Memo - Hopkins Rail Transit•~
To: Honorable Mayor and members of the City Council
FRAM: Steve Stahmer, Assistant to the City Manager
GC: Steve Mielke, City Manager
DATE: August 6, 2042
Sl1BJECT: Hopkins Rail Transi# Station Study
City staff has been working with Hennepin County to develop a draft Request for Proposals
(RFP) concerning a possible study to identify potential park-and-ride station locations in Hopkins
and to analyze the various transportation, land use and economic development issues
associated with such a station. An important aspect of the study would be to determine how to
best take advantage of the benefits of such a station (from an economic development andlor
transports#ion standpoint, etc.) while accommodating the expected increases in traffic and
parking requirements as well as other potential concerns.
The study, if undertaken, would be conducted in cooperation with Hennepin County and a
qualified consultant, yet to be chosen. Hennepin County has dedicated $100,x00 in funds to be
used far the study. No local matching funds would be required. The draft RFP will outline the
components of the study and the deliverables to be developed by the consultant if the study is
The attached document represents the current draft of the RFP as written by Hennepin County
staff with direction from City staff. This draft wi11 be further refined as comments and
recommendations are received. It is anticipated that some of the information necessary for this
study will be generated by the County's Southwest Corridor Raif Transit Study (ridership,
parking requirements, etc.}, eliminating the need to gather duplicate data and thus making the
Hopkins study snore efficient. Components of the passible study, as currently defined in the
draft RFP, include:
Task #1: Study Area Inventory
Task #2: Station Location Alternatives Analysis
Task #3: Connectivity to Downtown Hopkins/CBD
Task #~4: Parking Impacts and Requirements far Park and Ride
Task #5: Local Traffic impacts
Task #6: Market and Financial Feasibility (development opportunities which benefit the
city without directly competing with downtown)
Task #7: Future Land Use impacts 1 Development Opportunities
Task #8: Environmental Issues
Task #9: Funding Issues
Task #10: Public Involvement Activities (public involvement in the study)
Task #11: Final Study Report
A limiting factor with regard to the effectiveness of the study is the potential timeframe of rail
transit implementation. If rail transit is ultimately constructed in the Southwest Corridor, it is
likely to occur at least 15 years in the future. Components of the study such as the Market
Study, Land Use Impacts and Development Opportunities will be greatly affected as conditions
• change over time. In other words, the findings of such analyses may not be applicable 15 years
in the future. However, this study should provide an excellent baseline that future studies
andlor staff analysis can build upon.
Staff is seeking Council direction as to whether to pursue the Hopkins rail station area study.
Any input from the Council with regard to the study components would be very helpful in
creating a quality, useful RFP and a study that will be of real benefit to the City of Hopkins. If
you have any questions or recommendations concerning this project or the issues to be studied,
please feel free to contact me. In the near future I will also be providing an update concerning
the overall Southwest Rail Corridor Study being conducted by Hennepin County.
DRAFT - 8/6/2Q0`'
Station Area Development Plan
Hopkins, MN
Issued by Hennepin County in Partnership
with the City of Hopkins
Hem~epin County
Department of Hnusing, Community Works cR Transit
417 North ~'~' Street
This Request for Proposals (RFP) is being issued by Hennepin Countti~ in partnership with
the City of Hopkins to solicit proposals for the development of a station area plan for the
Southwest Corridor transit station to be located in the City of Hopkins.
The study area is defined as the area hounded b)' _ {See Attachment A).
An amount not to exceed $100,000 has been budgeted for this Design Plan. The study
must be completed within nine months of the contract ate=ard date.
1-lennel~in Crtunt<- has und~rtakCn a study to determine the feasibility esfdcvclopin~~ rail
n•amit front du+t~nto~t~n Tt~1inneanoiis to the Sr~uth+rest suburbs :end to t~lan fctr such a
svstern. ct~m~xtnent of the $outh+ti cst Ccn-ridijt~ [Z:til T ransit 41ttd~ i5 identift ins
potential station locaiiorts_attd transit-oriented development r}t~t~nrtttnitirs. This location
anaivsis has identified the area of }lol~kitts iazat- L'.S. l-Ii~~rh++av 16y as a lik~l'< location frrr
a~rl~-anc[-ride trinsi[ ;tatiotl.
Thy 5outlt+~est Flail Stu_d~t'ovides a stimulus anr~ a€a€1 ~~» ortmt+lelC a.
contprzhensi'<~e study of the area.+~ftich is to he accumplishrd b+ this Station Area
Devclr~~nt Plan. fn ac9dition to der~lo ~in« ti stud+- c~trc~a in+i.nti~r+: rind identifiin<<
alrernati+e station locations, this Station Area I~oveln m~ teat Plan +vill attah ze issues such
as the station's cottttecti`'it~' to l~o++~nto~~t~ Ho},I:.ins- pctrl~in~, and traffic intp~tets. sl~a~e
and itti~i•astruciute rccittirentents for a part.-and-ride station- ntat'I~et :end financial
feasibility of de~elc~t~€nent cottt;]lementar~ to F3o++nw+v€t Ntspl:in5..
The City of He}pkins is home to a thri~•in~,- +iaikable Do~tvttown~l~~lainsn-eet located
+~ithin the ~tud+ art Et. The [dot+ntuayn at-e.a c~tntains numerous retail. restat€ranl- and
office est~~blishmcn[s a~ well as a busy nu~vie theater anti a CiTI-owned arts faciiit~. .~
ne++ mi.sed_-ttse deg el~~pttteni- ~1arl:etl~lac:e 1_~~fts, is scheduled fnr cc~nstructirtn in the fall
ist"_'Ct0?. Ttt~-ite++ develu~mettt wilt ~e ln_cated on tilainsh~eet and.++ili i,~>_clud~ restaurant
:end retail mace++ith ~1f7 o+~ner-occupied Itousin~= units ahme.
A-](?RE TO BE .aDDE.,f~
Station Area Development Plan 2 Hennepin Corrrmunrfy Works
Hennepin County
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The following list summarizes tasks to be completed as part of this study. The consultant
may suggest in their proposal additional tasks that could enhance the study process and
product. The consultant is directed to include a description of their proposed
methodology, associated deliverables, and the estimated staff hours by employee
classification for each task listed below.
Task #1: Study Area Inventory
The consultant will develop an inventory and maps documenting current land uses,
property owners, land values, streets and infrastructure within the study Area,
Delivcrable: GIS maps and associated databases documenting the land use pattems, land
and building values, owners and tenants addresses within and the study area.
Station Area Development Plan 3 Hennepin Community Works
Hennepin County
-.- -- ----
. Task #2: Station Location Alternatives Analysis
The consultant will conduct an analysis to deternline the op timumlocationGJ of the
Southwest Corridor transit station. Scenarios will be dewluped and evaluated which take
into consideration as to whether the station will be an en-route stop versus the western
most terminus oflhe Southwest Corridor. Analysis will include cost/benetlt to the Cit\'.
station space requirements, involved constraints. tax effect. bllJ \)wnershjJ2.
difficulty/cost of acquisition, ease of access, etc. Both the positive and negative aspects
of each alternative should be exam ined.
Deliverable: Summarv of location <1nalvsis, pros ill1d cons of each site. cnllstmints. ete
Cost,'benefit ana)vsi:; (~ftcct Qn tax rolls. bendit due to .gcvelopmenl. cosls III 1ht' Cit\lQ[
potential locations.'approaches. Concept design plan for the proposed transit station{ sL
Task #3: Cormectivity to Downtown Hopkins/eBO
The consultant will undertake an analysis of the cOIll1ectivity of the transit station to
Downtown Hopkins. This will include detemlining a pedestrian friendly route from the
I transit station to Mainstreet (fea~ibilit\- of OJ pedestrian bridQe. etc.) and a study of
workforce mobility to get workers downtov.rn and give residents more transportation
I choices. Also included will be an analvsi" of pedestrian and \eh ide traffic and an
examination of regional trail connections.
De/iJ'erable: Technical memorandum documenting the methodology and results of the
connectivity analysis. A concept design circulation plan, access, parking, transitions and
. I comlections to adjacent areas.
Task #4: Parking Impacts and Requirements for Park and Ride
The consultant will examine projected ridership and park and ride numbers for the transit
station. This infomlation will be used to deternlme the size of the required parking lot or
ramp required to serve the station. Access to and from the parking facility from the
station and highway will also be examined. A larEc parI-in!:!. lot. "sea of pavement"
~itualiol1 is not desirabk. Ramp"structl1red parkin!.' should be cnllsidcrcd where parking
requirel1lQl1s ur..<:; proiected t~ be in e:-;cc:ss of 100 vehicJe~.
Deliverah!c: Technical memorandum documenting projected ridership and parking
I requirementsJ2m;ed ol]Jhe illy:rnativc SC~11~jrios.
Task #5: Local Traffic Impacts
The consultant will conduct a traffic study to include street crossings, projected traffic
impacts, required upgrades/construction, access points. and feeder bus routing.
Station Area Development Plan 4 Hennepin Community Works
Hennepin County
. Delil'crable: Technical memorandum documenting the methodology and results of the
traffic and feeder bus analysis.
Task #6: Market and Financial Feasibility
The consultant will undertake an analysis of the fmancial and market feasibility of
I development adjacent to proposed station sites and in Downtown Hopkins inciuding the
integration of future development .which. complements the existing do~ntown. l Oeleted: with the ]
Delil'erable: Technical memorandum that creates sources and uses for future
I development. DeydoPIlJ.s:nlQPJJortuni!ies. oQjjons and constraints shuuld b? dctai..l.",d.
Task #7: Future Land Use Impacts I Development Opportunities
The consultant will evaluate the projected changes to area land uses and businesses
stemming from rail transit and the transit station. This evaluation is to include the
positive and negative impacts of these changes. The consultant will also examine the
potential for transit oriented development and development complementary to Downtown
Deliverable: Technical memorandum including GIS maps that document the
methodology and conclusions of the development opportunities evaluation.
Task #8: Environmental Issues
The consultant will conduct an analysis of the potential impact on air quality and increase
. in sound levels as a result of the transit station.
Deliwrabll?: Technical memorandum including sound contours maps that document the
methodology and conclusions of the environmental analysis.
Task #9: Funding Issues
The consultant will detennine alLpotential costs for each station alternative and the
projected cost of associated upgrades im;luJiT1~ infraSlrtlcture u!1ld:rsJes that nlm l~~
required as a result orthe tL<ln~it staliLl1l and associ8ted devdorment.
Dc!i\'f.!rab/e: Cost breakdown for all station alternatives.
Task #10: Public Involvement Activities
The consultant will outline a public involvement process that will effectively involve key
stakeholders, clearly identify issues and opportunities, and develop goals, objectives, and
strategies for the study area. The consultant should describe the tasks and provide an
I hourly budget for the proposed public involvement process. Techniques to be comidered
Station Area Development Plan 5 Hennepin Community Works
Hennepin County
. I i~.cJud:; pub.lie il1fonnat!onal, meet~l1l!s. rcsident'stukeholder s.urvevs. presentation,s to the
(It\' C Dllnei! and Plannmg C 0I111111SSIO)1. City staff wIll provIde the consultant wIth the
key stakeholder groups for this study.
Task #11: Study Report
The Consultant will compile a draft study report describing the infonllation and analysis
developed in the first 8 tasks. The Consultant will produce 10 copies of a draft study
report and 30 copies (20 hardcopies and 10 CD ROMs) of the final study report. The
draft study report will be prepared with adequate time for review and comment by the
Teclmical Advisory Committee (T AC). The final study report will be produced in a web
ready format (e.g. PDF).
De/iw?rable: 10 copies ofthe draft study report and 30 copies (20 hardcopies and 10 CD
ROMs) of the final study report. The final study report will be produced in a web ready
The consultant's work will include regular interaction with a Technical Advisory
Committee (T AC). The T AC's relationship to the consultant's work is advisory; final
authority related to contract administration and perfomlance rests with the contract
manager. Helmepin County. Consultants will be expected to attend T AC meetings to
provide updates. obtain clarification or present proposals. The T AC is expected to meet
monthly throughout the duration of the study.
. Schedule Requirements
Consultants are expected to submit proposed timelilles related to project activities as part
of their proposal.
Reportinq Requirements
As noted above, consultants are expected to fulfilI communication/interface requirements.
This includes one fannal meeting per month and weekly contact with the study manager
Andrew Gillett.
Proposal Format
Applicants are instructed to use the following fom1at in preparing their proposals. The
Proposal Fom1at section of the proposals should be complete, but RESPONSES MAY
NOT EXCEED twenty (20) single-sided pages in length and should be prepared using a
standard 12-point font. NmTative pages may be single-spaced. This twenty-page
restriction includes a budget and supporting narrative, but does not include the Proposal
Synopsis page. The Attaclllilents and Appendices should also be limited to twenty pages
in length and contain resumes, projects previously completed. and letters of support i
recommendation. Pages in excess of these lO-page maximums will be removed from the
application prior to distribution to Selection Committee members.
Station Area Development Plan 6 Hennepin Community Works
Hennepin County
. Cover Letter
Provide a cover letter that identities the consultant and all subconsultants. If a
subconsultant will be involved in the study process, the applicant must identify the
subconsultant and describe the specific services that will be provided by the
Proposal Synopsis
All applicants must provide a synopsis of their proposal, maximum length two (2) pages.
Include in this synopsis: applicant / partner name, address, contact person, phone number:
demonstrated project list, description of key project activities and other relevant
infoffilation. Briefly describe the team's understanding of the project, in approximately
250 words. and include this in the proposal synopsis.
Proposers must identify past or present involvement in the project area and all current
projects ,vi thin Hennepin County that are public in nature.
Team Composition and Areas of Expertise
Provide a description of your organization and areas of expertise. Applicants should be
specific about team members' responsibilities when describing projects previously
completed. This description should identify key persoilllel assigned to the project. as well
as an identified project manager. The proposal will include a description of reporting
relationships among team members, illustrating accountability, responsibility, and
decision-making authority.
. Methodoloqy and Scope
Describe the work approach and fonnat your finn will utilize to complete the project.
Consultants are to submit timelines related to project activities and an allocation of statT
resources as well as overall distribution of time and effort by project phase in their
The respondent should include a matrLx outlining by task the estimated staff hours by
staff classification.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the use of federal funds for this study the respondent must use a
separate envelop to submit a budget categorizing expenses by task, dollars. and hours
relevant to the scope of work. The C'onsultant should provide an estimated fee and billing
rate schedule, ,vhich will include the following elements:
An estimated fee for the project based on their understanding of the project and services
included herein. Itemize the estimate according to project phases and types of services.
Based on past experiences. estimate the reimbursable expenses and include in overall
project budget.
An hourly rate schedule for all personnel that will be assigned to the project.
Station Area Development Plan 7 Hennepin Community Works
Hennepin County
--- --.-
. Timetable
NO',Tmber 16, 2002 Questions & Intent to Propose due
December 7, 2001 Proposal due
Janua!)' 7 I I. 2007 Consultant Interviews. if deemed necessary
January I 1. 2002 Selection of Consultant with interviews
December 21, 2001 Selection of Consultant without interviews
Proposals must be submitted no laler than Friday, December 7, 7001 at 4:00 p.m.
Proposals received after that time will be returned unreviewed to the applicant.
The Proposer shall agree that it is responsible for all tenJ1S. conditions, promises, data,
representations, and all infoffi1ation included in its proposal. Proposer shall clearly
identify any subcontractors it intends to use in its effort and shall agree that all
subcontractors shall adhere to the requirements of this RFP and the Agreement signed to
allow payment of costs.
The Proposer shall acknowledge that all paperwork models, notes, concepts, and ideas
created by its employees or derived from the same pursuant to this contract are the
exclusive and perpetual property of Hennepin County.
Inquiries and Questions
Prospective consultants may nddress questions related to this RFP in writing to the
following name and address. Questions must be received by 1 :30 PM on Friday,
. November 16, 200L
Hennepin County
Attn: Andrew Gillett
4 I 7 North Fifth Street
MilmeapoIis, MN 55401-1362
Hennepin County will answer all written requests received prior to Friday, November 16,
3{J{H. at 4:30 PM, and copies of the questions and answers will be transmitted to all
prospective consultants who have notified the county of their intent to propose.
It is requested that all applicants provide their e-mail address to Hemlepin County in
order to expedite this process. No other technical assistance will be offered by Hennepin
County in regard to this Request for Proposals.
The issuance of this RFP constitutes only an invitation to submit proposals to Hennepin
County. Any proposal submitted, as provided herein, constitutes a recognition of the fact
that the proposal is nol a bid [Iud is not being submitted as a part of the bid process and of
Station Area Development Plan 8 Hennepin Community Works
Hennepin County
-- -- ..- -
. the fact that Helmepin County, in its sole discretion, may require the negotiation of the
cost and any of the ternlS of the contract between Hennepin County and any proposer(s).
This RFP does not commit Hennepin County to award a contract, to pay any costs
incurred in the preparation of a proposal for this request, to procure or contract for
services or to award to the lowest-priced proposal. Hennepin County reserves the right to
accept or reject any or all proposals received as a result of this RFP, to negotiate with all
qualified sources, or to cancel in part or in its entirety this RFP, if it is in the best interest
of Hennepin County to do so. Hennepin County may require the entities selected to
participate in negotiations to submit any fiscaL technical, or other revisions of their
proposals that may resul! from negotiations.
The Hennepin County reserves the right to use any or all proposer ideas and I or
approaches presented. Selection or rejection of the proposal does not affect this right.
Contract Award
Helmepin County may award a contract based on offers received, without discussion of
such offers with the applicants. Each offer should, therefore, be submitted in the most
favorable ternlS from a cost, programmatic and teclmical standpoint.
Evaluation of proposals will be based on the following criteria:
Displayed understanding of the project, e.g" transit related community development,
Previous experience with relevant planning and engineering projects,
Cost estimate for consultant services,
Qualifications of personnel assigned to the project. as related to requirements of the
A vailability of key persOlmeL
Ability to meet Hennepin County contract requirements, and
. Ability to complete work on schedule.
Contractinq Procedure
Hennepin County will enter into a Cost Reimbursement Contract with the successful
consultant. Payment to the contractor will be based on costs incurred. consistent with the
budget. perfoffilance, and the work statement. See Appendix A for contract provisions
that will be contained in the contract Hennepin County enters into with the selected firnl.
Proposals should indicate the firm's willingness to agree to such contract provisions.
This RFP is issued and administered by the Hemlepin County Transit & Community
All applicants must submit the original proposal plus ten (10) copies to:
Hennepin County Department of Housing.
Community Works & Tnmsit
Attn: Andrew Gillett
417 North Fifth Street
Station Area Development Plan 9 Hennepin Community Works
Hennepin County
-- -- --- ----- --
. Minneapolis, MN 55401-1362
Station Area Development Plan 10 Hennepin Community Works
Hennepin County
. Th~ following are sample contract provisions. Proposer must indicate in the proposal
their willingness and ability to agree to these, or similar temls, if a contract is awarded.
Compensation and Expense Reimbursement
Contractor shall submit itemized invoices to the County for services rendered and
reimbursable expenses reasonable in amounts and incurred in and directly related to the
pelfomlance of this agreement, and the total sum to be paid Contractor hereunder shall
not exceed $ (the agreed to contract amount will be inserted here)
Payment shall be made within 45 days of the date of completion of services or the date of
receipt of the invoice, whichever is later, provided that invoices shall not be submitted
more often than monthly. Reimbursable expenses shall include only: (agreed to
reimbursable expenses will be inserted here). Reimbursement for travel expenses shall be
govemed solely by the expense reimbursement provisions of the travel policy contained
in Section CAll of the Hennepin County Administrative Manual. Payment shall be
made in the manner prescribed by law goveming the County's payment of claims andlor
invoices and shall be made without any deductions whatsoever.
TIle Contractor agrees to defend, indenmify, and hold llamlless the County, its elected
officials, officers, agents. volunteers and employees from any liability, claims, causes of
action, judgements, damages, losses, costs, or expenses, including reasonable attorney's
fees, resulting directly or indirectly from any act or omission of the Contractor, its
subcontractors, anyone directly or indirectly employed by them and/or anyone for whose
. acts andlor omissions they may be liable in the perfomlance of the services required by
this contract, and against all loss by reason of the failure the Contractor to perform fully,
in any respect. all obligations under this contract.
In order to protect the Contractor and those listed above under the indemnification
provisions, the Contractor agrees at all times during the tenll of this Agreement and
beyond such tenn when so required, to have and keep in force insurance as follows:
Commercial General Liability Amount
including contractual liability coverages
with the following limits
Contractual Liability must be included:
General Aggregate $1,000,000
Products-completed Operations Aggregate $1,000,000
Personal and Advertising Injury Aggregate $1,000,000
Station Area Development Plan 11 Hennepin Community Works
Hennepin County
. Each Occurrence-Combined Bodily Injury
and Property Damage $1,000.000
Automobi]e Liability
Combined single limit each occurrence
for bodily injury and property damage covering $1,000,000
owned, non-owned, and hire automobiles.
Workers Compensation and Emp]oyers Liability:
(a) Workers Compensation Statutory
(b) Accident Employer's Liabi]ity. Bodi]y injury by:
Accident - Each accident $100,000
(c) Professional Liability - Errors and Omissions:
Per claim $1,000,000
Aggregate $] ,000,000
An umbrella or excess policy over primary ]iability coverages are an acceptable method
to provide the required insurance amounts. The above establishes minimum insurance
requirements. It is the sole responsibility of the Contractor to determine the need for and
to procure additional insurance which may be needed in connection with this Agreement.
All insurance policies shall be open to inspection by the County. and copies of policies
shall be submitted to the County upon written request.
. The Contractor shall not commence work until it has obtained required insurance and
filed an acceptable Certificate ofInsurance with the County. The certificate shall:
Name Hennepin County as certificate holder and as an additional insured with respect to
operations covered under the contract for all liability coverages except Workers
Compensation and Emp]oyers Liabi]ity, and Professional Liability, if applicable.
Be amended to show that Hennepin County will receive 30 days \vritten notice in the
event of cancellation, non-renewal, or material change in any described policies.
Affirmative Action Policies
In accordance with H~nnepin County's policies against discrimination, no person shall be
excluded from full employment rights or participation in or the benefits of any program
service ()f activity on the grounds of race, color, creed, religion, age, sex, disability.
marital status, affectional/sexual preference, public assistance status, ex-offender status,
or national origin; and no person who is protected by applicab]e federal or state laws,
rules and regulations against discrimination shall be otherwise subjected to
Station Area Development Plan 12 Hennepin Community Works
Hennepin County
. Contract Compliance
Further, if this Agreement is for a sum of over $50,000 or is one of several contracts with
said Contractor within a 12-month period totaling more than $50,000 or is amended to
exceed $50,000 and a written exemption was not granted or was withdrawn by the
County's Targeted Contract Services Division Director, Contractor and County agree that
(1) Hennepin County's Appendi.x X, Y, or Z as appropriate fOffilS and is a part of this
Agreement as though fully set forth herein, (2) Contractor will furnish all infonnation
and reports required by the Hennepin County Affimlative Action Policy, and (3)
Contractor shall adopt and comply with the Hennepin County Board's Equal Employment
Opportunity/Affinnative Action Policies with regard to employment and contracting. If
at any time during the contract period the basis of an approved exemption should change,
Contractor shall infoml the Director in writing within 10 calendar days from the date of
such change.
Recvc/inq Proqram
The County encourages the Contractor to develop and implement an office paper and
newsprint recycling program.
Contractor shall not assign. sublet transfer or pledge this contract and/or the services to
be perfornled hereunder, whether in whole or in part. without prior written consent of the
Independent Contractor
It is agreed that nothing herein contained is intended or should be construed in any
. maMer as creating or establishing the relationship of co-partners between the parties
hereto or as constituting the Contractor as the agent. representative or employee of the
County for any pUlTJose or in any manner whatsoever. Contractor is to be and shall
remain an independent contractor with respect to all services perfomled under this
contract. Contractor represents that it has. or wiII secure at its O\\1n expense, all personnel
required in perfoffiling selTices under this contract. Any and all personnel of Contractor
or other persons, while engaged in the perfomlance of any work or services required by
Contractor under this contract. shall have a contractual relationship with the County and
shall not be considered employees ofthe Coullty, and any and aU claims that mayor
might arise under the Workers Compensation Act ofthe State of Minnesota on behalf of
said personnel or other persons while so engaged, and any and all claims whatsoever on
behalf of any such person or persormel arising out of employment or alleged employment
including, without limitation, claims of discrimination against the Contractor. its officers,
agents, contractors or employees shall in no way be the responsibility of the County: and
Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the County. its conmlissioners, officers,
agents and employees harnlless from any and all such claims regardless of any
detennination of any pertinent tribunaL agency, board, commission, or court. Such
personnel or other persons shall not require nor be entitled to any compensation, rights or
benefits of any kind whatsoever from tlte County, including without limitation, tenure
Station Area Development Plan 13 Hennepin Community Works
Hennepin County
. rights, medical and hospital care. sick and vacation leave, Workers' Compensation. Re-
employment Compensation, disability severance pay and PERA.
County's Riqht to Audit Books and Records
Contractor agrees that the County, the State Auditor or any of their duly authorized
representatives, at any time during nOffilal business hours and as often as they may
reasonably deem necessary, shall have access to and the right to examine, audit, excerpt
and transcribe any books, documents, papers, records, etc., which are pertinent and
involve transactions relating to this agreement. Such material must be retained for six
years by the Contractor after contract temlination or cancellation. Contractor's
accounting practices and procedures relevant to this contract shall also be subject to
examination by any or all of the aforesaid persons as often as and during such times as
If Contractor shall fail to fulfill its obligations under this contract properly and timely, or
if Contractor shall violate any ofthe covenants, agreements. or stipulations of this
contract, thereupon the County shall have the right to temlinate this contract if Contractor
has not cured the default after receiving seven days written notice. This contract may
then by temlinated by the County by giving at least three days written notice to contractor
of such tennination and specifying the effective date thereof. County shall not be
obligated to pay for services provided in an unsatisfactory manner.
Notwithstanding the above, Contractor shall not be relieved of liability to the County for
damages sustained by the County by virtue of any breach of this contract by Contractor,
and the County may withhold any payments to the Contractor for the purpose of set-off
. until such time as the exact amount of damages due the County is detennined.
It is agreed that any right or remedy provided for herein shall not be considered as the
exclusive right or remedy of the County for any default in any respect by the Contractor,
but such right or remedy shall be considered to be in addition to any other right or remedy
hereunder or allowed by law, equity, or statute.
The County's failure to insist upon strict perronnance of any covenant, agreement. or
stipulation of the contract or to exercise any right herein contained shall not be a waiver
or relinquishment of such covenant. agreement. stipulation, or right, unless the County
consents thereto in \vriting. Any such written consent shall not constitute a waiver or
relinquishment in the future of such covenant. agreement, stipulation or right.
Station Area Development Plan 14 Hennepin Community Works
Hennepin County