Memo - 2001 4th Quarter Financial ReportQ Memo • T : Terry Obermaier, Hopkins City Clerk From: Thomas May, Hennepin County Assessor Dat : December 7, 2001 Re: 2002 Local Board of Appeal and Equalization Dates Tuesday April 16,2002 Day of the Week Date &cy ddPeper Minnesota Law requires that I, as County Assessor, set the date for your Local Board of Appeal and Equalization Meeting. After reviewing previous meeting days and your suggestions of last year, the above date was selected. I sincerely hope that it is agreeable with your council. As there must be a quorum, I would suggest that an informal review of your members with a request that they mark their calendars would be appropriate. Please confirm the date set out or call Bill Effertz at 348 -3388 with your alternative date by January 18, so that our printing order can be completed on time. We suggest starting times of 6:30, 7:00 or 7:30 p.m., but will discuss it with you if you wish a different time. Your early completion and return of the attached tear off strip will be appreciated and we will send your official notice for posting as required by law. Please return to JoDee Schinkel, A -2103 Government Center, Minneapolis, MN 55487 CONFIRMATION Municipality: Date: Time: Place: For selecting meeting dates in future years, the following information will be helpful • • • 2001 4th QUARTER FINANCIAL REPORTS CITY OF HOPKINS GENERAL FUND REVENUE COMPARISON (in dlcusardo. 3,000 4,500 4.1/0.1 7,500 1000 :, 2.000 r 1,900 1000 99 Tate. 1 0l-pelf( Lir,rereo0 rna.gro _001 . 21100 . 1099 is 19981 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES The Municipal building costs increased $40,000 over last year. This is attributed to higher heating costs, boiler repair and some office remodeling. . There was a $40,000 increase in planning for a transit study. . The remaining $120,000 increase in spending is attributed to normal wage and benefit increases over last year. . Overall, general fund expenditures are still under budget this year. GENERAL FUND REVENUES • General fund revenues are up $360,000 or 4.8% over last year at this time. . Property tax revenues represent the majority of the increase in revenues over 2000. . The economy overall has slowed down in 2001. This slowdown affects permit and licensing revenues and interest earnings. GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES General fund expenditures are up $499,000 or 7% over last year at this time. . Forty percent of the increased spending is associated with police department cost increases of $170,000 or 5.8% over last year. The police have experienced normal increases in salary & benefits but in addition b that they have incurred overtime costs to cover unfilled positions. . Thirty percent of the increased spending is in Public Works with increases of $130,000 or 7.8% over last year. The increased spending is associated with higher snowplowing and seal coating costs than in previous years. GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE COMPARISON in thousands) 2111 1100 110 _ esensesl 1 • • • CASH AND INVESTMENTS ▪ Total cash and investments are up $2,100,000 due to a bond refunding issue of $3,700,000. . Average return on investments has dropped to 2.5% in 2001, from a high in 2000 of 6.9 %. INTERNAL SERVICE AND ENTERPRISE ▪ The equipment replacement plan is very healthy with a cash balance of $1,200,000. This balance will be used to purchase equipment in the future. • The utility funds are also very healthy with a combined cash balance of $5,200,000. The cash balance is used to fund operations, pay current and refunded debt and pay for current and future capital and construction projects in the utility funds. C1TY OF HOPKINS RESERVES • Governmental fund types are general fund, special revenue funds, debt service funds and capital project funds. . Governmental fund type reserves are up approximately $500,000 compared to December 2001. The increased reserves are in the debt service funds for preparation of early retirement of some refunded bonds and TIF district bonds. BROKERAGE INVESTMENT HOLDINGS e Dain Bosworth . $ 4,783,000 e US Piper Jafray , $ 2,250,000 . Smith Barney e $ 7,210,000 e Wells Fargo e $ 5,968,000 e Morgan Keegan . $ 2,010.000 • TOTAL e $22,221,000 1.400 1.204 1.000 800 ata 400 200 0 UTILITY FUNDS (In thousands) Water Sewer R.1 ■se Sturm Utility fund working capital balances as of December 31, 2001. GOVERNMENTAL FUND RESERVES On ThIDusandS) 2201 1515 e Cerersl lud ❑ Elleelli1e1e.sr e erpltel L l ell 2 • • • rt OVERALL REPORT THE CITY OF HOPKINS' CONTINUES TO BE IN EXCELLENT FINANCIAL HEALTH 3