06-27-1950 � A meeting of the Zonino Commission of the City of Hopkins, Minnesota, was held at the City Hall at 8:00 o'clock P.iv:. on Tuesday, June 27, 1950. Members �resent: Chairman A.G. La.rson; Nembers O.J. Parks, A.V. Justus, Clinton K. Blomquist, Ed L. Kokesh, City Mana�er C.C . Congdon, City Attorney Frank N. Vlfhitney, and City Enoineer Frank V. L�.ska. Members absent: none. Kokesh moved, Blomquist seconded, that the Zoning Com:�nission recoi�nrnend to the City Council that no change be made in the zonin� of Lots 7, 8, 9, 1Q, 11 and 12, Block 1, West Minneapolis Third Division. Carried. Justus moved, Kokesh seconded, that the Commission also re- commends th.e re-zonin� of all that portion of Lots 81, 82 and 83, Auditor� s Subdivision #239, which lies southerly of Excelsior Avenue and northerly of a line parallel to and 200 Peet southerly of the south line of Excelsior Avenue, subject to 25/ of' property excluding driveways being reserved � for parkin; area. Carried. Justus moved, Blomquist seconded, that the f ollowin� amendment to the Zoninb Ordinance be recornmended: Amend Section 3 . Subdivision 6 (b) , to read as follows: " (b ) . On a corner lot, t:n.e side yard on the street side of' such corner lot shall have a w:idth in addition to that nereinbefore spec- ified so that the total width of such side yard shall be equal to not less than 50 per cent of the front yard depth required for such lot, to a maximu�n width required of 12 feet for such side yard; provided that this regulation shall not be so applied as to reduce the buildable w:idth after providing the required interior side yard of any such emrner lot t� less than 20 feet." Carried. ^ Lar�son moved, Kokesh seconded, that tne Clerk procure from the League of Minnesota Municipalities copies of off-street parking ordinances adopted by other municipalities . Carried. Kokesh moved, Justus seconded, that a meeting be arranged with �he City Council to discuss off-street parkin�; for churches, schools, clul�s, commercial and industrial establishments . Carried. Blomquist �noved, Justus seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. � A.�'V. Elmquist, Secretary. ME11�iB.�RS OF LOI�TTNG COi�'fMISSION ATTEST: ' � / � �%-� � ��LJ;1-�._.._�'�'� ---�- � Chairman o onind �� � , Commission, A.G. Larson. vl, ��� - � +.�_,.. �uzy s, ��50. � City Council, FIapk.;ns, °�inr. Gentlem e n: At thc� r.;eetin� of the ftopkins ��onin�; Commissien, held on June 27th, 1950, it uua� decidQ� to recommand to t2�e Cit;� Council thc�t no chnnt;e be nade in �hr� zoninb oi' I.�ots 7, p, 9, 10, 11 and 12 in !31oc�: 1, ':�ust Mpls . 3rd Division, thc roquc�:t huvir� b�en to :ezone f:�om r�sidantial to comc�c;rcial. The Corami3sior. also r�com;nenas ti� rezonlr� of Blalc� :�ch.00l property in Lot� al, 3� and 33, Auctitor� s Subdivisi��n yf�39, fro::^ :o3idential to comr�oreial to H depth of 200+ parul�el to th� sou�h l:..ze of �xcelsior �;venue auU�ect to 25;? of �+ro,r�orty exclt�clin� dr�vev�c��s to bo used �or parliin�� space. ' � They �l�o rocomm�nd arnendir,�; 3ecticn 3, suUdivision 6 (b) , to rcad as f'ollo�rs : Qn a corner lot, th�� sido ya�:d on tho streot �i :ae �z :suc�l corncr lot sh�ll h�v� a width in additlon to that horeinbefore spocific�d so t hat thc� totr�l �:i dth oi' :auci: �ide yard s��all he equal. to not lesa than 50�;' of t��C front ;;ard depth requ�red for sz.el� lot, to a m�xir�tam wldtY� requlr�d of 12 fc�t� .:or suah side �ard; ��rcvidod that t:11a ragulat�an shall not b� 3o applied as to reduce �he buildabla �Yidth after prov�iding tha requirod interior side yard of an;y such corner lot to loss than 20 foet. The �o �r�sissio.. wou].d also like to a�t a date to �nset with t�zo City Council partaining to off street parking f'or churchc;s, scYiools, clubs, com�er�cial and indvatrial establishments . � Very truly ;y�urs , H0�'KINS ZONINJ COMMISSIC)" �� Ati�r�:MA A. '." . Elmc�uist, Secrotary I �C- - --�'�' � THE BI.AKE �CHOOL HOPHINS, MINN�SOTA R.ALI.AN CLAPP A COUI�'T@Y DAY 9CHOOL FOR HOYS HEADMASTEx OF THE MINNEAPOLIS AREA �� June 27, 1950 Gentlemen: Mr. Prescott C. Cleveland, the bearer of this letter, is t:ie senior master at Blake School and our representative at the meeting of the Hopkins Zoning Coimnission on June 27, 1950. In connection witn �y letter of June 8, we wish to withdraw our request that our property on Blake road should be re-zoned for co�nercial purposes. We have no desire to use it for such purposes and would like it to remain in its present restricted category. � In connection with the same letter, we would like to have our property on Excelsior Avenue re-zoned so that it may be used in whole or in part for commercial use. Mr. Cleveland �rill be able to answer questions �rhich may arise concerning this request. Sincerely yours, RAC:MFid ` - /���� 'y�� L/��I�' � Zoning Commi.ssion City of Hopkins c/o City Manager City Hall Hopkins� Minnesota n k L. G. Peterson — HOpkins 6626 A. M. Hede — PArker 8015 Peterson and Hede Company PLASTERING CONTRACTORS 314 17th Ave. No., Hopkins, Minn. � HO 6939 , ��� � July 20, 1950 '-� . n,�C�� V City of Hopkins, Hopkins, Minnesota Attention: Planning Commission Gentlemen: � We have purchased the lots from our present property on Lots 5 & o, Third Minneapolis ��1est �lddition, Block One , south to Third atreet. This includes lots 7-�- 9-10-11-12, inclusive. ti'Te request the commission to zone these lots for com- mercial use. It is our intention to develop these in the near fut- ure , conditions allowing for commercial purposes . Sincerely, PETERSON & HE;DE COIVIPANY r------- LGP/er By L. G. PETER50N � `f - _._.� _