Agenda• HOPKINS CITY COUNCIL FINAL AGENDA August ?, 2002 7:30 a.m. II THIS FINAL AGENDA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE ~I UNTIL THE START OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING 1 SChedL11E:7:15 pm - HRA Meeting 7:30 pm -City Council Meeting Work Session at conclusion of City Council mee#ing I. CALL TO ORDER Ila OPEN AGENDA -PUBLIC COMMENTSICONCERNS (Public must fill out a Speaker Request Form. Three minute limit for each person} III. REPORTS - COMMITTEESICOMMISSIONS IV. PRESENTATION 1. Park Bench dedication to Bob and Pat Anderson; Vogtman V. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Minutes of Jufy 16, 2002 City Counci! meeting 2. Minutes of July 23, 2002 City Council Work Session 3. Minutes of July 30, 2002 City Council Work Session 4. Ratify prior month's disbursements 5. Approve appointments to Chemical Health Commission and Park Board (Memo} 6. Appoint election judges; (CR2002-128} - Obermaier 7. Approve Excel Energy street light contract addendum; (CR2002-131) -Stadler 8. Resolution approving new member department, Southwest Mutual Aid Assac.; (Memo) - Magdal Vote: Brausen Jensen Rowan Johnson Maxwell 1. Approve feasibility report, order public hearing, 5th Avenue street improvement project; (CR2002-'! 32) - Bot Vote: Brausen Jensen Rowan Johnson Maxwell • QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? CALL THE RAZZLE LINE - 839-1421 (The Razzle Line is the City of Hopkins voice message system) Vl. NEW BUSINESS 2. First reading ordinance amending Section 952, domestic animals; (CR2002-130} - Genellie f~ • Vote: Brausen Jensen Rowan Johnson Maxwell 3. First reading comp plan change and rezoning B-1; (CR200Z-129) -Anderson Vote: Brausen Jensen Rowan Johnson Maxwell 4. Second quarter financial report presentation; Yager Vote: Brausen Jensen Rowan Johnson 1J11. AD.lOURNIIRENT Maxwell QltEST~ONS OR COMMENTS? CALL THE RAZZLE L1NE - 939-1421 {The Razzle Line is the City of Hopkins voice message system)