Resolution 56 N
iw �
Hennepin County, Plinnesota
The Zonin; and Plannin� Corm►ission havin� considered the application
of Minneapolis Terminal ;+larehouse Company for niodif�.cation of Sec. 5 of
Hop?cins Ordinance No. 131 so as to permit er�plo}�ee automobile parl:in;; on
the followi�r; described premises, viz:
Lot 1, except the East 132 feet of the North 9 feet
thereof; Lot 2, e::cept the ::ast I32 feet thereof and
all of Lots 23 and 2<< in Ploc?c 2, Stevents Oakwood
hereby finds that there are practical difficulties and unnecessary harlships
in the strict application of said ordinance in so far as the same pertai^
presently to said premises ar.d that the orantin� of a special use permit
under S�cs. 13 and 15 of said ordinance will not ur.�;��� tl�e ci_rcu�stances
be derrir:�ental to the safety, morals, comfort, conve�lience or ��elfare of
t'.ie parsons resic:in� in or worlcing in the nei;�hborhood of said prer�iises a�ld
will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property o:-
improvements in the neighborhood of said premis�s.
B� IT TEIEI2�FORE RESOLV�ll r1:i FCLLOWB: - That a ap`�cial use p;r;iiL '� �
�ranted pertainin; to said premises subject to the followin� conditions,
cover�iants and restrictions:
1. That in additior��the presenfzonin,; of said premises the same shall
�' be usec: ior one additional ur os� onlv nar.icl en lcy��- au�omoi�il� a ' in '
P P , Y, P - P �"-= �
ior er.iployees of Minneapolis �Ionc«rcll :e;�_ilato: Conpany, .al,o �.u�}� bc �.,rorlci:�;;
in and about the building of Minneapolis Terminal Warehouse Company.
2. That upon the expiration of a period of five (5) years fro�<< t,:c
effective date of such special permit or upon the terraination of occupancy
by tiinneapolis �Ioneycaell ��e�ulator Company of the building at 600 Second
Street P7orth, Hoplcins, Tiinnesota, cahich ever date is soon�r, said special
per:��it sl:all laps� and t:ri.iinate ��::cept as may l�c hcreinaftcr pr.ovided ar.d
tt�c ::in�i�apolis "'i�rn�inal Warclio�isc Company shall oive written noticc to
the city r.iana,^,er of Hopkins of such terr�ination of occupancy by the Min-
� neapolis Honeywell �egulator Company not later than ten (10) days after its
� 3. That if riinneapolis Hone��ell �eryulator Company intends to continue
its occupancy of said premises after the expiration of such five-year period,
it may sive written notice of such intention at leastsiXtydays (60) prior to
the expiration of such five-year period o£ such intended occupancy ard of
its desire to extend such special use pern:ir, thereupon the Hopkins Zonino
and Plannin� Comnission an� tl�c City Council may then consider such request
for such additional tin:� `�r s�ic�� � as L'hc Corsiissior. ar: t�;e Co��n�;_I
may then ap�-•;.�v,,
4. The ��:. � - � ^ , �' i1 - , .
r . . a .. _a'c�:, �•�. "ac�_:, Li� c.... ;�•,, ; a�:..0 :,,_..
by the Minneapolis Terminal Warehouse Company, at its expense, in a condition
satisfactory to the City Manager a� �o ?raina�_:, �r.�;�'�,.; ,�1�;.; ,''i��in^ dust,
safety and other annoying condit�o-:u.
5. That a buffer strip of trees or slirubbery shall bc �r�cted and maintained
by Piinneapolis Terminal Warehouse Company to inclose said prenises or. the
jdest, i�Iort?: and 1;ast '.;oundar� lines in a rnanner satisfactory L-o t1�^. C;,~�� �.'n�-ir.^cr
as eo hei�ht, neatness and other reasonable conditions of appearanc_e.
b. �liat the applicant shall indicate its acceptance of and willin�n�ss
tu �_e bound by said conditions t�y executin; ar.� thereof upon the
special use permit in a forr,i to be approv�d by thc City Attorney.
Passed an� adopted at a spccial ::��ecin� of the Zonir.� and PZannin� �onr
mission of .Iopl;ins, riinn��sota o:� Au^ust 12, 19.:",
A. W. Elr:iquist, A. L. I,1e^leitncr, Chairman oF t�:e
Secretary Zonin� and Plannin}; Cor�mission
Josnph C, Vesely,
City Attorney
This special use pe:rait is �ranted to Aiinneapolis Termxr�al.Warehouse
Company upon the followin` cor.c?itions, covenants, restrictions and
1. '�fiat in addition to the present zoning of said premises the same shall
,, ' ior o�,� additional purpose only, namely, employee automobile parkinG
for employees of Minneapolis I-:oneywell Regulator Compar.y, wi�o may be worl:in�
in and about the buflding of rlinneapolis Terminal Warehocse Cor.,pany,
2. :�iat upor. the expiration of a period of five (5) ;��ars `'ro�:� �ne
efi�ctive date of such special per�,,it or upor. tre termination of occupancy
�. by riinneapolis 1'.eneywell ::c;alator Company ot t',�e uuildir� at �CO Second STreeC
�iorth, l�op'_:irs, i•iinn-_sota, which ever date is sooner, said special permit shall
lapsc anc: tcr���inatc except as nay be hereinafter providec and thc i•Iinneapolis
Terminal Warehouse Company shall give written notice to the city mana�er
of Hopl;ins of such termination of occepancy by tl;c 2•.inneapolis t:on;:yw�ll
Regulator Company not later Chan ten (10) da;�s a;:ter its occ�irrence.
3. ThaC if rlinneapolis i:on�ywell ::e;;ulator Company intends to continue
its occupancy of said premises after the expiration of such period,
it may �ive written notice of such intentior at lea� sixty (60) days prior
to the expiration of such five-year period of such intended occupancy and of
its desire to extend such special use permit, tiiereupon the ilop;:ins Zorin•-
�... �
and Plannin;; Cor,unission and the City Council may then cor�sider s�_,c11 zcqt;est for
such additional tire for such use as the Cor.�nission anc' the Co�incil r.�ay tl:e�;
4, The said premises shall be graded, surfaced, li;hted and maintained by
the Minneapolis Terminal Warehouse Company, at its expense, in a condition
satisfactory to the City rianaUer as to draina;c, safety, freedom from flyinb
dust and other annyoina corditiors.
5. That a buffer strip of trecs or slirub�cr sha1Z ��c erected an� r.�aintaic._•�a
by Minneapolis Terminal Warehouse Company to inclose said prer�ises on the West,
North and Last boun�'ary Iines in a manncr satisfactory to the City Engineer
`' as to heibht, neatness an� other reasonable conditions of appearance.
The Minneapolis Terminal Warehouse Company, a 2�linnesota corporation,
�O�i 1�.:S:�.r�.� l�:i i.T'.IS`LC(:.i� 01 3:3:i1�"13� �'.�iOl'-.S !�_CT''�Uy $�iCc^ �G atl�i :1CCG�i-
t'�]Q 3�.^C1.�11 �i.i:. ��?T!.11� li ...Jl:� CC7?��8111^G� �O�:i.Tii'Y 'iJ1�11 311 Oi t},^ CO1'.�
ditions, restrictions and a�reements and covenants therein, and herein-
above contained and does hereby agree to be bound thereby and to perform
the sane as therein provided.
�. �y,
� �