Resolution 10 ,� ,r'".J Q� � �(V µ � � �� �.� CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MIN?�iESOTA � ZONIITG COMMISSION RE30LUTION N0. 1�. A RESOLUTION ORDF�II�G A HEARIYG ON PROPOSED AI�IDMENTS TO ZONING GRDI,``TA'dCE RII,ATING TO DRIVE IN STANDS. W�REAS, the council of the city of Hopkins has initiated the following amendments to Ordinance No. g ( the zoning ordinance) of the city of Hopkine� namely: Amend Section 1, by adding a new subdivieion thereto, reading ae follows: . 9ubdivision 27. DRIQE IN STAND: A building from which cooked foods and soft � drinks and similar merchandise is sold and delinered from the etand to nersone in parked automobiles. Amend Section 5� S�xbdivision 2� paragraph (g) to read as followa: (g) . Undertaking establiahments and drive in atanda� but only upon the securing of a special uae permit ae provided in Section 10. IT IS HEREBY ORDER�D that the zoning commission hold a public hearing on sa.id initiated amendmente at the council chambers in th e city hall on the 12th � S. e�pt�e�m�be 9� of 1 , at g:00 o'clock P.M., and that the secretary of the commission give seven (7) days published notice of said hearin� in the official newapaper of ,�.� the city by publiahing a copy of this resolution therein. ADOPTED by the w ning commiaeion of the city of Hopkins, Hennepin County, Minnesota, this llth day of Au�ust, 1q50. A. &. Larson� Chaizman of the zoning commi$sion. A. «. Elmquist, Secretary Fr,ank N. Whitney� Cit� Attorney � copy fo r the paper� Hennepin County Review. f'ublished August 2l�, 1950.