11-22-1949� '
A meeting of the Zoning �ommission of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held
at the City Hall at 8;00 o�clock P.�:., Tuesday, November 22, 1949.
Present were members; Cnairman A.G. Larson, Andrew��ustus, Edward Kokesh,
„�"� Clinton Blomquist, O.J. Parks, City Attorney Frank N. Whitney, and City
'� Engineer Frank Laska. Members absent; none.
The purpose of the meeting was the public hearing as advertised on the matter
of the petition by Ea.rl J. Gerard and F�nil Olson for the re-zoning of the area
west of 5th Avenue and north of Highway #7� from �uul.tiple dwelling to comn�ial.
After considerable discussion on the matter a motion was ma.de by Blomquist and
seconded by Justus, that the hearing on the request, as above referred to, be
adjourned to December 8, 1949, at 8;00 o�clock P.�?. Carried.
Kokesh moved, Justus seconded, that Zoning Commission resolution #2, nA
NF.ARTNG THEREON," setting the date of public hearing as Thursday, the 8th
day of December, 19l�y, at 8:00 o�clock P.�, Carried.
Justus moved, Blomquist seconded, that the meeting be adjourned.
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A.W. Elmqulst, Secretary
�l_�� �B�'�RS OF 70NING CO�:�ISSION
Chairman of Zoning Commission,
A. u. L�arson.
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;;ovember i5� 1949
Hopkins Cit�� Council
Arthur Elr�quist, Clerk
Honl;ins, idinriesota
rello���-Cii;ize��� ,�:�. C�entlemen:
I �::�i�'i to re;^;ister _^.�r o_>��osition to any �Lction b�r ��our l�cc�y or
any ;;�rou7 dtly �,utnorized b�� you, fav_ ring and a,ll��ti•ring tlie est��-
lis�iin� of a lar�er area on Ni�,hwa�r 7 th::n already desi;nateci ior
coi�v�ercia,l use, �r.��a �s�eciali�� in t:_� insta.nce of alterin� previous
action in order to grant perMission a:�d iicense for ti,:e conductint
of a business wliere hard li�uors will be dispensed.
^ I;� ob�ection, :"iT•s� o. �.il, is r�;�;istered becat�se I am of the
o��inicn �h�Lt any business attacned to ti:e liquor traffic ca_.not be
counted a direct asset to anv co^u:�unity, for its dis��ensin� liquors
contriLutes und� ubteclly to r.�o�al i�x.ity.
Secondi�r, I ob j ect on the grounds that encouraging t_�e cor.L�ercial-
izing of t'ie Hi�,hway 7 area is econoMically wiscund for thP business
ini;erests t:�at have �or a lon� time been the backoone of Hopkins
business and finance. It v�ould unryuestionably in my mind be detri-
r�ental to our local mercna.nts in the lon�; rwz.
Thirdly, althou�h tne es�ablishrient novr con�em;�lated near High�vay
7 and Fifth Avenue �aight pr.sent no ��olice problem, yet I believe
it mi�ht maa.n t:�e encoura;�^in{; �ventua,lly of taverns on H:�ghvray 7,
an� conse�uently .��ill present added need of pclice service becauae
of a s_�reading out of the _�roblem. Therefore, I f�,vor additional
beer anc: liauor activities near the heart o�" Iios�kins rather ti�an
f�.rther out (�that is, if �ve must have E.ny raore such activities) .
And lourthl:�, I co�;ect to t2ie Ai�hr�rt�y 7 ch�nge because of the pru�-
i�ity of the _�roposed new school on tne prol�ert�, on tl:e south side
oT 1ii�^�':-:�a�� 7, nea.rl;;T across thP site of �ha est�blislunent now in
^ r,-a_esti :_. �.ec as ��e�_cve ever;T ner*ative influence �.nd iorce from
� orr chi���rer. t`_^fi e os�ibi�r can.
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