04-11-1950 i ,�, ,�;: �,�
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� A meetino of the Zoning Gommission of the City o`' Hon;cins, r;iinnesota, was held at
' the Citf Hall at 8;00 otclock P.hI. on Tuesd.ay, April 11, 1954. Prese:�t were ^�embers;
Clinton K. Blor+quist actir� cha�_r�an in the ai�sence of A.G. Larson, O.J. Parks,
ydward L. Ko�cesh, and A.N. Justus, also �ity II7gineer r^rank '.'. Laska.
Acting chairman, Blomqtiist, opened the meeting and cal:►_ed for a hea;i:�� on Fesolution
No. 7, :�.r_d a.s no one appeared either for or against said resolation the followin�; motion
was made;�
Justus moved, Parks seconded, that tkie Zonino Corn�mission recommend to the Cit3r Council
the adoptiori of an amenclment to tre Zoi�.rio Orciinance removing tne follovring described
real estate from the resident�al district and placing it in the co::�r.�rcial district
to wit;
That part of the i�ortheast Quarter (�"�4; cf t.Y�e :'crtheast C�uarter (T^.��) of Ser,t-��r:
"'v;er.t;;-t,.scc (23), r��,r�'r:-��: Gr_� '_'tr.�'�"E;l�_ vE;�:ente�;n (�'�)� Range Tti��enty-two (22),
1y�.ng souther]�r of tl�e: scL.therly lir�e of �t.�.t�. hi;;hr:��� r?c. 7 anc� r.cr•tl^er1;,r ��rc.
� -` ^���•��- �f the norther'.;� �.�_ .� of the ri�ht-of rray of the ��'inr..eapolis & St. I,oi.is
t;C%.�_ , ....'_J _' . J
and by r.emoving the following described real estate fro:a t'ze residential district and
placino it �r_ the industri�.1 d�strict, to�rrit•;
'� The Northeast '
Quarter (T,TE4) of the IJortneast Quarter (PdE�) of Section Twenty-six
(2<), Townsnip One �iundred Seventeen (117), Ran�e Tcvent3r-two (22)� except the
�nresterl,y Ten Huncsed Ei.ght�T-se�-en and �;�10 (1087.!�) feet thereof, and except that
part thei�eof lj�in� souther.ly of the northerly line of t3�_� r�sht-of-�ray� of t�e
Minneapolis �. St. Louis Rail��a;.�, a.ic: except the northerlrT Ninety-six (96) feet
of th� Easterly Twenty-f�ve and 25�100 (2�.2�) feet of the westerly r,leven
�Iundrec? `?'welve and 65/100 (1112.65) of said idort�east Quarter (iVE4) of �Tortheast
Quarter (NL4).
Blomquist r.lovec.� uokesr r ���_zaec;� t':�.at t��e ;�eetin5 be ar.journed.
A:�. �,1�r.qt.i s+, c retar;;r
:�;^?�..5 OF ZONI?�F� C�TI���ISSTQV:
� ��
Chairinan of Zoi7i�e Co:��:��ssion, � � _
A.1. r arson.
_ e.�y
� -
� ✓�,.
�� April 11�, 1950.
City Coun�cil
tiopkins, Minnesots►
At the meeting ot the Hopkina Zonir� Commission held
on April 11, 1950, a r�otion was pasaed that the Zoning Com-
mission reconrnend to the City Council that the followin�
changes be mzde in the prosent Zoning Map of Hopkins by re-
moving from the reaidential district and placing in the
co�ereial diatrict the follor�in� property, to=:tits
� That pzrt of the Northeast Qusrter (NF�) oP the Northeast
QuartQr (NF.4) oS Section '�`aenty-three (23), ^.'o�mahip One
Hundred Seventeen (117), Range Twenty-two (22)� �ying
southerly of the sautherly liae of sta�e hibhway No. 7
and norther�y and oaster],y of the northerly line of the
ri�ht-of�ay of the blinneapolis & St. I,ouis Railx�y,
aiid by removir� the Pollo�►inr; described real estate fron tho
residential district and placing it in the industrial di.strict,
to�rit s
The Northeast Qt�arter (NE4) of the Northeaet Qua�ter (NE,�,)
of Section Twe�.nty-aix (26), Tom�ship One ?�undrd Seventeen
(11?), Ran�e Trrenty-t�ro (22)� except the wester�y Ten T�un:ired
Ei�hty-sertren and l�/10 (lOd7.l�) feet thereo�� and except
that part thereof ],ying southerly of the northerZy line
of the riE;ht-of�ay of the �I�inneapolis & St. Louis Railrny�
and except the northerly IJinety-six (9d) t'eet oP the Easterly
• Tvrenty-f ive and 25/100 (25•25) f eet of tha wQster�,� Fleven
Fi�:ndred Trrelve and 65/100 (1112.G5) of said North�:ast Quarter
(NE�) of Northc�ast Quarter (t�T"u).
� Thia has to do vrith the petitione as presentecl by the
_ Minneapolia Moline Cor�pan�y. �
. . mqu a , ecre ry.