CR2002-196 Ord 888 - 1st Reading .. . . December 13, 2002 Council Report No. 2002-196 ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 405 OF THE HOPKINS CITY CODE Proposed Action. Statf recommends that the Council approve the following motion: Move to approve Ordinance 2002-888 for first reading. Overview. Ordinance No. 2002-888 revises various portions of Section 405 - Property Maintenance Code. In addition to editorial changes and relocation of sections for clarity, there are a number of more substantive changes that include: . Adopts the most current edition of the International Property Maintenance Code. . Provides exceptions for cooking devices in rooming units. . Sets room sizes and address overcrowding of dwellings. . Adds language regarding administrative citations. Primary Issues to consider. . . Benefits of the updated code. Tcchnical support for code interpretations from the International Code Council. . Providing exceptions for cooking devices in rooming units. . Impacts of the revisions regarding overcrowding. Supportine Documents. . Analysis of the Issues . Ordinance 2002-888 ~"? ' .~ . ;(l - , ~/ .. " I' L." ~ 7;.;:. if.. l-" c( t~.../I" "- Rick Davidson Building Official Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: YIN Source: - Related Documents (eIP, ERP. etc.): . Notes: . COlmcil Report 2002-196 Page 2 Analvsis of the Issues Benefits of the updated code. Technical support for code interpretations from the International Code Council (lCC). . The major change to this section is the adoption ofthe most current edition of the 2000 International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC). The new 2000 Intemational Property Maintenance Code replaces the previolls National Property Maintenance Code. These codes are very similar except for the name change due to a reorganization of the national model code groups that maintain it. It is a companion code to the building and mechanical codes adopted by the State of Miilllesota and is designed to work in concert with these codes. Since this code will now receive the attention of all three of the national model code groups rather than just one as occurred previously, it will receive greater scrutiny by a broader cross section of individuals which will hopefully make this document more responsive to the needs of the cities that use it. Also available will be greater technical supp0l1 from ICe in the form of code interpretations and training guides. . Providing exceptions for cooking devices in rooming units . A local modification of the IPMC provides exceptions for cooking devices in rooming units. The IPMC fails to recognize that some hotels and motels may offer coffee makers and microwave ovens within their rooms. Our proposal would permit coffee makers, microwave ovens, and hot air popcorn poppers (appliances used only briefly) but exclude devices such as hot plates, electric frying pans, toasters, slow cookers, and similar appliances (appliances involving glowing elements, high heat. or reduced supervision). Impacts of the revisions regarding overcrowding . Another local modification sets minimum room sizes consistent with the building code and addresses overcrowding of dwellings by actual conditions rather than strictly on square footage. While the language in the IPMC makes enforcement more objective, it fails to recognize that individual living habits playa greater role in establishing actual health, sanitation, and safety conditions Alternatives 1. Approve the Ordinance 2002-888 for first reading. 2. Do not approve Ordinance 2002-888 for first reading. . Staff recommends Alternative # I. -- . CITY OF HOPKINS Hennepin County, Minnesota ORDINANCE 2002-888 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 405 OF THE HOPKINS CITY CODE The City Council of the City of Hopkins does hereby ordain: Section 1. The Hopkins City Code, Section 405 Property Maintenance Code, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 405 - Property Maintenance Code 405.01. International Property Maintenance Code Adopted. SOOd. 1. The N.:ltion.:1l Property MJinten.:lnce Code ( " N PHC " ) , 1993 Edition, International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) , 2000 Edition, published by the Building Officiol~ Jnd Code ^dmini~trotor~ Intcrnotion.:ll, Inc. ( " BOCZ'" " ) , International Code Council, Inc. , is adopted by reterencp, subject to the changes set forth in Subd. 2, below. SOOd. 2. For the purposes of this Section .:lnd Section 4-G-+ , the BOCI'" N P~1C IPMC is amended ond re~ioed in the ~ . folloHing re~pect :::; as follows: (0) Section r~H 0 1 . 1 lS .:lmcnded by inoerting "City of Hopkin:J" ~ithin the brocket:J. (b) Section PN106.2 l8 deleted in it:J entirety. (c) Srction:J [,H 1 0 7 . 1 , 107.2, 107.3 .:lnd 107.4 .:lre deleted in their entirety. ( d) Section ['PH 1 0 . 1 i:J .:lmended by deleting the ',lord "sholl" in the fir~t line .:lnd in8erting the ',lord "m.:lY". (e) Section PN 111.0 l:J deleted in it:J entirety. (f) Section PH301 . 5 i:J omended by deleting the entire provision ODd in:Jerting the follm;ing 10nguJge in it:J plJce: 7\11 exter lor \,'0110 ~holl be [ree from holes, breJJc:J, loo:Je or rotting mJteri.:ll:J; ond ffi.:lintJincd ',,'cJthcrproof Jl1d properly :JurfJce coo. tcd ,,'here required to prevent detcriorotion. Ih thou t limiting thc gencr.:llity of this oection, J protecti TV'C .:Jurfcce of J building chJll be deemed to bc out of rcpJir if: (1) The protective .:JurfJce lC p.:lint ',,'hich lC . bli:Jtercd to In extent of more th.:ln t~enty . five percent (25%) of th or ~~ll or other . e ~re~ of ~ny pl~ne , ~re~ lncltls' ' cornlee members p h 109 '.nndm,' trim , orc 'E . 1: ' " such ~re~s; ~l lngs ~nd other (2) Hore th~n t, 'ent ' ' the finish co~~ f1 f1ve percent (25%) of tA fl 0 ~ stucco "all ' .roug or ch' "lS worn lpped ~',:~y. (9) Section PM304 12 . tR' . lS ~meRa a lS order the follo~in d e ,by inserting in H.:lY 1 October 1 .g .:ltes 1n the br~ckets: (h) Section PH405 9 . t' . lS .:lffiene e B en lre provision ~nd i ' ,e y deleting the LmguJge in i t:J pi nsertlng the folIO' 'ing .J.ce' H. , " . hJbi t.:lble ro . lnlmum Eoom Width . b om, other than " ] ' o. ~ ~ les:] th.J.n oeT,Tn (7) fe ,Cltchen, :JhJll not dlmension. Kitchen et In .:lny pl.:ln of not 1 .8 oh.:lll h.:lve .J. cle e:J:J thJD thirty (30)' .J.r pJ:J:J~gew.J.Y eounterfront:J ~nd.:l 1 . lnches bet'.:een w~lls pp l~nces or counterfr t . . on 8 ~nd (i) Section PH602 2 ' number II 65" Jnd .' 1:J . Jmended b'y' de letin9 tA . d lnscrtln~ ~~ ,C elet ing the number "1 II e ,number "68 II Jnd b ' "lg" 0 and lnsert' ' . 109 the number (j) Section PM602 22 1 ' tR' . . 18 am a e 1:] order the followin ,en ~ by inserting in October 1 H.:lY 15 9 dJteo In the brJcket:J: (Ie) Section PH602 3 ' tR' . 10 JffieAeea B . lS order the fall ". y In:]erting in g t o..lng da~ ' ' c ober 1 MJY 15 e:J In the brJcketo: (1) Section PH702 12 ' entire provioion ;nd ~o Jme~ded by delctin~ the f 11 ' lnoertln~' ' o mJlng IJnguJge' En In 1 t:] plJce the 13 1 . very :Jle ' e ow the fourth :Jt eplng Feem 10cJted fl ory or ' ove .:It leJot one 0 b In,.:1 bO:Jement :JhJ11 a pen~ le ":t a oar .:1pproved f " n o~: or exterio h or CIDcrqcney r :] .Jll hJve Jcceo:] t egre:]:] or re:Jcue' or , e 0 not lcss ~~ ' 1n ependent eni t:J . .:1n t',;o Jpproved (ill) Ch.:lpter 8 R f B ' e ere need St a y deleting .J.ll refer In Jrda, is Jffiended B8GP' enceo ~na 't ' . N.:ltlon.J.l Build' C1 .:ltlono to the G a 109 Code B8G o e, BeC}'. N.J.tionJl Pl' b.' !\. HechJnic.:ll N t' urn 1n~ Gaa o 10nJl Fire P n' e .:lnd the BOC7' . f rc,cntlon G e ' urther Jffiended b' 0 e. Ch.:1pter 8 i:J , Y lnser ' lJngu.J.ge: The BuildiA rtlng thc follo~ing .g _ode, Hech.:1nicJl Codc , . Plumbing Code Jnd Fire PrcvTntion Code incorporJted J8 pJrt of the BOG\. lJ rt1C 8hJll bc thc TvTcr8iono of tho8c Codec:; Jdoptcd by reference in HopkinCJ Ci t'y' Code Section 400.03, Subd. 1 Jnd Section 100.03, Subd. 2. Section 101.1 Insert the name "City of Hopkins" Section 102.3 In the tirst sentence, delete the terms: "International Building Code, International Plumbing Code, International Mechanical Code..." and replace with "Minnesota State Building Code" . And, in the second sentence delete the term "International Zoning Code" and insert "Hopkins Zoning Ordinance". Section 102.7 Revise the paragraph as follows: "The codes and standards referenced in this code shall be those that are listed in ChJpter 8 the Minnesota State Building Code and considered part of the ~ requirements of this code to the . prescribed extent of each such reference. Where differences occur between provisions of this code and the rctcrenced CJtJndJrd8, the pro7i8ions of this code shJll Jpply the Minnesota State Building Code, the most restrictive shall apply. Section 103 Delete sections 103.1, 103.2, 103.3, and 103.6 in their entirety. Section 106.2 Delete the term "Section 107" and insert "Section 355 or Section 405.05 of the Hopkins City Code". Section 106.3 Delete the term "Section 107" and insert "Section 355 or Section 405.05 of the Hopkins City Code". Section 106.4 Delete in its entirety. Section 107 Delete in its entirety. . . Section 108.3 Delete the two references to "Section 107.3" and insert "Section 355 or Section 405.05 of the Hopkins City Code" . Section 109 Delete in its entirely. Section 110.1 In the first sentence delete the term "shall" and replace with the term "may" . Section 110.2 Delete the term "Section 107" and insert the term "Section 355 or Section 405.05 of the Hopkins City Code". Section 201.3 Delete the terms "International Building Code, International Fire Code, International Zoning Code... fI and insert "Minnesota State Building Code, Minnesota State Fire Code, and the Hopkins Zoning Ordinance". Section 202 Amend as follows "Code Official. The . official who lS charged with the administration and enforcement of this code, or any duly authorized representative. For the purposes of this Code, the Code Official shall be the Building Official of the City of Hopkins." Section 302.4 Delete in its entirely. Section 302.7.1 Delete in its entirety_ Section 302.7.2 Delete in its entirety. Section 302.8 Delete in its entirety. Section 302.9 Delete in its entirety. Section 303.3 Delete in its entirety. Section 303.6 Amend by deleting the entire provision and inserting the following language: . "Exterior Walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes, brea ks, loose . or rotting materials; and maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. Without limiting the generality of this section, a protective surface of a building shall be deemed to be out of repair if: a) The protective surface is paint which lS blistered or peeling to an extent of more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the area of any plane or wall or other area including window trim, cornlce members, porch railings and other such areas; b) More than twenty-five percent (25% ) of the finish coat of a stucco wall lS worn through or chipped away." Section 303.14 Amend by inserting the following dates "May 1" and October 1" and revise the end of the last sentence as follows: " ...and every :ill ing ing screen door used - for insect control shall have a self- closing device In good working . condition." Section 305 Delete In its entirety. (Note: Covered by City Code section 605. ) Section 401.3 Delete the term "International Building Code" and insert the term "Minnesota State Building Code" . Section 403.3 Add a second exception as follows: "For purposes of this section, devices such as coffee pots, microwave ovens, hot air popcorn poppers, and similar appliances shall not be considered as cooking appliances. Hot plates, electric fry pans, toasters, slow cookers, and similar appliances are not permitted." Section 404.2 Replace the dimension "3 feet" with "thirty (30) inches". . Section 404.4 Delete the current sentence and insert the following language: "Bedroom and . Living Room Requirements. Every bedroom and living room shall comply with the requirements of Sections 404.4.1 through 404.4.5. " Section 404.4.1 Delete the current sentence and insert the following language: "Room Area. Every living room shall contain at least 120 square feet and every bedroom shall contain at least 70 square feet. " Section 404.5 Delete the section and insert the following language: "The number of persons occupying a dwelling unit shall not create conditions which, in the opinion of the building official, endanger the life, health, safety, or welfare of the occupants". Table 404.5, Sections 404.5.1 and 404.5.2 Delete In their entirety. . Section 502.4 and 502.4.1 Delete in their entirety. Section 503.3 Delete In its entirety. Section 505.1 Delete the term "International Plumbing Code" and insert the term "Minnesota State Plumbing Code." Section 602.2 Amend the first sentence by deleting the numbers "65" and "18" and inserting the numbers "68" and "19" and delete everything after the phrase "toilet rooms based on" and insert "a winter outdoor design temperature of minus 12 degrees Fahrenheit." Section 602.3 Amend the first sentence by inserting the following dates In the brackets: October 1, May 15 and by deleting the numbers "65" and "18" and inserting the numbers . "68" and "19". . Section 602.3 Amend the exception by deleting the words "the winter outdoor design temperature for the locality" and inserting "minus 12 degrees Fahrenheit" and by deleting the last sentence. Section 602.4 Amend the first sentence by inserting the following dates In the brackets: October 1 May 15 Section 604.2 Amend by deleting the term "ICC Electrical Code" in the first sentence and insert "State Electrical Code". Section 702.2 Amend by deleting the term "International Fire Code" and inserting the term "Minnesota State Fire Code". Section 702.3 Amend by deleting the term "International Building Code" and inserting the term "Minnesota State Building Code". . Section 702.4 Amend by deleting the term "International Building Code" and inserting the term "Minnesota State Building Code". Section 704.2 Amend by deleting the term "International Fire Code" and inserting the term "Minnesota State Fire Code". Subd. 3. Where there is any conflict between the provisions of the BeCl" NPHC IPMC and any other - applicable code or ordinance enforced by or in the City of Hopkins, the more restrictive provisions shall apply. Subd. 4 . Nothing In Section 405.07 or in the BDcn NPMC IPMC hereby adopted shall be construed to affect any suit or proceeding pending in any court, or clny rights acquired, or liability incurred, or any cause or causes of action acquired or existing, under any other code or ordinance enforced by or in the City of Hopkins, nor shall any just or legal right or remedy of any character be lost, impaired or affected by . Section 405.07. . 405.03. Definitionn. For thc purposc of thic:; Scction ond Scction 407, thc follo',,'ing term:::; :Jholl mcon: Subd. 1. "In:Jpcction" mCJ.nc:; inc:;pection of :::;tructurc:J, prcmi :JC:J, d',,'clling uni to or property' by thc Codc Offici'-1l or hi:J dC:Jigncc. 405.05. Compliance. Subd. l. The City Manager shall designate the Codc Offici.-J.l building official to administer and to enforce the prOVlSlons of this Chapter. The G-e€le Officiol building official lS authorized to inspect the premises on a scheduled basis and/or when reason exists to believe that a violation of this Chapter has been committed. Subd. 2. Whenever the Codc Offici.-J.l building official determines that a premises- fails to meet any provlslon of the Boe," NPHC IPMC, the Codc Officiol building official may lssue a Compliance Order setting forth the violations and ordering the owner or the owner's agent or the occupant to correct such violations. The Compliance Order shall: (a) Be in writing; (b) Describe the location and nature of the . violations of the BOCI\ N PNC IFMC and refer to - the specific provisions violated; (c) Specify a time in which violations must be corrected; (d) Set forth the procedures by which to appeal the Compliance Order; (e) Be served ln the following manner: (i) For residential rental premlses, service shall be sufficient on the owner or the owner's agent by mailing the notice by first class mail to the address on file pursuant to Section 407. Service shall be sufficient on the occupant of residential rental premlses if personally served, posted in a conspicuous place on or about the premises or mailed to the occupant by first class mail to the occupant's last known residence; (ii) For all premlses other than residential rental, serVlce shall be sufficient on the occupant if personally served, posted In a conspicuous place on or about the premises . or mailed to the occupant by first class ....---..--.- . mail to the occupant's last known address. Service shall be sufficient on the owner or the owner's agent by mailing the notice by first mail to the address on record with the County or City tax and/or assessment office identifying the party responsible for paying the taxes for the premises. 405.07. l\.ppc.:::Lla. SOOd. 1. }\ny person issued ~ Complionce Order moy oppeol the Compli~nce Order by filing on oppeol ',,-i th the City Cleric. The ~ppe~l must be in writing ond muot be filed '.;i th the City Clerk within fourteen (14 ) doyo of the dote of the CompliJnce Order. SOOd. 2. The City Council oholl conduct 0 heoring for eoch ~ppeol with the heoring to be held no loter th~n the oecond regulJrly oeheduled City Council meeting following the dote the oppeJl 10 filed, unless the oppellont ond the City Couneil ogree to 0 loter dote. Subd. 3. The oppellontr the oppellont's represento ti ':e, the Code Officiol ond ~ny other person ~J h 0 r S interest:.J ore Jffected by the Complionce Order oholl be gi7en on opportunity to be heJrd. . Subd. 4. Compl iJnce ',;i th the CompliJnce Order i:.J :.Jtoyed pending the Council's decision e2(cept J:.J pro7ided in Section tj05.09. SOOd. 5. The City Council :.Jholl render o ~Jritten opinion no loter thon the third regulJrly :.Jcheduled City Council meeting follmJing the 1\ppeJl HeJring. JI. copy of the deci:Jion :JhJII be :Jcrved upon the I\ppellont in the rn.:::mner set forth 1n Section 105.05, Subd. 2 (e) . 405.09. Emergency Cases. When the Codc Officiol building official determines that a violation of this Section constitutes an imminent peril to life, health, safety or property and there does not exist sufficient time to follow the procedures set torth in Section 405.05, the 8-e-Ele Officiol building official may take appropriate action to correct the violation by the procedure set forth below. SOOd. 1. Order by City Manager. The Codc Officiol building official shall obtain from the City Manager or the City Manager's designated representative, a written Administrative Order directing the 8-e-Ele Officio I building official to correct the emergency . situation. A good faith eftort shall be made to inform . the owner, the owner's agent or the occupant that the action is being taken. Subd. 2. Notice of the Correction. After the corrective action has been taken and the costs of such action have been determined, the Code OfficiJl building official shall serve the owner, the owner's agent or the occupant with a notice of the action, which shall contain the following information: (a) A description of the emergency circumstances; (b) The corrective action taken by the City; (c) The cost incurred in correcting the emergency; (d) The City's intent to assess some or all of the costs against the corrected property, and; (e) A statement that the owner, the owner's agent or the occupant may request a hearing with the City Council to review the Code OfficiJl building official's actions and the possible assessment of costs. The request for hearing shall be 1n writing and submitted to the City Clerk within fourteen (14) ten (10 ) working days of the date . of the notice. Subd. 3. Hearing Date. The City Council ohJll conduct J hCJring no lJter thJn the third regulJrly oeheduled City Council mecting foil Q',; i n g the dJte the JppeJl ~:::; filed. In the event that the owner files a request for a hearing with the City Clerk, the City Council shall within three weeks fix a date for a public hearing. Subd. 4 . Hearing. The appellant, the appellant's representative, the Code OfficiJl building official and any other person who's interests are affected by the Compliance Order shall be given an opportunity to be heard. Subd. 5. Written Opinion. The City Council shall render a written opinion no later than the third regularly scheduled City Council meeting following the Appeal Hearing. The City Council may adopt a resolution levying an assessment for all or a portion of the costs incurred in correcting the emergency. A copy of the decision and the resolution shall be served upon the Appellant in the manner set forth in . Section 405.05, Subd. 2 (e) . . 405.11. Penalties. A person who violates the provisions of Section 405 or 107 1:] guilty of may be charged with a misdemeanor or be subject to the issuance of an administrative citation as provided in section 355. Each day that a violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense. The Code Offici~l building official may post the premises by appropriate slgns or notices prohibiting occupancy, and may act to cause the premises to be vacated or remain vacant until the Code violations are corrected. (Section 405 was amended in its entirety by Ord. #95-763 and Ord. #95-764. Ord. #95-764 created Section 407) Section 3. The effective date of this ordinance shall be the date of publication. First Reading: December 17, 2002 Second Reading: January 7, 2003 Date of Publication: January 16, 2003 Date Ordinance Takes Effect: January 16, 2003 . Gene Maxwell, Mayor ATTEST: Terry Obermaier, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City Attorney Signature Date .