CR 07-040 Accept Bids, Declare Cost to be Assessed & Order Assessment Hearing 2007 Street & Utility ImprovementCITY OF HOPKINS April 3, 2007 Council Report 2007-040 ACCEPT BIDS, DECLARE COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDER ASSESSMENT HEARING 2007 STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Proposed Action CITY PROJECT No. 06-10 Staff recommends approval of the following motion: adopt Resolution 2007-25, accepting bid for 2007 Street & Utility Improvement Project, Resolution 2007-26, Declaring Cost To Be Assessed, and Orderin Preparation of Proposed Assessment, Resolution 2007-27, Resolution for Hearing on Proposed Assessments, 2007 Street and Utilit~provements, City Project -06-10. This action continues an assessable project for street upgrading. Overview The bid opening for the 2007 Street and Utility Improvement Project was held on March 27, 2007. The low bid was $1,085,400.25, which is $350,000 less than the final engineer's estimate. In all 10 bids were opened indicating a very competitive construction market. Assessment calculations will be prepared based on the low bid submitted by Holst Excavating. We are projecting the assessment rate to be lower than the cap for the Drillane neighborhood. Staff is now recommending acceptance of the bids and ordering an assessment hearing for the project on May 1, 2007 followed by award of bid. Primary Issues To Consider Results of bid opening Project costs and assessment interest rate • Bid Alternates Schedule Recommendation Supporting Information Abstract of Bids Resolutions: 2007-25, 200 -26, 2007-27 Jo Bradford, P. . ty Engineer Financial Impact: $ 1,492,425.34 Budgeted Y/N Y Source:S.A. PIR, CI, Utility Funds Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): CIP, Feasibility Study Notes: \\Lisa\engineering\Council Reports\2007\CR2007-040 Accept Bids Order Hearing 2007 Street Imp Project.doc Results of Bid Opening Holst Excavating, Inc. $1,085,400.25 Valley Paving $1,157,456.05 Northwest Asphalt $1,283,228.70 Bituminous Roadways $1,293,641.10 Midwest Asphalt $1,299,793.13 Park Construction $1,345,888.89 Arcon Construction $1,351,731.47 Barbarosa & Sons $1,391,092.00 Northdale Construction $1,438,757.42 Three Rivers Construction $1,515,053.36 All bids were submitted with required bid security made by qualified contractors. Holst Excavating, Inc. is a reputable and responsible contractor and has completed similar projects in Minnesota and western Wisconsin. Project costs and assessment interest rate Based on the low bid, 25% overhead costs (engineering, admin, legal), and a 10% construction contingency the total estimated project cost is $1,492,425.34. The assessable amount is calculated based on 70% of the assessable roadway costs of $425,583.37. The total amount to be assessed on this project is $384,913.56. • Staff recommends applying an annual interest rate of 7% to this assessment. This interest rate was set in 2002 and is scheduled to be reviewed every 3 years. The following table shows the anticipated assessment rate for each segment. Assessment Area 70% Assessment Rate Proposed Assessment Rate Drillane Neighborhood $6,504.53 $6,504.53 19t Avenue North $83.72 $66.15* 18t Avenue North $13.38 $13.38 * The cap rate is applicable to this area Water Services The homeowner cost for the water service replacements will be $15.00 per foot of service pipe plus $160 for the curb stop & box. This is approximately half the cost of last years program. Final amounts for each resident will be calculated and included in the final assessment role. \\Lisa\engineering\Council Reports\2007\CR2007-040 Accept Bids Order Hearing 2007 Street Imp Project.doc Schedule Accept Bids and Order Assessment Hearing Assessment Hearing/Award Contract Begin Residential Construction Construction Complete Recommendation Staff recommends the council accept the low bid submitted. Apri13, 2007 May 1, 2007 May 2007 September 2007 \\Lisa\engineering\Council Reports\2007\CR2007-040 Accept Bids Order Hearing 2007 Street Imp Project.doc PAGE 1 ABSTRACT OF BIDS 2007 STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF HOPKINS, MN CITY PROJECT NO.06-10 BMI PROJECT NO. T16.22024 3/27/2007 LINE NO. 1 ITEM MOBILIZATION UNIT LUMP SUM Q AMOUNT $8$,000 00 eAReaROSA MN PRICE 555,000 00 a soNS AMOUNT $55,000 00 CAI ROQaERB, M (JNIT PRICE $85,524.50 F CONSTRUCTIO N AMOUNT $85,524 50 THREE RNER LAKELAND, M UNIT PRICE $27,915 00 S CON8TRUC710N N AMOUNT 527.91500 2 ROOT CUTTING TREE $3,850 00 5800 00 58,800.00 5250.00 $2,750 00 $262 50 52,887.50 3 CLEAR AND GRUB TREE EACH $1,880 00 $1,000 00 54,000.00 5505 25 $2,021 00 $1,037.40 $4,149.60 4 SALVAGE AND RE-INSTALL BOULDER RETAINING WALL LUMP SUM $2,000.00 $1,500 00 $1,500.00 51,500 00 $1,500 00 $5,250 00 $5,250.00 5 REMOVE EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER CONC 8 BI LIN FT $6,424.00 $2 20 $7,066.40 53 25 $10,439 00 $5 60 $17,987.20 6 REMOVE SEWER PIPE STORM LIN FT $3,196 80 $6 00 $1,998 00 $11 50 $3,829 50 $10 00 $3,330.00 7 8 9 REMOVE SEWER PIPE SANITAR REMOVE CONCRETE PAVEMENT -DRIVEWAY /WALK /ALLEY REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT- DRIVEWAY LIN FT SO YD SQ YD $8,001 60 $1,972 00 $2 766 00 $3 00 $4 00 $3 00 $5,001 00 $1,972 00 $2 766 00 $3 50 $8 95 $3 75 $5,834 50 54,412 35 $3 457 50 $5.60 $3 20 $2 24 $9,335.20 $1,577.60 $2 065 28 10 11 REMOVE STEPS CONCRETE /STEEL REMOVE DRAINAGE STRUCTURE EACH EACH , $800 00 $3 000 00 $400 00 $450 00 , 51,600.00 $4 500 00 5275.00 $525 00 , 51,100 00 $5 250 00 $112 00 $400 00 , . $448 00 $4 000 00 12 REMOVE CASTING EACH , $4 680 00 $80 00 , . $3 120 00 $125 00 , $4 875 00 $80 00 , . $3 120 00 13 14 REMOVE HYDRANT & VALVE INCL PLUG TEE SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT FULL DEPTH EACH LIN FT , . $2,730 00 $2 039.80 $400 00 54 50 , . $2,800.00 $2 961 00 $350 00 55 50 , $2,450 00 $3 619 00 $602 15 $5 00 , . $4,215.05 53 290 00 15 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT FULL DEPTH LIN FT , $5 222 80 $3 00 , . $7 122 00 $3 75 , . $8 902 50 $3 29 , $7 81046 16 17 COMMON EXCAVATION MITIGATE /ABATE CONTAMINATED SOILS CU YD CU YD , $113,016 16 $37 250 00 $14 60 $29 OD , $93,965.60 $29 000 00 $13 75 565 OD , $88,495 00 $65 000 00 $21 88 $45 50 , $140,81968 545 500 00 18 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION CU YD , $10 584 00 $8 90 , . $9 612 00 $13 75 , $14 850 00 $21 88 , . 523 630 40 19 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW CU YD , $17 064 DO $22 20 , 976 OD 523 $0 01 , $10 80 $22 12 , $23 889 60 20 21 TOPSOIL BORROW ROUT, CLEAN & SEAL CRACKS CU YD POUND , $12,580.00 55 097.70 $17 00 $1 90 . $21,386 OD $5 097 70 $15 50 $2 04 $19,499 00 473 32 55 $19 10 $2 00 , $24,027 80 55 366 00 22 EXPLORATORY EXCAVATION HOUR , $10 450.00 $400 00 , $7 600 00 $275 00 , $5 225 00 $560 00 , 510 640 00 23 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5- STREETS CU YD , $83 502 80 $25 30 , $86 528 00 $24 50 , $83 790 00 $24 88 , . 585 089 60 24 MILL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 2" -FULL WIDTH SO YD , _ $7,87$.$0 $1 80 , $11,772.00 $1 31 , . $8 567 40 $2 19 , 514 322 60 25 MILL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT -FULL DEPTH SO YD $15 829.00 $0 48 907 56 20 52 35 , $33 816 50 $1 68 , 524 175 20 26 8' EDGE MILL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 2' SO YD , $3 924 90 $1 70 . , $4 539 00 $1 58 , 218 60 54 $2 30 $6 141 00 27 28 BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE- 3" DRIVEWAYS LV4 BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE- STREETS LV4 SO YD TON , 54,537.00 t $147,870 45 $22 10 $49 60 , $7,712 90 $133,473 6D $18 98 $59 07 , $6,624 02 $158 957 37 $23 10 $59 85 , 58,061.90 $161 056 35 29 BITUMINOUS NON-WEAR COURSE- STREETS LV3 TON $80 422.68 $46 20 $74 474 40 $53 63 , $86 451 56 $50 40 , . $81 244 80 30 BITUMINOUS NON-WEAR COURSE- STREET PATCH 2 LV3 SO YD . $5 526 60 $12 40 , $5 617 20 $18 12 , $8 208 36 E15 75 , . $7 134 75 31 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GAL , 53 593.99 $2 00 , $2 558 00 $3 02 , $3 862 58 $2 89 , . $3 696 31 32 4" PERFORATED PE EDGE DRAIN " LIN FT , $52,239.45 $8 00 , $52,568 00 $8 55 , $56,182 OS $9 94 , $65,315 74 33 4 PVC PIPE DRAIN CLEAN-OUT " EACH $4,375.00 $180 00 $4,500 00 $188 13 $4,703 25 $222 73 $5,568.25 34 4 POLYSTYRENE INSULATION " SO FT $1,850.00 $4 00 $2,000 00 $3 98 $1,990 00 56 34 $3,170 00 35 12 RC PIPE SEWER CL V DESIGN 3006 STORM " LIN FT $2$,730 00 $42 00 $42,000 00 527 88 $27,880 00 530 23 530,230 00 36 15 RC PIPE SEWER CL V DESIGN 3006 STORM " LIN FT $17,329 29 544 00 $24,684 00 $37 14 $17.469 54 532 01 $17,957 61 37 18 RC PIPE SEWER CL III DESIGN 3006 STORM " LIN FT 59,581.43 $46 00 $12,742 00 $33.22 $9,201 94 $34 37 59,520 49 38 21 RC PIPE SEWER CL V DESIGN 3006 STORM " LIN FT $6,269 60 552 00 $7,072 00 $39 91 $5,427 76 $41 18 55,600 48 39 24 RC PIPE SEWER CL V DESIGN 3006 STORM " LIN FT $42,691 60 $65 00 $50,180 00 $48 25 537,249 00 $50 64 539,094.08 40 24 RC PIPE APRON W/ TRASHGUARD EACH 51,277.00 $1,300 00 $1,300 00 $1,172 15 51,172.15 $1,306 OS 51,306 08 41 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM STRUCTURE EACH $920 00 $2,400 00 $4,800 00 $2,000 00 54,000 00 $724 25 51,448 50 42 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER PIPE EACH 52,520 00 $1,800 00 $12,600 00 $1,000 00 $7,000.00 $560 00 53,920 00 43 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PIPE EACH 51,640 00 51,800 00 $7,200 00 $1,000 00 54,000 00 $2,820 04 $11,280 16 44 45 46 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY MANHOLE CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER SERVICE 6" PVC SAN SERVICE PIPE, SDR 26 EACH EACH LIN FT 56,860.00 55,890 00 $11 780 00 $600 00 $460 00 $32 00 $9,600 00 $14,260 00 $9 920 00 $1,500 00 $450 00 $28 50 $24,000 00 513,950 00 58 835 00 $784 31 $614 75 $42 58 512,548 96 519,057 25 $13 199 80 47 8" X 6" SDR 26 PVC SERVICE WYE EACH , 54 340 00 $100 00 , $3 100 00 $167 78 , 55 201 18 $103 97 . $3 223 07 48 8" SANITARY SEWER REPAIR- C I P SECTIONAL LINING LIN FT , $1 950 00 $400 00 , 54 000 00 $426 00 , $4 260 00 $420 00 , 54 200 00 49 8" SANITARY PVC SEWER PIPE LIN FT , $52 610 52 $72 00 , $120 024 00 $31 10 , $51 843 70 $55 10 , $91 851 70 50 SALVAGE AND RE-INSTALL SANITARY MANHOLE FLOAT ALARM LUMP SUM , $3 460.00 $2 400 00 , . $2 400 00 $375 00 , $375 00 $1 339 00 , $1 339 00 51 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN INCL FITTINGS EACH , $14 600 00 , $1 100 00 , 511 000 00 $1 500 00 $15 000 00 , 5635 OS , $6 350 50 52 WATERMAIN OFFSET EACH , $6 200.00 , $2 400 00 , $4 800 00 , $1 478 86 , $2 957 72 $3 549 79 , $7 099 58 53 54 HYDRANT GATE VALVE AND BOX 6" EACH EACH , 528,260 00 $8 460.00 , $3,100 00 $960 00 , 527,900 00 $8 640 00 , $2,829 22 $918 78 , $25,462 98 $8 269 02 , 52,615 37 5870 41 , $23,538 33 $7 833 69 55 ADJUST GATE VALVE BOX EACH , 55 700 00 $200 00 , 800 00 53 $200 00 , $3 800 00 $140 00 , $2 660 00 56 SALVAGE SPRINKLER HEAD EACH , $3 000 00 520 00 , $500 00 $35 00 , $875 00 $56 00 , $1 400 00 57 INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD EACH , $5 875 00 St 1000 $2 750 00 $175 00 375 00 54 $79 64 , $1 991 00 58 6" WATERMAIN DUCTILE IRON CL 52 INCL FITTINGS " LIN FT , $6,912 00 $42 00 , $6,048 00 $39 18 , $5,641 92 $45 52 , 56,554 88 59 60 61 1 TYPE K COPPER SERVICE PIPE 1" CURB STOP 8 BOX CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 48-4020 LIN FT EACH EACH $38,325 00 $8,735 00 59 590 00 529 00 5460 00 $1 500 00 531,755 00 $15,180 00 $10 500 00 $31 50 $366 90 $1 366 00 $34,492 50 $12,107 70 59 562 00 523 17 $206 08 $2 022 22 $25,371 15 $6,800 64 $14 155 54 62 63 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 48-4022 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 60-4020 EACH EACH , 58,400 00 52 565 00 , $1,600 00 $2 900 00 , $9,600 00 $2 900 00 , $1,366 00 $2 330 00 , 58,196 00 $2 330 00 , $2,022 22 $3 064 12 , $12,133 32 $3 064 12 64 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 60-4022 EACH , $2 550 00 , $2 800 00 , $2 800 00 , $2 330 00 , $2 330 00 , 53 064 12 , $3 064 12 fi5 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN "F" EACH , $1 490 00 , $1 700 00 , $1 700 00 , $1 366 00 , $1 366 00 . $2 022 22 , $2 022 22 66 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES SD-1 2' x 3 EACH , 519,950 00 , $1 200 00 , 525 200 00 , $893 OD , $18 753 00 . 51 372 90 , $28 830 90 67 CATCH BASIN CASTING ASSEMBLY R-3067 V (STORM SEWER EACH $12 865 00 , $450 00 , $13 950 00 $477 52 , . $14 803 12 , 5555 55 , $17 222 OS 68 CATCH BASIN CASTING ASSEMBLY R-1733 STORM SEWER EACH , $4,800 00 $340 00 , $2,720 00 $363 56 , $2,908.48 $438.38 , $3,507.04 69 CONSTRUCT SANITARY MANHOLE EACH $2,670 00 $1,800 00 $1,800 00 $1,950 00 $1,950 00 $2,125 70 $2,125.70 70 RECONSTRUCT SANITARY MANHOLE EACH $18,200 00 5600 00 $6,000 00 $1,250 00 $12,500 00 $107.50 51,075.00 71 ADJUST MANHOLE CASTING STORM SEWER EACH $1,080 00 $280.00 $840 00 $275 OD $825 00 $427 83 $1,283.49 72 SANITARY MANHOLE CHIMNEY SEAL EACH $3,700 00 $130.00 $1,300 00 $250 00 52,500 00 $248 88 $2,488 80 73 REHABILITATE SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE EACH $0 10 $1,000 00 $10,000 00 $3,834 00 $38,340 00 $3,780 00 $37,800 00 74 CASTING ASSEMBLY -SANITARY SEWER EACH $19,200 00 $340 00 $10,880 00 $538 50 $17,232 00 5438 38 $14,028.16 75 76 77 RIPRAP CLASS III 4" CONCRETE WALK CONCRETE STEP CU YD SO FT EACH $860 00 51.593 90 $3 900 00 $95 00 $6 50 $350 00 $950 00 $3,003 00 $2 100 00 $135 00 $7 18 $134 38 $1,350 00 $3,317 16 $806 28 581 31 57 94 5131 25 5813 10 $3,668 28 E787 50 78 79 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN 8618 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN 8618 -SPOT REPAIR LIN FT LIN FT , $57,323 00 510 304 00 $8 70 $16 00 , $57,855 00 $10 304 00 $9 87 $19 98 565,635 50 $12 867 12 59 64 579 52 564,106 00 512 570 88 80 81 7" CONCRETE CROSS-DRAIN 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY & ALLEY PAVEMENT SQ YD SO YD , $1,230 80 531 947 87 $73 00 $40 00 , . $1,241.00 533 960 00 $65 20 $46 94 , $1,108.40 $39 852 06 . 56368 537 05 , 51,082 56 531 455 45 82 SALVAGE 8 REINSTALL CHAIN LINK FENCE LIN FT , 51,050 00 535 00 , . 51 050 00 $37 63 , $1 128 90 536 75 , $1 102 50 83 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM $7 500 00 500 00 56 , $6 500 00 $10 500 00 , $10 500 00 825 00 56 , 56 825 00 84 4" BROKEN LINE -YELLOW EPOXY LIN FT , $517.50 , $1 50 , $517 50 , $1 61 , $555 45 , . 52 15 , $747 75 85 ZEBRA CROSSWALK -WHITE EPOXY SO FT $2,566 08 $3.00 $2,592 00 $3 19 . $2,756 16 $3 99 53,447.36 86 TRANSPLANT GARDEN LUMP SUM $1,500.00 $4,000.00 $4,000 00 $1,250 00 $1,250 00 $6,300 00 56,300 00 87 INLET PROTECTION -FILTER AGGREGATE EACH $10,400 00 $420 00 $10,920 OD $125 00 $3,250 00 5367 50 59,555.00 88 SILT FENCE - PREASSEMBLED LIN FT 5810.00 $3.00 5810 OD $3 50 $945 00 55 51 51,487.70 89 90 SODDING TYPE LAWN EROSION CONTROL BLANKET -CATEGORY 4 TOTAL SO YD SO YD 522,356 25 $540 00 57,351,731.47 $2 50 $10 00 $22,812 50 5540 00 51,391,092.00 $2 50 $5.38 $22,812 50 $290 52 $1,438,757.42 53 96 510 50 536,135.00 5567.00 51 515 053.36 PAGE1 • Z ABSTRACT OF TS 3�2„ZOO� CITY OF HOPKINS, MN CITY PROJECT NO. 06-70 BMI PROJECT NO. T1632024 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ��� � � � - . - ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE � HOLST EXCAVATING WC VALLEY PAVING NORTHWESTASPHALT BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS�, INC. MIDWE3T ASPHALT PARK CONS UCTION - ARCON CONSTR CTION .� �� B ROSA R SONS �� NORTHDALE CONS UCTIO THREE RNERS CONSTRUCTION �� � LINE � � � � � � � � � � � � - - PRESCOTT; WI � � SHAKOPEE,.MN SHAKOPEE, MN � 8HAKOPEE, MN � HOPKINS � HAMPTON, MN � HARRIB, MN � � � OSSEO, MN � � ROOERS, MN LAKELAND. MN � � NO. � � ITEM �� � UNIT QUANTI UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT . UNIT PRICE � AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE -- pMOUNT .�� UNIT PRICE AMOUN7 VNIT PRICE � . AMOUNT, UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE �AMOUN7. � UNIT PRICE .� � AMOUNT UNITPRICE � AMOUNT 1 MOBILIZATION LUMPSUM 1 $41,244.18 $47244.1B $30,000.00 $30,000.00 $35,000.00 $35,000.00 $72,780.00 $72,780.00 549,000.00 $49,000.00 $95,000.00 $95,000.00 $66,650.00 $66,650.00 $88,000,00 $88,000.00 $55,000.00 $55,000.00 $85,524.50 $85,524.50 $27,915.00 $27,915.00 2 ROOTCUTTING TREE 11 � $300.00 $3,30Q.00 $50.00 $550.00 $103.52 $1,138J2 $700.00 $1,100.00 $200.00 $2,200.00 $75.00 $825.00 $101.00 $1,7i1.00 $350.00 $3,850.00 $800,00 � $8,800.00 $250.00 $2,750.00 � $262.50 $2,687.50 � � 3 CLEARAND.GRUBTREE EqCH 4 $1,000.00 $4,000.00 $200.00 $800.00 $1,022.75 $4,091.00 $450.00 $1,800.00 $1,050.00 $4,200.00 $495.00 $1,980.00 $552.00 $2,208.00 $470.00 $7,880.00 $1,000.00 $4,000.00 $505.23 $2,027.00 $1,037.40 $4,149.80 4 SAI.VAGE AND RE-INSTALL BOULDER RETAINING WALL . LUMP SUM 1 $1,500.00 $1,SOO.DO $1,ODO.OD $1,000.00 $1,100.00 $7,100.00 $500,00 $ 0.00 $260.00 $260.00 $5,325,00 $5,325.00 $7,420.00 $1,420.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.0� $1,50Q.00 $1,500.00 . $5,250.00 $5,250.00 � 5 REMOVE EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER (CONC 8 BI lIN FT 3212 $4.00 $12,848.00 $2.00 $6,424.00 $5.50 $Y7,666.00 $3.00 $9,636.00 $275 $8,833,00 $4.40 $14,132.80 $iJ0 $5,450,40 $Z.00 $6,424.00 $220 � $7,066.40 $325 $10,439.00 $S.6D $1�,987.20 � 8 REMOVE SEWER PIPE STORM) �IN FT 333 $15.00 $4,995,00 � $7.00 . $2,331.00 $6,21 $2,067.93 $10.00 $3,330.00 $6.4D $2,131.20 $6.35 $2,714.55 $10.90 $3,629J0 $9.50 $3,196,80 $8.00 $1,998.00 $17.SD $3,829.50 $10.00 $3,330.00 7 REMOVE SEWER PIPE SANITAR � LIN FT 1667 $5.00 $13,336,00 $7.00 $11,669.00 $4.74 $6,901.38 $5.00 $8,335.00 $4.25 $7,084.75 $4.20 $7,001.40 $1.05 $7.750.35 $4.80 SS,001.60 $3.00 $5,001.00 $3.50 $5,834.50 $5.60 .$9,33520 8 REMOVE CONCRETE PAVEMENT - DRIVEWAY / WALK / ALLEY SQ YD 493 $8.00 $3,944.00 $4.00 $1,972.00 $13.20 $6,50�.60 $5.00 , $2,465.00 $4.00 $1,972.00 $5.95 $2,933.35 $4.10 $2,021.30 $4.00 $1,972.00 $4.00 $1,972.00 $8.95 $4,412.35 $320 $1,577.60 9 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT- DRfVEWAV SQ YD � 922 $4.00 � $3,688.00 $1.00 $922.00 $4.30 $3,964.60 $3.50 $3,227.00 $3.00 $2,766.00 $2.95 $2,719.90 $220 $2,028.40 $3.00 $2,766.00 $3.00 $2,766.00 � $3.75 � $3,457.50 $2.24 � $2,06528 � 10 REMOVES7EPS CONCRETE/STEEL EACH 4 $100.00 $406.00 $70.00 $280.00 $93521 $3,740.84 $200.00 $800.00 $125.00 $500.00 $115.00 $460.00 $332.00 $1,328.00 $200.00 $800.00 $400.00 $1,600.00 $275.00 � $1,100.00 $112.00 $448.00 � 11 REMOVE DRAINAGE STRllC7URE EACH f0 $550.00 $5,500.00 $250.00 $2,500.00 $103.52 $1,035.20 � $400.00 $4,000.00 $106.06 $1,060.06 $105.00 $1,050.00 $309.00 $3,090.00 $300.00 $3 000.00 $450.00 $4,500,00 $525.00 $5,250.00 $460.60 $4,000.00 12 REMOVE CASTING EACH 39 $150.00 $5,850.00 $50.00 � $1,950.00 $220.05 $8,581.95 $100.00 $3,900.00 $75.00 $2,925.00 $60.00 $2,340.00 $66.20 $3,361.80 $120.00 $4,680.00 $80.00 $3,120.00 $125.00 $4,875.00 $80.00 $3,120.00 ! 13 � REMOVE HYDRANT & VALVE MCL. PWG?EE EACH 7 $500.00 $3,SOO.QO $200.00 $7,400.00 $527.94 $3695.58 $500.00 $3;500.00 $540.00 $3,780.00 $540.00 $3,780.00 $269.00 $1,863.00 $390.00 $2,730.00 $400.00 $2,800.00 $350.00 $2,450.00 $602.15 � $4,275.05 � 14 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT FULL DEPTH LIN FT 658 $5.00 $3,290.00 $4.50 � $2,967.DD $3.tt $2,046.38 $3.50 $2,303.00 $3.50 $2,303.00 $4.40 � $2,885.20 $3.05 $2,006.90 $3.10 $2,039.80 $4.5� $2,961.00 -$5.50 � $3,619.00 $5.00 $3,290.00 15 SAWINGBITUMINOUSPAVEMENT FULLDEPTH) LINFT 2374 $3.00 � $7,122.00 $2.00 $4,748.00 $2.28 $5,365.24 $2.50 $5,935.00 $2.85 $6,765.90 $2.95 $7,D03.3D $9.70 $4,035.80 $220 $5,222.80 - $3.00 $7,722.00 $3.75 $8,9D2.SD $3.29 � $7,810,46 16 COMMON EXCAVATION CU YD 6436 $16.00 $102,976.00 $6.00 $38,616.00 $10.60 $68,221.60 $11.35 $73,048.60 $19.00 $122,284.00 $15.75 $101,367.00 $17.49 $112,565.64 $17.56 $173,016.16 $14.60 $93,985.60 $1375 $86,485.00 $21.$B $140,819.68 � � 17 MITIGATE / ABATE CONTAMINATED SOILS Cll YD 1000 $15.00 $15,000.00 $46.00 $46,000.00 $16.50 $16,500.00 $30.00 $30,0�0,00 $30,00 $30,000.00 $37.05 $37,050.00 $45.00 $45,000.00 $37.25 $37,250.00 $29.00 $29,000.00 $65.00 $65,000.00 $45.50 $45,500.00 �� 18 SUBGRADEEXCAVATION CUYD 7080 $15.D0 $76,200.00 $7.00 $7,560.00 $6.47 $9,147.60 $9.10 $9,828.00 $15.00 $16200.00 � $13.00 $74,040.00 $16.30 $17,604.00 $9.80 $10,584.00 $8.90 $9,612.00 $13.75 $14,850.00 $21.88 $23,630.40 19 S�LECTGRANULARBORROW � CUYD 1080 $16.00 � $17,280.00 $13.00 $14,040.00 $19.72 $21,297.60 $14.00 $15,120.00 $19.00 $20,520.00 $15.00 $16,200.00 $23.�0 $25,596.OD $15.80 $17,064.00 $2220 523,978.00 $0.01 $10.80 � $22.12 � $23,889.60 20 TOPSOtLBORROW � CUYD 1258 � $15.00 $18,870.00 $72.00 $15,096.00 $19.82 $24,933.56 $16.70 $21,008.60 $30.00. $37,740.00 $0.01 $12.58 $10.00 $12,580.OD $10.00 $12,580.00 $77.00 $21,386.00 $15.50 $19,499.00 $19.10 $24,027.80 � 21 ROUT, CLEAN 8 SEAL CRACKS pOUND �2683 $1.50 . � $4,024.50 52.00 $5,366.00 $2.00 $5,388.60 � $2.00 $5,366.00 $2.06 $5,366.00 $2.00 $5,366,00 $1.90 $5,097.70 $1.90 $5,097.70 $1.90 $5,097.70 $2.04 $5,473.32 $2.00 � $5,368.00 22 EXPLOR.4TORY EXCAVATION HOUR � 19 $500.00 $9,500.00 $730.00 � $2,470.00 $222.56 $4,228.64 $100.00 $1,900.00 $230.00 $4,370.00 $220.00 $4,180,00 $205.00 $3,895.00 $550.00 � $10,450.00 $400.00 $7,600.00 � $275.00 $5,225,00 5560.00 $10,640.00 23 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5- STREETS CU YD y � 420 $25.00 $85,500.00 $16.00 $54,720.00 $2229 $76,231.80 $23.00 $78,660.00 $27.00 $92,340.00 � $16.65 $56,943.00 $19.30 $66,006.00 $27.34 � . $93�,502.80 $23.30 $86,526.00 . $24.50 $83,�90,00 . $24.88 $85,089.60 � 24 MILL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (2" - FULL WIDTN S� YD 6540 � 52.50 $16,350.00 $0,35 $2,289.00 $1.22 . $7,978.80 $L00 � $6,540.00 $9.00 $8,540.00 $1.48 $9,679.20 $0.95 $6,273.00 $122 $7,978.80 $1.80 $N,772.OD $1.31 $8,567.40 $2,19 $14,322.60 � 25 MIlLB17UMINOUSPAVEMENT-FULLDEPTH SQYD :14390 $275 $39,572.50 $0.55 $7,974.50 $1.10 $15,829A0 . $1.45 . $20,865.50 $7.OD $14,390.D0 $270 $38,853.00 $1.90 $27,341.D0 $1.10 � $75,829.00 $0.48 $6,90720 $2.35 $33,816�.50 $1.68 � $24,17520 26 S' EDGE MILL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 2" . SQ YD � 2670 $2,50 $6,675.00 $0.45 $1,201.50 � $1.47 $3,924.90 $1.40 $3,738.00 $1.35 $3,604.50 $1.85 $4,839.50 $1.30 $3,471.00 $1.47 $3,924.90 $1.70 � $4 539.00 $1.58 $4,218,60 � $2,30 $6,141.00 ' 27 BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE- 3" DRIVEWAYS LV4 � SQ YD °349 � $25.00 $6,725.00 $22.05 $7,695.45 $20.54 $7,168.48 527.15 $9,475.35 $22.00 $7,678.00 $25.80 $9,004.20 $18.90 $6,596.10 $13.00 $4,537.00 $22.10 $7,712.90 $78.98 � $6,824.02 $23.10 $8,061.90 ' 28 BITUMfNOUS WEAR COURSE- STREETS (LV4 � TON 2691 � $55.00 $148,005.00 $56.05 $150,830.55 . $54.95 $147,870.45 $57.65 $155,136.15 $57.00 $153,387.00 $49.15 $132262.65 $51.50 $138,586.50 $54.95 + $147,870.45 � $49.60 $133,473.60 $59.07 $158,857.37 $59.85 $161,056.35 29 BITUMINOUS NON•WEAR COURSE- STREETS LV3) TON 1612 $53.00 $85,436.00 $5525 $89,063.00 � $49.89 $80,422.68 $51.90 $63,662.80 $48.00 $77,376.00 $4620 $74,474.40 $48,00 $77,376.00 $49.89 $80,422.68 $4620 $74,474.40 $53.63 $86,451.58 $50.40 $81,244.80 30 BITUM7NOUS NON•WEAR COURSE- STREET PATCH 2" LV3 SQ YD 453 $25.00 � $11,325.00 $13.00 $5,889.00 $1220 $5,526.60 $23.00 $10,419.00 $15.00 $6,795.00 $22.80 $10,328.40 $12.80 $5,798.40 51220 $5,526.60 � $12.40 � . $5,61720 $18.12 $8208.36 ' $1535 � $7,13475 31 BITUMlNOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT � � GAL 1279 $3.00 $3,837.00 $3.00 $3,837.00 $Z.81 $3,593.99 $2.00 $2,558.00 $2.75 . $3,51725 $7.95 $2,494.05 $2.05 $2,621.85 $2.81 $3,593.99 $2.00 $2,558.00 $3.02 $3,862.58 $2.88 $3,696.37 32 4" PERFORATED PE EDGE DRAIN . LIN FT 6577 $14.00 $91,994.00 $8.Q0 $52,566.00 $8.23 $54,079.33 $8.25 $54,210.75 $8.50 $55,853.50 $9.00 $59,139.00 $8.35 $54,867.85 $7.95 $52,239:45 $8.00 $52,568.00 � $8.55 $56,182.05 $9.94 $65,315.74 33 4" PVC PIPE DRAIN CLEAN-OUT EACH 25 $750.00 $3,750.00 $325.00 $8,125.00 $181.16 $4,529.00 $200.00 $5,000.00 $340.00 $8,500.00 $245.00 $6,125.00 $183.00 $4,575.00 $175.00 $4,375.00 $780.00 $4,500.00 $188.13 $4,70325 $222.73 $5,568.25 � 34 4" POITSNRENE INSULATION SQ FT 500 $5.00 $2,500.00 $2.50 $1,250.00 $3.71 $1,555.00 $2.38 $7,190.00 $3.20 $1,600.00 $3.15 $7,5�5.00 $3.55 $1,775.00 $370 ' $1,850.00 $4.00 $2,000.00 $3.98 $7,990.00 $6.34 $3,170.OD � 35 12" RC PIPE SEWER CL V DESIGN 3006 STORM LIN FT 1000 $33.00 $33,000.00 $28.00 $28,000.00 $2.St $2,810.00 $29.00 $29,000.00 $24.50 $24,SOO.DO $2425 $24,250.OD $31.4U $31,400.00 $29.73 $29,73�.00 $42.D0 $42,OOD.00 $27.88 $27,SBO.OD $30.23 $30,23�.00 36 15" RC PIPE SEWER CL V DESIGN 3006 (STORM LIN FT . 561 $35.00 $19,635.00 $28.00 $15,708.00 � $26.91 $15,096.51 $30.32 $77,009.52 $27.70 $15,539.70 - $27.40 $15,371.40 $30.40 $17,054.40 $30.89 $77,329.29 $44.00 $24,684.00 $37.14 $17,469.54 $32.01 � $17,957.61 37 18" RC PIPE SEWER CL III DESIGN 3006 (STORM LIN FT 277 $36.00 $10,526.00 $26.00 $7,756.00 $30.02 $8,315.54 $31.54 $8,736.58 $30.90 $8,559.30 � $30.60 $8,476.20 $34.10 $9,44570 $34.59 $9,561.43 $46.00 $12J42.00 $3322 $9,201.94 $34.37 $9,520.49 �, . 38 21" RC PIPE SEWER CL V DESIC,N 3006 STORM LIN FT 136 $40.00 $5,440.00 $32.00 $4,352.00 $35.19 $4,785.84 $38.16 S5,189.76 $3625 $4,930.00 $35.85 $4,875.60 $48.10 $6,541.60 $46.10 $6,269.60 $52.00 $7,072.00 $39.91 $5,427.76 $41.18 $5,600.48 , • 39 24" RC PIPE SEWER CL V DESIGN 3006 (STORM LIN FT 772 $45:00 $34,740.00 $36.00 527,792.00 $50.72 $39,155.84 $43.84 $33,844.48 $52.00 $40,144.00 $51.65 $39,873.80 $57.50 $44,390.00 $55.30 $42,691.60 $65.00 $50,180.00 $48.25 $37,249.00 $50.64 $39,084.08 ,. 40 24"RCPtPEAPRONW/TR4SHGUARD EACH � i $t,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,200.00 $1200.00 $1,368.46 $1,366.48 $1,260,00 $1,260.00 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 $1,540.00 $1,540.00 $1,277.00 $1,277.00 $1,300.00 $1,300.00 $1,172.15 $1,172.15 $7,306.08 $1,306.06 41 CONNECTTOEXISTINGSTORMSTRUCTURE EACH 2 $650.00 $1,300.00 $450.00 $900.00 $362,31 $724.62 $630.00 $1,260.00 $375.00 $�50.00 $369.00 $738.00 $807.00 $1,614.00 $460.00 $920.00 � $2,400.00 $4,800.00 $2,006.00 $4,000.00 $72425 $1,448:50 � 42 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER PlPE EACH 7 $1,300.00 $9,700.00 $250.00 $1,750.00 $207.04 $1,44928 $630.00 $4,410.00 $215.00 $1,505.00 $210.00 $1,470.00 $538.00 $3,766.00 $360.00 $2,520.00 $1.800.00 $12,600.00 $1,000.00 $7,OOO.DO $560.00 $3,920.00 � . 43 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PIPE EACH 4 $300.OD $1,200.00 $200.00 $800.00 $12629 $5Q5.16 $630.00 $2,520.00 $130.00 $520.OQ $130.00 $520.00 $1,170.00 $4,440.00 $410.00 $1,640.00 57,800.00 $7,200.00 $i $4,000.00 $2,820.Q4 $N,280.16 44 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY MANHOLE EACH 16 $500.00 $8,000.00 $500.00 $8,00�.0� $569.34 $9,109.44 $630.00 $10,080.00 $600.D0 $9,600.00 $580.00 $9,280.00 $1,150.00 $18,400.00 $435.00 $6,960.00 $600.00 $9,800.00 $7,500.00 $24,000.00 $784.31 $12,548.96 . 45 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER SERVICE � EACH 31 $300.00 $9,300.00 $100.00 � $3,100.00 $6625 $2,053.75 $200.00 $6,200.D0 $75.00 §2,325.00 $67.50 $2,092.50 $134.00 $4,154.00 $19D.00 $5,690.00 $46D.00 $14,260.00 $450.OD $13,950.00 $614J5 $19,05725 � 46 6" PVC SAN. SERVICE PIPE, SDR 26 LIN FT 310 $40.00 $12,400.00 $23.00 $7,130.00 $23.19 $7,186.90 $23.41 $7,257.10 $24.00 $7,440.00 $23.60 $7,316.00 $95.40 $2Q574.00 $38.00 $11,780.00 $32.00 $9,920.00 $28.50 $8,835.00 $42.58 $13,199.80 �. 47 8" X 6" SDR 26 PVC SERVICE WYE EACH 31 $25D.00 $7,750.00 $100.00 $3,100.00 $122.15 $3,786.65 $90.00 $2,790.00 $125.00 $3,875.00 $125.00 $3,875.00 $189.00 $5,859.00 $140.00 $4,340.00 $100.00 $3,100.00 $167.78 $5201.18 $103.97 $3223.07 . 48 8" SANITARY SEWER REPAIR- C.I.P. SECTIONAL LINING LIN FT 10 $250.00 $2,500.00 $400.00 $4,000.00 $414.07 $4,140.70 $420.00 $4,200.00 $425.00 $4,250.00 $420.00 $4200.00 $296.00 $2,960.00 $195.00 $1,950.00 $400.00 $4,000.00 $426.00 $4,260.00 $420.00 $4,200.00 49 8" SANITAftY PVC SEWER PIPE � LIN FT 1867 $27.00 $45,009.00 $23.00 $38,341.00 $23.81 $39,89127 $21.23 $35,390.41 $24.50 $40,841.50 $2425 $40,424.75 $30.80 $51,01020 $31.56 $52,610.52 $72.00 $120,024.00 $31.10 $51,843.70 $55.10 $91,851.70 50 SALVAGE AND RE-INS7ALL SANITARY MANHOLE FLOAT ALARM LUMP SUM 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $500.00 $628.13 . $828.13 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $650,00 $650.00 $845.00 $845.00 $1,920.00 � $1,920.00 $3,460.00 53,460.00 $2,400.00 $2,400.00 $375.00 $375.00 $1,339.00 $7,339.00 � 57 . CONNECT TO EXISTlNG WA7ERMAIN INCL. FITTINGS EACH 10 $800.00 $6,000.00 $700.00 $7,000.00 $445.12 $4,451.20 � $630.00 $6,300,00 $460.00 $4600.00 $455.00 $4,550,00 $1,460.00 $14,600.00 $1,460.00 $14,600.00 $7,100.00 $11,000.00 $1,500.00 $15,000.00 $635.05 $6,350.50 � 52 WATERMAIN OFFSET EACH � 2 $1,500.00 $3,00�.00 $50.00 $700.00 $7,977.18 $3,934.36 $1,705.00 $3,410.00 $2,050.00 $4,700.00 $2,075.00 $4,030.00 $3,ZU0.00 $6,400.00 $3,100.00 $6,200.00 $2,400.00 $4,800.00 $1,478.66 $2,95772 $3,549.79 $7,099.58 � 53 HYDRANT EACH 9 52,000.00 $18,000.00 $2,500.OD $22,500.00 $3,698.66 $33,287.94 $2,736.00 $24,624.00 $3,800.00 $34,200.00 $3,770.00 $33,330.00 $3,30Q.00 $29,700.00 $3,140.00 $28,260.00 $3,700.00 $27,9Q0.00 $2,82922 � $25,462.98 $2,615.37 $23,538.33 � 54 GATEVALVE�ANDBOX 6") EACH 9 $800.00 $7,200.00 51,100.00 $9,9D�.00 $986.52 $8,878.68 $1,240.00 $11,160.00 $1,0OO.OD $9,000.00 $1,005.�0 $9,045.00 $1,020.D0 $9,180.00 $940.D0 $8,460.00 $960.00 $8,640.00 $9Y8.78 $8,289.02 $870.41 $7,833.69 , 55 ADJUST GATE VALVE BOX EACH 19 $225.00 $4,275.00 $150.00 $2,850.00 $159.53 $3,031.07 $250.00 $4,750,00 $200,00 $3,800.00 $165.00 $3,135,00 $225_00 $4,275.00 $30U.00 $5,700_00 � $200.00 $3,800.00 $200.00 $3,800.00 $140.00 $2,660.00 56 SALVAGE SPRINKLER HEAD EACH 25 $50.00 $1,250.00 $30.00 $750.00 $20.00 � $500.00 $1.00 $25.00 $60.00 $1,500.00 $85.00 $2,125.00 $24.00 $600.00 $120.00 $3,000.00 $20.00 $500.00 $35.00 $875.00 $56.00 $1,400.00 57 INSTALLSPRINKLERHEAD EACH 25 $150.00 $3,750.00 $40.00 $1,000.00 $40.00 $1,000.00 $150.00 $3,750.00 $260.00 $6,500.00 $65.00 $2,125.00 $9620 $2,405.00 $235.00 $5,875.00 $110.00 $2,750.00 $175.00 $4,375.00 $79.64 $1,991.00 � 58 6" WATERMAIM1f DUCTILE IRON CL 52 INCL. FITTINGS LIN FT 144 $50.00 $7,200.00 $30.00 $4,320.00 $33.72 $4,76928 $50.00 $7200.00 $35.00 $5,040.00 $33.75 . $4,860.00 $41.80 $8,01920 $48.00 $6,912.00 $42.00 $6,048.00 $39.18 $5,641.92 $45.52 $6,554.88 59 1"TVPE K COPPER SERVICE PIPE LIN FT 1095 $30.00 $32,850.OD $15.00 $18,425.00 $14.49 $75,866.55 $25.19 $27,583.05 $15.00 $16,425.00 $14]5 $16,15125 . $18.50 $20,257.50 $35.00 $38,325.00 $29.00 $31,755.00 $37.50 $34,492:50 $23.77 $25,377.15 �� 60 7"CURB STOP 8 BOX EACH 33 $200.00 $6,600.00 $160,00 $5,280.00 $146.99 � $4,850.67 $799.00 $26,367.06 $150.00 $4,950.00 $210.OD . $6,936.06 $296,00 $9,788.00 $285.00 $9,735.00 $460.00 $15,180.00 $366.90 $12,107.70 $206.08 $6,600.64 � 67 GONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 48-4020 EqCH 7 $1,500.00 $10,500.00 $1,100.00 $7,700.00 $1,144.90 � $8,014.30 $1,444.00 $10,108.00 $1,200.00 $8,400.00 $1,170.00 $8,190.00 $1,870,00 $11,690.00 $1,370.00 $9,590.00 , $1,500.00 $10,500.00 $1,366.00 $9,562.00 $2,OZ222 $14,155.54 62 CONSTRUCTDRAINAGESTRUCTUREDES48-4022 EACH � 6 $7,500,00 $9,000.00 $1,t00A� $6,600.00 $7,196.66 $7,179.96 $1,365.00 $8,190.00 $1,300.00 $7,800.00 �$1,225.00 $7,350.00 $1,700.00 $10,200.00 $1,400.00 $8,400,00 $1,600.00 $9,600.00 $1,366.00 $8,196.00 $2,022.22 � $12,133.32 � 63 CONSTRUCTDRAINAGESTRUCTUREDES60-4020 EACH 1 $2,OOD,DO $2,000.00 $1,200.D0 $1,200.00 32,393.30 $2,393.30 $2,627.00 $2,627.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,435.00 � $2,435.00 $3,140.00 $3,140.00 $2,565.00 $2,565.00 $2,900.00 � $2,900.00 $2,330.00 $2,330.00 $3,064.12 $3,064.12 � 64 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 60-4022 EACH t $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.0� $2,383.98 $2,3B3.98 $2,593.00 $2,593.�0 $2,50D.OD $2,500.00 $2,45D.00 $2,450.00 $3,740.OD $3,740.00 $2,550.00 $2,550.00 $2,800,00 $2,8�0.00 $2,330.00 $2,330.00 $3,064.72 $3,064.12 ' 65 CONSTRUCTDRAINAGESTRUCTUREDESIGN"F" EACH 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $1,284.96 . $1,264.96 $1,406.00 $1,408.00 $1,300.OD $1,300.00 $1,290.00 $1,290.00 $1,690.00 $1,690.00 $1,490�.00 $7,490.00 $1,�00.00 $1,700.00 $1,366,00 $1,366.00 $2,022.22 52,02222 66 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE bE5 SD-1 2' x 3' EACH 21 $1,500.00 $31,500.00 $1,000.00 $21,000.00 $835.38 $17,542.98 $681.00 $18,501.00 $860.00 $18,060.00 $850.00 $17,850.00 $1,060.00 $22,260.00 $950.00 $19,950.00 $1,200.00 $25,200.00 $693.00 $18,753.00 $1,372.90 $28,830.90 67 CATCH BASIN CASTING ASSEMBLV R-3067 V (STORM SEWER EACH 31 $550.00 $17,050.00 $400.00 $12,400.00 $396.47 $12,290.57 � $455.00 $14,105.00 $500.00 $15,500.00 $430.00 � $13,330.00 $530.00 $16,430.00 $415,00 $12,865.00 $450.00 $13,950.00 $477.52 $14,803.12 $555.55 $17,222.05 � 68 CATCH BASIN CAST(NG ASSEMBLY R-1733 STORM SEWER EACH 8 $550.00 $4,400.00 $300.00 $2,400.00 $278.46 $2,227.66 $J50.00 $2,800.00 $500.00 $4,000.00 $305.00 � $2,440.00 $660.00 $5,280.00 $800.00 $4,800.00 $340.00 $2,720.00 $363.58 $2,908.48 $438.38 $3,507.04 89 CONSTRUCTSANITARYMANHOIE EACH 1 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,006.00 $2,000.00 $7,873.65 $1,873,65 $1,640.00 $1,640.00 $1,900.00 $1,900.00 $1,900,00 $7,900.00 $3,090.00 $3,090.00 $2,670.00 $2,670.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $1,950.00 $1,950.00 $2,125.70 $2,125.70 . 70 RECONS7RUCTSANITARYMANHOLE EACH 10 $1,500.00 $15,000.00 $2,000.00 $20,000.00 $621.11 $6,211,10 $500.00 $5,000.00 $640.00 $6,400.00 $835.00 $6,350.00 $1,400.00 $14,000,00 $7,820.00 $18,206.00 $600.00 $6,000.00 $1,250.00 $12,500.00 $107.50 $1,075.00 � 71 ADJUS7 MANHOLE CASTING STORM SEWER EACH 3 $300.00 $900.00 $250.00 $750.00 $781.16 $543.48 $350.00 $1,050.00 $350.00 $1,050,00 $515.00 $1,545.00 $222.00 $866.00 $360.00 $1,080.00 $280.00 $840.00 $275.00 $825.00 � $427.83 $1283.49 �� 72 SANITARY MANHOLE CNIMNEY SEAL EACH 10 $500.00 $5,000.00 $240.00 $2,400,00 $252.00 $2,520.00 $275.00 $2,750.OD $250.00 $2,500.00 $150.00 $1,500.00 � $376.00 $3,960.00 $370.00 $3,700.00 $130.00 $1,300.00 $250.00 $2,i00.00 $24B.88 $2,488.80 73 REHABILITA7ESANITARYSEWERMANHOLE EACH 10 $750.00 $7,500.00 $3,600.00 $36,000,00 $3,726.67 $37,266.10 $3,700.00 $37,000.00 $3,800.00 � $38,000.00 $3,795.00 $37,950.00 $2,580.00 $25,800.00 $0.01 $0.10 $1,000.00 $10,000.00 $3,834.00 $38,340.00 $3,790.00 � $37,800.00 , 74 CASTINGASSEMBLY-SANITARYSEWER � EACH 32 $550.00 $17,600.90 $300.00 $9,600.00 $577.44 $18,478.08 $565,00 $iS,DSO.OD $50D.00 $16,000.00 $705.00 $22,S60.OD $743.00 . $23,I76.OD $600.00 $19,200.U0 $340.D0 $10,880.00 $538.50 $17,232.00 $438.38 $14,028.16 � 75 RIPRAP CLASS III CU YD 10 $100.00 $1,000.00 $50.00 $500.00 $93.17 $931.70 $75,00 $750.00 $100.00 $1,000,00 $95.00 $950.00 � $61.60 $816.00 $88.00 $660.00 $95.00 $950.00 $135.00 � $1,350.00 $81.31 � $813.10 � 76 4" CONCRE?E WALK � � SQ FT 462 $6.00 $2,772.00 $5.00 $2,310.00 $4.30 $1,986.80 $4.00 $1,848.00 $3.50 $1,617.00 $1020 $4,712.40 $5.45 $2,517.90 $3.45 � $1,593.90 $6.50 $3,003,00 $7.18 � $3,317.16 $7.94 $3,66828 � 77 CONCRETESTEP � EACH 6 $200.00 $1,200.00 $171.00 � $1,026.00 $362.31 $2,173.88 $257.50 $1,545.00 $690.00 $4,740.00 $685.00 $4,110.00 $886.00 $5,318.00 $650.00 $3,900.00 $350.00 $2,100.00 $134.38 $806.28 $137.25 $787.50 � 78 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGfY 8818 LIN FT 6650 $9.50 $63,775.00 $9.00 $59,850.00 $8,92 $59,318.00 $9.40 $62,510.00 $17.50 $76,475.00 $11.50 $76,475.00 $11.00 $73,150.00 $8.62 $57,323.00 $8.70 $57,855.00 $9.87 $65,635.50 $9.64 $64,106.00 �. � 79 - CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN B618 - SPOT REPAIR �IN FT 644 $30.00 $t9,320.00 $16.00 $10,304.00 $16.56 $70,664.64 $t9.05 $12,268.20 $17.50 $11,270.00 $18.70 $12,042.80 $17.20 $11,076.80 $16.00 $10,304.00 $18.00 $10,304.0� $19.96 $12,867.12 $19.52 $12,570,88 � 80 . 7" CONCRETE CROSS-DRAIN SQ YD 17 $60.00 $1,020.00 $78.00 $1,326.00 $74.95 $1,274.15 $47.40 $805.80 $110.00 $1,870.00 $115.00 $1,955.00 $112.60 $1,904.00 $72.40 $1,230.80 $73.00 $1,241.00 $8520 $1,108.40 $63.68 $1,082.56 81 6"CONCRETEDRNEWAY&ALLEYPAVEMENT � SQYD 849 $45.00 $38,205.00 $44.00 $37,356.00 $38.95 �$33,068.55 $42.45. $36,040.05 $5.30 $4,49970 $13.05 $11,079.45 $11.40 $9,678.60 $37.63 $31,947.87 $40.00 $33,960.00 $46.94 �$39,852.06 $37.05 $31,455.45 � 82 SALVAGE & REINSTALL CHAIN LINK FENCE LIN FT 30 $20.00 $BOD,00 $35.00 $1,050.00 $3623 $1,086.90 $35.00 $1,050.00 $40.00 $1,200.00 $30.00 $900.00 $35.40 . $1,062.00 $35.00 $1,050.00 $35.00 $1,050.00 . $37.fi3 $1,128.90 $36.75 $1,102.50 � 83 TRAFFIC CONTROL � LUMP SUM � 1 $17,000.00 $17,OO�.DO $B $8,000.00 $7,000.00 $7,000.00 $6,500.U0 $6,500.00 $7,000.00 $7,000.00 $12,800.00 $72,800.00 $5,470.00 $5,470.00 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $6,500.00 $6,500.00 $10,500.00 $t0,500.D0 $6,825.00 $6,825.00 84 4" BROKEN LINE • YELLOW EPDXY � LIN FT 345 $2.50 $862.50 $0.90 $310.50 $7.55 $534.75 $2.15 $741.75 $1.6D $552.00 $1.6D $552.OD $1.50 $517.50 $1.5� $517.50 $1.50 � $517.SD $1.61 $555.45 $2.15 $741.75 . 85 ZEBRA CROSSWALK - WHITE EPDXY S� FT 864 $6.00 $5,184.00 $3.00 $2,592.00 $3.0� $2,652.48 $4.00 $3,456.00 $3.20 $2 764.80 $3.15 $2,721.60 $3.00 $2,592.00 $2.97 $2,566.08 $3.00 $2,592.00 $3.19 $2,�56.16 $3.99 $3,447.38 86 TRANSPLANTGARDEN . LUMPSUM 1 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,750.62 $2,750.62 $500.00 $500,00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $1,100.00 $1,100.00 $1,010.00 $1,010.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $1,250.00 $1,250,00 $6,300.00 $6,300.00 87 INLETPROTECTION-.FILTERAGGREGATE EACH 26 $250.00 $6,500.00 $100.00 $2,600.00 $247.47 $6,43422 $250.00 $6,500,00 $125.00 $3,250.00 $140.00 � $3,640.00 $152.00 $3,952.00 $400.00 $10,400.00 $420.00 $10,920.00 $125.00 $3,250,00 $367.50 $9,555.00 � 88 SILT FENCE • PREASSEMBLED LIN FT 270 $5.00 $1,350.00 $6.00 $1,620.00 $3.10 $837.00 $3.00 $810.00 $3.20 . $864.00 $3.70 $999.00 $3.05 $823.50 $3.00 5870.00 $3.00 $810.00 $3.50 $945.00 $5.51 $1.487.70 89 SODDINGII'PE tAWN SQ YD 9125 $5.50 $50,187.50 $2.35 $21,443.75 $2.53 $23,08625 $2.65 $24,18125 $3.00 $27,375.00 $5.80 $52,925.00 � $2.70 $24,637.50 $2.45 $22,356.25 $2.50 $22,812.50 $2.50 $22,812.50 $3,96 $36,135.00 90 EROSION CONTROL BIAfJKET- CATEGORY 4 SQ YD 54 $3.00 $Y62.00 $5.00 $270.00 $10.35 $558.90 $4.00 $216.00 $10.50 $567.00 $3.85 $207.90 �$4.05 $218.70 $10.00 ' $540.00 $10.00 $540.00 $5.38 $290.52 $10.50 $567.00 T07AL $1,433,050.18 $t,085,40Q.25 $1,157,456.05 $1,283,228.70 $1,293,641.70 $1,299,183.13 $1,345,888.89 51,351,731.47 St,391,092.00 $1,43B,757.42 � E1 515 053.36 CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2007-25 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the improvement of 19th Avenue North, 3rd Street North, Drillane Road, Drillane Road North, Drillane Road South, and Drillane Circle, bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Holst Excavating, Inc. $1,085,400.25 Valley Paving $1,157,456.05 Northwest Asphalt $1,283,228.70 Bituminous Roadways $1,293,641.10 Midwest Asphalt $1,299,793.13 Park Construction $1,345,888.89 Arcon Construction $1,351,731.47 Barbarosa & Sons $1,391,092.00 Northdale Construction $1,438,757.42 Three Rivers Construction $1,515,053.36 AND WHEREAS, it appears that Holst Excavating, Inc of Prescott, WI is the lowest responsible bidder, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Hopkins, Minnesota, that: 1. The mayor and city manager are hereby authorized and directed to enter a contract with Holst Excavating, Inc. of Prescott, WI in the name of the city of Hopkins for the improvements noted above according to the plans and specifications therefore approved by the city council and on file in the office of the city clerk. 2. The city clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bid- der shall be retained until a contract has been signed. Adopted by the City Council this 3rd day of April, 2007. Eugene J. Maxwell, Mayor Terry Obermaier, City Clerk \V.isa\engineering\Itesolutions\2007\R2007-25 Bid Acceptance 2007 Street Imp.doc CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2007-26 RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED, AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT WHEREAS, costs have been determined for the improvement of 19th Avenue North, 3rd Street North, Drillane Road, Drillane Road North, Drillane Road South, and Drillane Circle, and the bid price for such improvement is $1,085,400.25, and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of such improvement amount to $407,025.09 so that the total cost of the improvement will be $1,492,425.34. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Hopkins, Minnesota, that: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvement to be paid by the city is hereby declared to be $1,107,511.78 and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefited property owners is declared to be $384,913.56. 2. Assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of 10 years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 2008, and shall bear interest at the rate of 7 percent per annum from the date of the adop- tion of the assessment resolution. 3. The city clerk, with the assistance of the city engineer, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public in- spection. 4. ~ The clerk shall upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the council thereof. Adopted by the City Council this 3rd day of April, 2007. Eugene J. Maxwell, Mayor Terry Obermaier, City Clerk \\Lisa\engineering\Itesolutions\2007\R2007-26 Prepare Assessments 2007 Street Imp.doc CITY OF HOPKINS HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2007-27 RESOLUTION FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the council on April 3, 2007 the city clerk was directed to prepare a proposed assessment of the cost of improving 19th Avenue North, 3rd Street North, Drillane Road, Drillane Road North, Drillane Road South, and Drillane Circle, AND WHEREAS, the clerk has been directed to complete the proposed assessment and put it on file in her office for public inspection, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council Hopkins, Minnesota, that: 1. A hearing shall be held on the 1St day of May, 2007 in the city hall at 7:30 p.m. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such improvement will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such as- sessment. 2. The city clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and she shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. She shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assess- ment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the assessment clerk, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of the assessment. He may at any time thereafter, pay to the assessment clerk the entire amount of the assess- ment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the succeeding year. Adopted by the council this 3rd of April, 2007. Eugene J. Maxwell, Mayor Terry Obermaier, City Clerk \\Lisa\engineering\Resolutions\2007\R2007-27 Set Assessment Heazing 2007 Street Imp.doc