06-27-1950 � A meeting of the Zonino Commission of the City of Hopkins,
Minnesota, was held at the City Hall at 8:00 o'clock P.iv:.
on Tuesday, June 27, 1950.
Members �resent: Chairman A.G. La.rson; Nembers O.J. Parks,
A.V. Justus, Clinton K. Blomquist, Ed L. Kokesh, City
Mana�er C.C . Congdon, City Attorney Frank N. Vlfhitney, and
City Enoineer Frank V. L�.ska. Members absent: none.
Kokesh moved, Blomquist seconded, that the Zoning Com:�nission
recoi�nrnend to the City Council that no change be made in the
zonin� of Lots 7, 8, 9, 1Q, 11 and 12, Block 1, West
Minneapolis Third Division. Carried.
Justus moved, Kokesh seconded, that the Commission also re-
commends th.e re-zonin� of all that portion of Lots 81, 82
and 83, Auditor� s Subdivision #239, which lies southerly of
Excelsior Avenue and northerly of a line parallel to and
200 Peet southerly of the south line of Excelsior Avenue,
subject to 25/ of' property excluding driveways being reserved
� for parkin; area. Carried.
Justus moved, Blomquist seconded, that the f ollowin� amendment
to the Zoninb Ordinance be recornmended:
Amend Section 3 . Subdivision 6 (b) , to read as follows:
" (b ) . On a corner lot, t:n.e side yard on the
street side of' such corner lot shall have a
w:idth in addition to that nereinbefore spec-
ified so that the total width of such side
yard shall be equal to not less than 50 per
cent of the front yard depth required for
such lot, to a maximu�n width required of 12
feet for such side yard; provided that this
regulation shall not be so applied as to
reduce the buildable w:idth after providing
the required interior side yard of any such
emrner lot t� less than 20 feet."
Lar�son moved, Kokesh seconded, that tne Clerk procure from the
League of Minnesota Municipalities copies of off-street parking
ordinances adopted by other municipalities . Carried.
Kokesh moved, Justus seconded, that a meeting be arranged with
�he City Council to discuss off-street parkin�; for churches,
schools, clul�s, commercial and industrial establishments .
Blomquist �noved, Justus seconded, that the meeting be adjourned.
A.�'V. Elmquist, Secretary.
ATTEST: ' � /
� �%-�
� ��LJ;1-�._.._�'�'� ---�- �
Chairman o onind �� �
, Commission, A.G. Larson. vl, ��� -
�uzy s, ��50.
City Council,
FIapk.;ns, °�inr.
Gentlem e n:
At thc� r.;eetin� of the ftopkins ��onin�; Commissien, held on June
27th, 1950, it uua� decidQ� to recommand to t2�e Cit;� Council
thc�t no chnnt;e be nade in �hr� zoninb oi' I.�ots 7, p, 9, 10, 11
and 12 in !31oc�: 1, ':�ust Mpls . 3rd Division, thc roquc�:t huvir�
b�en to :ezone f:�om r�sidantial to comc�c;rcial.
The Corami3sior. also r�com;nenas ti� rezonlr� of Blalc� :�ch.00l
property in Lot� al, 3� and 33, Auctitor� s Subdivisi��n yf�39,
fro::^ :o3idential to comr�oreial to H depth of 200+ parul�el to
th� sou�h l:..ze of �xcelsior �;venue auU�ect to 25;? of �+ro,r�orty
exclt�clin� dr�vev�c��s to bo used �or parliin�� space.
' � They �l�o rocomm�nd arnendir,�; 3ecticn 3, suUdivision 6 (b) , to
rcad as f'ollo�rs :
Qn a corner lot, th�� sido ya�:d on tho streot �i :ae �z :suc�l corncr
lot sh�ll h�v� a width in additlon to that horeinbefore spocific�d
so t hat thc� totr�l �:i dth oi' :auci: �ide yard s��all he equal. to not
lesa than 50�;' of t��C front ;;ard depth requ�red for sz.el� lot, to a
m�xir�tam wldtY� requlr�d of 12 fc�t� .:or suah side �ard; ��rcvidod
that t:11a ragulat�an shall not b� 3o applied as to reduce �he
buildabla �Yidth after prov�iding tha requirod interior side yard
of an;y such corner lot to loss than 20 foet.
The �o �r�sissio.. wou].d also like to a�t a date to �nset with t�zo
City Council partaining to off street parking f'or churchc;s,
scYiools, clubs, com�er�cial and indvatrial establishments .
� Very truly ;y�urs ,
Ati�r�:MA A. '." . Elmc�uist, Secrotary
I �C- - --�'�'
June 27, 1950
Mr. Prescott C. Cleveland, the bearer of this letter,
is t:ie senior master at Blake School and our representative
at the meeting of the Hopkins Zoning Coimnission on June 27,
In connection witn �y letter of June 8, we wish to
withdraw our request that our property on Blake road should be
re-zoned for co�nercial purposes. We have no desire to use it
for such purposes and would like it to remain in its present
restricted category.
In connection with the same letter, we would like to
have our property on Excelsior Avenue re-zoned so that it may
be used in whole or in part for commercial use.
Mr. Cleveland �rill be able to answer questions �rhich
may arise concerning this request.
Sincerely yours,
RAC:MFid ` - /���� 'y��
L/��I�' �
Zoning Commi.ssion
City of Hopkins
c/o City Manager
City Hall
Hopkins� Minnesota
L. G. Peterson — HOpkins 6626 A. M. Hede — PArker 8015
Peterson and Hede Company
314 17th Ave. No., Hopkins, Minn.
HO 6939 , ���
July 20, 1950 '-�
. n,�C��
City of Hopkins,
Hopkins, Minnesota
Attention: Planning Commission
� We have purchased the lots from our present property
on Lots 5 & o, Third Minneapolis ��1est �lddition, Block
One , south to Third atreet. This includes lots 7-�-
9-10-11-12, inclusive.
ti'Te request the commission to zone these lots for com-
mercial use.
It is our intention to develop these in the near fut-
ure , conditions allowing for commercial purposes .
LGP/er By L. G. PETER50N
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