Resolution 61 ,�r? �'��'�°_R � `` � CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota � ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 61 A RESOLUTION ORDERING A HEARING ON APPLICATION FOR USE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY AS A DxIVEWAY IN CONNECTION WITH A FILLING STATION IN A BUSINESS RESIDENCE DISTRICT AND A RESOLUTION ORDEBING HEAxING FOR AP- PLICATION FQR BUILDING PERMIT FOx NUxSING HOME AND AMENDING ZONING 0&DINANCE EXTENDING USES P�RMITTED IN DOUBLE RESIDENCE �NE IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSLIANCE OF SUCH BUILDING PERHIT. WHEREAS a written application has been made to the building inspector for a permit to u�e the follaWing premises as an approach to a gasline filling station, viz: Lot 68, Auditor�s Subdivision �239, Sectfon 19, Tawnship 117, Range 21, Hennepin County, Minneeota, deacribed as follo�as Beginning at a point on the North line of said Lot 68 at an � intersectioa With a line draWn parallel to and 33 feet East iaeaeure at right angles of the West li�e of said Lot 68, aaid West lfne being the 4leat line of the East one-half of the North- eaat Quarter of Section 19; thence South on the above described parallel line a distance of 39.93 feet; thence deflect to the left at an angle of 101 degreee 31 minutes 30 seconds a distance of 175.64 feet; thence North parallel to the West line of said lot a distance of 1.72 feet to the North line of said lot; thence Weat along said North line a distance of 172.10 feet to the point of beginning, Which area is no�r zoned Businea8 xeaidence, pursuant to Ordinance No. 131 of the City of Hopkins and may be used for the purposea applied for, and 6THEREAS a Written application has been made for the conatruction of a nuraing home at 802 qashington Avenue South in the City of Hopkins irhich area is presently zoned under pouble Besidence, and � 4IHEREAS the ordinance of the Citq of Hopkins doea not at preaent clearlq define any area in Hopkina for the conatruction of euch nursing ho�►es, NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of Hopkina hold a public hearing on aaid applications inthe Council Chambers in the Citq Hall on Tuesday, February 24, 1959 at 7s30 o'clock P. M, and that the Secretary of the Com�ission give aeven (7) days published notice of �aid hearings in the official neWspaper of the City by publishing a copy of this resolution therein. BE IT F[JRTHER RESOLYED that Hopkina Zoning Ordinance No. 131 of the City of Hopkin� i� ao far as the aame pertaina to double residence zoning ie proposed to be amended by including among the permitted usea in auch area �.. � the construction of nuraing homes and hoapitala therein, all upon the receipt of special use permita therefor and that such change wovld require the adoption of an amendment to the ordinance as above outlined. Adopted bq the Zoning and Planning Commission of the Citq of Aopkins at a regular meeting thereof held January 27, 1959. C. R. PETERSON, A. L. WEGLEITNER, Chairman of the Zoning and Planning Commiasion Secretary JOSEPH C. VESELY, �, Citq Attorneq Published in the Hennepin County Review. February 12, 1959 � �