not very much, that is only a 12' pipe
off of 169."
Mr. Hawks: "I think we should point up the fact that we are at the point where
we have to ma.ke or make some decision. Get a capicity plan."
Mr. Sundby: "Jim, didn't you also say this is the area where it would not be
Mr. Strojan: "To night when they came in for the permit was the first - - -
Mr. Hawks: "We have got the Down-town plan - - - -
Ma.yor Milbert: "This fellow is ma.king deep wholes, we are going to have to pull
him up, He is minin�.
Mr. Brubacher: "He is mining." At this next Council meeting you will be getting
a proposal for the garbage plan. (looking at a ma.p) There are 80 arces here,
a twenty here and another here. These three plases we have offers on them.
Anyone would do but I will present the '-plan before the meeting,
Hennepin County, Minnesota
WHEREAS written application has been ma.de to the Building
Inspector for the construction of a certain proposed addition to
house on the following described premises situated in Hopkins,
Hennepin County, Minnesota, viz: Lot 8, Block 4, Gibbs lst. Addition,
West Minneapolis.
WHEREAS Ordinance No. 131 of the City of Hopkins presently
�— permits such construction and improvement in said location after
hearing thereon.
Planning Commission of the City of Hopkins will hold a hearing
on said application in the Council Chambers in the City Hall of
the City of Hopkins July 31st. , 1962 at 7:30 o'clock, P.M. , and that
the Building Inspector shall give seven (7) days published notice
of said hearing in the official newspaper of the City by publishing
a copy of this hearing notice therein.
Clinton Blomquist,
� Building Inspector
Building Inspector Hearing No. 11.