CR 05-100 Cable TV Transfer of Control
August 3, 2005
Council Report 2005-100
Public Hearing on Transfer of Control of
Cable Television System
Proposed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to continue the public hearing until
September 6. 2005.
This motion will allow the City Council to accept statements regarding the proposed transfer of the
City's cable television franchise at the August 3 meeting. The public hearing, however, would remain
open to allow the Southwest Suburban Cable Commission (SWSCC) to provide information and make
a recommendation regarding the transfer.
Time Warner Cable and Comcast Cable Communications have entered into an agreement to purchase
the assets of Adelphia Communications. In addition to acquiring Adelphia cable systems, this
agreement calls for Time Warner and Comcast to transfer cable systems throughout the United States
in order to have individual markets, such as the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, be served by only a single
The Public Hearing is called pursuant to the City's Cable Television Regulatory Ordinance regarding
the proposed transfer of control of the cable television system and cable television franchise currently
held by Time Warner Cable. Both the City's regulatory ordinance and state law require advance written
approval by the City for any sale or transfer of the franchise. The City has received information
regarding Comcast Cable Communications, LLC's legal, teclmical, and financial qualifications. The
City is also working with the SWSCC and Moss & Barnett, its legal counsel, to review Comcast's
qualifications and to provide recommendations regarding how best to process the requested transfer.
Any and all interested parties may comment on the proposed transfer from Time Warner Cable to
Comcast. Once the City closes the Public Hearing it will then have thirty (30) days within which to
take action on a resolution either approving or denying the transfer request.
Staff recommends that the City Council not close the public hearing but continue it until the SWSCC
has an opportunity to review the transfer and prepare a recommendation to its member cities. The
Commission will meet on Thursday, September 1.