Resolution 4 � v° �A N ; 1 J�l\ a � CITY OF HOPKINS 'X HENNEPIN COIINTY, MIN`1ESOTA ZONING COMh1ISSI0PT RESOLUTION DTO. �+. r'` A RESOLUTION INITIATIVG AN Alr1EENIlMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE A1VD ORDERING A HEARI�TG THEREON. WHEREAS, it ia the desire of th� Zoning Commission of the city of Hopkins to initiate the following amendment to Ordina.nce vo. S (The Zoning Ordinance) of the city of Hopkins� to-wit: Amend Section 6, 3ubdivision �+, of said ordinance, to read as follows: "9ubdivision �. Front Yard Requirements. In the induatrial district, there shall be a f ront yard of not lesa than 10 feet, except that alon� the North (N) aide of Excelsior Avenue and East (E) � of Monk Avenue to the easterly city limits, there shall be a f ront yard of not leas than 1QQ feet mea.sured from the ldorth (N) line of Excelsior Avenue." NOW, THEREFOEE, IT IS HER�Y ORDERED that the Zoning Commiasion hold a public hearing on eaid proposed amendment to said ordinance at the council chambera in the city hall on Tuesday, the 2�+th �ay of January, 19FQ, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. a.nd that the secretary of the commission give seven (7) days published notice of said hearing in the official paper of the city by ^ publishing a copy of this resolution therein. ADOPTED by the Zoning Commission of the city of Hopkina this 27th day of December, 19�+9. ��d���_-_�-- A. G. Larson, Chairma.n of Zoning Commisaion . A. W. Elmqui t, Sec etary ' � . • rank N. Whitney, City Attorney Published in The Suburba,n Preas January 12, 195p '� copy for the paper �