CR 02-135 Chemical Health Commission Bylaws Amendment
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August 20, 2002 Council Report 2002-135
Proposed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move that Council approve
the amended wording in the Chemical Health Commission Bylaws under Article
IV Membership 4.2 Terms to allow members to serve more than two consecutive
Chemical Health Commission Bylaws read, "Members shall serve no more than
. two consecutive terms of office",
The Hopkins Chemical Health Commission met on MandaYI August 51 2002. A
motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved that the bylaws be
amended to read, IIMembers shall be permitted to remain on the commission until
such time as the maximum number of nine (9) members has been reached. At
such time, the senior member shall have the option to remain as a non-voting ex-
Primary Issue to Consider
. Would this change prevent other individuals from being appointed to
the Commission?
Supporting Information
. Chemical Health Commission Bylaws
. Chemical Health Commission Meeting Minutes
,j (tf)r'\.L\~ n." 0. c IcJ
. Kat erine Magdal, P lit;; Services Liaison
Hopkins Police Department
------ .-
. Council Report 2002-135
Page 2
Analysis of Issue:
Would this change prevent other individuals from being appointed to the
The Chemical Health Commission can have as many as nine members.
Presently there are 4 members (2 of which are student reps), 1 staff liaison
and 1 ex-officio on the Commission. Allowing members to serve more than
two consecutive terms is unlikely to prevent anyone new from serving on
the Commission because of lack of openings on the Commission.
To prevent this from happening, the proposed language would not allow a
member to serve in any capacity other than ex-officio if membership
reached its maximum allowed number.
. Alternatives
1. Approve Motion to Amend Chemical Health Commission Bylaws.
2. Continue for further discussion.
Staff recommends Alternative #1.
1 .1 This organization shall be known as the Hopkins Chemical Health Commission
of the City of Hopkins.
'1.2 The administrative offices and mailing address of the Commission shall be
Hopkins City Hall, 1010 First Street South, Hopkins Minnesota 55343.
. 2.1 The Chemical Health Commission was created by Resolution of the City
Council dated December 6, 1988. The Commission serves in an advisory
capacity to and for the City Council in the performance of duties as may be
directed by the City Council from time to time and as more specifically outlined
3.1 The Commission is designed to serve in an advisory capacity to the City
Council and Administration. In its capacity, the Commission has the authority
to conduct research, make recommendations to the City Council and
Administration on issues ranging from liquor, tobacco and other drug violations
and licensing policies, to the establishment of programs directly related to
chemical health.
3.2 The purpose of the Commission is to assess alcohol, tobacco and other drug
abuse problems in the community as well as encourage and promote chemical
health education.
-1 1 Number Said Commission sha!1 consist of (i) at least 6 but no more than 'J
persons appointed by the Mayor who need not be a resident of the City ot
Hopkins to qualify for appointment: (H) designated police department
representative shall serve as a nonvoting ex-officio member. All other
members shall have the right to vote on all matters brought before the
Commission. Member terms of office shall be for two years
The Commission may have ekofficio members serve on the Commission in
an advisory capacity. Ex-officio members are nonvoting members
The Commission may choose to have members of the health community
participate in an advisory capacity.
'1 eo Terms. Four members shall be appointed on July 1st of each odd numbered
~'. "-
year and 5 members shall be appointed on July 1st of each even numbered
year. Members appointed to complete a current term of office shall be
considered to have served a term of office if the appointment is to an office
wtlich is less than half completed. If the appointment is to an office 'Which is
more than half completed, the appointment will not be considered a term of
office. Members shall serve no more than two consecutive terms of office. e
4.3 Removal. Members may be subject to removal by the Mayor, for cause, but
only after Council approval, after notice and opportunity for a hearing before
the Council
4.4 Absenteeism. If any member fails to attend four regular meetings of the
Commission per year, notice of such failure may be cause for removal and
forwarded by the Chair to the Mayor and Council with the request for removal
of such members from the Commission.
4.5 Expenses. Members shall serve 'Nithout salary, but costs of sending notices,
preparing and distributing minutes and other clerical expenses shall be paid by
the City from the general fund together with such extraordinary expenses as
are authOrized by the City COLlncil.
4.1 Number. Said Commission shall consist of (i) at least 6 but no more than 9
persons appointed by the Mayor who need not be a resident of the City of
Hopkins to qualify for appointment: (i i) designated police department
representative shall serve as a nonvoting ex-officio member. All other
members shall have the right to vote on all matters brought before the
Commission. Member terms of office shall be for two years.
The Commission may have ex-officio members serve on the Commission in
an advisory capacity Ex-officio members are nonvoting members.
The Commission may choose to have members of the health community
participate in an advisory capacity.
4.2 Terms. Four members shall be appointed on July 1 st of each odd numbered
year and 5 members shall be appointed on July 1 sl of each even numbered
year. Members appointed to complete a current term of office shall be
considered to have served a term of office if the appointment is to an office
vvhich is less than half completed. If the appoit)tment is to an office which is
more than half completed, the appointment will not be considered a term of
. office. Members shall serve no more than two consecutive terms of office.
4.3 Removal. Members may be subject to removal by the Mayor, for cause, but
only after Council approval, after notice and opportunity for a hearing before
the Council.
4.4 Absenteeism. If any member fails to attend four regular meetings of the
Commission per year, notice of such failure may be cause for removal and
forwarded by the Chair to the Mayor and Council with the request for removal
of such members from the Commission.
4.5 Expenses. Members shall serve without salary, but costs of sending notices,
preparing and distributing minutes and other clerical expenses shall be paid by
the City from the general fund together with such extraordinary expenses as
are authorized by the City CounciL
5.1 Titles The officers of this Commission shall be chair. vice-chair and
5.2 Duties of the Chair. The chair shall preside at all meetings, appoint
committees, rule on procedural questions subject to reversal by a two-thirds
vote of members in attendance, exercise the same voting rights as other
commissioners, assist City Administration in preparing annual Commission
budget, and carry out such other duties as are assigned by the Commission.
53 Duties of Vice-Chair. The vice-chair shall act in the absence or inability of the
chair to act and in such instances shall have the powers and functions of the
5.4 Duties of the Secretary. The secretary shall oversee the notifying of all
members of meetings, drafting and circulating agendas, keeping on file all
official records and reports of the Commission, keeping written record of the
Commission meetings, transactions and actions, serving required notices of all
public hearings and public meetings, maintaining and circulating information
and carrying out such other duties as are assigned by the Commission.
6.1 Term. Officers shall be elected by secret ballot at the annual meeting of the
Commission. Terms of office shall be for one year and no member shall hold
the office of chair or vice-chair for more than two years consecutively. Officers
shall service until replaced by a duly elected officer in accord with these
6.2 Nominatinq Committee. The chair may appoint a nominating committee to
report to the Commission prior to election, but nomination of officers may also
be made from the floor.
6.3 Majority Required. Candidates for office receiving a majority vote of the entire
voting membership shall be declared duly elected.
6.4 Date of Office. Newly elected officers shall take office immediately upon
6.5 Vacancies. Vacancies occurring in offices of the Commission shall be filled
. forthwith by regular election procedures.
7 1 Annual Meetinos An annual organizational meeting shall be held at the
regular meeting in August of each year. Election of officers shall be conducted
and proposed amendments to byla'NS acted upon.
?.2 ReQular Meetinqs. Regular meetings of the Commission shall be held on the
first Monday of each month at a time and place agreed upon by the
Commission at a prior meeting. In the event that the regular meeting date falls
on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held on a date determined by the
"7.3 Special Meetinos. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the
chair, or by 'hfitten request of at least three members 'MlO shall convey such
request to the secretary.
74 Notice of Meetinos. Notice in vvriting of annual meetings setting forth the time
and place thereof shall be delivered to all Commission members at least
seven days in advance of such meeting; notice in writing of each regular
meeting shall be sent to all Commission members at least five days in
advance of such meeting and notice of any special meeting shall be sent to all
Commission members at least t\^IO days prior to such meeting and shaH state .
the time, place, purpose and agenda of such meeting.
8.1 AQenda. The agenda for each meeting of the Commission may be provided in
VvTiting by the secretary of the Commission.
9.1 Rules of Order. Unless otherwise specifically designated, Roberts Rules of
Order, as most recently revised, shall govern meeting procedures. Hovvever
deliberative sessions of the Commission shall be conducted as informally as
9.2 Quorum. A majority of the membership of the Commission shall constitute a
quorum for meeting purposes; however, no less than 3 affirmative or negative
votes shall be required to transact business or make binding decisions on
behalf of the Commission. Ex-officio members are eligible for the purpose of .
declaring a quorum but are nonvoting members.
71 Annual Meetinos. An annual organizational meeting shall be held at the
regular meeting in August of each year. Election of officers shall be conducted
and proposed amendments to bylaws acted upon.
7.2 Reqular MeetinQs. Regular meetings of the Commission shall be held on the
first Monday of each month at a time and place agreed upon by the
Commission at a prior meeting. In the event that the regular meeting date falls
on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held on a date determined by the
7.3 SPecial Meetings. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the
chair, or by written request of at least three members who shall convey such
request to the secretary.
7.4 Notice of MeetinQs. Notice in writing of annual meetings setting forth the time
and place thereof shall be delivered to all Commission members at least
seven days in advance of such meeting; notice in writing of each regular
meeting shall be sent to all Commission members at least five days in
advance of such meeting and notice of any special meeting shall be sent to all
. Commission members at least tvvo days prior to such meeting and shall state
the time, place, purpose and agenda of such meeting.
8.1 Agenda. The agenda for each meeting of the Commission may be provided in
'Nriting by the secretary of the Commission.
9.1 Rules of Order. Unless otherwise specifically designated, Roberts Rules of
Order, as most recently revised, shall govern meeting procedures. However
deliberative sessions of the Commission shall be conducted as informally as
9.2 Quorum. A majority of the membership of the Commission shall constitute a
quorum for meeting purposes; however, no less than 3 affirmative or negative
votes shall be required to transact business or make binding decisions on
. behalf of the Commission. Ex-officio members are eligible for the purpose of
declaring a quorum but are nonvoting members.
. 93 Conflict of Interest. V'Jhenever a Commission member shall have a direct or
indirect personal or financial interest in an application or petition before the
Commission, such member shall declare such interest and shall not particIpate
in any hearing on said matter; shall absent from all deliberative sessions or
Commission discussion on said matter; and shall in no event vote upon said
matter. When there is question as to the existence of a conflict of interest, the
Chair shall make ruling thereon. The member vvith the conflict shall be
required to leave the room during the voting.
9.4 Suspension of Rules. The Commission may temporarily suspend its rules by
a three-fourths vote of members in attendance.
9.5 Dispensation. A motion must be made and voted upon in order to dispense
with any item on the agenda. No binding or final actlon shall be taken on any
agenda matter except at public, annual, regular or special meetings.
9.6 Non Aqenda Matter. No binding or final action may be taken on any matter
not on the written agenda except by unanimous vote of the members in
attendance or two-thirds of the entire membership
9.7 ContinuinQ. A continuing motion, jf passed, has the effect of laying the matter
. over until the next regular meeting unless otherwise specified.
9.8 TablinQ. A tabling motion, if passed, has the effect of laying the matter over in
definitely or until removed from the table,
10.1 Amendment Procedure. These bylaws and rules of procedure may be
amended at any regular meeting by two-thirds vote of the Commissioners in
attendance and notice and copies of any proposed amendments shall be
given all Commissioners along with meeting notice. Each Commissioner \Nill
receive at least 15 days vvritten notice of intent to amend, including the date,
time and place such amendment will be voted on, and an exact copy of the
amendment as proposed, Amendments require two-thirds vote of the entire
membership of the Commission for passage; and in such instance only,
Commission members will be allowed to vote by written proxy
. 11.1 These bylavvs shall take effect on March 21,2000
;"lL:G-Ot,~2002 08:22 p , ~12iZ!2
AUGUST 5, 2002
Present: Maureen .4Jlen, Kathy Magda}, Barbara MacIntosh, Jessica Kemmer,
Corey Meier and Andrea Stacken
The meeting was caUed to order at 7 :08 PM. There was a quorum present so we could have a
voting meeting.
. Read and approved meeting minutes from June 3rd meeting
. Motion was made and approved to change the wording oHhe ByLaws for the Chemical
Health Commission as it applies to section 4.2 Terms, The last sentence use to say,
'~embers shall serve no more than two consecutive tenns of office". It was replaced with
the following wording: "'Members shaU be permitted to remain on the commission until such
time as the maximum number of nine (9) members has been reached. At such time, the
senior member shall have the option to remain as a non-voting ex-officio." This change
passed unanimously.
. We talked further about recruitment for our commission. Ads have been placed in both the
Sun Sailor and the Hopkins Highlights, and we had some responscj but no new members as a
. result. Here are some other things that we will try to increase our membership:
1. Put a notice in the staff lounges around the schools in the district
2. Send out a notice to the parents in the district newsletter
3. Put up a recruitment poster at the Depot Coffee House
4. Check with the senior center to see if we can put up a poster/flyers at the center
. We found out that Jessica Kemmers application was accepted and that she will be sworn in
on Aug. 201h. She will be a member with full voting rights. even though she docs report to
Sharon McDonald, in Sharons' absence from ourmeerings.
. The Depot had a policy change as of July 1 st to make sure the ages for admittance on the
weekend activities went back to ages 14-18 year oIds. They have grant money to help
provide security for the weekend events and larger public events. They are also talking about
having a 100 yr anniversary celebration this fall, since the Depot buildi..l1g will be 100, as it
was constructed in 1902.
. We have some concern about the new Tobacco/Gift shop at 12 Suburban Square. It only
advertises fur cigarettes and the; new flyer only has discounts and coupons for cigarettes, not
any mention of gifts, except in smaller print on the name portlOn ofthe flyer. Tobacco
is twice the font size of the word Gifts. We are very concerned that they are just on the edge
of compliance with their permit for being in that space.
. . Next meeting will be September 9tb, the second Monday. because cfLabor Day Holiday
. We adjourned at 8: t 2 PM.
TnTAI P.02