Resolution 64 .� �\``�\�� CITY OF HOPKINS Heanepin Count�, Minnesota � ZOIJING AND PLANNING CQI�IISSION RESOLU'PION N0. 64 A RE.SOLUTION ORDERING HEARING 0�T APPLICATIO�JS F9ft RE-ZONING OF CERTAIN PRAP�RTY WHEREAS xritten petition� an� applisations ha�e beQn filed with the Zoning and Planning Con�ission of the City of H�pkins that the folloxing describsd lands xhich are now in the multiple residence district of the City be re-zoned by removing the same from said �ultiple residence district and placing the �ame in a C-1 district of the City, viz; Lots 1 to b, inclusive, Block 69, We�t Minneapolis Second Divi.�ion; Lots 11 to 17, inclusive, Block 4, West Minneapolis, and �— 39 to y2, inclusive, Block 3, West IYlinneapolis, and WHE�tEAS written petitions and applications have been filed with the Zoning and Planning Co�i.ssion that the following described lands whi.ch are now in the double residence district of the City be re-aoned by removing the same fram said double residence district and placing the same in the multiple residence district, viz; Lots 13 to 21, inclusive� Block 58, We�t MinneapoYis,.Also that part of thQ North lObb.9 feet of the East LF86.87 fest of the Northxest Quarter ot' the Northeast Quarter of Section 2k, Township 117, Range 22, lying South of State Highr�ay No. 7, and WE�R�AS xrittan petitions and applications have been filed �,rith the Zoning and Planning Commission of said City that the following deseribed land �... which is now in the double r�sidence district be reaoved therefrom and placed in the C-2 commercial district, viz: That part of the East Li.86.87 faet af the Northxest Quarter of the Northeast Qua,rter of Section 2k, Town�hip 117� Range 22 ly�ng North of State Hightray No. 7, and, WFIFREAS all said re-zoning of said tract would require the adoption of an ordinance which would amend the pregent zoning ordinance of the City of Hopkins. NOW THEREFURE IT IS HEREBY ORDERED That the Zoning and Planning Commission hold a special he aring on said re-zoning in the Council Chambers in the City H�11 at a regular meeting of said comuaission to be held on M�r 26,1959 � �, at 7:30 ofclock P. M., and that the secretary of the commission give seven (7) d�ys published notice of said heari.ng in the official ne�►spaper of the City by publishing a copy of this resolution� therein. bdopted by the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of Hopki.r� at a regular meeting thereof held April 28, 1959. C. R. PSI�SON, A. L. WEGL�.ZTN�it, Chair�an of the Zoning and Planning Commission SECRETARY J�SEPH C. VF.SELY CITP AT�(?RNSY �.. � �